Who is your choice for US president?
I am curious what the Nation States' members majority vote would be.
American or otherwise.
Asylum Nova
05-10-2004, 19:20
I think this would be better as a poll...but meh.
Ralph Nader!! Boo-yah! XD
05-10-2004, 19:21
i may be british, but i would sat kerry any day :p
05-10-2004, 19:44
Have to go with Kerry. He's not as handsome as Bush, doesn't seem like he'd be as fun to hang out with, but I feel he'd run the country better then Bush. You never know, but that's just my opinion.
And come on... since, I'm, you know, nobody... shouldn't that matter? :P
Demonic Furbies
05-10-2004, 19:45
this time, none of the above. in four years, Guliani (sp?), if he runs.
05-10-2004, 20:03
sorry gota go with bush... retarded on iraq yes but what else? so he cant speak well in public.. im sure you can do better to millions of people watching you... but kerry? the guy who didnt throw his "own medals" over the white house walls because he forgot them at home? i use that excuse for homework. the guy who brang a video crew to film him being a hero in Vietnam? (sorry its true) How many other war heores brag about their medals? i havent heard any. what happened last time a democrat was elected? rape, impeachement. (clinton was a rapist when he was attorney general of arkansas but he was attorney general, who could charge him?) Kerry the guy who said he will do what it takes in iraq TO WIN, but the guy who didnt vote for the 80+ billion dollars, but who did for the war. kerry the guy who owns a shotgun he signed a bill to ban? where is Guliani? where is Powell? guess its all just about money.. oh well