NationStates Jolt Archive

If you could have anyone rule the world who would it be?

02-10-2004, 01:21
If you could have one person rule the world, THAT ISN'T YOU who would it be?
02-10-2004, 01:22
Jesus Christ
The Underground City
02-10-2004, 01:23
One of my friends, probably. I know them best.
02-10-2004, 01:24
Alexander the Great, or Octavian Augustus Caesar, even though he'd be a prick.
02-10-2004, 01:25
Jesus Christ
I'll second that
Cannot think of a name
02-10-2004, 01:25
I'll sneak in a spoiler sport answer early for a change and say-no one.

I do not think that central ruler for the whole Earth is a good idea. There is no way he could effectivly meet the needs of the populace, nor do I think that kind of unity of thought would be anything other than oppressive in the long run.
Chess Squares
02-10-2004, 01:25
um ythe guy that looks and acts and thinks just like me, but isnt me :whistle: or :wink: whichever works or doesnt

Willie Wonka, that counts right?
Tuesday Heights
02-10-2004, 01:33
Myself, because I'm a prentintious asshole who thinks she knows everything.
02-10-2004, 01:43
I'd have to say Jesus, as long as he:

A. Doesn't impose Christianity on everyone.
B. Is as liberal as I think/hope he is.

Although Jack Kevorkian would be funny (in a sick and twisted sort of way) to see as world leader.

"Ohh those poor 3rd world countries. I better go nuke them."
02-10-2004, 01:51
Jon Stewart

or possibly the characters of Dr. Strangelove
The Underground City
02-10-2004, 01:55
I'd have to say Jesus, as long as he:

B. Is as liberal as I think/hope he is.

I expect if Jesus were to come back, many christians wouldn't believe it really was him.
Von Witzleben
02-10-2004, 02:05
My goldfish.
Glinde Nessroe
02-10-2004, 02:07
Oprah Winfrey
02-10-2004, 02:09

If for some reason I couldn't pick him, then Myrth. 'Nuff said!
02-10-2004, 02:12
I expect if Jesus were to come back, many christians wouldn't believe it really was him.
Meh, it doesn't matter. Then he'd be just a regular old politician except not quite as fat, lying, and self-rightious.
02-10-2004, 02:13
do they have to be alive?

if not: einstein. he didn't want power when it was offered to him, he'd be perfect for it.

if so: billie joe armstrong. just because he kicks ass.
Deranged Chinchillas
02-10-2004, 02:24
Well the only way someone would want someone to rule the world would be if it was them. I'd want someone that I could either control through a puppet dictatorship or who I could overthrow quite easily.
02-10-2004, 02:32
do they have to be alive?
No, they don't even have to be real or human.
02-10-2004, 02:43
George W Bush...

Now this may shock you since I am a proud Liberal.

However I'd make myself his "Advisor in Chief on All Matters" with full access to all comand authority. Infact I would do so much "advising" it would be years before anyone would know ol' GW was dead.
Chess Squares
02-10-2004, 02:49
Ruler of the world: Ronald McDonald
Prime Minister: The Hamburglar
Minister of Foreign Stuff: Grimace
Minister of Intelligence: Birdie
Parliament: Fry Guys
02-10-2004, 14:38
Guy Verhofstadt
02-10-2004, 14:44
Michael Palin.
02-10-2004, 14:48
A telepathically connected clone of myself!
02-10-2004, 14:49
Pope Hope
02-10-2004, 14:50
Dave Thomas, then all of us would become part of one giant pan global Wendy's super location. I don't know why I want this, but I assume it has something to do with having only slept about 6 hours in the past 48.
Battery Charger
02-10-2004, 14:53
If I had the power to make such a decision I wouldn't grant such power to any single person.

And having one person as the world dictator wouldn't lead to oppression, it'd start with it. You'd have kill a lot of people to put one person in charge of the survivors.
02-10-2004, 14:58
A coalition of smart, peaceful countries that don't have business interest in the way they would rule the world. A few countries come to mind that would make up this coalition. Norway, Canada, New Zealand, Belgium, basically most of Scandinavia.
02-10-2004, 15:05
A coalition of smart, peaceful countries that don't have business interest in the way they would rule the world. A few countries come to mind that would make up this coalition. Norway, Canada, New Zealand, Belgium, basically most of Scandinavia.

You can take us out of that when Don Brash wins the next election.
Demented Hamsters
02-10-2004, 15:07
It'd be one hell of a party while it lasted.
Demented Hamsters
02-10-2004, 15:08
You can take us out of that when Don Brash wins the next election.
I haven't been keeping up with the news back home. What is happening in the political polls?
Legless Pirates
02-10-2004, 15:13
- 2 Monkeys
- Big Bird
- Barbapappa
- a satanist metalhead
02-10-2004, 15:16
I haven't been keeping up with the news back home. What is happening in the political polls?

Brash failed to follow up on his Owera speech and has droped down again. I think he's trying to come up with an economic policy, but after bashing the policy that has created a massive boom and got a grip on inflation, he is probably having trouble creating one that justifies his attacks.,2106,3045507a6442,00.html
26 September 2004

Prime Minister Helen Clark is widening her lead on National's Don Brash in the latest Sunday Star-Times/BRC poll.

The poll also showed strong acceptance of the Maori Party as a potential coalition partner for Labour or National, finding 67% of respondents would support a party that formed a coalition with Tariana Turia's party.

In the nationwide survey of 750 voters, conducted from September 14-23, Labour's support was unchanged since August on 42%, while National's support dropped one point to 36%.

NZ First was up one point to 6%, the Greens up two to 7%, Act was unchanged on 3%, United Future down one to 3%, and the Maori Party down one to 2%.

The preferred prime minister stakes showed Helen Clark's rating rose five points from 47% in August to 52%, while National leader Don Brash fell four points from 34% to 30%.
Demented Hamsters
03-10-2004, 07:03
Well I'm glad to see some semblance of sanity has happened back home. I was hoping the Orewa speech poll thing was just a temporary knee-jerk reaction and once it had died down, ppl would be a bit more circumspect and rational. I don't know about the Maori party coalition though. I can't see Turiana being much adept at controlling any sort of party. The only Maori I can think of as being a suitable leader is Tamihere, but that's probably not going to happen.
Speaking of leaders, I would love to see Cullen Prime Minister. His intelligence and wit would be greatly appreciated.
03-10-2004, 07:11
Bob Marley.
Arcadian Mists
03-10-2004, 07:11
Any major character from Planet of the Apes. Except the human.
Crazed Stuntmen
03-10-2004, 07:21
Steve-O!! All hail the supreme jackass!! ::headbang::
03-10-2004, 07:24
i would not have any one person rule anything ever period.

if i was going into battle i'd want a general who knew what
he was doing but i wouldn't put him in charge of anything
other then military opperations ever period either.

03-10-2004, 07:45
Kermit the frog....

...with my hand up his ass.
Arcadian Mists
03-10-2004, 07:46
Kermit the frog....

...with my hand up his ass.

You just got my vote. Who's VP?
03-10-2004, 07:50
A robot that I built and is controlled by me! Does that count?
03-10-2004, 08:01
You just got my vote. Who's VP?

Ms. Piggy, for diversity...and to keep the pres happy
03-10-2004, 08:02
Ms. Piggy, for diversity...and to keep the pres happy

Good God I can't stand Ms. Piggy anymore. Jeez those stupid Pizza Hut commerical that stupid pig is in.
03-10-2004, 08:04
Good God I can't stand Ms. Piggy anymore. Jeez those stupid Pizza Hut commerical that stupid pig is in. she could get her fat ass up that rope. She belongs back on my grill with an apple in her mouth.

What's green and smells like pork?

Kermit's finger.
New Granada
03-10-2004, 08:54
Noam Chomsky, or maybe the Dalai Lama or Buddha
03-10-2004, 09:12
FASCINATING! Given the opportunity, people refuse to let ME rule the world by means of..."non-pain"!

*writes this down for future references for influ-...ah hell, torture!*
03-10-2004, 10:20
i vote colodia. :D
03-10-2004, 10:27
i vote colodia. :D
you just might've saved a hundred lives today....
03-10-2004, 10:30
you just might've saved a hundred lives today....
i sure hope so... well, as long as they're not too happy...
03-10-2004, 10:32
Almost everyone thinks that they should rule the world...Perhaps a more appropriate question would be either "How would YOU rule the World?" or "What would you do as a U.S President?"
03-10-2004, 10:41
Almost everyone thinks that they should rule the world...Perhaps a more appropriate question would be either "How would YOU rule the World?" or "What would you do as a U.S President?"
Make sure people like you don't ask further questions. A free mind isn't that good for a dictator.
03-10-2004, 10:46
Make sure people like you don't ask further questions. A free mind isn't that good for a dictator.

Well, you COULD be a benign ruler...Plus you could name some specific policies...Personally, I think it'd be more interesting to find out what you would do as a U.S President...

::Hides from Colodias' Death Squad::
03-10-2004, 10:49
Well, you COULD be a benign ruler...Plus you could name some specific policies...Personally, I think it'd be more interesting to find out what you would do as a U.S President...

::Hides from Colodias' Death Squad::

You cannot hide from the death squad. They are your neighbords. Your family. Your friends. Your own pets even!
Loveliness and hope2
03-10-2004, 11:01
Einstein. He definately knew what he was talking about.
World government, it is the only way to stop wars n stuff. Though a main problem being that as the world mainly works through utilitarian ideas, small countries would be introuble.

Meh, hes a smart guy, he'd figure it out.
03-10-2004, 11:04
I made a "What would you do as a U.S President?" Thread...
Alias City
03-10-2004, 14:35
homer simpson
03-10-2004, 14:56
Jesus Christ
Another vote for Jesus here!
03-10-2004, 22:58 she could get her fat ass up that rope. She belongs back on my grill with an apple in her mouth.

What's green and smells like pork?

Kermit's finger.

Works for me!
Irrational Numbers
03-10-2004, 23:19
04-10-2004, 00:16
I'd have to say Jesus, as long as he:
A. Doesn't impose Christianity on everyone.
B. Is as liberal as I think/hope he is.

Well lets consider Jesus Christ, then these two worries should hopefully become nil. If Jesus was sitting right next to you how would you ever know? He would not tell you he is Jesus, he is much to humble to brag. If Jesus was going to vote for a candidate he would not force or impose you to vote for that same cadidate, that defeats Free Will. Would he really be so simple minded to impose a label of Liberal or Conservative upon you, now really would he? In my own personal truth I say no he would not. Nobody would ever know unless he chose for it to be known out of his own free will. Yes or No?

Why would he be liberal or why would he be Conservative, I say why ask why? Isn't "why" a question that is answered through personal truths when we deal with personal decisions? Take a man that does not move out of the way of a rock thrown at him. Why wouldn't he move, you might ask. This will have many different answers from many different people with many different personal truths. Was it because the man loves pain? Was it because the man was to slow to move? Or was it because he knew by moving, that rock would only strike those that stood behind him? That is 'why' before I make a decision, I ask myself what would Jesus do? We must ask the question of 'why' to each of us in order to know the answer for that specific person. 'Why' do some give everything while others give nothing? Because some are humble enough to sacrifice while others are not?
04-10-2004, 00:18
Vladimir Lenin or my best friend Travis...
The Water Cooler
04-10-2004, 00:38
A sock-puppet of mine.

Long live the sock!
04-10-2004, 00:47
This sweet little pookah snookah right here. (
04-10-2004, 02:03
Spongebob Squarepants
04-10-2004, 02:07
An AI program made by me.
The Bay of St Louis
04-10-2004, 02:26
w00t! Another vote for Jesus!

Even though he already does, in a sense, rule the world. But I know what you mean, pick a person to rule _directly_.
04-10-2004, 02:29
Jesus Christ

Well, I have joked about that before. Say he was running for president or something, could you imagine the Anti-Jesus smear campaign?

He claims to have walked on water, people, it's called "ice." He has been reported turning water into whine on several occasions, that sounds like a drinking problem to me. Of all of his 12 disciples, not one was a woman. Tell jesus to stop holding our souls for ransom for political gain


I would have to say. . .Ronald Reagan. :D
04-10-2004, 02:33
I would naturally install a leader who was sympathetic to my causes and easily malleable. Someone who would never have me killed and would pretty much let me have my way in almost everything. Without a doubt I would have to vote mother!
04-10-2004, 02:45
Well, I have joked about that before. Say he was running for president or something, could you imagine the Anti-Jesus smear campaign?

He claims to have walked on water, people, it's called "ice." He has been reported turning water into whine on several occasions, that sounds like a drinking problem to me. Of all of his 12 disciples, not one was a woman. Tell jesus to stop holding our souls for ransom for political gain


I would have to say. . .Ronald Reagan. :D

I'd choose satan over that man
04-10-2004, 03:00
I'd choose satan over that man
I was kidding about that. Lol. (Although, Satan could be a good choice. . .) AS much as I liked good ol' Reagan as a president, I wouldn't want him ruling the world.
Fat Rich People
04-10-2004, 03:12
First person I thought of when I saw the thread was...


04-10-2004, 03:22
Michael Palin.

yay! i totally agree!!
04-10-2004, 04:18
Brian the dog from the cartoon Family Guy
04-10-2004, 04:24
Pierre Elliot Trudeau
04-10-2004, 20:23
I am going to try something dangerous and add some meaningfull discussion to this.
I feel that you can tell a great deal about a person depending on their answer to this question. Obviously, you can tell if someone is a christian if they picked Jesus. However, you can also tell if a person is genuanly interested in the wellfare of the world or their own personal gain. (like me) Thoughts? Comments? Flaming?
Onion Pirates
04-10-2004, 20:40
Dead non american: Well, I like Jesus, but others here don't, so how about Buddha? He was cool.

Dead American: The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior. He grew into his role, and outgrew his personal problems. He was a genius, compassionate, dedicated, and nobody's fool. He was an idealist but not naive.

Living non american: The Dalhi Lama. He has a great sense of humor, which would definitely help.
Desmond Tutu. Not naive, plus has a good sense of humor.

Living American:
Jimmy Carter. He is, as Sarek said to Spock, a "person of good character".
John Edwards. He seems to hate rich people, and so do I.
Onion Pirates
04-10-2004, 20:47
In response to the poster who asked what you'd do if you ruled, despite the clear topic heading, I'd do DNA alterations on the world so that there would be no more free will. All laws would be voluntarily obeyed. Failing that I would institute instant justice, so that if you drove over the center line, a circular saw would rise up out of the line and cut you and your car in half.

I'm just tired of being nice.

And I haven't taken my medications lately (that's true, in fact).
04-10-2004, 20:53
If I have to go for a fictional character it would be a choice between Captain Jean Luc Picard (of Spaceship Enterpriese) or Commander Data.
Well, probably Data should be his chief advisor.
04-10-2004, 21:08
I'd have to say Jesus, as long as he:

A. Doesn't impose Christianity on everyone.

This posting made me believe that the poster doesn't know what Christanity is. Here is a brief summary of what I believe (emphasis to denote that belief does, indeed, vary from person to person.)

To me, Christianity is the belief that:
1. All humans sin
2. None who have sinned can enter heaven
3. God sent Jesus, who is actually part of God, to die for all sins, past and present, so that we may be forgiven.
4. God did this because he wants to have a relationship with each and every one of us, and Christ's death gives us all the choice of whether or not to be with God.
5. In order to accept forgiveness, we must confess that we are guilty and simply accept the gift that is Jesus Christ.

If Jesus Christ was ruler, he wouldn't force anyone to believe anything. He died so that we could have a choice. Why would he then take that choice away?
Aryan Supremacy
04-10-2004, 21:24
John Tyndall.
04-10-2004, 21:28
Joe Gibbs.
Onion Pirates
04-10-2004, 21:30
Joe Gibbs.

Let me guess: a Cleveland Browns fan?
04-10-2004, 21:32
Lord Nelson
04-10-2004, 21:36
A random SKA band.