NationStates Jolt Archive

An Open Letter To The People In My Head

Dobbs Town
11-10-2004, 09:25
I've never forgiven you for the humiliation you visited upon me when you chose to use my mouth, tongue and vocal chords to shout random phrases incessantly at the movie theatre last November. Just because you live inside my brainstem doesn't give you carte blanche to commandeer my motor systems.

Like you're doing now. Stop making me type. Let me get back to hatching my scheme to topple all systems of governance. You pests.

Consider this your notice of eviction. Please make your way to the nearest exit. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Put the brain down and step away from the cranium. Keep your hands (or feet, or pseudopods) above your head and out of mine.

That is all. Thank you.
11-10-2004, 10:18
I think this is why they call it General ...

Actually, I think this is called extreme General ...

Of course, the padding is on the walls rather then the elbows and knees, and the only other protective equipment restrains your arms,

11-10-2004, 11:35
You know, a good mouthwash should clean them all out.