NationStates Jolt Archive

Just a little frustration

Eine Hund
14-10-2004, 23:38
Since I pay my own way through college and I just had the delightful experience of argueing with a liberal who, like all other college students takes to meaning that because they're studying a paticular subject they have the end all say. History in this case.

Going through economic classes (why they haven't labled it Marxism 212 instead I have no idea) was a tremendous frustration today because of a professor who spends half the time ranting about what an idiot Bush is socially (and spends the rest of the time in vain search to make applicable to the course)

For example, he complains that he never got a tax cut because he doesn't earn $100,000 which is a complete farce, using to it to make Bush look like he caters to the rich because my girlfriend who earns $32,000 a year recieved almost $2500 back. What he is leaving out for example is that he is a state employee (I go to Oregon State University) and is exempted from that because he pays less in taxes. It wasn't an outright lie, but an omission of truth is a lie all the same, if you ask me.

Or that Bush's unemployment numbers are awful. He quotes Clinton as being so much better at 4.1% leaving OUT the notion that Bush's numbers DO NOT include government employees, while Clinton's did. And he employed millions of new ones during his administration. That's an omission that no one is questioning, because to a student without any previous exerience in economics (as most of them are) and it seems terribly unfair to leave that impression on people who don't know any better.

The midterm test for example if you wanted to get the answer correct you had to write in that tax cuts go only to the wealthiest americans and the poor suffer. Not that decreasing marginal tax rates has always led a resurgance of economic performance leading to increased revenue to the government. That wasn't an option.

Any other University students want to include an example of unfairness in professors taking advantage of their position of authority to grind their own ideological ax? Please support it, don't just bitch "he's such a damn liberal!"

With the influx of kids getting home after school to complain about Bush I figured it was time for a bit of equalibrium. For the record, I'm a Merchandizing Management Student which is basically a specialized business degree in buying, which is why I take this course. It seems completely unfair that I have to pay to take classes where professors can so badly abuse their positions of authority.
Terra - Domina
14-10-2004, 23:41

you know what, you are absolutly correct

America isnt in an economic recession

there is no defecit

voodoo economics are working

the market is stronger than ever

now, go pray to god for the brave soldiers and say the pledge to the flag. Thanks a bunch.
Eine Hund
15-10-2004, 03:05
Voodoo economy was the plejorative term applied what it now called Reganomics, or rather decreasing the marginal tax rate and refocusing government spending priorities elsewhere.

The fact that they had to reorganize the misery index so that Bush would look worse is indicitive. GDP, Home Ownership, Wages and Borrowing are all considered economic indicators that lead experts to believe that if it's not out of a recession at the very least it's been far more shallow than would have been anticipated. Scope and depth are important just as much as the length of it.

There's no way you're going to by tossing out the same tired terms paint me as a hackneyed idiot. Sorry, but being snide doesn't quite cut it as intelligent discourse.
15-10-2004, 03:16
Voodoo economy was the plejorative term applied what it now called Reganomics, or rather decreasing the marginal tax rate and refocusing government spending priorities elsewhere.

The fact that they had to reorganize the misery index so that Bush would look worse is indicitive. GDP, Home Ownership, Wages and Borrowing are all considered economic indicators that lead experts to believe that if it's not out of a recession at the very least it's been far more shallow than would have been anticipated. Scope and depth are important just as much as the length of it.

There's no way you're going to by tossing out the same tired terms paint me as a hackneyed idiot. Sorry, but being snide doesn't quite cut it as intelligent discourse.
And the resulting recovery phase is very shallow compaired to what it should be like. As for the unemployment numbers, look at the participation rate. It has gone down, as has the employee-per-person ratio. That isn't the sign of a growing economy.
Eine Hund
15-10-2004, 03:20
Ever consider small business exempted from the survey?
15-10-2004, 04:05
well id be pissed that my time and money were being wasted with political rants even if i agreed with them.

unless the class happens to be "the effect of current policy on ecomonic trends" its pretty much inappropriate.

although what that has to do with arguing with a history major i cant imagine
Tuesday Heights
15-10-2004, 04:12
I withdrew from my Economics course because my professor wouldn't believe me when I said my group, who did a presentation on the Democratic Party had plagerized the entire thing - and when I changed it all the day before it was due - sold me out and tried to pretend like I was the "outsider" of the group.

Needless to say, her politics also were dispersed throughout the class, and I'm glad I got out of that hell hole, just like I'm glad you got out of yours.