Right to Healthcare? - Page 2
See there's these things called taxes?
Seriously, people have gone over this many many times. Not everyone is afraid of contributing some of their income toward the common good.
Taxes are money paid. You are simply moving the cost from one group (consumers) to another (wage earners). There is no 'free' about it.
If some people are not afraid to contribute, they why don't they? Why do they need the government to force them? I personally donate considerable time and money. It is by choice - the way that repects freedom.
You are simply disagreeing for the sake of it and using a straw argument void of context. I am done with you.
i'm sorry you think that. i was being honest about my beliefs, and your choice to ignore them or disregard them is a little disappointing. i hope sometime you will be comfortable discussing views other than your own.
New Auburnland
28-10-2004, 00:19
Of course not. You have the right to demand that people who go to school for 12+ years submit to your whims and service you for free? Beyond that, a right to healthcare implies you have the right to DEMAND that doctors and such exist. What about their right to get paid for labor and fees? Their right to say "Screw you guys, I'm doing what I want"?
Since when has healthcare been a right? People have lived and died without it for thousands of years but now all of a sudden we recognize it as a basic human right?
FDR wanted to make Americans think it was a right to encourage the enlargement of the medical industry and help pull the US out of the Great Depression. Just look at when most of the programs were put in place by the sprawling bureaucracy that is now the government. FDR crerated this walfare state in an attempt to pull the US out of the Great Depression, and none of it worked. If it wasn't for World War 2, the Depression would have never ended.
28-10-2004, 00:30
There are no positive rights
FDR wanted to make Americans think it was a right to encourage the enlargement of the medical industry and help pull the US out of the Great Depression. Just look at when most of the programs were put in place by the sprawling bureaucracy that is now the government. FDR crerated this walfare state in an attempt to pull the US out of the Great Depression, and none of it worked. If it wasn't for World War 2, the Depression would have never ended.
Well, hooray for war.
28-10-2004, 00:37
If it wasn't for World War 2, the Depression would have never ended.
This is questionable....please see broken window fallacy
28-10-2004, 19:50
Brilliant MunkieBrain! I mean, I honestly hadn't considered this before.
You know, you really have a gift. I mean, here we are, debating this for a dozen or more pages of posts, and you have distilled that down to six words. You have a gift for making things so simple that even the most slow witted moron could understand it.
Well, you grabbed right on to the meaning of it....
28-10-2004, 19:52
You mean you expected a neocon to be capable of independent thought? :rolleyes:
Does anyone expect a neo-lib to know what I am?