Do-It-Yourself Internet Political Discussion
25-10-2004, 05:48
For those of you new to political discussion on NS or the Internet in general, here's a quick form to help you state your political opinion. It's designed to resemble political posts commonly made on the internet, so you won't look like a first timer. Simply choose the options you agree with and post.
(Kerry/Bush) is (awesome/gay). I'm voting for (Kerry/Bush) because (Ann Coulter/Michael Moore) said the other guy (will force all Americans to gay marry/eats Iraqi babies alive/killed Bambi's mom/is in league with Satan). Also, in a (New York Times/Newsmax) article, I read his idiotic economic plan won't work unless he (steals money from other countries/develops a way to grow money on trees/takes candy from babies/sells America's soul to Satan). Of course how is he going to hunt down terrorists when he (is a closet hippie/dodged the draft/is secretly Osama in disguise)? I can't believe all the stupid (fascists/pinkos) who support him! They're like mindless little robots! They must all have been lobotomized!
This is the (Gospel/no religious affiliation) Truth, and I will ridicule anyone who disagrees by questioning their (mental health/intelligence/sexual orientation)!
There you have it! A typical internet forum political statement, ready to go!
The God King Eru-sama
25-10-2004, 05:53
Bush is gay. I'm voting for Kerry because Ann Coulter said the other guy will force all Americans to gay marry. Also, in a Newsmax article, I read his idiotic economic plan won't work unless he develops a way to grow money on trees. Of course how is he going to hunt down terrorists when he is a closet hippie? I can't believe all the stupid pinkos who support him! They're like mindless little robots! They must have all been lobotomized!
This is my opinion, and I will ridicule anyone who disagrees by questioning their mental health, intelligence and sexual orientation!
I don't think it worked.
25-10-2004, 05:57
NOTE: This is not a slam on all people who participate in Internet political discussions. Theoretically, there are people on the internet with intelligent political opinions, but I haven't seen them.
Bush and Kerry are awesomely gay. I'm voting for no one because the Constitution said the guy cannot be elected by a minor. Also, in a friggin article, I read his idiotic economic plan won't work unless he marries a gay Iraqi baby that he'll soon eat with Satan for brunch. Of course how is he going to hunt down terrorists when he is a draft-dodging Osama in disguise? I can't believe all the stupid fascists pinkos who support them! They're like mindless little robots! They must have all been lobotomized!
This is my opinion, and I will ridicule anyone who disagrees by questioning their role as a human.
Laskin Yahoos
25-10-2004, 06:19
Hmm...Let me try:
Kerry and Bush are both gay. I'm voting for Nader because Ann Coulter and Michael Moore said Kerry and Bush will force all Americans to gay marry, eat Iraqi babies alive, together killed Bambi's mom, and are both in league with Satan. Also, in several New York Times and Newsmax articles, I read their idiotic economic plans won't work unless they either steal money from other countries, develop a way to grow money on trees, take candy from babies, or sell America's soul to Satan. Of course how are they going to hunt down terrorists when one is a closet hippie, one dodged the draft, and both are probably Osama body doubles in disguise? I can't believe all the stupid fascists and pinkos who support them! They're like mindless little robots! They must have all have been lobotomized!
This is empirical fact, and I will ridicule anyone who disagrees by questioning their mental health, intelligence, and/or sexual orientation at my discretion!*
Very good, except ideologues NEVER EVER EVER acknowledge their 'facts' to be mere opinions. Only loathsome fence-sitting moderates hold opinions.
*Note: Recommended alterations underlined.
La Roue de Fortune
25-10-2004, 06:20
NOTE: This is not a slam on all people who participate in Internet political discussions. Theoretically, there are people on the internet with intelligent political opinions, but I haven't seen them.
I'm not sure who I'm voting for, but it won't be Bush. I'm still reeling from the summer of 2000 when he won the Republican nomination. Talk about someone with ZERO qualifications! I think the Republican party must pay, and pay dearly, for their blatant installation of a puppet.
I don't really have anything against him personally, like he's an idiot or he claimes to be ordained by God but doesn't really go to church too much, etc... It's his administration that scares me. They are the ones who are putting forth an Imperialist agenda and writing the policy. If Bush demanded (and received) the immediate resignation of certain key members of his administration prior to the election, I would probably vote for him. Assuming the replacements were are far more acceptable lot.
I never thought I would agree with Pat Buchanan, but he makes absolute sense when he raises questions about the neo-conservative thrust of Bush's administration.
Now "neo-con" is a term that gets batted about by some liberal-leaning posters on this forum. I'm going to be very clear here: there is a HUGE difference between conservatives and neo-conservatives. When you start calling any right-leaning individual a neo-con, you de-value the term. You turn it into just another political label that is simply equated with "Republican." Soon people won't pay attention to what it really is ... a fascist ideology bent on corporate global domination of the planet's resources.
Well I know you were looking for "intelligent political opinions" but you get this instead.
25-10-2004, 06:22