Bush Grandfather Financed Nazi Party
30-09-2004, 06:16
Did you ever wonder where Hitler got all that money to buy all that steel to turn Germany into a War-Machine? one word: BUSH!
Documents: Bush's Grandfather Directed Bank Tied to Man Who Funded Hitler
Friday, October 17, 2003
WASHINGTON — President Bush's grandfather was a director of a bank seized by the federal government because of its ties to a German industrialist who helped bankroll Adolf Hitler's rise to power, government documents show.
I hunger, give me your jews.
Accrued Constituencies
30-09-2004, 07:05
I've heard this before, and yet, it was the depression. Everybody was financing anybody with marcoeconomic success to try and boost their own national economy. You can't hardly drive a car without having direct historic ties to Hitler; Ford? Henry Ford was a friend & supporter of Hitler's. Volkwagen? Hitler started & named that company personally (and with his own sketches designed the Beetle) Mercedes? The official car of the Nazi Party. Porsche? He built the Nazi Panzers. BMW? This company was infact formally known as the Luftwaffe, before it was dismantled on allies orders.
Lunatic Goofballs
30-09-2004, 07:06
This was interesting...a year ago. *yawn*
30-09-2004, 07:36
Meh the US were selling to anyone they could in the early 30's.
30-09-2004, 12:06
oooh, no don't vote for bush, his grandfather supported hitler!! :rolleyes:
who are the germans going to vote for then? you'll have a hard time finding anyone who isn't related to someone who supported hitler.
The really entertaining part of this is that Bush might have to pay reparations. Since the man has no shame, it's impossible to embarrass him -- but Lord, he hates to part with money.
30-09-2004, 14:05
Is there no depth to which leftists will not sink? My own Grandfather probably did something in his life that was wrong. Does that mean that I should be held accountable for it? My grandchildren will certinaly know that their grandfather did lots of things wrong. Should they be held accountable for them?
As with most Kerry supporters, you're grasping at straws because you know this guy is a loser.
30-09-2004, 14:37
Like father like son, the Bush family does not change.
Guess who is a close family friend of the Bush family, the Bin Laden family! The same Bin Laden family with a certain Osama as a member.
They sure know which friends to choose.
Is there no depth to which leftists will not sink? My own Grandfather probably did something in his life that was wrong. Does that mean that I should be held accountable for it? My grandchildren will certinaly know that their grandfather did lots of things wrong. Should they be held accountable for them?
As with most Kerry supporters, you're grasping at straws because you know this guy is a loser.
I'm not a Kerry supporter. In my opinion he's merely the least-bad choice that America has. But in any case, this wasn't an attack on Bush. I don't hold Bush responsible for what his grandfather did -- that would be crazy. Corparate reparations would merely be a result of long-established international practice when dealing with companies who profited from dealings with the Nazi administration of Germany.
30-09-2004, 14:52
I'm not a Kerry supporter. In my opinion he's merely the least-bad choice that America has. But in any case, this wasn't an attack on Bush. I don't hold Bush responsible for what his grandfather did -- that would be crazy. Corparate reparations would merely be a result of long-established international practice when dealing with companies who profited from dealings with the Nazi administration of Germany.
Oh. Ok. I take it all back.
The Imperial Navy
30-09-2004, 14:53
The sins of the father (or Grandfather in this case), should never be blamed on their offspring. it does not matter what his grandfather did, it has nothing to do with bush himself.
I am not a bush or kerry supporter. i think all polititians are useless and corrupt, seeking only to profit from the misfortunes of others.
Politics can burn in hell. give me anarchy any day.
04-10-2004, 09:03
Is there no depth to which leftists will not sink?
You mean there are depths lower that citing Fox News?
04-10-2004, 09:08
Yes yes and Ford financed the Holocaust. This has been documented and stated before and I beleive Bush the First actually apologized for it.
Bushrepublican liars
04-10-2004, 09:23
Yes yes and Ford financed the Holocaust. This has been documented and stated before and I beleive Bush the First actually apologized for it.
That about Ford is not prooved, that of the links between the Nazi's and the Bushes is prooven. In fact, just watch the behaviour of Georgieboy and his party and you know that those freaks are pro Nazi.
Daniel Goldhagen wrote a nice book about the IBM material used by the Nazi's in the holocaust but saying that the company actually wanted to help with the extermination program goes to far for me. Goldhagen is the typical case of a zionist that blackmails companies for their role in the war or in this case, pre 1941 and tries to get money out of it. (he sponsors Jewish claims towards IBM from the WJC). also understand that from all the money that the WJC received from Swiss banks and German companies, not a dime went to the family of the victims. No it went to luxury hotels (with parties, whores, blue pills aso) in wich they invited top republicans and talk about ways to sponsor Israel instead of giving it to the prooven victims.
04-10-2004, 09:27
That about Ford is not prooved, that of the links between the Nazi's and the Bushes is prooven. In fact, just watch the behaviour of Georgieboy and his party and you know that those freaks are pro Nazi.
Daniel Goldhagen wrote a nice book about the IBM material used by the Nazi's in the holocaust but saying that the company actually wanted to help with the extermination program goes to far for me. Goldhagen is the typical case of a zionist that blackmails companies for their role in the war or in this case, pre 1941 and tries to get money out of it. (he sponsors Jewish claims towards IBM from the WJC). also understand that from all the money that the WJC received from Swiss banks and German companies, not a dime went to the family of the victims. No it went to luxury hotels (with parties, whores, blue pills aso) in wich they invited top republicans and talk about ways to sponsor Israel instead of giving it to the prooven victims.
You idiot why do you think Ford sponsored the Holocaust Museum in New York, why they come out every so often and apologize for it, hell they even paid all the advertising and editing costs so Shindler's List could be shown on network TV comercial free.
You also realize many of American businesses and prominent Americans supported Hitler before the war. There's a reason why Hitler was Man of the Year, and not because Time is run by fascist anti-semites.
Anyway... I invite the Dems to run on this as an issue and see how far they get. They already have MoveOn comparing Bush to Hitler and energizing the Republican base. Lets see how much political suicide the Dems can commit in one election.
Bushrepublican liars
04-10-2004, 09:33
You did not gave evidence of your right neither were capable to debate the facts. What you say about the support of a part of the US industry just suscribes my point.
Go play with the pinguins, you worlds only living braindonor.
Bushrepublican liars
04-10-2004, 09:35
What I do with Penguinista: :D http://www.funnypics.cc/media/penguin_bloody.swf
Unashamed Christians
04-10-2004, 12:05
And Bush is responsible for his Grandfather how? Comeon, if this is all you've got then you're not even trying anymore. Trying to bring down Bush because of what his Grandfather did? Get real.
Diamond Mind
04-10-2004, 13:22
I think the point is that the Bush/Walker Dynasty was built, riding on the war machine for the last 100 years. We wouldn't have a Bush in the Whitehouse without this fortune. It matters because he portrays himself as an "everyman", someone the common man can relate to. He is not. While Kerry is made out to be this out of touch Liberal from New England, Bush was also born in Connecticut to a long standing family of Presbyterians. It is a significant fact, an irony that this president who supposedly stands for morals, for Christians, gained his position from a history of war profiteering. That's what Jesus would do isn't it? Amass a billion dollar fortune selling weapons of war so his children could gain the most powerful position in the world?
Legless Pirates
04-10-2004, 13:24
Who cares?
Bushrepublican liars
04-10-2004, 23:51
Just hit Penguinista's face and it went to 1321, WOW
What do you want, empty heads like his role far :p :D :p
Kinsella Islands
05-10-2004, 00:00
The thing that really makes you wonder, is, well, Prescott Bush was up to some naughty, naughty things...
Bush's Dah shared this phrase with Hitler:
"New World Order."
And Dubya was quite the screwup in his younger life.
Who put him in office?
I think it makes me pretty nervous, considering he's trying to establish a theocracy, and, well, all the rest of what he's done.
05-10-2004, 00:04
Is there no depth to which leftists will not sink? My own Grandfather probably did something in his life that was wrong. Does that mean that I should be held accountable for it? My grandchildren will certinaly know that their grandfather did lots of things wrong. Should they be held accountable for them?
As with most Kerry supporters, you're grasping at straws because you know this guy is a loser.
Your posts would have merit if every single one of them was not a sweeping attack on all left-wing people. The thread starter doesn't represent us all. I agree that this is pointless. I am anti-Bush but you can't attack him because his grandfather was an unethical businessman.
05-10-2004, 00:10
Georg W. Bush is not responsible for actions his ancestors might have done. This is a very strange attitude.
It reminds of the Middle Age where the Jews were blamed for everything, because they - allegedly - killed Jesus Christ.
I think it is just outrageous to blame President Bush for actions he hasn´t done.
It is an unacceptable polemic.
It seems to show how desperate the Democrats in the US are since it seems to be the case that they are getting no foot on the ground.
05-10-2004, 00:22
Georg W. Bush is not responsible for actions his ancestors might have done. This is a very strange attitude.
Hell yes he is, because republicans always blaim dems for what their ancestors did (mostly lies but that is the role of republicans in life) the right people may blaim nazi republicans to.
In fact your attitude is a strange one because you agree that there is no wrong with having links with the nazis like georgieboys father had.(a certain nazi fan president of the US), hell, he even met Hess and was a close corespondent friend of Heydrich (the one that presidet the Wahnsee Conference where the endlösung was planned).
Like all your other posts, this one to has to be seen in the continuation of your anti EU propaganda. About 100% of your compatriotes on NS think that you will be better of and more happy in the US, so, why don't you leave us bunch of EU wild people that support terrosrisme because we are for human rights and legislation. *sarcastic*
I feel pitty for Kybernetia wich toughts still are blocked in the seventies. Kiddo, you are really born to late.
05-10-2004, 00:55
In fact your attitude is a strange one because you agree that there is no wrong with having links with the nazis like georgieboys father had.(a certain nazi fan president of the US), hell, he even met Hess and was a close corespondent friend of Heydrich (the one that presidet the Wahnsee Conference where the endlösung was planned). .
First of all: it is supposed to be the grandfather. And I can´t blame President Bush 41 or Bush 43 for that.
Secondly: President Georg Herbert Walker Bush was a great friend of Germany. He was the first who supported the reunifiaction in 1990.
I´m thankful to the US for that.
Like all your other posts, this one to has to be seen in the continuation of your anti EU propaganda. About 100% of your compatriotes on NS think that you will be better of and more happy in the US, so, why don't you leave us bunch of EU wild people that support terrosrisme because we are for human rights and legislation. *sarcastic*
I feel pitty for Kybernetia wich toughts still are blocked in the seventies. Kiddo, you are really born to late.
You have a problem, since you believe being pro-European means to be anti-American. That is just wrong. World Politics without the US is not possible. Europe and the US must work together.
Most European governments are seeing it that way. And I will try that Europe comes to reason again. One step in that direction would be "regime change" in Germany in the next election 2006. The chairwoman of the conservatives Angela Merkel was a supporter of the Iraq war. If she becomes chancellor Germany will move closer to the US again.
And that is needed. Because we need the US for our security. Especially in the fight against terrorism which is threatening Europe as well -look for example to Spain or France.
05-10-2004, 00:57
Hell yes he is, because republicans always blaim dems for what their ancestors did (mostly lies but that is the role of republicans in life) the right people may blaim nazi republicans to.
Actually republicans tend to blame democrats for the legacy of their prior political philosophy - you know redlining, the welfare state, segregation (Jim Crow) etc. rather than blaming today's democrats for the actions of their grandparents. That's really quite different to blaming "dems for what their ancestors did." But really that's perfectly legitimate. I understand your anger however. If my party had been on the wrong side of the civil war I'd be embarassed too. And Nazi ideology has always been at odds with the Republican Party platform. Ths same cannot be said for the democrat platform, which at least on one occasion has tried to "rationalize" the economy along national lines.
BTW, a few years ago my local Bank was handing out copies (reproductions) of the first issue of time. Yes, it was a "progressive" magazine even back then but it was also very racist, and I don't mean in just an instiutional sense.
Mr Basil Fawlty
05-10-2004, 01:15
You have a problem, since you believe being pro-European means to be anti-American. That is just wrong. World Politics without the US is not possible. Europe and the US must work together.
Most European governments are seeing it that way. And I will try that Europe comes to reason again. One step in that direction would be "regime change" in Germany in the next election 2006. The chairwoman of the conservatives Angela Merkel was a supporter of the Iraq war. If she becomes chancellor Germany will move closer to the US again.
And that is needed. Because we need the US for our security. Especially in the fight against terrorism which is threatening Europe as well -look for example to Spain or France And I will try that Europe comes to reason again. One step in that direction would be "regime change" in Germany in the next election 2006. The chairwoman of the conservatives Angela Merkel was a supporter of the Iraq war. If she becomes chancellor Germany will move closer to the US again.[QUOTE/]
Sorry to interfere in your discussion guys but I think that Kybernetia has a problem here. Since you believe being pro-European is like being anti-American (like you prooved in your posts and that is why inteligent people allways win debates with ya).
And I will try that Europe comes to reason again. One step in that direction would be "regime change" in Germany in the next election 2006. The chairwoman of the conservatives Angela Merkel was a supporter of the Iraq war. If she becomes chancellor Germany will move closer to the US again. And I will try that Europe comes to reason again. One step in that direction would be "regime change" in Germany in the next election 2006. The chairwoman of the conservatives Angela Merkel was a supporter of the Iraq war. If she becomes chancellor Germany will move closer to the US again.[QUOTE/]
Europe is allready reasoning (but you still live in the 70ties like told above) and your favorite wacco, George II will lose and this will make it loud and clear that (just like on NS) you fascist republicans only represent 0,79 % in Germany and about 2,78% in the rest of Europe. (and no, the rest is not left but center, even the center right christians are against you fascist, "unchristian behaving devils", sic, Vatican talkings)
We all know that you want to install a "Regime", that of the Bush sucking Angela Merkel.
But you also now that you belong in a regime country, wether it be a communist one or a fascist one, it will be the onlly place where you'll be happy since you don't like a democracy.
You're the best example of where Stalinisme, Nazisme and US Bible belt republicanisme have party.
05-10-2004, 01:19
It doesn't say exactly that he funded Hitler, he funded one of Hitler's friends. This is also totally irrelevant.
Mr Basil Fawlty
05-10-2004, 01:36
, he funded one of Hitler's friends. This is also totally irrelevant.
Heck, so you don't know what Heydrichs role in the war was., You say "just a friend of Hitler"
Since you don't know the importance of Heydrich, you are not wurth a replie!
BTW, Heydrich was never a close friend of Hitler (altough the Führer was at his burial) he "just" was the planner of the Endlösung.
Jezus, you guys really abandone every history class or is the levell under tghe Bush regime that low.
I hope that with your next elections, you will win the freedom of the free world (EU) back again.
05-10-2004, 01:36
Sorry to interfere in your discussion guys but I think that Kybernetia has a problem here. Since you believe being pro-European is like being anti-American (like you prooved in your posts and that is why inteligent people allways win debates with ya). .
You are wrong: Being pro-European doesn´t mean to be anti-American. Tony Blair for example is pro-European and pro-American.
I won´t respond to you insults. You are judging yourself.
Just one thing: Is Tony Blair evil? I don´t think so. There were reasons for the war in Iraq - for example to remove one of the most cruel dictator who can be compared to Hitler or Stalin. But you obviously miss to see this reality, that the Iraqi people are today free from this tyrannt.
05-10-2004, 01:56
Just hit Penguinista's face and it went to 1321, WOW
What do you want, empty heads like his role far :p :D :p
Bushrepublican_liars, you are warned for flaming. KNOCK IT OFF.
05-10-2004, 03:34
oooh, no don't vote for bush, his grandfather supported hitler!! :rolleyes:
who are the germans going to vote for then? you'll have a hard time finding anyone who isn't related to someone who supported hitler.
Well you see Bush supports Hitler's veiws. It's heriditary.
05-10-2004, 03:53
Well you see Bush supports Hitler's veiws. It's heriditary.
Yeah, he so hates the Jews. And he's itching to invade Poland. How dare Bush support Hitler's "veiws."
05-10-2004, 07:38
Yes yes and Ford financed the Holocaust.
you seem to imply that it isn't a big deal... am I misreading you?
This has been documented and stated before and I beleive Bush the First actually apologized for it.
Could you cite this "apology," because it seems to not exist. Besides, does an "apology" erase the deaths of 12 million holocaust victims and tens of millions more killed in the second World War?
05-10-2004, 07:40
It doesn't say exactly that he funded Hitler, he funded one of Hitler's friends. This is also totally irrelevant.
If you come to me and ask, "my friend is planning to shoot up a school, could you loan me money for a gun," and I give enough money to buy the gun you give your friend to shoot up that school, are we not all three guilty?
Diamond Mind
05-10-2004, 14:22
Georg W. Bush is not responsible for actions his ancestors might have done. This is a very strange attitude.
It reminds of the Middle Age where the Jews were blamed for everything, because they - allegedly - killed Jesus Christ.
I think it is just outrageous to blame President Bush for actions he hasn´t done.
It is an unacceptable polemic.
It seems to show how desperate the Democrats in the US are since it seems to be the case that they are getting no foot on the ground.
The Democrats? Since when have they stood up to the Republicans on anything? Not for at least 10 years. The left is clearly not welcome in the Democratic party. Ok I would accept your premise if we didn't see FOXNEWS talk about how Kerry is FRENCH all day and HIS grandfather is a JEW. Shoe on the other foot my friends.