Humanity has gone too far.
28-10-2004, 14:19
Hello all.
I know I will probably get flamed for this but, oh well. I'm in IT. It's what I do.
I think as a society, we have gone too far.
"What the hell does that mean?" you ask?
Well I think we (Again, as a society) have no vision for the future.
Our leaders can't think past the end of their respective terms.
Decisions are made based on dollars not on true needs, and those who tend to point out the obvious are labeled as "Insert colorful metaphor here".
I am an American, but it really doen't make me any different from any of the other earth dwellers. I just means that I live where I do. And speakingof Americans, Why is it that we feel the need to run the world. I think it's screwed up enough without us adding to the tumult. And war... What's the big deal with it any more? While I am not an advocate of war, world leaders have no concept of how to fight a war. War is an ugly beast. The ugliest. And there is only one way to do it. Military greats from the past understood it. If you are going to go to war with someone, you have to go in and scrape your opponent off of the map, and subjegate the remaining. If you are not willing to war proper, Then don't start it. It's just a big mess otherwise.
Pesonally, I think we should be able to live together amicably. But as humans, we are a greedy lot. We want more, and we'll take yours if we want to. Sucks.
I know, I am coming off as a naysayer, but when I look around the world and I see decisions being made without thought of the long term ramifications, I become scared for my children. Some legacy.
I don't have the answers, I wish I did.
Do you?
28-10-2004, 14:21
I don't have the answers, I wish I did.
Do you?Yes.
Legless Pirates
28-10-2004, 14:21
I don't have the answers, I wish I did.
Do you?
All I can say is that a better world starts with yourself
28-10-2004, 16:03
This is true.
It does start with people like me.
And everyone else needs to follow through.
Lex Terrae
28-10-2004, 16:20
Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handy
28-10-2004, 16:22
All I can say is that a better world starts with yourself
I agree, mass-sepukku is the answer to the problem of humanity.
I don't have the answers, I wish I did.
Do you?
Oh, I guess I should let you find your own way. Good luck.
28-10-2004, 16:28
For what it's worth, TessierAshpool, I agree with everything you said on your original post. Unfortunately, I don't have the answers either. Wish I did!
Oh, by the way, I am not an anarchist, communist or other far left liberal. But even as someone slightly right of centre, I do think a mess has been made of the world in recent times.
Anubis two
28-10-2004, 16:52
i am in complete agreement with TessierAshpool we are not thinking far enough ahead and the world is going to pot because of this closed minded society
Human natur is an ugly thing. All you can do is treat other people well and don't get pissed when someone else doesn't do the same. Unless you want to be a politicain and change the world. (polititions are real visionaries right?) lol.
Anubis two
28-10-2004, 17:05
our nature is irreversible and politicians are not openminded as they are supposed to be
Hey the US is not the world.
Other parts of the world are making progress you know.
Hey the US is not the world.
Other parts of the world are making progress.
Not down here unfortunately.
*Gets on leaky boat to Europe*
Anubis two
28-10-2004, 17:08
no as a whole we're getting worse and wil create 2 seperate societies due to the increasing rich/poor divide
28-10-2004, 17:20
You've hit the nail on the head there TessierAshpool. I reccomend you keep quiet about it though- everyone thus far who's suggested something along the lines of 'Why don't we be nice to everyone for a change?' has ended up shot (Gandhi), imprisoned (Nelson Mandella) or nailed to a big cross (Jesus, if you believe in him).
Mikorlias of Imardeavia
Anubis two
28-10-2004, 17:21
there is an alternative to being nice
Jeesus Perkele
28-10-2004, 17:23
Eh. Everybody knows humans are destroying themselves.
So, why to make a new thread for the issue?
It doesn't matter if some countries are making progress or not. The rest of the world is screaming.
And random hugs don't save the world. :fluffle:
Anubis two
28-10-2004, 17:24
since we're destroying ourselves surely hurrying it up wont hurt. right everybody go out and buy an assault rifle :sniper: it's open season on humans
Jeesus Perkele
28-10-2004, 17:37
Nah, mass suicide will work better.
The Abomination
28-10-2004, 17:44
A global caliphate would turn the trick. Easy answer.
And I ain't even Muslim.
The Crecent Moon
28-10-2004, 17:49
It's my belief that we shall never find all the answers to problems like this.
It's my belief that such a problem doesn't have a correct or incorrect answer.
But it's also my belief that we need to try to find the answer.
We need to strive to make ourselves better lest we be left into eternity.
Jeesus Perkele
28-10-2004, 17:51
Go ahead, change 6 milliard (billion) people.
Protest changes nothing, open hatred does. ;)
The Crecent Moon
28-10-2004, 17:53
Eh. Everybody knows humans are destroying themselves.
So, why to make a new thread for the issue?
In so that we may try to find solutions to the problems that plague us.
It is possible for us to stop violence amung ourselves, I just dont think people are capible of it at this point.
I heard avian flu is suppossed to strike the world at any time. Kill more people then WWII. Perhaps it will only strike the sickos and leave the good people right? Stephen King didn't do it like that but just maybe...
Das Neue Konigreich
28-10-2004, 18:02
WWIII is the answer, for a little while, then we will have WWIV then a few more years of peace, ect, ect
i could not have said it any better. obviously the two party political system does not work, come to think of it, our current democratic government in general does not work. i think ill have a tea party and you are all invited. whose bringing the crumpets?
28-10-2004, 22:50
WWIII is the answer, for a little while, then we will have WWIV then a few more years of peace, ect, ect
The scary thing is, it just might take some extreme action to get us as a species back on track. Now don't take this the wrong way (To those of you who might) But I think it says too much when we are more worried about the plight of a given animal, yet turn our eyes away from travesties we commit against each other.
I am far from a peace loving, tree hugging liberal, and while I do not think we will exterminate ourselves, I do believe that we will seriously affect our numbers as a population eventually...
Doesn't make any sense dows it? :headbang:
Well Being
28-10-2004, 23:20
With modern transportation, a good plague could kill 60-70% of total world population. The reduction in emissions and resource consumption would allow the survivors to continue as we are now for at least a hundred years. Even if the survivors are total morons they will come out well. If they don't starve to death the first winter.
I hate to say it but it's the best case scenario I can think of.
Actually the point is about trying to save humanity. A plague would actually make matters worse than it currently is.
28-10-2004, 23:48
Hello all.
I know I will probably get flamed for this but, oh well. I'm in IT. It's what I do.
Flame you???
That was an excellent post! *nominates TA for Nobel Peace Prize*
I agree whoeheartedly