What do you think of Catholics?
La Terra di Liberta
01-10-2004, 18:22
I'm a Protestant, although many of my good friends are Catholic. Of course there's the crossing yourself thing at supper but they don't mind that I don't. Overall, I'm fine with them and honeslty am annoyed by protestants who rant on about how they aren't Christians and about the Pope and this and that. What are your thoughts?
01-10-2004, 18:26
I'm Roman Catholic, and I will admit that it irritates me when Protestants claim I'm not a true Christian, especially when all the various Protestant faiths are derived from Catholicism.
01-10-2004, 18:27
I disagree with a lot of elements of Catholic doctrine (purgatory, transubstantiation, and praying to the saints and Mary being but a few), but I do think that the R.C. church is basically Christian. Every Christian denomination contains some true believers in Jesus, and some who attend for cultural/social reasons without actually believing. I like to hope that the believers:unbelievers ratio in my denomination (Vineyard) is quite high, and I fear that the ratio among the RC's may be quite low, but God only knows.
La Terra di Liberta
01-10-2004, 18:27
My church stems off the Anglicans, which came from the Catholics.
01-10-2004, 18:53
I disagree with some of their doctrines but then I'm aware that they'd disagree with some of mine so all's fair.
About the only thing I really don't like is the wealth that the church has all to itself.
01-10-2004, 19:02
I am one, but I am in complete disagreement with the Vatican over a variety of social issues like abortion and gay marriage. I place my own moral compass over what Rome tells me. So far, it has not led me astray.
I'm indifferent, as I am with any religion.
01-10-2004, 19:13
As for the individuals, they are hit and miss, just like everyone else (maybe a little more pious).
As for the hierarchy and organization that is the Catholic Church, I consider it to be one of the single largest detriments to human advancement in history. A perfect example of why you don't give power who believe they have moral justification for everything they do.
Suicidal Librarians
01-10-2004, 19:27
Most of my friends are Catholic, and I don't mind them. My grandparents on my father's side are Catholic and I had to go to church with them one time, it was really awkward because I'm Presbyterian, and had absolutely no clue what sort of things they did during a Catholic service.
01-10-2004, 19:44
I have no problem with Catholic individuals, and I certainly wouldn't claim they are not Christian any more than I would claim that Southern Baptists are inherently unChristian. I have noticed that many or even most Catholics pledge themselves to follow a religion entirely and rely on the judgement of the church and then say "But nobody really agrees with them on everything" which seems to moot the whole point of joining in the first place, but hey - whatever floats your boat.
The Catholic Church is alright too, except when they are lying through their teeth, which unfortunately has become quite a habit over the years.
Laissez Nous Faire
01-10-2004, 20:05
The catholic church wouldn't recognise Jesus Christ if he came up and bit them in the arse (or threw them out of the temple, for a slightly more fitting allegory). Which of course is the reason it had to be reformed in the first place!
Saint worshipping child molesters the lot of them! :D
Onion Pirates
01-10-2004, 20:18
There are too many flavors to just say "like" or "dislike".
Like: John XXIII
Diskike: JohnPaul II, and all the Innocents.
Like: Thomas Merton
Dislike: Torquemada
Like: Mother Theresa
Dislike: Mother Seton
Like: Andrew Greeley
Dislike: William F. Buckley
Like: mysticism
Dislike: canon law
Dislike: celibacy
01-10-2004, 20:32
I don't have anything against Catholics but I find Protestants (all of them, Lutherans etc) more accurate on their interpretation of the Bible. The history of Cathlics is not very pretty either, but of course, today's Catholics can not be blamed for it.
01-10-2004, 20:38
I'm indifferent to them - some of my friends are Catholic, some the the people I really hate are too (but not because of religion). I really don't jude some1 all cause of their religion
01-10-2004, 21:00
I'm Roman Catholic, and I will admit that it irritates me when Protestants claim I'm not a true Christian, especially when all the various Protestant faiths are derived from Catholicism.
You got that right. That is extremely irritating.
01-10-2004, 21:05
Diskike: JohnPaul II, and all the Innocents.
Now that sounds like a great name for a band.
There are not 100 people who hate the Catholic Church; But there are millions who hate what they believe the Catholic Church to be.
To go deep into history, is to cease to be Protestant.
I am a Roman Catholic. As a Roman Catholic I feel I shouldn't be required to apologize for my Church, my Religion or my Faith. But that's what I am called to do, be apologetic (apologetics: a branch of theology devoted to the defense of the divine origin and authority of Christianity). To go deep into history, is to cease to be Protestant. In studying anything you have to start at the beginning, work your way through the middle, and only at the last step arrive at the end.
Unfree People
01-10-2004, 21:10
This poll is impossible to answer. I have no opinion one way or the other on Catholics themselves. If you asked me what I think of the Catholic church, I could give you pretty much the same answer as I would for any organized religion... catholic, protestant, jewish, islam.
As for the hierarchy and organization that is the Catholic Church, I consider it to be one of the single largest detriments to human advancement in history. A perfect example of why you don't give power who believe they have moral justification for everything they do.Definitely agree with you on every point there.
Well I'm a catholic, I hang out with a lot of catholic girls. I'd say they're ok(with three exceptions, but hey.) I don't really mind any religeon(I used to hang out with lots of muslims but then I went to secondary school so I don't see them anymore) as long as the particular person is nice to me. Sadly I don't really aggree with catholic views(I only say I'm a catholic so that they don't chuck me out of school).
So, yeah.
Sanguinary Death
01-10-2004, 21:46
I hate the catholic church. As far as individual catholics go, I gotta meet them before I can say if I like them or not. Now for all those who like to go buck wild and try and pick a fight over the dumbest of things. Please note the distinction between the catholic church and individual catholics. I do not hate individual catholics just cause thier catholic, I just hate thier chruch.
Irrational Numbers
01-10-2004, 21:58
What has the Catholic Church done bad that any other religion hasn't done?
01-10-2004, 22:03
im atheist and despise every religion equally.
hay at last im fair! :D
I'm an one, I like them.
I'm not one but I don't mind them.
I'm not one but I don't like them.
I'm am I one but I don't like them.
I'm indifferent to them.
Could your sentences be more poorly constructed?
"I'm am I one but I don't like them"?
Anyway, I'm a Methodist but don't mind Catholics.
01-10-2004, 22:13
I'm born into a Catholic family, I'm an athiest. I like Catholics; I hate the Protestants - well, the orangemen... ;)
Tenete Traditiones
01-10-2004, 22:14
As a member of the Christian Church, I must remind the evil ones among us of the Roman Catholic dogma:
extra ecclesiam nulla salus
i.e., no salvation outside the Church (i.e., the Roman Catholic Church)
Model Democracy
01-10-2004, 22:22
I am not Catholic myself, but I go to a private school and I am a very small minority in the school, and it's all good. No one cares if you're Catholic or not. My girlfriend is Catholic, and even though her parents don't like the fact that I'm Matholdist, she still loves me and they accept me.
Tenete Traditiones
01-10-2004, 22:33
I am not Catholic myself, but I go to a private school and I am a very small minority in the school, and it's all good. No one cares if you're Catholic or not. My girlfriend is Catholic, and even though her parents don't like the fact that I'm Matholdist, she still loves me and they accept me.
If she loves and accepts a heretic as you says she does, then she is not a Catholic.
The Lightning Star
01-10-2004, 22:34
I, for one, was born a catholic. I went to church, i prayed at supper, i broke the bread, i listened to the bible, yada yada yada. Then i turned...9. I had to leave My home before i could have first communion. I moved to Pakistan, a Muslim country with almost NO catholic churches(and not that many protestant either) so i never go to finish. Upon learning many facts(like the earth WASNT made in 7 days*gasp*. And that the bible is full of LIES! *gasp again*), i began to look upon my religion differently. I looked more favorably towards TRUE Islam(not radical islam), which seemed more scholarly, more truthful, and FAR less corrupt(while there have been MANY corrupt popes, there is no ONE imam so they cant have a corrupt leader).
I, like all of you and perhaps even more-so, witnessed the relentless fury of a religion. On september the eleventh, over 3,000 people died for "islam". 6 months later, two of my family friends blew up in Pakistan when 5 radicals threw grenades into a church, killing them near instantly right down the road from where i was. I then turned to the bible for a bit, to see if people doing acts against a religion where accepted and forgiven. I was in utter horror when i learned that the people who defied "God" where smitten, crushed, obliterated, and then for the next illion years their souls where doomed to internal damnation and torture. This "God" supposedly "lost his temper" and destroyed millions of lives in a flood, destroying what could quite possibly have been an advanced civilization. Just because they didnt worship him. I ten turned to confirmed history. I came across the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Armenian Holocaust, the inquisistion, the persecution of christians, the explusion of the Palestinians from what had been their land for over 3,000 years, the three wars between india and PAkistan( a hindu and islamic state respectively) the millions slaughtered during 1947 when the Hindus and Muslims launched soem that was everything BUT holy war. And now we have this war on terror, which has pitted a large part of the muslim world against us.
Upon looking at all this, i have come to believe that religion in general, not just the catholic church, may have been CREATED to shed light and solve problems, have just caused deatha nd destruction, pain and agony.
That is why, while im still a Catholic for my dear mother and grand-mothers sake, i dont really believe in ANY of the church's principles, not protestants, not catholcis, not mormons, not baptists, not ANYONE.
01-10-2004, 22:38
The catholic church wouldn't recognise Jesus Christ if he came up and bit them in the arse (or threw them out of the temple, for a slightly more fitting allegory). Which of course is the reason it had to be reformed in the first place!
Saint worshipping child molesters the lot of them! :D
I truely hope that was sarcasm or meant to be satirical. I'm Catholic and I think the church, like any other organization, has done and/or inspired some horrible things but has also done/inspired some pretty downright awesome things. It's impossible to give a good answer when you're asking people to judge an entire congregation when the most they have to judge by is based on a few individuals.
The Lightning Star
01-10-2004, 22:43
Saint worshipping child molesters the lot of them! :D
If your gonna be that way, Protestants are...
KKK loving, evil, warmongering, corrupt, insane, freaky,moronic, anti-irish/anti-catholic, racist freaks :D
((BTW-im just responidng to fire with fire, i dont believe anything that i said.))