Political correctness...
...seems to have gone completly mad. It is quite simpally going over the top, yes I understand the need for it but the lengths it's going to, heres a examples.
1)In a nursary school near where I live, they are not allowed to sing Bar Bar BAlck sheep, because it may offend the 1 ethnic mynoity child (aged about 3) who goes there, instead they have to sing Bar Bar Green sheep. In the same song to avoid sexism they have changed the Yes Sir bit, to 'Yes Sir, Yes Madam, three bags full.'
Now this seems completly wrong to me, I don't see why that song could offend. I understand the need not to offend people of ethnic minorotys, I respect and am freinds with those people, but going to such lengths as that is just crazy.
That's pathetically sad...
That's pathetically sad...
I know, I heard about it today, and quite frankly it's a disgrace.
Darsylonian Theocrats
22-10-2004, 16:07
Those people need a swift kick in the ass with spiked boots. Then again, when it comes to the USA, there's a lot of stupid things that get pushed along.
Example? Are you of dark skin? Really dark skin? Great. Were you born here (in the United States)? If so, you are not a goddamned African-American. There's no such thing. You're american, or you're not. It's about as smart as claiming to be a 'Texan-American' would be. You're not a hyphenated anything. Not even the "cablinasian" Tiger Woods. He's American (far as I know), and he's black. That's pretty much the extent of it, and anyone who says otherwise needs the aforementioned boot to the ass.
Well, those kids are going to be awfully disappointed when they can't find a green sheep anywhere.
22-10-2004, 16:13
You're either italian or you're not!
They're discriminating against black sheep by excluding them from nursery rhymes.
Darsylonian Theocrats
22-10-2004, 16:17
You're either italian or you're not!
True enough, but I was unaware of internal 'factions' of Italy. Don't tell me you've got African-Italians and American-Italians to deal with?
You're either italian or you're not!
I thought you were dead? lol
Demented Hamsters
22-10-2004, 16:20
Heaven forbid the toddlers should think of a black being a productive member of society. :rolleyes:
True enough, but I was unaware of internal 'factions' of Italy. Don't tell me you've got African-Italians and American-Italians to deal with?
They have Venetians, Sicilians, Sardinians, etc, etc...not that any of us would notice much difference.
Are you implying that you would shoot African-Americans there?
22-10-2004, 16:22
True enough, but I was unaware of internal 'factions' of Italy. Don't tell me you've got African-Italians and American-Italians to deal with?
Everyone is just italiano! None of that americano us census favorites!!!
22-10-2004, 16:23
They have Venetians, Sicilians, Sardinians, etc, etc...
No. Moors/Barbarians and Italians. If immigration stops, italians will begin to breed everythinmg foreign out!
Dobbs Town
22-10-2004, 16:23
Don't like political correctness? Well there's only one thing for it - consciously, and with much tongue in cheek, skewer the sad little PC gits. Don't bother listing the symptoms of their madness, you'll be here 'til the cows come home.
Just savage the humourless little shits.
22-10-2004, 16:24
I thought you were dead? lol
No. I don't ally with a barbarian, i want the roman structure, non fascismo.. very funny :D
No. Moors/Barbarians and Italians. If immigration stops, italians will begin to breed everythinmg foreign out!
Now Mr. Mussolini, honestly, what difference does it make...we're all people.
22-10-2004, 16:25
Doesn't mean you're the same people. Mussolini was gullible, i want the roman structure, and i'm just pointing out where some people come from... Auxilleries shouldn't be ashamed ;)
22-10-2004, 16:26
Call my Signor Marzullo!! Or or.. Emperor Marzullo :) Maybe more roman, EMPEROR MAXUS :p
There is no fundamental reason why you, I presume an Italian Christian, cannot get along with an Islamic immigrant....unless you want to try to prove otherwise, could be interesting...
Will Muzza do, by the way?
22-10-2004, 16:28
On the one hand we have PC (which is just a coverup for prejudices anyway) and on the other we have actually being respectful of other people, and say, not using terms that will offend them. A novel concept, no? :p
On the whole African-American thing, but kinda off topic, I was watching John Safran vs. God the other night. (Only the Aussies will get that reference, but hey) John was receiving this exorcism from this American Tele-exorcist. Since John had taken part in traditional African ceremonies, the exorcist got all these African-American's to come up and vanquish the evil African spirits from John. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Why force people to reject their heritage? I mean, sure they might not follow traditional beliefs now, but why degrade them?
22-10-2004, 16:28
No. I love my roman gods & goddesses, donm't sterotype me! Christianity ruined italia & made constantinople weak for muslim invasion!@!
22-10-2004, 16:29
I am FOR seperation of church & state, and i don't care about your religious beliefs, but take your governmet first and its customs of roman tradition, like our ancestry gods that made us strong!!
Darsylonian Theocrats
22-10-2004, 16:29
They have Venetians, Sicilians, Sardinians, etc, etc...not that any of us would notice much difference.
Are you implying that you would shoot African-Americans there?
Oh my, no. I was implying they should shoot people who get too caught up in having to be "different and special" to that degree. I'll admit a bit of ignorance here - I dont know anything about Sicilian vs. Venetian, or any other. I assumed that was just a city/state thing. People in the US generally have no problem claiming to be Texan if that's where they're from, but they dont need to attach it to anything else, we know they're american.. even if we joke about how we wish they weren't.
If I supported the killing of other races, I'd be endorsing the removal of some of the best looking women I've ever seen. Can't have that.
22-10-2004, 16:30
There is noone in italia but italians... Don't pick on the people from mediteranea not dirty europa!!
Lex Terrae
22-10-2004, 16:31
That song is going to totally piss off the little green people from Mars. Then they're going to attack Earth with rayguns and flying saucers. Thank you PC police. You've doomed us!
22-10-2004, 16:32
Like the NAACP, like liberal ACLU, like biased Affirmative Action... My organization has a reason & a purpose...
22-10-2004, 16:33
There is no fundamental reason why you, I presume an Italian Christian, cannot get along with an Islamic immigrant....unless you want to try to prove otherwise, could be interesting...
Will Muzza do, by the way?
No. Giuseppe Mazzini!
No. I love my roman gods & goddesses, donm't sterotype me! Christianity ruined italia & made constantinople weak for muslim invasion!@!
You know, it would be kinda amusing to see Italy try and rebuild an empire. Oh wait, they kinda lost last time. Oh well.
Oh my, no. I was implying they should shoot people who get too caught up in having to be "different and special" to that degree. I'll admit a bit of ignorance here - I dont know anything about Sicilian vs. Venetian, or any other. I assumed that was just a city/state thing. People in the US generally have no problem claiming to be Texan if that's where they're from, but they dont need to attach it to anything else, we know they're american.. even if we joke about how we wish they weren't.
If I supported the killing of other races, I'd be endorsing the removal of some of the best looking women I've ever seen. Can't have that.
Oh, well, I'll let you off the hook. :)
For the record, I don't know a whole lot about Italy myself. I was just making a somewhat educated guess.
I was watching John Safran vs. God the other night.
Agh, I missed that :(
No. Giuseppe Mazzini!
OK Muzza, you got it.
22-10-2004, 16:37
So any aesetically-unattractive intellectually-disadvantaged vertically-challenged same-sex-preference enhanced-weight-differential people here? :p
22-10-2004, 16:37
You know, it would be kinda amusing to see Italy try and rebuild an empire. Oh wait, they kinda lost last time. Oh well.
Oh, well, I'll let you off the hook. :)
For the record, I don't know a whole lot about Italy myself. I was just making a somewhat educated guess.
Agh, I missed that :(
No, i don't want to inherit barbarians! Peaceful nation... But if i'm attacked, i would humiliate your people!! I'm talking russian tactics of rape, torture... noone will bother you again! make a province out of that country and overr-extend its military so in another confluct they can swarm your enemy while the italians get to rest, get their supply line in order, and strategy hehe
Ah, Political Correctness. My favourite is the story of the official in Washington DC's City Hall who was forced to resign for saying "niggardly" in a staff meeting.
Dumb niggards.
22-10-2004, 16:40
Mussolini made many mistakes. #1, allying with a disgraceful barbarian!! #2, not staying neutral until threatened, then joining the allies... Get some germa land grabs in the end!
Lex Terrae
22-10-2004, 16:41
Ah, Political Correctness. My favourite is the story of the official in Washington DC's City Hall who was forced to resign for saying "niggardly" in a staff meeting.
Dumb niggards.
Darsylonian Theocrats
22-10-2004, 16:41
So any aesetically-unattractive intellectually-disadvantaged vertically-challenged same-sex-preference enhanced-weight-differential people here? :p
Ugly, retarded, short, gay, and fat? Are you trying to start a political debate? :)
22-10-2004, 16:44
Agh, I missed that
It wasn't that great, although it was the last in the series. :(
Just a little aside here, I really don't like the term "political correctness gone mad." First because it's a cliche and secondly because I've heard it used too many times by people who are obviously racist or discriminatory in some way... (Obviously this situation is different as it is ridiculous...) It's kinda like "I'm not racist but..." or "some of my best friends are black." :p
Mussolini made many mistakes. #1, allying with a disgraceful barbarian!!
#2, not staying neutral until threatened, then joining the allies... Get some germa land grabs in the end!
Unfortunately for him, the Allies were quite annoyed with Ethiopia...and thus were unwilling to back Mussolini when he, as well as the Austrian and Hungarian leaders condemned Hitler's expansionist policies and violation of the Versailles treaty, leaving Italy in danger of becoming completely diplomatically isolated. Originally, Mussolini saw your way as the best idea, but circumstances forced him to change and he found a seemingly natural ally in Hitler.
22-10-2004, 16:47
Columbus was a genoan traitor to spain! Ground for crucifixion!! Romans discovered america...
22-10-2004, 16:49
Romans discovered america...
Weren't the Native Americans there already? :p
22-10-2004, 16:49
Unfortunately for him, the Allies were quite annoyed with Ethiopia...and thus were unwilling to back Mussolini when he, as well as the Austrian and Hungarian leaders condemned Hitler's expansionist policies, leaving Italy in danger of becoming completely diplomatically isolated. Originally, Mussolini saw your way as the best idea, but circumstances forced him to change and he found a seemingly natural ally in Hitler.
Well mussolini didn't like when hitler invaded poland..... Ah ethiopia, i would have took that country nice and easy... If they have a good troop size, i'd smash them with artillery and planes, barrage them with my navy... sending troops in is not my first move unlss it was a surprise attack, then yes...
22-10-2004, 16:50
Weren't the Native Americans there already? :p
Yes, but as the superiors of the world, we found it and taught them how to use spears and such... evidence of early-romans using those tactics!
22-10-2004, 16:51
People just need to chill dude.
Ah ethiopia, i would have took that country nice and easy... If they have a good troop size, i'd smash them with artillery and planes, barrage them with my navy... sending troops in is not my first move unlss it was a surprise attack, then yes...
They did use planes, artillery, and tanks.
And they still copped a beating.
22-10-2004, 16:53
Problems in the supply line, problems with commanders, bad troop morale... i'd demand to find a solution!! my greant grandfather fought in the italian military stationed in napoli, told me they sent water instead of gasoline.
22-10-2004, 16:53
Ugly, retarded, short, gay, and fat? Are you trying to start a political debate? :)
Well, if a person with little education runs into this mumbo jumbo they will have trouble working out what I was really saying. Your translation was the original wording, but if PC it, it looks better.
The military are great with PC as well! Collateral damage anyone?
Problems in the supply line, problems with commanders, bad troop morale... i'd demand to find a solution!! my greant grandfather fought in the italian military stationed in napoli, told me they sent water instead of gasoline.
Uh-huh. Seems to me that those are pretty difficult things to fix.
I mean, you can shout and scream all you like but it wouldnt make soldiers fight harder or pull supplies out of their arses.
22-10-2004, 17:00
I'd increase pay, increase rotations, everyday rallies, propaganda (doesn't mean it's lies) etc etc... better food! What our plans are.....
Demented Hamsters
22-10-2004, 17:11
Ah, Political Correctness. My favourite is the story of the official in Washington DC's City Hall who was forced to resign for saying "niggardly" in a staff meeting.
Dumb niggards.
There was also a case where someone was immediately fired (then later reinstated) cause he used the word 'Pedagogy' in a memo. The CEO fired him, cause he didn't want any of those disgusting kiddie-diddling Pedgogs in his firm.
Once the 'mistake' was pointed out, a memo went round stating a new company policy that all words in memos for then on had to be only ones found in a Sunday newspaper. As a footnote, apparently the guy at the center of this made up his resignation letter by cutting out the words from a Sunday paper, ransom style.