Max Barry OWNS NationStates and it is NOT a political forum
Dear God, I need a password on my computer. You let your rommate get access and this pops up.
Not my post. I, the owner of Klonor, did not write this. I agree with this completely (well, almost completely) but am not low enough to have actually taken the time to write that.
This was written by my roommate, not me.
Max Barry owns NationStates. He runs it with money out of his own pocket. You, as players, have no sway over what goes on at this forum. Regardless of what you say/do/think you can not make him do anything he doesn't want.
NationStates is not a political forum. It is an advertisement for the book Jennifer Government (Actually quite good of an advertisement, I bought it after I found this site). The primary part of the game is the Nation itself. Max Barry himself has stated that the forum was added only as an afterthought. Obviously it has since grown to much more than it was intended, but that doesn't change the fact that the forum is not the point of the game.
General is not the only forum in the game. Political discussions are not the only posting that occurs here. General is one of many forums, and not one of the most important, either.
I make this post in responce to the many posts of other people who seem to think the opposite of what I have stated. I have seen people make demands of Max Barry, ordering him to do things that they want him to do. I have seen them reflect on Moderators political leanings as vital to game management. Finally, I have seen them make requests for the entire NS Forums based on events in General.
If the Moderators are biased, so what? Max Barry appointed them so there's nothing you can do about it. Even if they are biased politically, since General is such a small part of the game that really doesn't matter. Their job is to prevent spam, flaming, trolling, etc. The last time I checked, spam is spam no matter who posts it.
Stop bitching about the game and enjoy it. Or leave it. You can't change it.
27-10-2004, 16:45
Stop bitching about the game and enjoy it. Or leave it. You can't change it.
Hear Hear!
27-10-2004, 16:45
Stop bitching about the game and enjoy it. Or leave it. You can't change it.
I have to disagree with that last bit. I can change things, and so can others. Many posters here have an amazing ability to lower the IQs of others at an amazing rate.
Legless Pirates
27-10-2004, 16:48
Stop bitching about the game and enjoy it. Or leave it. You can't change it.
Or you can lighten up and not take things too serious... Like Klonor does
Planta Genestae
27-10-2004, 17:10
Or you can lighten up and not take things too serious... Like Klonor does
Go Legless! Take on authority! Let the revolution start!
"Death to the spinning jennies! Burn the heathen Rosalinde and death to the stupid Prince (Barry) who grows fat on our profits!"
Power to the people!
<authority>_-_________________________-_ :sniper:
27-10-2004, 17:20
Go Legless! Take on authority! Let the revolution start!
"Death to the spinning jennies! Burn the heathen Rosalinde and death to the stupid Prince (Barry) who grows fat on our profits!"
Power to the people!
<authority>_-_________________________-_ :sniper:
Planta, Legless, you're living in a dream world. Revolution against the Barry regime is impossible; this is a hydraulic despotism. He can kill off the nation of anyone of whom he disapproves, and delete their posts.
All we can do is hope he doesn't notice us while we yearn for freedom (see Zion in the Matrix films).
Legless Pirates
27-10-2004, 17:24
Planta, Legless, you're living in a dream world. Revolution against the Barry regime is impossible; this is a hydraulic despotism. He can kill off the nation of anyone of whom he disapproves, and delete their posts.
All we can do is hope he doesn't notice us while we yearn for freedom (see Zion in the Matrix films).
Are you still a slave if you don't know you are one?
I know I am a slave, I will fight! For you! For all of us!
angry despots-> :mad: :gundge: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :gundge: :gundge: :mp5: <- revolting nations
27-10-2004, 17:31
Are you still a slave if you don't know you are one?
I know I am a slave, I will fight! For you! For all of us!
angry despots-> :mad: :gundge: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :gundge: :gundge: :mp5: <- revolting nations
Could you do it with the door shut? Trying to sleep here.
Planta Genestae
27-10-2004, 17:39
Revolution! :mp5:
27-10-2004, 17:45
Max Does own the forums.
We do have no real say(except as a consumer base, and a link in the marketing chain).
However since he makes this forum available I (and anyone else who damned well pleases) can and will voice our opinions, thoughts, even demands.
Though Max did choose the Mods that in no way means anyone here should feel completely free to voice their opinion on the selection, or intelligence of that choice.
Since these are NOT public forums (they are private since Max owns them), the rules that apply are Max's--Not yours...
By your take on the subject it is not YOUR place to chastise the rest of this community--it is the place of Max and his Mods.
SO if any of you want to complain-complain.
You want to make demands--demand away.
You want tot do anything complained about in this thread by all means do so,
Max didnt post the complaint
Max didnt ask you not to
Max didnt say he cared one way or another if you make demands, complain, or click away till fingers bleed as to what YOU think should be done by the Admin, the Mods, and the Community.
The worst thing that can happen is you will be banned, and not by people complaining.
Legless Pirates
27-10-2004, 17:47
Max Does own the forums.
We do have no real say(except as a consumer base, and a link in the marketing chain).
However since he makes this forum available I (and anyone else who damned well pleases) can and will voice our opinions, thoughts, even demands.
Though Max did choose the Mods that in no way means anyone here should feel completely free to voice their opinion on the selection, or intelligence of that choice.
Since these are NOT public forums (they are private since Max owns them), the rules that apply are Max's--Not yours...
By your take on the subject it is not YOUR place to chastise the rest of this community--it is the place of Max and his Mods.
SO if any of you want to complain-complain.
You want to make demands--demand away.
You want tot do anything complained about in this thread by all means do so,
Max didnt post the complaint
Max didnt ask you not to
Max didnt so he cared one way or another if make demands, complain, or click away till fingers bleed as to what YOU think should be done by the Admin, the Mods, and the Community.
The worst thing that can happen is you will be banned, and not by people complaining.
Another lost soul... :(
27-10-2004, 17:53
Sorry for being verbose and confusing my point.
I mean--say what the hell you want.
The Black Forrest
27-10-2004, 18:54
Hmmmm somebody wants to be a mod? ;)
Most of the people already know who owns the forums.
It is a political forum since the game centers around politics.
From the short interaction I had with him, I think he finds the banter rather interesting. However, I think he would be "concerned" about meeting a few individuals.
As to comments? Well I think Max is "grownup" enough to look past the words and see the intent.
Thank you for your concern.
Pudding Pies
27-10-2004, 19:08
Max Barry owns NationStates. He runs it with money out of his own pocket. You, as players, have no sway over what goes on at this forum. Regardless of what you say/do/think you can not make him do anything he doesn't want.
Do you speak for him now? Maybe he likes to hear peoples' opinions. And no, I haven't complained about anything. But, if I had a complaint, I would voice it.
NationStates is not a political forum. It is an advertisement for the book Jennifer Government (Actually quite good of an advertisement, I bought it after I found this site). The primary part of the game is the Nation itself. Max Barry himself has stated that the forum was added only as an afterthought. Obviously it has since grown to much more than it was intended, but that doesn't change the fact that the forum is not the point of the game.
And exactly what does this explain? There's different parts of the forum for different things (including discussion of the book). Why have these different sections if the forums are ONLY for advertising? Sure, maybe it STARTED as a way to advertise but it's not anywhere close to that anymore!
General is not the only forum in the game.
Thanks for the reminder, I hadn't noticed :rolleyes: Political discussions are not the only posting that occurs here.
No, but it's election season so that's the topic on MOST peoples' minds right now (not mine, both of the main candidates are fuckheads).
General is one of many forums, and not one of the most important, either.
Even if they are biased politically, since General is such a small part of the game that really doesn't matter.
What does 'General' have anything to do with the book?
Stop bitching about the game and enjoy it. Or leave it. You can't change it.
Likewise about the forums. Quit bitching about them. Or leave them. You can't change them.
27-10-2004, 20:47
Of course Max Barry pwns NS! (and i mean pwn, not own)
Dear God, I need a password on my computer. You let your rommate get access and this pops up.
Not my post. I, the owner of Klonor, did not write that. I agree with it completely (well, almost completely) but am not low enough to have actually taken the time to write that.
27-10-2004, 22:31
Hmmmm somebody wants to be a mod? ;)
Most of the people already know who owns the forums.
It is a political forum since the game centers around politics.
From the short interaction I had with him, I think he finds the banter rather interesting. However, I think he would be "concerned" about meeting a few individuals.
As to comments? Well I think Max is "grownup" enough to look past the words and see the intent.
Thank you for your concern.
Onion Pirates
27-10-2004, 22:40
General is the only forum that offers much real chance for amusement.
The RP forums are juvenile and just plain dull.
I got Jennifer Government for Christmas last year and was disappointed. I read the first two chapters and stopped there. It was just too excruciatinglyannoying to continue.
28-10-2004, 01:52
Thread closed by request of owner of account used to start thread. Ordinarily, I would say "by request of author" in such cases.