Challenge: Pitch for your candidate without using negativity.
25-10-2004, 01:31
No matter what is said about Kerry or Bush or Nadar there's always a negative retort. I call for a challenge to plead your candidate's case without speaking ill of the other candidate.
25-10-2004, 01:32
Michael Badnarik (Libertarian): He advocates a great deal of both social and economic freedom
25-10-2004, 01:36
I am voting for "None Of The Above" because that's the best decision for our country's future.
La Terra di Liberta
25-10-2004, 01:40
I'd vote for Kerry but most of my reasons are that Bush does so much to piss me off and I find Nader irrelevant. I'm not particularly ra ra Kerry (Edwards is much better or even Gore) but he is by far the best choice if your gonna vote and this is from a non us perspective.
25-10-2004, 02:19
I'd vote for Kerry but most of my reasons are that Bush does so mcuh to piss me off and I find Nader irrelevant. I'm not particularly ra ra Kerry (Edwards is mcuh better or even Gore) but he is by far the best choice if your gonna vote and this is from a non us perspective.
I guess that ends this challenge.
The Mycon
25-10-2004, 02:23
Erm... Badnarik- While every single policy of his would bring about the end of civilization as we know it, if enacted, getting the Libertarian party some attention, we'd probably nuke them out of existence.
Not exactly "without using negativity," but aside from that, the best I could give any of them is "Kerry's over 6' tall."
25-10-2004, 02:30
Here's why you should vote for John Kerry. He's pragmatic. When a strategy isn't working, he changes strategies instead of sticking to what hasn't worked. Some call that weakness--I call it a strength. A willingness to look at problems from multiple angles is a benefit, and man, do we have problems to examine in this country. Just that one attribute should be enough to make you vote for Kerry--toss the specific plans and just look at the way the man thinks as compared to his opponent. Kerry looks at the data and makes a decision. Bush makes the decision and then has his people fudge the facts to fit it (or has them ignore it completely).
Wow! You understand it will be completely impossible for any liberal to post on this thread, right?
I'm actually writing a 5-page (so far), illustrated report on why we should reelect President Bush. I have charts, and graphs, and GDP growth numbers...
Chess Squares
25-10-2004, 02:57
Wow! You understand it will be completely impossible for any liberal to post on this thread, right?
you do understand you are full of shit and are already breaking the idea behind the thread? grow the fuck up
you do understand you are full of shit and are already breaking the idea behind the thread? grow the fuck up
That's keeping with the spirit! Thanks for being the poster-child for liberal stereotypes.
I think we can all agree that stereotypes, liberal or conservatives, are misguided. There are rude people, kind people, smart and stupid people, educated and uneducated, eloquent and non-eloquent, sensible or not sensible, hot headed or calm etc.. etc... people on BOTH sides of the spectrum. So I hope everyone can stay civil and hopefully accept that other people have their own opinions and a right to those. And I thik this is a great idea for a post. It would be nice to see some non-negative campaigning for a change! :p
Chess Squares
25-10-2004, 03:15
That's keeping with the spirit! Thanks for being the poster-child for liberal stereotypes.
congratulations on the neocon stereotype embodied!
Onion Pirates
25-10-2004, 03:21
Served his country in battle
faced hostile fire
thinks before he reacts
will rebuild alliances with old allies
is intelligent
wants better veterans' benefits
surrounds himself with capable reliable people
25-10-2004, 03:39
John Kerry will lower middle class taxes in order to increase consumer spending and/or reduce consumer debt. He will reduce the deficit by a variety of plans that include cutting the Federal travel budget, bringing back the pay-as-you-go budget policy, restore the top tax bracket of the Clinton era, and possibly veto pork-laden spending bills. He will seek a peaceful end to North Korea's nuclear weapons program, even if it includes talks with only 2, 3, 4, or 5 countries involved. He will support programs to find missing nukes in the former Soviet Union. He will improve security at chemical plants, ports, power plants, and other currently soft targets. He will increase the capacity of the military to allow 40,000 more soldiers and double the number of special forces. For the military, he will increase salaries, modernize housing, restore impact aid, remove ambiguity from deployment schedules, and increase combat death insurance. He will support the Patients' Bill of Rights. He will subsidize 75% employment-based health insurance. He will limit punitive damages to cases of clear intentional misconduct or gross negligence. He will increase natural disaster insurance for farms. That covers some of it.
congratulations on the neocon stereotype embodied!
Thank you. You are too kind.
25-10-2004, 05:18
My Candidate, President Bush, does not govern based on polls, or the whims of the U.N.
25-10-2004, 05:19
you do understand you are full of shit and are already breaking the idea behind the thread? grow the fuck up
Wow, it never ends.
La Terra di Liberta
25-10-2004, 05:20
John Kerry will listen to America's real allies.
George Bush will insist our allies act like allies instead of selling their souls for oil, er, food for oil.
La Terra di Liberta
25-10-2004, 05:28
George Bush will insist our allies act like allies instead of selling their sould for oil, er, food for oil.
"Act?" That's rich, we don't want to send our troops off to die in Iraq for no apparent reason and add to the growing number of civilians killed.
25-10-2004, 06:12
Wow! You understand it will be completely impossible for any liberal to post on this thread, right?
*Looks at my post, looks at Pantylvania's post, looks at Onion Pirates' post*
Wow Bozzy, wrong again, I see.
25-10-2004, 06:19
Georohn Kerrush is a cool dude.
*Looks at my post, looks at Pantylvania's post, looks at Onion Pirates' post*
Wow Bozzy, wrong again, I see.
then again, look at the post right before yours. It must hurt to have so much bitterness inside, both for the poster and for your party.
La Terra di Liberta
25-10-2004, 06:24
then again, look at the post right before yours. It must hurt to have so much bitterness inside, both for the poster and for your party.
I'm not a democrat or an American, or is that too hard to get through your head? And no I'm not bitter, I'm glad we didn't waste our money on a stupid war.
Laskin Yahoos
25-10-2004, 06:24
Vote Nader: America is a land of choices and as such, with flourish when there are many choices for president. So go on, leave biparisan bickering behind and open your heart to tripartite(sp?) turmoil.
25-10-2004, 06:27
then again, look at the post right before yours. It must hurt to have so much bitterness inside, both for the poster and for your party.
Well, La Terra Della Liberta has already answered for himself (herself?), but hey, as long as you want to compare the bitterness of posters, I suggest you look at MunkeBrain's average post. Or Eutrusca's. Or your own at times. Jesus did say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," after all.
Star Shadow-
25-10-2004, 07:44
two words about asking that question on NS and getting a productive answer
"Not possible"
that will be all
Lunatic Goofballs
25-10-2004, 08:10
I will vote for Mr. Potato Head because he is always exactly what he appears to be. Unless you put his lips on upside-down. Or take his mustache off. Or...
*eyes widen* Gah!!! :eek:
I'm not a democrat or an American, or is that too hard to get through your head? And no I'm not bitter, I'm glad we didn't waste our money on a stupid war.
So what is your point? Why would you post in this thread? Your bitterness trancends borders?
Well, La Terra Della Liberta has already answered for himself (herself?), but hey, as long as you want to compare the bitterness of posters, I suggest you look at MunkeBrain's average post. Or Eutrusca's. Or your own at times. Jesus did say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," after all..
You have been tracking my posts? How flattering. When was I bitter? You've figured a way to cast holy stones via the net? Please share!
27-10-2004, 03:37
George Bush, the only electable candidate who is not a socialist.
If you are a socialist, you're already going to vote for Kerry regardless of any other pertinant input. If you are not a socialist, why would you vote for Kerry?
Your favorite "single issue"? The voting booth shouldn't be your personal federal slot machine.
Vote for the man you believe will be best for the country as a whole. Vote your gut, because the heart is a deceiver. Vote for who you believe in. If you are truly voting for the country and not for yourself, and you'll get no gripes from me regardless of your choice.
Vote for the man you believe will be best for the country as a whole. Vote your gut, because the heart is a deceiver. Vote for who you believe in. If you are truly voting for the country and not for yourself, and you'll get no gripes from me regardless of your choice.
Probably the smartest thing I have seen so far regarding the Election here so far. :)
People from Quebec:We like Kerry ;)
La Terra di Liberta
27-10-2004, 04:01
People from Quebec:We like Kerry ;)
People from Saskatchewan: We like Bush, sadly, except for me!!!!!
Copiosa Scotia
27-10-2004, 04:05
Michael Badnarik believes in a hands-off government that treats adults like adults.