Ideal Mate?
This stems from research for a project...
What would your ideal mate consist of? If you had complete control over their "design", from their physical to their mental?
The original project called for men to design their "perfect" woman, but I figure I'm not sexist so I'll propose it to both genders...
Any help would greatly aid the advancement of science, or at least get me a better grade...
Big Jim P
24-10-2004, 08:29
I think it has to do with the individuals involve. There is no way for it to be any other way. I love Joanna.
I am not the best authority, but I Know her.
What attacts me to her: I could clog the entire internet trying, or I can say four simple words:"I lone you Joanna."
Thats cool, Jim. I'm not going to ask anyone to get into trouble with a sig other for my research :)
This is similar to the movie "Wierd Science". How to design a perfect person?
Big Jim P
24-10-2004, 08:38
How would I design a woman? I do not know.
I have seen what has been foisted on me as perfect.
If this is a class project, then I would go with anything that Makes you design a perfect little barbie doll. That is what is expected and will get you the best grade.
Pepe Dominguez
24-10-2004, 08:38
Loyalty, humilty, obedience: top three qualities. Once you have that, the rest are just icing on the cake, really. I mean, within reason.. (no fat chicks) ;)
It's odd. Since it's a Lit-style Psyche class, we're graded on our 1)honesty 2)creativity. I can design a perfect, yet vacant, Barbie, but I have to defend why...
24-10-2004, 08:43
A strong Black Woman,
Beautiful, intellectual, forceful, proud, mocha skinned goddess. Just like my wife!
So Pepe, you don't believe in "more cushion for the pushin" huh? :)
Cannot think of a name
24-10-2004, 08:47
I think it has to do with the individuals involve. There is no way for it to be any other way. I love Joanna.
I am not the best authority, but I Know her.
What attacts me to her: I could clog the entire internet trying, or I can say four simple words:"I lone you Joanna."
Dude, you are soooooo recently married......
Pepe Dominguez
24-10-2004, 08:49
So Pepe, you don't believe in "more cushion for the pushin" huh? :)
Not generally, but if she has the top three requirements, she could have a little (a little) meat on her. I'm 6'4, and won't be seen with a midget, so she's gotta be around 5'9-6'0, so naturally there'd be some meat there. This is ideally, remember. :p
Cannot think of a name
24-10-2004, 08:52
It's my stock response, but I stand by it-
You're finding someone you'd rather be with than without above anything else. There isn't a program to it, you're not buying a car ("I like this one, but does it come in brunette?")
Big Jim P
24-10-2004, 08:52
Dude, you are soooooo recently married......
Not yet. It will happen next year. It will be announced here and Steph might just stickie it, then archive it.. Thanx Steph.
24-10-2004, 08:52
My ideal woman is firm and toned, athletic of build, medium in stature, with a beautiful butt. She has good pearly white teeth, soft brown eyes that are soft and doe-like but are brimming with intelligent. A good woman should have her own job, interests, and lifestyle but also be family oriented and at least partially home-bodied. She should have strong maternal instincts and a willingness to forgive.
Her hair should be natural and she should keep it well managed perhaps laying at the shoulder. Her manner should be cool enough to hang with the guys, but still be classy enough so that if you go out to dinner or a museum, she will never embarrass you.
She should encourage you to strive for your best and accept your failings. She sshould be spirituall and soulful even if not at all religious. She should find humor in times that are rough and joy in the good times. She should not have roaming eyes or accept my eyes roaming (which mine don't). She should possess a good singing voice as well. She should have a passing interest in sports and love animals.
Like my wife.
You have to admit, there are less funny topic I could have to have to work on...
Yeah, as if I could make anything better then what I see day to day :p
Seriously though, yeah, there are SOME things that I don't know if I could accept in a girl (not trying to be elitist here, there are just some things I wouldn't want, period), I think for the most part I honestly couldn't "design" a perfect mate. At all.
In fact, that kinda takes all the joy out of it, really.
Nation of Fortune
24-10-2004, 08:58
Personally i'm attracted more to personality than to their physical appearances (yes i am a straight male). i mean seriously i don't care, as long as they treat me with respect and honesty, i could care less about everything else. But then again as someone who has been scorned by just about everybody i know in real life (my current GF, her twin, and family excluded) i may be a bit strange (we'll go into that for some other assignment of yours)
But then again it's different for everybody, and i think the way to get the best grade would be to explain that it is immpossible to to create the perfect mate, because everyone will see their perfect mate differently.
24-10-2004, 08:59
I can honestly say that my partner is perfect for me.
Here are some of the reasons.
Appearance-wise: He's tall, but not too buff or too skinny. He's got quite a delicate face, like in terms of bone structure. I really don't like big square-jawed types. Gorgeous eyes- pale blue with long eyelashes. Long hair- well, dreadlocks now.
He's very intelligent, and interested in similar things to me, though not exactly the same. So we can talk for hours, and learn from one another.
He has a really unique sense of humour that cracks me up all the time, and he gets my humour. He's caring and just a *good* person. It's hard to explain that withut sounding corny so I won't try. He's passionate about the things he believes in. He respects me and gives me a lot, without being condescending or patronising.
He's one of the few people I don't get sick of seeing! When we spend extended periods of time together I love living with him, cooking together, shopping, everyday things.
Ahh, I'm so in love. :fluffle:
Thats basically my whole point of the paper; is what we think we want REALLY what we want? Or even what we need?
24-10-2004, 09:05
Call me a romantic here, but I think once you've met the right person, all your previous ideas and expectations about what you want/need disappear and you're left with the person you needed all along.
Preebles, that may be true, but this is asking what if you had the power skip the searching and just create your ideal. Personally, I know I feel annoyed with the whole routine of dating sometimes. Even when I'm with someon, I know there are things I don't like. They may not be large enough to want to change them, but if I had the choice, they wouldn't have those traits.
I dated a girl once who would say "man" in the wierdest places in conversations... Listen, man, I want some Chinese food tonight... Erica, man, at work is such a pain. Man, I wish she'd quit...
Annoying, but I loved her so it didnt hurt the relationship. I noticed it, but didn't think it deserved anymore attention. Until she started a conversation "Man, I think we need to talk...". But thats for another post...
Pepe Dominguez
24-10-2004, 09:58
[QUOTE=Urifie]Preebles, that may be true, but this is asking what if you had the power skip the searching and just create your ideal. Personally, I know I feel annoyed with the whole routine of dating sometimes. Even when I'm with someon, I know there are things I don't like. They may not be large enough to want to change them, but if I had the choice, they wouldn't have those traits.
Dating's a waste of time and energy - that's the problem. See, the way it's done where I'm from is: you have girlfriends (who you take places as a formality, perhaps) and you have wives. You don't date either of them. After you're out of school, you take your place in the family business, and earn 'sweat equity,' if you will. Eventually, when you have enough equity, you drop the girlfriends and go back to the old country to choose a wife, sight unseen. This process is done by other relatives, to be sure her family is reputable and her past is clean. This usually leaves you with a choice between anywhere from three to a half dozen or so to choose from. Of these, you choose on the best combination of looks, humility, and the likeliness of loyalty, which is tied in many ways to humility. It's worked for 200 years, and that's how it goes. ;)
24-10-2004, 10:08
This could be interesting
Physical-Preferably long dark hair, cute face wearing glasses, a reasonable rack (being entirely honest here, guys!) and behind. Obviously well-groomed as well.
Personality-Needs to be able to put up with me! Intelligence is essential. Preferably she'd agree with me on most issues, but would be able to back her beliefs up when we don't agree, and also accept my opinion. A lack of unnecessary hangups about looks would help (but may not be possible, she'd only be human!).
24-10-2004, 12:33
My perfect mate, and I think I've found him, is smart, good hearted, competent, funny, and sensitive. It doesn't have to be in that order, so long as it's there.
Lunatic Goofballs
24-10-2004, 12:38
My ideal mate is the one I have now. :D
with a few minor tweaks. :D
Someone who likes me for me? Too corny?
Seriously, I could list physical features I like (blue eyes and brown hair? Mmmm). Or random features I like (English accents? Mmmm). But I can do without them, to be honest.
Big fan of a high level of general knowledge (non-specialised intelligence... whatever you want to call it). Humour is important, and a level of wackiness would probably be needed to deal with me. Um, older than me, and taller (I'm the submissive type, and shorter/younger guys don't suit me well).
I have a evil overlord complex also, so a guy who can be an evil pillock in general, but still be romantic in private (what? Why yes, I *am* a hopeless romantic).
Interest in kinky sex is a plus, but only if he knows a lot about foreplay as well (too much information? :p)
Uh... can't think of much more to add.
Piece of harmonics
24-10-2004, 12:59
[QUOTE=Urifie]Preebles, that may be true, but this is asking what if you had the power skip the searching and just create your ideal. Personally, I know I feel annoyed with the whole routine of dating sometimes. Even when I'm with someon, I know there are things I don't like. They may not be large enough to want to change them, but if I had the choice, they wouldn't have those traits.
Dating's a waste of time and energy - that's the problem. See, the way it's done where I'm from is: you have girlfriends (who you take places as a formality, perhaps) and you have wives. You don't date either of them. After you're out of school, you take your place in the family business, and earn 'sweat equity,' if you will. Eventually, when you have enough equity, you drop the girlfriends and go back to the old country to choose a wife, sight unseen. This process is done by other relatives, to be sure her family is reputable and her past is clean. This usually leaves you with a choice between anywhere from three to a half dozen or so to choose from. Of these, you choose on the best combination of looks, humility, and the likeliness of loyalty, which is tied in many ways to humility. It's worked for 200 years, and that's how it goes. ;)
This sounds cool, it is the same for the women isn't it? It' not just like that for the men, is it?
This sounds cool, it is the same for the women isn't it? It' not just like that for the men, is it?
Oh of *course* it's the same for the women. Pepe Dominguez is the very pinnacle of equality between the sexes.
/end dripping sarcasm
Wish people would stop quoting him... makes the whole 'ignore' function pretty pointless...
Snub Nose 38
24-10-2004, 13:15
Found my ideal woman 27 years ago. She's in the kitchen making coffee.
24-10-2004, 13:55
My perfect g/f:
*has a great personality
*is somebody you could have an intelligent conversation with
*is athletic
*looks good (I can't help it, I had to type that)
*is somebody I'd prolly want to marry if our relation was serious
*is somebody who would not submit to my authority (we'd agree upon things on a mutual basis)
Whoa, I just described a couple of girls who go to my school!
Although they are all too busy/selfwilled to want a b/f or they are already taken. Oh well; c'est la vie!
Planta Genestae
24-10-2004, 14:20
This stems from research for a project...
What would your ideal mate consist of? If you had complete control over their "design", from their physical to their mental?
The original project called for men to design their "perfect" woman, but I figure I'm not sexist so I'll propose it to both genders...
Any help would greatly aid the advancement of science, or at least get me a better grade...
My perfect partner has already been patented...
Oh trusty bottle-opener.
24-10-2004, 16:21
Dating's a waste of time and energy - that's the problem. See, the way it's done where I'm from is: you have girlfriends (who you take places as a formality, perhaps) and you have wives. You don't date either of them. After you're out of school, you take your place in the family business, and earn 'sweat equity,' if you will. Eventually, when you have enough equity, you drop the girlfriends and go back to the old country to choose a wife, sight unseen. This process is done by other relatives, to be sure her family is reputable and her past is clean. This usually leaves you with a choice between anywhere from three to a half dozen or so to choose from. Of these, you choose on the best combination of looks, humility, and the likeliness of loyalty, which is tied in many ways to humility. It's worked for 200 years, and that's how it goes. ;)
While I can see that there might be something to an arranged marriage, so long as it's done by the parents in knowledge of your personality, and in your best interests, I see it done so often for financial and social reasons. Me? I'd trust my folks in a heartbeat to pick a good man for me, because they love me very much, but I think I've done pretty well myself, too. They happen to like my choice.
On the other hand, a lot of places that have arranged marriages as a tradition are pretty fucked up in a myriad of ways. For instance, in some parts of Mexico, they don't know what the word "rape" means. That's because what we mean by rape, they use the word "courtship" for. It's socially acceptable, and nobody bats an eye if a girl comes home bloody and battered. She suffers for it socially, he doesn't.
In India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, if a girl turns down a man who offers for her, he might just walk by and throw battery acid in her face. In Turkey, women think it's alright for their husband to beat them within an inch of their lives for disagreeing with his opinion, burning dinner, or refusing him sex. That's nice, isn't it?
We here in the civilized world should get on our knees and thank our lucky stars that we weren't born in any of these places. Dating might be hell, but imagine if you never had the chance, and you were just thrown into a marriage against your will, and beaten if you don't submit to some mini-tyrant's idea of things absolutely.
24-10-2004, 17:21
of course there IS no "ideal mate" especially not before you marry them. everyone has flaws and some flaws are just not obvious until you have signed on the dotted line and started making a permanent life with someone.
even a simple rule like "no fat chicks" fails when your loyal, humble, obedient wife bears you a few children, stays home to raise them and ends up doubling her weight. can't divorce the loyal mother of your children because she goes from size 8 to size 18. and in any case her old world cooking and her talent for good sex might make you decide that it was a stupid rule to begin with.
you really dont know what makes a good mate until you actually get married (or otherwise consider yourself permanently attached). then it all comes clear and you understand what your parents were warning you about. you MIGHT end up with an ideal mate for you, but you wont know it until its "too late" anyway. (good thing we allow divorce) you MIGHT end up finding out that your "soulmate" is a nightmare.
so with that in mind, do you want a physical discription (utterly useless, we have an ideal in mind but love hits us when we arent looking and we end up falling for people who are utterly unlike that ideal) or do you want the character traits that make a good husband (to me)
there is a certain kind of man who stops me in my tracks just on his physical looks alone.
long black shiny hair, 5'10" to 6' tall, dark complexion with deep brown eyes (contrasts nicely with my light complexion and green eyes) in shape without being "weightroom" muscular (i do like the look of men who do hard physical labor and have muscles because of it), wears clean clothes, dresses like a cowboy--jeans, hat, boots, belt, button-up shirt, --- good thing i live in new mexico, the state is full of men who look just like that! YUM
tall asian men with longish hair and a goatee. incredibly sexy!
but really a man who dresses neatly and walks with confidence is attractive.
when it comes to what is actually GOOD in a mate looks are near the bottom of the list. when you look at his face every day for the next 50 years it becomes the most precious face in the world to you if you love him. love transforms the homeliest man into a prince. and yes, a man who is extremely fit and buff today may well have quite a pot belly in 15 year. a man with a great head of hair might be bald before your first child gets into kindergarten.
for me a man has to be as smart as i am or smarter, he has to be considered a leader in his field (no matter what that field is), he has to be accomplished at SOMETHING. he has to love me madly (and i him) or its not worth the trouble.
it is a HUGE plus if he is good at the "man" jobs--- if he can change the oil in the car and replace worn belts, if he likes to mow the lawn, keeps the plumbing going, TAKES OUT THE TRASH. if he has some willingness to do some of the other common household chores thats good.
he has to be interested in the world, funny, charming, nice to other people, honest, faithful, and good in bed with a strong sex drive (in my age group that gets harder and harder to find)
im sure i can come up with a few more if i have to but you cant pick a man out of the sears catalog. you have to go with reality and try to figure out if you can live the rest of your life with whomever it is that you do fall in love with.
24-10-2004, 17:25
While I can see that there might be something to an arranged marriage, so long as it's done by the parents in knowledge of your personality, and in your best interests, I see it done so often for financial and social reasons. Me? I'd trust my folks in a heartbeat to pick a good man for me, because they love me very much, but I think I've done pretty well myself, too. They happen to like my choice.
On the other hand, a lot of places that have arranged marriages as a tradition are pretty fucked up in a myriad of ways. For instance, in some parts of Mexico, they don't know what the word "rape" means. That's because what we mean by rape, they use the word "courtship" for. It's socially acceptable, and nobody bats an eye if a girl comes home bloody and battered. She suffers for it socially, he doesn't.
In India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, if a girl turns down a man who offers for her, he might just walk by and throw battery acid in her face. In Turkey, women think it's alright for their husband to beat them within an inch of their lives for disagreeing with his opinion, burning dinner, or refusing him sex. That's nice, isn't it?
We here in the civilized world should get on our knees and thank our lucky stars that we weren't born in any of these places. Dating might be hell, but imagine if you never had the chance, and you were just thrown into a marriage against your will, and beaten if you don't submit to some mini-tyrant's idea of things absolutely.
in india they have whole "mother-in-law" wings in prisons for the women who have killed or maimed their daughter-in-law when her family wont or cant give extra dowry gifts after the wedding. not a good advertisement for arranged marriages.
I think we all know what I consider ideal.
24-10-2004, 18:12
I think we all know what I consider ideal.
yeah but
in some other thread recently you said something about finding the girls in anime attractive and i thought...
"but they dont have big butts"
so whats up with that?
yeah but
in some other thread recently you said something about finding the girls in anime attractive and i thought...
"but they dont have big butts"
so whats up with that?
While I do like big butts, I'm not focused totally on them. They are a plus, but not necessary.
24-10-2004, 18:45
Someone who likes me for me? Too corny?
Seriously, I could list physical features I like (blue eyes and brown hair? Mmmm). Or random features I like (English accents? Mmmm). But I can do without them, to be honest.
Big fan of a high level of general knowledge (non-specialised intelligence... whatever you want to call it). Humour is important, and a level of wackiness would probably be needed to deal with me. Um, older than me, and taller (I'm the submissive type, and shorter/younger guys don't suit me well).
I have a evil overlord complex also, so a guy who can be an evil pillock in general, but still be romantic in private (what? Why yes, I *am* a hopeless romantic).
Interest in kinky sex is a plus, but only if he knows a lot about foreplay as well (too much information? :p)
Uh... can't think of much more to add.
Okay... now I think you've been spying on me...
24-10-2004, 18:53
Okay... Two things:
1. I grade student papers all the time, and the ones that always do well are the ones that take the assignment and do something truly original with it, or who at least see more potential in the question than is obviously there.
2. Fortunately, I have just the sort of suggestion you need, and it comes honestly from the heart:
There is no such thing as the perfect mate. Moreover, the entire notion is pathological, and the search for him/her is likely to make you miss real opportunities with real people.
People look for, or even imagine, the "perfect mate" because they are so terribly wrapped up in themselves. We have this (rather frightening) notion that "I should not have to change for anyone," but this is completely ridiculous. The best relationships inevitably involve two partners who conform to one another. No one starts out perfect... they become perfect, but not because they change -- because you change.
People have lost faith in love, and in a rather profound way. Faith used to mean that when things became difficult, you worked on them--but no one wants to "work" on a relationship anymore, and if one could find a "perfect" mate, certainly one would not expect to work on it.
When I first met Erica, I used to talk about my old "radical anarchist" days all the time, because I thought this was interesting conversation. It took me a long time to realize that she was humoring me. It seems to me that most people today would be angry with her for "being dishonest" or something... but I saw it for what it was--she loved me, even then, and she was willing to take an interest in order to make me happy. Of course, that probably could not last forever... but fortunately, I realized this--and I stopped talking about it all the time. Because I love her. Now, surely it may come up from time to time... but just enough so that we are both interested. And I do not mind a bit. In fact, I think it makes me a more mature person.
She likes to shop. Loves it, in fact. When we first started dating, I would take her shopping every single weekend! But you know, I was never a shopping person... still, I did it for her. And do you know what? She realized that. We shop less now, and I do not think she minds a bit... she actually understands that it's all a little bit shallow--and has a sense of humor about it now, which is always a sign of good health. Naturally, I offer to take her all the time, and when we go... I take an interest as best I can.
And you know, it's the best relationship I've ever had? By far. We get along so amazingly well, and the longer we are together, the more we grow together. But that is exactly my point--the "ideal" relationship is one in which the two of you grow ever closer... but it's hard to grow closer when you pick "perfection" from the get-go.
"Perfect" mates, I think, do not last... because everyone changes. And if you start from perfection, any change will be a disappointment. The little bumps of life will seem like mountains.
Why do so many relationships fail today? Because we are all looking for the "perfect mate." We all think that a person commits some crime against us if they expect us to change, or moderate our behavior. We get into a relationship, and we trust that a person will remain the lover we want, rather than investing our faith in the notion that we will, in any case, always love each other.
Naturally, I am not saying people should invest everything in a relationship. Certainly, I would not stay in an overtly bad relationship. But I think every good relationship is a compromise--and it is this very quality of compromise that makes two people into one. Perfection requires no compromise... and therefore it should be considered a pitfall, not a bonus, in finding a mate.
24-10-2004, 18:59
I think it would be pretty selfish of me to expect a girl to be my "ideal mate" since I highly doubt I'm any girl's ideal man. I'd rather just meet someone that I have a rapport with.
I appreciate everyone who has answered thus far, especially those who put some thought to it.
I think it's interesting how "love" is automatically brought up even though I said nothing about love. I proposed this in a typical Frankenstien way... I like the way this is spinning even if it's not really my paper topic...
Additionally, I think its interesting how few people mentioned sex. Some mentioned physical attributes but ideas on sexual aggressiveness rarely came up. I find it interesting because contrary to popular belief, the way to a mans heart is traditionally farther south... ;)
But anyway...
24-10-2004, 22:37
I appreciate everyone who has answered thus far, especially those who put some thought to it.
I think it's interesting how "love" is automatically brought up even though I said nothing about love. I proposed this in a typical Frankenstien way... I like the way this is spinning even if it's not really my paper topic...
Additionally, I think its interesting how few people mentioned sex. Some mentioned physical attributes but ideas on sexual aggressiveness rarely came up. I find it interesting because contrary to popular belief, the way to a mans heart is traditionally farther south... ;)
But anyway...
can a mate BE ideal if you dont love them?
men get laid all the time, they marry a woman who offers more than just easy sex.
but good sex is a requirement for IDEAL mates.
24-10-2004, 22:42
Okay... Two things:
1. I grade student papers all the time, and the ones that always do well are the ones that take the assignment and do something truly original with it, or who at least see more potential in the question than is obviously there.
2. Fortunately, I have just the sort of suggestion you need, and it comes honestly from the heart:
There is no such thing as the perfect mate. Moreover, the entire notion is pathological, and the search for him/her is likely to make you miss real opportunities with real people.
People look for, or even imagine, the "perfect mate" because they are so terribly wrapped up in themselves. We have this (rather frightening) notion that "I should not have to change for anyone," but this is completely ridiculous. The best relationships inevitably involve two partners who conform to one another. No one starts out perfect... they become perfect, but not because they change -- because you change.
People have lost faith in love, and in a rather profound way. Faith used to mean that when things became difficult, you worked on them--but no one wants to "work" on a relationship anymore, and if one could find a "perfect" mate, certainly one would not expect to work on it.
When I first met Erica, I used to talk about my old "radical anarchist" days all the time, because I thought this was interesting conversation. It took me a long time to realize that she was humoring me. It seems to me that most people today would be angry with her for "being dishonest" or something... but I saw it for what it was--she loved me, even then, and she was willing to take an interest in order to make me happy. Of course, that probably could not last forever... but fortunately, I realized this--and I stopped talking about it all the time. Because I love her. Now, surely it may come up from time to time... but just enough so that we are both interested. And I do not mind a bit. In fact, I think it makes me a more mature person.
She likes to shop. Loves it, in fact. When we first started dating, I would take her shopping every single weekend! But you know, I was never a shopping person... still, I did it for her. And do you know what? She realized that. We shop less now, and I do not think she minds a bit... she actually understands that it's all a little bit shallow--and has a sense of humor about it now, which is always a sign of good health. Naturally, I offer to take her all the time, and when we go... I take an interest as best I can.
And you know, it's the best relationship I've ever had? By far. We get along so amazingly well, and the longer we are together, the more we grow together. But that is exactly my point--the "ideal" relationship is one in which the two of you grow ever closer... but it's hard to grow closer when you pick "perfection" from the get-go.
"Perfect" mates, I think, do not last... because everyone changes. And if you start from perfection, any change will be a disappointment. The little bumps of life will seem like mountains.
Why do so many relationships fail today? Because we are all looking for the "perfect mate." We all think that a person commits some crime against us if they expect us to change, or moderate our behavior. We get into a relationship, and we trust that a person will remain the lover we want, rather than investing our faith in the notion that we will, in any case, always love each other.
Naturally, I am not saying people should invest everything in a relationship. Certainly, I would not stay in an overtly bad relationship. But I think every good relationship is a compromise--and it is this very quality of compromise that makes two people into one. Perfection requires no compromise... and therefore it should be considered a pitfall, not a bonus, in finding a mate.
you know stuff!
its really an example of how you dont know what makes an ideal mate until you find one. THEN you can understand what the fuss is all about.
I agree that sex is not the main factor of any relationship. I might have thought that at one time but as I've gotten older I realize that there is more to it than that.
I guess the problem of all this is that it has to be limited to one specific group, age, whatever. Like I said, the original concept was for a male, aged 18-25 to create his perfect woman. Most of the time, Men do tend to base relationships on physical attractiveness at first. So what happens if you let them design the perfect woman? How many think to include emotions as strong as love? From my research thus far, not including what I've gotten here, many men have emotions as a side effect. Usually, and this is just semi-raw data, most men have looks first, body second, general emotions third (strong willed, submissive, etc.) folowed by, as one response put it "oh yeah, and I guess she'd have to love me" followed by a grin. After he had spent about 2 pages saying what she looked like, right down to hairstyle (long and curly, red, loose curls, not tight curls...) you get my picture...
Perhaps the terminology was misleading. The term "mate" implies that it is someone you want to be in cohabitation with. "Designing the perfect woman" I guess has a more male dominated society feel to it, with women being objectified. I was curious as to what everyone else thought.
I would like to state that while I personally don't believe in the objectification of women, anyone who has met my Mother would know that, it does happen. Thats why shows like Baywatch stay on for so long. Like it's the plotlines most people watch... Right.
Once again, this is for pure research, not my own views. If anyone takes offense to this I'll be sure to relay it to the doctor teaching the class... :)
24-10-2004, 23:38
if you had asked me to design the perfect man rather than the perfect MATE (which implies to me the desire to have kids with, so a rather permanent aquisition) i might have said
a man who will fix my car tomorrow, do it right the first time, and not overcharge me for it.
Yes, but doesn't logic say that when you go to pay for the car, he'll introduce you to his charming boyfriend....? ;)
25-10-2004, 00:17
Mental Attributes: 150 IQ min.
She must be cunning, an excellent lateral thinker.
She must have a dry sense of humor, mixxed with dark sarcasm.
She must be fiercely loyal and have a completely vicious temper.
While being ill tempered she must still not be cruel, cruelty is a sympton of weakness.
She should have a well developed sense of empathy.
She should be eager to learn.
She should veiw 90-95% of the world as her inferior.
Sexually adventurous, while not being a slave to the urge.
That about covers it off the top of my head.
Physical attributes:No taller then 5'5", between 110-130lbs.
Green eyes
Dark hair
Breast size is un important
Wide hips-36ish
full lips
manicured nails.
I hope that will suffice for your question.
25-10-2004, 00:20
Yes, but doesn't logic say that when you go to pay for the car, he'll introduce you to his charming boyfriend....? ;)
yes yes it does
25-10-2004, 00:21
Call me a romantic here, but I think once you've met the right person, all your previous ideas and expectations about what you want/need disappear and you're left with the person you needed all along.
The person you needed all along is yourself.
Until being alone is perfeclt fine you will eventually fail at being with someone.
One must be totally self satisfied before they can be satisfied with someone else, or satisfy someone else.
Skibereen, thats about what I got from the rest of my R/L people so that fits in great.
I do think the love angle is cool for a side note, this being a Psych class and all.
Ashmoria, don't lose heart, from what I hear the boyfriend doesn't really appreciate him and the mechanic is feeling adventurous.... so there's still hope... :D