Raising unwanted fetuses for hunting.
25-10-2004, 15:52
Why kill the child in the womb when you can make a sport of it? We could put them on farms, raise them until they're able to run and then charge people to hunt them.
25-10-2004, 15:54
and baby pot pie is good eatin'
Better idea.
Why don't we raise them until they're old enough to work?
25-10-2004, 16:01
No and umm no. Humans are not cattle.
We aren't capable of raising fetuses outside of the womb (certainly not in large numbers).
If we could, abortion wouldn't be an issue.
And there aren't 'children' in wombs (well, unless you cram them back in, but that's icky)
25-10-2004, 16:16
We aren't capable of raising fetuses outside of the womb (certainly not in large numbers).
If we could, abortion wouldn't be an issue.
And there aren't 'children' in wombs (well, unless you cram them back in, but that's icky)
Sure you can, I hear all the time about fetuses surviving the abortion.
Now I'm not saying that we should take them away from scientists that need them for stem cell research - we'll only use handguns for the hunt as not to damage the carcasses - so for every baby shot, we can donate their spines to the organizations that need them.
My way offers them a fighting chance and some great eating...babies taste just like pork sausages.
No and umm no. Humans are not cattle.
While most people are not cattle, we certainly DON'T treat a fetus like a person. Cutting out their spines and dumping them in the garbage is such a waste - don't you think?
Better idea.
Why don't we raise them until they're old enough to work?
I don't know where you live but here we don't have enough jobs to go around.
I don't know where you live but here we don't have enough jobs to go around.
Get them to make socks or something.
No and umm no. Humans are not cattle.
Oh, i'm joking. :p
25-10-2004, 16:25
So you want to make a case against abortion by demanding an even more cruel death for them? I think being killed as a fetus without life nd the subsequent suffering the child would go through as unwanted child, are good enough for abortion. Better a horrible end than horror without end. Or something like this - it's a German proverb ;)
25-10-2004, 16:30
So you want to make a case against abortion by demanding an even more cruel death for them? I think being killed as a fetus without life nd the subsequent suffering the child would go through as unwanted child, are good enough for abortion. Better a horrible end than horror without end. Or something like this - it's a German proverb ;)
Well, whatever makes your life easier. At least with my way you could imagine that they get to frolic around the woods before they're shot, and sometimes they survive the incident and we let the survivors go on to making socks for a living in Taiwan.
First of all, there already are unwanted children living in our society and I'm not talking about adoption clinics. And while I'm sad for them, I certainly wouldn't want to see them thrown in the garbage. As most of these kids are already to old to hunt (they can bite & kick at older ages) I wouldn't mind using them for target practice. You wouldn't believe how still a kid will be when your shooting tin cans off their heads.
25-10-2004, 16:56
Let's use them for deep space exploration probes. "Space Fetus. AWAY!"
Planta Genestae
25-10-2004, 16:58
Why kill the child in the womb when you can make a sport of it? We could put them on farms, raise them until they're able to run and then charge people to hunt them.
No doubt the Japanese'll make a gameshow of it too.
By the way it's spelt foetus.
25-10-2004, 16:59
Daistallia 2104
25-10-2004, 18:09
By the way it's spelt foetus.
Sorry but, no it isn't.
Fetus (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=fetus) is the correct spelling. Foetus is considered an acceptable alternative spelling.
Daistallia 2104
25-10-2004, 18:12
Why kill the child in the womb when you can make a sport of it? We could put them on farms, raise them until they're able to run and then charge people to hunt them.
Been reading Johnathan Swift, have we?
(What an appropriate sig.! ;))
So you want to make a case against abortion by demanding an even more cruel death for them? I think being killed as a fetus without life nd the subsequent suffering the child would go through as unwanted child, are good enough for abortion. Better a horrible end than horror without end. Or something like this - it's a German proverb ;)
How many of these children do you think would be unwanted with adoptions lists years long, people going overseas to adopt orphans, and people buying babies from "surrogate" moms? Maybe it's better to call them "unavailable" if their mothers have more pride than sense and won't adopt them out. We also need to do something about adoption laws that let a biological mother come back (usually after she has spent all the money she got for the kid in the first place) and demand the kid back months and sometimes years later. We need laws to protect the best interests of the children rather than the legal "rights" of parents.
25-10-2004, 18:21
Why kill the child in the womb when you can make a sport of it? We could put them on farms, raise them until they're able to run and then charge people to hunt them.
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