NationStates Jolt Archive

REPUBLICANS! Bush emails- The strategy of disenfranchisement! :)

28-10-2004, 15:33 is a parody of the real Bush campaign's re-election site. Unfortunately, someone in the Bush campaign got it mixed up with the real site, and large numbers of emails were sent to this site by mistake. The parody site has since published these emails online, allowing the American public to get a glimpse into the heart of the well-oiled machine that is W. Bush's re-election camp.

It was not a pretty sight.

The emails are located at

I urge Bush-leaners to read them carefully. Of particular note are two Excel documents called "Caging". The documents contain the names of thousands of voters in predominantly -Democratic- regions of the state of Florida (Jacksonville). Think critically...why would the Republican Party be assembling a list of names from predominantly Democratic areas?

Also of interest is a PDF file called:
GHall K. Rove Advance Memo August 30.pdf

K. Rove doubtlessly refers to Karl Rove, Bush's chief election strategist. I noted that one of the names on this list (a party list) was the Secretary of State of my own home of Ohio, Kenneth Blackwell, which also happens to be a battleground state. He is like, one of only two Secretaries of State there. Suddenly Blackwell's attempts to disqualify thousands of predominantly Democratic voters based on paper weight has a new context. Although the emails do not give you a smoking gun, I have a sneaking suspicion that Kenneth Blackwell and others like him are serving as proxies for Karl Rove. I suspect that the national GOP leadership is using quirks of law and outright illegal intimidation tactics to try and keep their political adversaries away from the polls. In an election as tight as this one, you may only need to scare off a few hundred voters to make a difference.

Bush supporters! It took me 30 minutes to read those emails and the attachments with them. I urge you to do the same. Do you really want to support a President who uses tactics like these to win elections?

28-10-2004, 15:36
I seen this on "Countdown" w/ Keith Oberman last night.. amazing isn't it? However, given the 2000 election I was some how not shocked at all.
28-10-2004, 15:37
28-10-2004, 15:39
I am not BSing you, The One Rule. Read the emails for yourself. And it was reported on MSNBC last night.
28-10-2004, 15:40
I seen this on "Countdown" w/ Keith Oberman last night.. amazing isn't it? However, given the 2000 election I was some how not shocked at all.

Neither was I, although the EXTENT of the potential fraud was a little dizzying.
28-10-2004, 15:42
Any one want to start campign to add pretzels back on white house menu if the satanic evil that is Dubya is re-elected. Did you guys hear that Bush has been voted by the UK Film Villian of the year..why he even beat his closest rival fellow texian leather face from the texas chain saw massacre!!
28-10-2004, 15:42

Sorry dude, not this time. They have all the headers and the emails it came from. It's made national news and no it wasn't CBS or ABC.. No one should be surprised, this is how the Republicans work more notably Karl Rove. I bought "Bush's Brain" about a month ago. It shows how this is all Karl Rove knows how to do, play dirty and cheat!
Dobbs Town
28-10-2004, 15:42

back it up, then. Otherwise, you're the purveyor of *bullsht*, not the original poster...
28-10-2004, 15:44
Sorry dude, not this time. They have all the headers and the emails it came from. It's made national news and no it wasn't CBS or ABC.. No one should be surprised, this is how the Republicans work more notably Karl Rove. I bought "Bush's Brain" about a month ago. It shows how this is all Karl Rove knows how to do, play dirty and cheat!

Rove is a political genius. The only equal I know of to Rove's political skills would have to be Bill Clinton.
28-10-2004, 15:48
One of the Bush emails:
Carl, Sandra, and staff:

We have redlined the district (that gets us about 70%
of their voters) for challenges but we need the
updated voter maps ASAP! We're still working off of
2000 maps. This is the THIRD email I've sent out on
this people. Let's get it together the electoin is

The more we challenge the more we get!

They are obviously intending on using the voter data in the Democratic areas to challenge voters at the polls (a challenge is legal in florida). As the Republican operative states: "The more we challenge, the more we get!"
Refused Party Program
28-10-2004, 15:54
We can now return to our programme:


Kevin from Ohio is on the final question. He's used his 50/50 on this question and there are two answers left: "George W. Bush" or "John F. Kerry".

Kevin: I think...I'll go for...A. I'm voting for Kerry.

*crowd shouting erupts*

*presenter asks for quiet*

Presenter: Is that your final answer?
Kevin: Yes.
Presenter: Are you sure? Don't want to phone a friend? Ask the audience?
Kevin:, I've made up my mind. It's A. Gotta be. Come on.
Presenter: Why, exactly?

28-10-2004, 16:07
Cynicism does not help the political process.
Refused Party Program
28-10-2004, 16:08
Cynicism does not help the political process.

Is that your final answer?
28-10-2004, 16:10
Get out of my thread. :D
Dobbs Town
28-10-2004, 16:19
Cynicism does not help the political process.

It can, at times. Really.
28-10-2004, 16:21
No, it doesn't. Participating in the process DOES.

But seriously! Does this change any Bushites minds?
28-10-2004, 16:26
Bush supporters! It took me 30 minutes to read those emails and the attachments with them. I urge you to do the same. Do you really want to support a President who uses tactics like these to win elections?

Guess what child genius, both parties attempt these tactics. It's called politics. Just like the 1000 dead people in Chicago who vote 100% democrat, these things are just silly little tricks.
28-10-2004, 16:28
Cynicism does not help the political process.
but cynicism is the truth, that's the sad part.
28-10-2004, 16:29
No, it doesn't. Participating in the process DOES.

But seriously! Does this change any Bushites minds?

I'm not a "Bushite" but I am voting for him. Think about this. A parody website "discovers" a bunch of condemming e-mails (like those can't be faked) less than a week before the election. Just like the explosives, just like the document. This is getting sad. I looked at the MSNBC site. They didn't have it. Can you provide a link?
28-10-2004, 18:48
I'm not a "Bushite" but I am voting for him. Think about this. A parody website "discovers" a bunch of condemming e-mails (like those can't be faked) less than a week before the election. Just like the explosives, just like the document. This is getting sad. I looked at the MSNBC site. They didn't have it. Can you provide a link?

The Republican Party in Florida has confirmed that these are their emails.
28-10-2004, 18:55
I can answer your question, although I think it was rhetorical. Each party collects info on voters both for and against them so they can accurately target the voters with info. For example, the democratic party might try to get the names and addresses of elderly republicans to send them brochures about social security or healthcare.

And on November 3rd, I predict that one candidate will be challenging all the vote totals to try to steal the election; however, it wasn't Bush doing that in 2000 and it won't be Bush doing that in 2004. You watch.
28-10-2004, 19:07
Guess what child genius, both parties attempt these tactics. It's called politics. Just like the 1000 dead people in Chicago who vote 100% democrat, these things are just silly little tricks.

Why do you guys always try to excuse this kind of criminal behavior by saying "Both sides do it"?
This felonious administration has gone way way beyond anything the dems have done in the past.
Onion Pirates
28-10-2004, 20:57
back it up, then. Otherwise, you're the purveyor of *bullsht*, not the original poster...

Read the damned emails already. There's your backup. Of course we know bush supporters are lazy ignorant bigots so I don't expect you will take the effort.
28-10-2004, 21:25
Read the damned emails already. There's your backup. Of course we know bush supporters are lazy ignorant bigots so I don't expect you will take the effort.

Aaah the inteligent conversation around here.

You think we're all just lazy bigots eh? Idiot.
28-10-2004, 21:32
Aaah the inteligent conversation around here.

You think we're all just lazy bigots eh? Idiot.

I make no judgement, I simply ask: Did you read them?
28-10-2004, 21:39
I make no judgement, I simply ask: Did you read them?

Yeah, they weren't anything all that shocking too me. I'm used to things called tactics. To be honest, if this kind of stuff upsets you, I'd seriously look at both parties. The Democrats are just as guilty of things like this, they jsut don't send em too the opponents websites.

Not that they're stupid, it's probably just a mistake made by somebody.

Whatever. It doesn't really matter to me anyway.
28-10-2004, 21:48
Maybe I wan't looking hard enough, maybe I don't know what's considered illegal. But those e-mails looked like political planners putting together meetings, organizing rallies, and other normal political activities. Can someone please point out the "dirty-stinking-cheat" side of them? I would really appreciate it.
28-10-2004, 21:51
Maybe I wan't looking hard enough, maybe I don't know what's considered illegal. But those e-mails looked like political planners putting together meetings, organizing rallies, and other normal political activities. Can someone please point out the "dirty-stinking-cheat" side of them? I would really appreciate it.
agreed, I just dont get what the big deal is.
28-10-2004, 22:09
The "cheat" in them is that the Republicans apparently intend to use the challenge system in a way that was not intended: to prevent legitimate voters from voting.

Don't give me that crap about "both sides do it". I'm sure the Democrats may be doing it somewhere else, or may have done it in the past. But that does not confer an aire of legitimacy upon what the Republicans are doing NOW. There should be protests! This erodes the democratic process.
28-10-2004, 22:13
I haven't read the docs yet, but I will.

I just have this to say - in my state, everytime a there is a white majority or even a fairly equal balance in race, 1 race wants to redraw the lines so that their race gets the majority votes. It has happened as far back as I can remember (since mid 80's).
28-10-2004, 22:15
That is called gerrymandering, and yes it is quite common. But this is on a higher level than that. This is perilously close to election fraud.
28-10-2004, 22:22
I bought "Bush's Brain" about a month ago. It shows how this is all Karl Rove knows how to do, play dirty and cheat!

Yeah. Did you read that before or after watching Farce-n-Hype 9/11?
28-10-2004, 22:23
Yeah. Did you read that before or after watching Farce-n-Hype 9/11?

28-10-2004, 22:28
28-10-2004, 22:52
And on November 3rd, I predict that one candidate will be challenging all the vote totals to try to steal the election; however, it wasn't Bush doing that in 2000 and it won't be Bush doing that in 2004. You watch.
Yeah, I agree, at least Bush and Rove have the smarts to steal the election before the polls close. ;)
28-10-2004, 23:00
Yeah, I agree, at least Bush and Rove have the smarts to steal the election before the polls close. ;)

Zing! Oooh, it must burn!
29-10-2004, 02:19
Okay, now I'm not going to start getting into a big argument with people. No offense to anyone here, but I find it is impossible to argue with either extreme lefts or Bush supporters (especially Bush Supporters). Want to clear that up that I don't want to start a massive argument and get uncivil responses and name calling and all that crap that I see all the time between opposite sides arguing. Tired of it.

Got that off, now. Personally, I am not a Bush fan, won't vote for him, never will, think he's an idiot and doing a lot of wrong, etc etc etc. But what I find alarming is that ANYONE is doing what has been revealed here and that ANYONE can sit there and accept it in this thread. It's illegal. Imagine if it was your votes being thrown out, your registration tossed aside. What if it was you being told "oh you can't vote because your name is the same as this criminal guy", or whatever other reasons any party might come up with to stop voting. Does it really matter which party is doing it? It shouldn't. What matters is that it stops. All of it needs to stop. Isn't one of the greatest rights we as Americans have the right to vote? I mean, isn't that the one major thing our nation had when it first became free? So why is anyone allowing ANYONE to mess with that? I find it mind boggling that anyone can accept it. I am aware that Democrats have done what the Republicans are doing now, I hate that. I'm not a Dem or Rep., I vote either way, whichever I find best for the country. I just think it is entirely stupid to see this sort of thing happening only to brush it off with a "well, shit happens" attitude. Whether it was Democrats, Republicans, Kerry, Bush, whoever, the fact is that our votes in the past and in the present, have been tampered with, refused, or whatever. It has to stop. We decide who will be President. Politicians don't decide. We do. That is our right.
What is even more frightening than people accepting what is happening with a "shit happens" attitude is that most likely nothing will be done to stop it. Next election, it will happen again. It happened the first 2000 election and while Bush may not have been directly involved, there were enough problems going on in Florida that couldn't have just been 'coincidence'. Does anyone know if anything was done about the problems there? Any investigations? I don't, so if you have links or something I'd really like to read them. I just never heard of any investigations or anything being done.

Anyway, just to be clear, I'm not trying to start arguments or get offensive. If something I said was offensive, I apologize, it was not intended to be so. I don't enjoy being attacked just like all of you don't, so hopefully we can just keep the argument in here civil and avoid name calling or whatever else goes on in heated political debates, I've seen horrible things, I've said horrible things, etc etc. We've probably all done it lol.

Anyway, thanks for listening to be rant like a lunatic.