Vietnam POW's Wives Speak Out
02-10-2004, 00:06
02-10-2004, 00:07
You are certainly shaping up into a nice counterweight to MKULTRA.
What I see:
"blahblahblah INVOLVED WITH SWIFTIES! Brain begining shutdown in 5...4..3..2..1...we have ignore." really ARE becoming the right winged MKULTRA
02-10-2004, 00:33
Even though it's from Swifties, I'm sure it has some merit. After all, that bastard Kerry did cover up evidence that hundreds of our POWs were left behind (they weren't all returned in 1973; many "live sightings" did not come home).
02-10-2004, 00:51
First of all: tell me how Kerry covered up evidence of unreturned POWs? You'd think the Swifties would have made something of this by now.
Kerry testified the other POWs, who wished to remain anonymous, had told him of commiting atrocities and of being ordered to commit them. Is it a lie that atrocities were commited? Absolutely not. They were commited by US forces and by both vietnamese sides, and were not done soley by enlisted men. However, Kerry never said that all US personel engaged in atrocities.
Chess Squares
02-10-2004, 00:58
Even though it's from Swifties, I'm sure it has some merit. After all, that bastard Kerry did cover up evidence that hundreds of our POWs were left behind (they weren't all returned in 1973; many "live sightings" did not come home).
if it involves the SBVAK, it just lost all credibility
02-10-2004, 01:09
First of all: tell me how Kerry covered up evidence of unreturned POWs? You'd think the Swifties would have made something of this by now.
Kerry testified the other POWs, who wished to remain anonymous, had told him of commiting atrocities and of being ordered to commit them. Is it a lie that atrocities were commited? Absolutely not. They were commited by US forces and by both vietnamese sides, and were not done soley by enlisted men. However, Kerry never said that all US personel engaged in atrocities.
A)Not all POWs were returned.
B)Yes, all sides committed atrocities. Atrocities are committed in every war, by every side. During the Vietnam War, though, the communists committed the most barbarous atrocities, and they committed them far more frequently than did the other side.
Tuesday Heights
02-10-2004, 01:34
You are certainly shaping up into a nice counterweight to MKULTRA.
Especially when posting a link/article/whatever and not actually commenting on it... :rolleyes: