NationStates Jolt Archive

Antarctic Ozone Hole Smaller This Year

Tuesday Heights
03-10-2004, 01:47
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A gaping hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica appears to have shrunk by about 20 percent from last year's record-breaking size, New Zealand scientists said on Friday.

The National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) said its measurements backed up NASA (news - web sites) satellite data showing the hole peaked at about 9 million sq miles compared with 11 million sq miles in 2003.

The ozone layer sits about 9-19 miles above the earth, filtering harmful ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer.

Industrial chemicals containing chlorine and bromine used in refrigerators and aerosols have been blamed for thinning the layer because they attack the ozone molecules, causing them to break apart.

NIWA scientist Stephen Wood cautioned against reading too much into the hole's smaller size, which he said was also influenced by natural variations.

"We need to see smaller or less severe ozone holes over a number of years before we can say for certain that ozone is recovering," he said in a statement.

The only inhabited area that might possibly be affected by the hole would be the southern tip of South America, he said.

Under the 1987 Montreal Protocol, more than 180 signatory states have committed to phasing out the use of nearly 100 ozone-damaging substances.

In 2002, the ozone hole suddenly shrank, raising hopes it had turned the corner and was starting to close but some scientists later put it down to an abnormality caused by atmospheric conditions.

Source: Yahoo News (

I didn't know the ozone hole was capable of "closing" itself, so to speak...
03-10-2004, 05:53
In 2002, the ozone hole suddenly shrank, raising hopes it had turned the corner and was starting to close but some scientists later put it down to an abnormality caused by atmospheric conditions.

Source: Yahoo News (

I didn't know the ozone hole was capable of "closing" itself, so to speak...

Well, basically what they mean by "closing" is that finally the atmosphere is cleared enough of the harmful chemicals, that ozone will stop being destroyed at the rate it is. Hence, the ozone hole will close as the ozone that is being generated is not being destroyed.
But that's not expected to happen for some time now, I think 2060s is when scientists estimate it will finally get to that point.
Scientists also estimate that it will continue to grow until 2025ish. The estimates are based on the emission of harmful gases into the air and their phase outs.
I don't have any authorities because I'm remembering this from a paper I took a wee while ago...sorry ;)

Oooh, as an aside, I hear that a small ozone hole has appearred over the Arctic... Which is just fantastic because finally the ones most responsible for the hole down here can deal with it's freaking consequences.... :P
How do you like that eh? Now it's your turn to taste the wrath of the sun and skin cancer in 5 minutes...
Demented Hamsters
03-10-2004, 06:09
I second that one about the Northern hemisphere getting a taste of it's own medicine. When I lived in NZ, you couldn't spend more than a few minutes outside in summer without going crayfish-pink. I moved to HK at the height of summer this year and have been walking round in t-shirt and shorts and have actually gotten whiter! Smog and ozone cover has stopped those pesky UVs.
On a side issue, anyone else see the news report that Russia is on the verge of signing the Kyoto protocol? Hopefully more pressure on US and Oz to do so now.
03-10-2004, 06:09
"We're not quite dead yet. We're feeling better"
03-10-2004, 11:02
On a side issue, anyone else see the news report that Russia is on the verge of signing the Kyoto protocol? Hopefully more pressure on US and Oz to do so now.

Really, hmm interesting. That'd be great if the US did, but I can't help but feel that it's very very unlikely.

BTW, you know that the Kyoto Protocol is climate change and not ozone depletion eh? The US were actually one of the driving forces behind the ozone depletion regime, they did one thing right huh...
03-10-2004, 11:36
WELLINGTON (Reuters) -

Top of the NPC baby!!
03-10-2004, 13:22
Some good news

other than

(1) Increased global earthquakes
(2) Mt Etna and St Helens going to blow
(3) Stubborn US and Oz refusing to acknowledge their role in global warming
(4) Messed up climate patterns
(5) Dying coral worldwide