POSITIVE discrimination, is there such thing?
02-10-2004, 20:33
Discrimination - unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice
Now we all here about discrimination where a certain race or culture or gender or whatever are treated as inferiors. I'm certain most of us on here agree that's wrong.
Now what if that discrimination is to treat them as superiors? Is this still condemnable?
For example, race A is the majority in country X. Races B and C are minorities there. Race A discriminates against Race B saying they are inferiors, but treat race C with the utmost respect, believing they are superior.
Are both equally condemnable?
Now consider, what if the people of Race A are correct and people of Race B truly are inferior and people of Race C truly are superior? Does your opinion change?
New Foxxinnia
02-10-2004, 20:37
Those Chinese
...they can fly!
Simple answer: Yes.
Complex answer: When you say treated as inferiors, are we referring to a legal standpoint, or a personal standpoint? I don't care how they view others from a personal standpoint. That's their prerogative.
From a legal standpoint, it is my opinion that all people (however inferior or superior) have the right to a base level of equal treatment, protection, and freedoms.
Of course, whether someone is superior or inferior is entirely relative to what you gauge as superior and inferior traits, and how you judge these traits.
Alias City
02-10-2004, 21:45
i neither no nor care
discrimination is discrimination. for example, employing something because the government says you have to have so many of their race in your company is discriminating against people not of his race. the best person for the position should be chosen regardless of race, gender etc.
The Land of Glory
02-10-2004, 21:58
Well said Nadkor.
There would be an uproar if white people were treated as superior to non-whites in any case, but today in some Western countries non-white citizens are treated with preferrance to "race A". How can this be right?
In Britain Tony Blair's Labour Party constantly promises equality but it is uncommon to go a month without hearing of a case of positive discrimination.
Positive discrimination is merely discrimination against all other groups seen from another perspective.
A prime example: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/printFriendly/0,,1-152-1288628,00.html
02-10-2004, 22:08
Well said Nadkor.
There would be an uproar if white people were treated as superior to non-whites in any case, but today in some Western countries non-white citizens are treated with preferrance to "race A". How can this be right?
In Britain Tony Blair's Labour Party constantly promises equality but it is uncommon to go a month without hearing of a case of positive discrimination.
Positive discrimination is merely discrimination against all other groups seen from another perspective.
I absolutely agree with you. We had such cases in Germany in respect to woman in the public administration who were prefered towards man. The European Court of justice considered this "positive discrimination" as a violation of human rights.
I can only recommend that people donĀ“t chew this discrimination. There is no positive discrimination. Our constituition (from 1949) says that noone should be discriminated nor favoured because of his/her sex, ancestory, race, language, home or belonging, his/her faith, religous or political believes.
It says neither discriminated or favoured. While the first is taken care of the latter one is often ignored. And this is just wrong.
no. if its positive towards one group its negative towrds others.
03-10-2004, 00:06
Well said Nadkor.
There would be an uproar if white people were treated as superior to non-whites in any case, but today in some Western countries non-white citizens are treated with preferrance to "race A". How can this be right?
In Britain Tony Blair's Labour Party constantly promises equality but it is uncommon to go a month without hearing of a case of positive discrimination.
Positive discrimination is merely discrimination against all other groups seen from another perspective.
A prime example: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/printFriendly/0,,1-152-1288628,00.html
I wholeheartedly agree. As a female of Eurasian descent, I want to right to be judged and hopefully promoted on my own worth, not because of some stupid piece of quota-filling legislation. I always refuse to fill in anything that asks, "What is your ethnic origin/racial group/etc?"
Neo Kyushu
03-10-2004, 00:14
You could sort of refer to Affirmative Action as positive discrimination. Its purpose is good, but the effect is reverse discrimination.
Discrimination - unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice
Now we all here about discrimination where a certain race or culture or gender or whatever are treated as inferiors. I'm certain most of us on here agree that's wrong.
Now what if that discrimination is to treat them as superiors? Is this still condemnable?
For example, race A is the majority in country X. Races B and C are minorities there. Race A discriminates against Race B saying they are inferiors, but treat race C with the utmost respect, believing they are superior.
Are both equally condemnable?
Now consider, what if the people of Race A are correct and people of Race B truly are inferior and people of Race C truly are superior? Does your opinion change?
Well, the Europeans said that Africans should be slaves because they weren't as smart, and they were stronger...
From personal experience, a lot of black kids I know are really stupid, and ever noticed how 90% of track runners in the Olympics are black (except the Russians)?
But I still think slavery is wrong...
03-10-2004, 01:01
Well, the Europeans said that Africans should be slaves because they weren't as smart, and they were stronger...
From personal experience, a lot of black kids I know are really stupid, and ever noticed how 90% of track runners in the Olympics are black (except the Russians)?
But I still think slavery is wrong...
::shakes head::
Perhaps you have met a lot of black kids that are really stupid... that may or may not be true. I would suspect if it were true, it would rather be an indication of the local education for said black kids. I have not yet met a black kid that couldn't learn, given the opportunity to learn.
As for the track runners... someone once told me about "fast twitch" muscles vs. "slow twitch" muscles. Something about certain races having more of one type than the other. Never heard anything else about that tho.
03-10-2004, 01:07
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "POSITIVE" DISCRIMINATION YOU IDIOT! All discrimination is negative and wrong! Stop trying to justify the oppression that minorities like me get.
Now consider, what if the people of Race A are correct and people of Race B truly are inferior and people of Race C truly are superior? Does your opinion change?
And I thought such quant views on race were outdated. ;)
Good call, using "Race A/B/C" instead of saying what you're really thinking:
white people think blacks are inferior and asians are superior. Now what if blacks truly are inferior and asians trule are superior? Does your opinion change?
From personal experience, a lot of black kids I know are really stupid, and ever noticed how 90% of track runners in the Olympics are black (except the Russians)?
But I still think slavery is wrong...
Liberated Kamchatka
03-10-2004, 01:11
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "POSITIVE" DISCRIMINATION YOU IDIOT! All discrimination is negative and wrong! Stop trying to justify the oppression that minorities like me get.
Hell, you've got affirmative action running for your ass, companies have to hire certain amounts of your people or face discrimination law suits. There are ethnic-only programs!
If white people tried affirmative action, set a quote for how many whites should be employed, or ran a whites-only program, there would be red flags shooting up over every single news program in the country. Next thing you know, the guy who started it all trying to balance the playing field where the ethnic has been given a large advantage over the white, is in front of a podium saying "I'm terribly sorry for what I've done, I love ethnics, I took a trip to Mexico once, please hire me!"
You're like one of those "oppressed" punk rocker kids. What are they oppressed by? Their parents. What are you oppressed by? Misconception.