NationStates Jolt Archive

Create a political party

24-10-2004, 23:38
If you could create a political party what would the policies be and what country would you run in
Mine is "Free Beer and Liberal thinking party":)
Supports micro breweries abloshing of corporashins and week beer
24-10-2004, 23:41
Mine is the regressive party. Well, its not my idea. Go check ou the specifics at
Maddox rules so hard, he should be president
24-10-2004, 23:42
Chess Squares
24-10-2004, 23:45
Mine is the regressive party. Well, its not my idea. Go check ou the specifics at
Maddox rules so hard, he should be president
i'd vote for him, vampires be damned

the "Free thinking Communist Party" i kick ass
25-10-2004, 00:16
A party based off of the satire of Mark Fiore!

Or perhaps the Randroid party . . .
New Genoa
25-10-2004, 00:44
Party with only 3 members who are all attracted to fat whale skin cat-dogs.
25-10-2004, 01:08
The "Shut the Fuck Up and Listen Because We've got the Guns Party"
25-10-2004, 01:16
The "Shut the Fuck Up and Listen Because We've got the Guns Party"
25-10-2004, 01:17
Oh shit, I just knew someone had to have made a party like that already. :(
25-10-2004, 01:18
The "Shut the Fuck Up and Listen Because We've got the Guns Party"
The "Why Use a Gun When You Could Use a Gundam" Party
25-10-2004, 01:29

25-10-2004, 01:34
The "Marxists for Memocide" Party.
La Terra di Liberta
25-10-2004, 01:34
Mine is the regressive party. Well, its not my idea. Go check ou the specifics at
Maddox rules so hard, he should be president

Maddox is twisted, although he had a poll on who would be a better President: Bush or a box of tic-tacs? Of course, the tic-tacs won in a landslide (I voted tic-tacs). But some of the things he says are creepy, like the killing babies and making fun of a 4 year olds art. My party idea was already taken!
25-10-2004, 01:34
The Anime party.

We'll remove Shakespeare, Dickons, and maybe even Poe from the school corriculum and replace thim with Nightow, Shirow, and Tezuka. We'll also make their birthdays national holidays.

Then we'll replace school plays with Mobile Suit Gundam and Neon Genesis Evangelion. School mascots will be changed to things like the black cat from Trigun or white-haired dog demons.

We will finish changes to the education system with Animesque school uniforms and issue tentacle monster repellent to all schoolgirls. That ought to keep them safe.

To top it off, the military will be upgraded to use mobile suits and sacred jewel shards and declare war on tentacle monsters.
25-10-2004, 01:40
The Anime party.

We'll remove Shakespeare, Dickons, and maybe even Poe from the school corriculum and replace thim with Nightow, Shirow, and Tezuka. We'll also make their birthdays national holidays.
Don't forget Tomino (Gundam)

Then we'll replace school plays with Mobile Suit Gundam and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Don't make these live-action - just replace them with screenings of said animes.

To top it off, the military will be upgraded to use mobile suits and sacred jewel shards and declare war on tentacle monsters.
Yes! We'll use GMs and M-1 Astrays as mass production units, and Gundams to lead these squadrons.
25-10-2004, 01:55
My party would be called the "WTF HAX0rs!!1!" and we would be waring alcoholics, always at war and being a terrorist party.
25-10-2004, 02:21
The Anime party.

We'll remove Shakespeare, Dickons, and maybe even Poe from the school corriculum

Letila, you're my hero! :D
25-10-2004, 02:28
The Pirate Ninja Party.
25-10-2004, 02:29
I'm for which ever party supports authoritarian free-market capitalism.
25-10-2004, 02:31
The Anime party.

What about Hentai?
25-10-2004, 02:36
My party's platform would be the following:

1)The immediate elimination of the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the 16th Amendment, etc.
2)Return to the Gold Standard
3)Break up the Department of Defense into the Departments of War, Navy, and the Air Force, and abolish all other departments except Department of the Treasury and the Department of State
4)Get the federal government completely out of law enforcement, education, welfare, etc.
5)Begin the gradual privatization of Social Security, social welfare programs, etc.
6)A (mostly) laissez faire economic policy, though we would break up monopolies and discourage outsourcing
7)Withdraw from the UN, NATO, the WTO, NAFTA, and every other entangling alliance
8)Get the government out of scientific research (privatize NASA, etc.), and neither support nor prohibit stem cell research
9)Return abortion laws to the states
10)Dismantle all our foreign military bases and bring all our troops home
11)Strengthen our borders and limit the number of immigrants permitted to enter the country every year
12)Repeal all gun control laws
13)Strengthen the First Amendment
14)Get the federal government completely out of social issues (gay marriage, civil rights, etc.) though we would keep our existing laws which protect civil rights and would vehemently oppose any new laws that would infringe upon them
15)Break off relations with all nations that still consider us 'the enemy'
16)Drastically cut government spending in almost all areas
17)Abolish foreign aid
18)Maintain a peaceful, friendly, non-interventionist foreign policy
19)Re-establish relations with Taiwan and recognize it as China's sole legitimate government
20)Revive the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and the House Un-American Activities Committee, but ensure that they only investigate people who have been 100% proven to be subversives
21)Give much greater power to third parties
22)Strengthen the War Powers Resolution/Act/whateverthehellit'scalled
23)Allow government officials to publicly express their religious convictions, provided they do not attempt to impose their beliefs on anyone or disrespect others' beliefs
24)Permit prayer and the recitation of the words 'under God' in the pledge, provided they are completely optional; likewise, Muslims, Jews, etc. would be permitted to read the Koran, Torah, etc. and pray in school, provided they respected others and did not attempt to force their beliefs down anyone's throats
25)Turn over all censorship laws to cities and local communities
26)End all protectionist and socialistic policies of the federal government
27)End corporate influence in politics
28)Support moderate conservation (re-forestation, etc.)
25-10-2004, 02:38
What about Hentai?

Maybe, although I'd prefer not to alienate the conservatives too much. On the other hand, who cares about the Religious Right when they stand in the way of hentai?
25-10-2004, 02:39
Maybe, although I'd prefer not to alienate the conservatives too much. On the other hand, who cares about the Religious Right when they stand in the way of hentai?

Dude, I don't care, as long as you take Shakespeare out of schools, you're my hero! :D
25-10-2004, 02:42
The Evil Conservative Party. We will repeal antitrust laws and make all small businesses give into huge corporations! We support continued projects to develop methods to produce pure pollution with no commercial byproduct!
25-10-2004, 03:12
My party's platform would be the following:

1)The immediate elimination of the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the 16th Amendment, etc.
2)Return to the Gold Standard
3)Break up the Department of Defense into the Departments of War, Navy, and the Air Force, and abolish all other departments except Department of the Treasury and the Department of State
4)Get the federal government completely out of law enforcement, education, welfare, etc.
5)Begin the gradual privatization of Social Security, social welfare programs, etc.
6)A (mostly) laissez faire economic policy, though we would break up monopolies and discourage outsourcing
7)Withdraw from the UN, NATO, the WTO, NAFTA, and every other entangling alliance
8)Get the government out of scientific research (privatize NASA, etc.), and neither support nor prohibit stem cell research
9)Return abortion laws to the states
10)Dismantle all our foreign military bases and bring all our troops home
11)Strengthen our borders and limit the number of immigrants permitted to enter the country every year
12)Repeal all gun control laws
13)Strengthen the First Amendment
14)Get the federal government completely out of social issues (gay marriage, civil rights, etc.) though we would keep our existing laws which protect civil rights and would vehemently oppose any new laws that would infringe upon them
15)Break off relations with all nations that still consider us 'the enemy'
16)Drastically cut government spending in almost all areas
17)Abolish foreign aid
18)Maintain a peaceful, friendly, non-interventionist foreign policy
19)Re-establish relations with Taiwan and recognize it as China's sole legitimate government
20)Revive the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and the House Un-American Activities Committee, but ensure that they only investigate people who have been 100% proven to be subversives
21)Give much greater power to third parties
22)Strengthen the War Powers Resolution/Act/whateverthehellit'scalled
23)Allow government officials to publicly express their religious convictions, provided they do not attempt to impose their beliefs on anyone or disrespect others' beliefs
24)Permit prayer and the recitation of the words 'under God' in the pledge, provided they are completely optional; likewise, Muslims, Jews, etc. would be permitted to read the Koran, Torah, etc. and pray in school, provided they respected others and did not attempt to force their beliefs down anyone's throats
25)Turn over all censorship laws to cities and local communities
26)End all protectionist and socialistic policies of the federal government
27)End corporate influence in politics
28)Support moderate conservation (re-forestation, etc.)

Liberal/Corporate Party?
25-10-2004, 03:18
Libertarian National Socialist Green Party (
Onion Pirates
25-10-2004, 03:42
No need to give up the Bard of Avon. You always need a good plot line, you know. Check this out:

The Anime party.

We'll remove Shakespeare, Dickons, and maybe even Poe from the school corriculum and replace thim with Nightow, Shirow, and Tezuka. We'll also make their birthdays national holidays.

Then we'll replace school plays with Mobile Suit Gundam and Neon Genesis Evangelion. School mascots will be changed to things like the black cat from Trigun or white-haired dog demons.

We will finish changes to the education system with Animesque school uniforms and issue tentacle monster repellent to all schoolgirls. That ought to keep them safe.

To top it off, the military will be upgraded to use mobile suits and sacred jewel shards and declare war on tentacle monsters.
25-10-2004, 06:27
Liberal/Corporate Party?

Roach-Buster seems more like a Pat Buchananite if you ask me.
25-10-2004, 07:27
The Anime party.

We'll remove Shakespeare, Dickons, and maybe even Poe from the school corriculum and replace thim with Nightow, Shirow, and Tezuka. We'll also make their birthdays national holidays.

Then we'll replace school plays with Mobile Suit Gundam and Neon Genesis Evangelion. School mascots will be changed to things like the black cat from Trigun or white-haired dog demons.

We will finish changes to the education system with Animesque school uniforms and issue tentacle monster repellent to all schoolgirls. That ought to keep them safe.

To top it off, the military will be upgraded to use mobile suits and sacred jewel shards and declare war on tentacle monsters.

Wait, you wanna make NGE into a SCHOOL PLAY?!

I guess that's ONE way to permemently fuck up kids.
Lunatic Goofballs
25-10-2004, 07:29
How about the Naked Christian Coalition.

It's like the Christian Coalition but with more skin. :)
25-10-2004, 07:38
The Centrisit Party


Sorry, none. Everything is too radical.
25-10-2004, 10:12

guns and dope, read the site... especially appeals to me because my gaming name is "ostrich"

25-10-2004, 22:39
My party's platform would be the following:

1)The immediate elimination of the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the 16th Amendment, etc.
2)Return to the Gold Standard
3)Break up the Department of Defense into the Departments of War, Navy, and the Air Force, and abolish all other departments except Department of the Treasury and the Department of State
4)Get the federal government completely out of law enforcement, education, welfare, etc.
5)Begin the gradual privatization of Social Security, social welfare programs, etc.
6)A (mostly) laissez faire economic policy, though we would break up monopolies and discourage outsourcing
7)Withdraw from the UN, NATO, the WTO, NAFTA, and every other entangling alliance
8)Get the government out of scientific research (privatize NASA, etc.), and neither support nor prohibit stem cell research
9)Return abortion laws to the states
10)Dismantle all our foreign military bases and bring all our troops home
11)Strengthen our borders and limit the number of immigrants permitted to enter the country every year
12)Repeal all gun control laws
13)Strengthen the First Amendment
14)Get the federal government completely out of social issues (gay marriage, civil rights, etc.) though we would keep our existing laws which protect civil rights and would vehemently oppose any new laws that would infringe upon them
15)Break off relations with all nations that still consider us 'the enemy'
16)Drastically cut government spending in almost all areas
17)Abolish foreign aid
18)Maintain a peaceful, friendly, non-interventionist foreign policy
19)Re-establish relations with Taiwan and recognize it as China's sole legitimate government
20)Revive the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and the House Un-American Activities Committee, but ensure that they only investigate people who have been 100% proven to be subversives
21)Give much greater power to third parties
22)Strengthen the War Powers Resolution/Act/whateverthehellit'scalled
23)Allow government officials to publicly express their religious convictions, provided they do not attempt to impose their beliefs on anyone or disrespect others' beliefs
24)Permit prayer and the recitation of the words 'under God' in the pledge, provided they are completely optional; likewise, Muslims, Jews, etc. would be permitted to read the Koran, Torah, etc. and pray in school, provided they respected others and did not attempt to force their beliefs down anyone's throats
25)Turn over all censorship laws to cities and local communities
26)End all protectionist and socialistic policies of the federal government
27)End corporate influence in politics
28)Support moderate conservation (re-forestation, etc.)

Why 2 (that would really...up the world economy and destroy ours), 9 (USSC wouldn't allow it, as it is a right in the constitution) 11, 14, 17, 19 (bad idea), 20, and 22?
25-10-2004, 22:40
I'm creating a duplicate thread with a poll
Refused Party Program
25-10-2004, 22:42

i.e. None Of The Above. :D
25-10-2004, 23:15
Naked Hedonists R Us Party

Our only actual platform is making sure cheese is free for everybody.

Otherwise, I'll join Letila's party if we can keep Poe.
Texan Hotrodders
25-10-2004, 23:48
The "Just Likes To Argue Alot" Party

The "Corrupt Egomaniacs with Delusions of Altruism" Party

The "We'll Take Your Money" Party

The "We'll Take Your Money and Give It To Other People" Party

The "Idealistic Freedom-Loving" Party

The "Just Likes To Get Laid By Interns" Party
26-10-2004, 00:03
You know whats funny, is 'I' ironically 'have' a 'political party'.

The Marxist-Democrats(no relation to the Democrats), basically its a group of organized students promoting Marxism, Libertarian Socialism, and Equal Rights on school campuses.
Rojo Cubana
26-10-2004, 00:11
The United People's Party, aka UPP.

1. The legalization (in small amounts) and taxation of marijuana.
2. The legalization of abortions, with certain regulations, including parental consent for minors.
3. The legalization of civil unions, but not outright gay marriage.
4. The immediate closure of US borders.
5. All persons currently in the US not declared as on vacation or on a diplomatic visit are declared a citizen of the US.
6. The governmental regulation of all corporations over a certain profit level.
7. The closure of all private religious schools and the immediate seizure of all profits.
8. The modification of the 1st Amendment to ban hate speech.
9. The banning of large SUVs and/or trucks for non-commercial or non-industrial use.
10. The immediate declaration of groups such as PETA ecological terrorists, and the prosecution of said groups under the Patriot Act.
11. The gradual dissassembly of the FCC.
12. The immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Europe, and all United Nations peacekeeping operations.
13. The immediate withdrawal of the US from the UN, NATO and all other non-essential alliances.
14. Support of a constitutional amendment allowing naturalized citizens who have proven themselves as politicians (such as Governor Schwarzenegger) to be allowed to run for President, if a majority of Congress approves.
15. The combination of both parts of Congress into one body.
16. Support for the statehood of Puerto Rico.
17. The strengthening of gun control laws.
26-10-2004, 00:22
The United People's Party, aka UPP.

Prepare to be torn apart :)

1. The legalization (in small amounts) and taxation of marijuana.
Why just legalize it in small ammounts, surely the hemp based fuel cannot be produced in small ammounts and why shouldn't a person be able to sell Marijuana like any other commodity?

2. The legalization of abortions, with certain regulations, including parental consent for minors.
So daughters raped by fathers have to have their fathers consent?

3. The legalization of civil unions, but not outright gay marriage.
Fourteenth Ammendment:
The state cannot base discrimination based upon anything, thus the state has to recognize gay marriage and the churches can do what ever the hell they want.

4. The immediate closure of US borders.

5. All persons currently in the US not declared as on vacation or on a diplomatic visit are declared a citizen of the US.

6. The governmental regulation of all corporations over a certain profit level.
Why not nationalize the major coorporations, it would be the best thing in the long run.

7. The closure of all private religious schools and the immediate seizure of all profits.
Are you kidding me? Atleast regulate the cirriculum, but otherwise a big fat NO.

8. The modification of the 1st Amendment to ban hate speech.

9. The banning of large SUVs and/or trucks for non-commercial or non-industrial use.

10. The immediate declaration of groups such as PETA ecological terrorists, and the prosecution of said groups under the Patriot Act.
ROFL 2.0

11. The gradual dissassembly of the FCC.
I actually agree here.

12. The immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Europe, and all United Nations peacekeeping operations.

13. The immediate withdrawal of the US from the UN, NATO and all other non-essential alliances.
Yes, because keeping the peace SUCKS.

14. Support of a constitutional amendment allowing naturalized citizens who have proven themselves as politicians (such as Governor Schwarzenegger) to be allowed to run for President, if a majority of Congress approves.
Why not allow them to run like anyother citizen?

15. The combination of both parts of Congress into one body.
*Scratches head* why?

16. Support for the statehood of Puerto Rico.

17. The strengthening of gun control laws.
Why not just ban guns, they aren't necessary anymore?
Rojo Cubana
26-10-2004, 01:14
Why just legalize it in small ammounts, surely the hemp based fuel cannot be produced in small ammounts and why shouldn't a person be able to sell Marijuana like any other commodity?

Because if any amount is allowed, the crimes related to the drug would still occur. And sale would be legal, with a license, just like alcohol.

So daughters raped by fathers have to have their fathers consent?

Take into account I wasn't thinking about incest.

Fourteenth Ammendment:
The state cannot base discrimination based upon anything, thus the state has to recognize gay marriage and the churches can do what ever the hell they want.

How is my policy discriminatory? I'm allowing them to be married, but I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Call it a civil union and I've got no problem with it.


Not all illegal immigrants are one race, therefore your argument is null and void.


It would be easier than having to find them and deport them.

Why not nationalize the major coorporations, it would be the best thing in the long run.

Because that's socialism. Despite some of the extreme views my party would hold, it wouldn't be socialist.

Are you kidding me? Atleast regulate the cirriculum, but otherwise a big fat NO.

No to your argument, because that would go against separation of church and state. Besides, the schools could be teaching religious extremism.


Hate speech does nothing to further society. It only endeavors to incite hatred and violence, therefore it should be banned.


Somehow, I get the feeling you grew up or are growing up with a soccer mom.

ROFL 2.0

They distribute literature called "Your Mommy Kills Animals" to children. Said literature has a picture of a woman stabbing a rabbit on the front, with blood everywhere. That's psychological terrorism.

I actually agree here.



NATO was formed to protect from the Soviets. The Soviets are no longer a threat, therefore, NATO is a waste of time.

Yes, because keeping the peace SUCKS.

Do you want me to list off the reasons why the UN sucks more? Hmm, let's see. No actual military, nothing but a beauracracy, PKs can't fight back without an Intrusive Mandate, and it doesn't even live up to its namesake or prevent what it was made to prevent.

Why not allow them to run like anyother citizen?

Because the Constitution states that Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates must be born in the US.

*Scratches head* why?

Eliminate beauracracy.


It's not like it would make the US any more powerful. Puerto Rico is big enough and populous enough.

Why not just ban guns, they aren't necessary anymore?

Because although I think Americans have the right to defend themselves, it's still too easy to get a gun and use it for illegal uses.
26-10-2004, 01:30
And what does you sitting on your ass playing nation states contribute to society? At least conform to your own nutbag ideals before preaching it.

I'd basically have an ecotarian party. It's basically Libertarian, but you recognise that polluting the air/water is infringing on others rights, and so it qualifies as a "negative right."
26-10-2004, 02:16
Privatize Social Security?!?!

Are you MAD?!

You want your retirement in the hands of people like Kenneth Lay?

26-10-2004, 02:22
The Internationalist Party!

1. Global Economic and Social Development
2. Identify and eliminate the root causes of terrrorism, rather than fight fire with fire.
3. Legalisation of all drugs for adults, however certain drugs will only be able to be used under medical supervision, ie. safe injecting rooms.
4. A concerted effort to boost the world literacy rate to 100%, or as close as feasible.
5. A global life expectancy of 75 years and safe water access.
6. An additional tax levied if a couple has more than 2 children, to take place under the next generation. (Harsh, yes, but it would stop the spreading tide of overpopulation without doing a China on them)
7. Ensure that global trade takes place on a free and fair basis. Reduce tarriff barriers in developed countries, so that farmers in developing countries are able to sell their products more readily and also keep some surplus for their own nations while not impacting profits.
8. Sexual relations between consenting adults are not the governments business. Homosexual marriage legal and not stigmatized.
10. Government support for renewable energy sources, including fuel cell technology. A concerted effort to stop reliance on fossil fuels.
11. Gun ownership legal, if you can prove the need of one.
12. A job for everyone who wants one. Even if it's only shovelling dirt, it'll be something. A living wage for everyone.

Umm, thats all I can be bothered thinking of right now.
26-10-2004, 02:26

guns and dope, read the site... especially appeals to me because my gaming name is "ostrich"


Robby Anton Wilson is the man. All of his scientific and philosophical opinions are based on pseudoscience and nonsense, but they make for great fnord reading.
26-10-2004, 02:34
If my mothers a soccer mom, I'm Kenneth Lay :upyours:
Nope matey, I'm a born and bread genuine welfare baby raised on the $1200 dollars a month that our wonderful state deems that a boy and his single cripled mother can live on.
26-10-2004, 03:02
The Monopolist Party- Sort of a Reverse socialism. Instead of the government controlling the economy, the economy (ie; large corporations) control the Government. For example, CEO's and whatnot dictate the government. THe economy would be completely capitalist....Whoa, I just realized how corrput this would be :)

Compulsroy 2-year military service, (God knows it'd straighten up these damn kids of today) we'd strike at anyone who we felt threatened us. Gay marriage and abortion will be banned, but homosexuals can get their own union. No gun coontrol, except for fully-automatics, RPG's. We'd have the death penatly for anyone who commits pre-meditated murder...rapists will get life, any felonies will automatically get 25- life.
26-10-2004, 03:13
Uh... 3 points on each

Overall Economic Policy
1.) Slight progressive taxation,
2.) Agressive pursuit of free trade policies,
3.) Neither encouragement or discouragement of outsourcing. Remove all barriers to it.

Overall Foreign Policy
1.) Agressive pursuit of all facets of the terrorist threat,
2.) Focus on bilateral and strong multilateral alliances, rather than huge organizations like the UN,
3.) Policy of removing brutal dictators wherever they are, starting with those easiest and least painful to remove. The advancement of democracy worldwide ultimately helps our interests greater than anything else can.

Social Security / Welfare
1.) Greatly increased privatization of Social Security,
2.) Mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients,
3.) Opt-out policy for Social Security.

Judicial Appointments
1.) Appointment of judges to advance the following goals :
A.) Overturning Roe v Wade,
B.) Declaring Affirmative Action (based on race, not need) by public instutitions unconstitutional,
C.) Keeping gay marriage in the hands of the people, not the bench.

1.) Increased support for voucher and other alternative schooling programs,
2.) Anti-union policies to break the influence of the teacher's unions,
3.) Increased pay for teachers who consistently show results.

1.) Support limits on awards in malpractice and other lawsuits which send insurance, and ultimately healthcare costs, skyrocketing,
2.) Limited subsidization of certain drugs based on need,
3.) Exceptions for those in the military long enough to earn their pensions.

Immigration and Border Control
1.) Amnesty for illegals in the United States who have currently committed no major crimes or have no reason to be suspected of committing one,
2.) Relaxed immigration controls, but,
3.) Tougher border controls, including additional help to the Indian Reservations that are being swamped by illegals.

Terrorism & National Security
1.) Authorization of pilots to carry handguns, or some other ranged neutralizing device, on planes,
2.) Increased security funding to nuclear, chemical, and biological sites which could be in danger of an attack which would cause massive damage,
3.) The continuation of the Guantanamo Bay base for captured foreign terrorists.

1.) Bringing back nuclear power as a viable energy source,
2.) Increasing coal and phasing out oil in the electric power supply,
3.) Drilling in ANWR for oil.

1.) Slowly decreasing subsidies and support for farmers in unproductive industries,
2.) Removal of barriers which may inhibit larger farms from taking over smaller ones,
3.) Increase in crop insurance, in case of a crop failure.

1.) Elimination of transportation projects which have no real value (a few Alaskan projects come to mind),
2.) Continuing the attempt to privatize the inefficient and unprofitable public rail systems,
3.) Increasing security measures for air transit.

1.) Decreased funding for the Space Program,
2.) Increased research into the Missile Defense System,
3.) Continued conservation efforts via National Parks when the parks don't conflict with National (not economic) interests.
26-10-2004, 04:27
The "Free Socialists". I would run in the United States. This country has moved way too far to the right after being taken over by the neocons.

I would insure that the workers controlled the means of production, everyone had equal healthcare, that we had an untainted democratic system, and that everyone would have the same civil and political rights, among other things.