Where can I see "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal"?
It is not fair that only people near Baltimore get to see this flick. I want to see it too. Can it be rented? maybe I should contact the local program director of one of the television stations.
I am very interested in seeing this documentary and determining for myself what the validity of it is.
19-10-2004, 02:07
It's not a documentary, it's a political infomercial. I'm sure you might be able to check your local video store.
It's not a documentary, it's a political infomercial. I'm sure you might be able to check your local video store.
It's in the Political Hackery section, I believe.
It's a real documentary, Michael Moore's film was propaganda junk. You won't find this doc easily as the Republican party didn't want it to be seen as an infommercial - it's only for limited viewing.
19-10-2004, 02:21
It's a real documentary.
Hahaha, yes and the "Drudge Report" is a real credible news source too according to you. I think I'll take your opinion with a box of salt.. *LOL*
19-10-2004, 02:27
It's a real documentary, Michael Moore's film was propaganda junk. You won't find this doc easily as the Republican party didn't want it to be seen as an infommercial - it's only for limited viewing.
Gee, if the Republican party had anything to do with this "documentary" then it would violate campaign election laws. And we all know the Republicans don't do anything illegal...right Tom Delay?
Sinclair Broadcasting is forcing its affiliates to show this. The two affiliates in my city have requested to not view it. They have been told they must, just like when Sinclair refused to allow them to honor our fallen troops a few months ago when Dateline read the names.
Sad...its ok to invade on false pretenses but its not ok to honor those who died as a result.