Why do people care?
I would really like to know why people get so obsessed over what celebrities do? Britney Spears got married? Prince Harry assulted a reporter? If only people would attack those vultures more often! Why all the publicity over Micheal Jackson and Kobe Bryant? People seem to drool whenever they get the dirt on someone in a position of power. I suppose it is all because people like hearing about the problems of those who are more wealthy or powerful. Robert Downey Jr.'s drug problems are something we all just HAVE to know right? The people "have a right to know" when when an actor gets a new girlfriend? Do people have a right to know this stuff? Should people stop poking their noses where it doesn't belong? If they did what would Entertainment Tonight fill in it's airtime? HA!
22-10-2004, 17:50
1) We're bored.
2) We lead crappy lives ourselves.
3) We're jealous and people love to see celebrities at their worst.
4) Plus, remember, they have publicists who try to keep them all in the public's eye.
Personally, I couldn't care less. I don't even know who half of the celebrities they talk about are anymore.
People don´t read nietzsche, therefore, they don´t act like cows, therefore, they get bored, therefore, britney spears get rich.
The answers are in the cows.
Planta Genestae
22-10-2004, 17:55
Because he's royalty and must expect to get followed. That is the modern day press.
Are there better things that the newspapers could report? Absolutely. they could visit Zimbabwe or Sudan and report terrible human rights abuses taking place in those countries. They could report on how Tony Blair desperately needs George W Bush to win the US election.
But they won't. Get used to it.
Deutsch - Rheinland
22-10-2004, 17:56
WE don't. Just people who live miserable lives and think that everything else is a fairy-tale world do. And that's a minority of the people...but WE don't.
La Terra di Liberta
22-10-2004, 18:01
Because people have no lives, although I know of alot of people who hate celeberties and want nothing to do with them, I being one of them.
Terra - Domina
22-10-2004, 19:38
its all in the money motivation
embarrassing, humiliating, violent or sexy - lots of ratings and money
intellectual, emotional, important - less ratings therefore less play
we need to demand better of the press, but yes they should be allowed to give us what we want
22-10-2004, 20:07
The only thing about them that interests me is the quality of their acting.
22-10-2004, 20:15
Who gives a rat's ass what the celebrities are doing? At the same time, these poor :rolleyes: people should be able to go to the bathroom without being followed.
22-10-2004, 20:33
This is why I dont give jack squat about celebrities.
Except Jon Stewart - he ownz!
"The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena?"
I think this basically sums up why; because we've come to know, we get jealous over the fame and fortune, and then we want to know how it ends.
Cannot think of a name
23-10-2004, 00:01
Monkeys watch other monkeys
Suicidal Librarians
23-10-2004, 00:03
I would really like to know why people get so obsessed over what celebrities do? Britney Spears got married? Prince Harry assulted a reporter? If only people would attack those vultures more often! Why all the publicity over Micheal Jackson and Kobe Bryant? People seem to drool whenever they get the dirt on someone in a position of power. I suppose it is all because people like hearing about the problems of those who are more wealthy or powerful. Robert Downey Jr.'s drug problems are something we all just HAVE to know right? The people "have a right to know" when when an actor gets a new girlfriend? Do people have a right to know this stuff? Should people stop poking their noses where it doesn't belong? If they did what would Entertainment Tonight fill in it's airtime? HA!
I couldn't care less about the personal lives of celebrities. And I really wouldn't want to be a celebrity. It makes me angry how the paparazzi (sp?) chase after celebrities and how people are always nosing into their business. We shouldn't have the right to know, I really don't know why anyone cares about a celeb's personal life. That is there life, why should you care about the life of an actor/actress that you don't even know?
I couldn't care less about the personal lives of celebrities. And I really wouldn't want to be a celebrity. It makes me angry how the paparazzi (sp?) chase after celebrities and how people are always nosing into their business. We shouldn't have the right to know, I really don't know why anyone cares about a celeb's personal life. That is there life, why should you care about the life of an actor/actress that you don't even know?
Some people really do think it is their right to know what these celebs are doing. After all, kids everywhere (some adults too) put these people on pedestals thinking they are perfect. But of course they aren't so reporters need to get dirt on these people to make them human. Of course, I will always believe that the craziness on this is people are bored and and some are cruel. A celebrity breakup? Least it's not MY marriage.
Deepest Essex
24-10-2004, 14:46
prince harry isn't a celebrity, he's 3rd in line to the throne. that gives us a right to be interested in whether or not he's an oafish yob.
i couldn't give a toss about britney spears or any of the other celebs mentioned.
Xerxes Xavier
24-10-2004, 15:15
I'm not a big celeb gossip talker: maybe about 2% of my conversations - if it wasn't for what I do I probably would bother reading the gossip pages at all.
I guess if the celebrity was genuinely worth their celebrity status I can understand why people may go a bit nuts, like if it were James Spader for instance. But if it's something like "Britney gets married to her dancer!" or Prince harry punching out some photographer, Like I give a feck. It's just useless information.