NationStates Jolt Archive

Bad - The Lesser Of the Two Evils - or Neither.

07-10-2004, 15:21
I wanted to repost this in hopes to give it stronger public attention.

Originally titled "The Voter Consent Law"
it may have been too boring a title for several to read.
I hope you undertand. ^_^

Usually there are between 13 to 30 different people running for the Presidency of the United States, and generally Americans only know about 3 of them. It's a game of money. Only the wealthiest expenses can gain notice through US media.

There is a basic understanding that voters in America are comprised of the two major options with Democratic or Republican (3rd party candidates are far below the national interest). Both parties have been in control of the United States for decades and nothing has honestly been changed. America is still the same country it has always been.

My proposal is to create a Voter Consent Law for ALL city, state, and federal elections - by adding onto the candidate list the following PERMANT CHOICE of "None Of The Above".

[ ] Candidate A
[ ] Candidate B
[ ] None of the Above; For a New Election

A legitimate election requires the ability to withhold consent, and the legitimate consent for voting must require that voters be able to withhold consent to elections of office and request new candidates.

In any state with a permanent, binding "None of the Above" on the ballot, the list of candidates for each office would be followed by the votable line "NOTA - For a new election", or something similar to this need.

If NOTA gets more votes than any candidate for the office, then no one is elected to that office; instead, a follow-up by-election with new candidates must be held to fill that office, until a candidate wins a plurality of votes among all other candidates including "None of the Above."

Before you disagree with this as heresy, let me remind you that this Law is in effect for some American States such as Nevada, Missouri, and currently Massachusetts.