Military Draft Reinstatement
Anya Bananya
30-09-2004, 00:05
Ahh back with a few moments and with an issue that i think is really important.
Last year this was pretty much speculation, but as of January the wheels have begun turning to reinstate a draft. This would require all men AND women ages 18-26 to register for selective service. The draft could actually start as early as June 15th, 2005. The excuse of being in college isnt going to work anymore either. Running away to Canada is also going to be A LOT harder. I had hoped our country learned from it's history (Vietnam), but alas that is not the case.
All this fallout from Iraq is pretty nasty. If there is a draft, i'm sure as hell not willing to fight. Let alone for a cause i don't believe in.
Here's the link:
*sigh* My mom sure can time it, my 18th birthday is in late May.
Ahh back with a few moments and with an issue that i think is really important.
Last year this was pretty much speculation, but as of January the wheels have begun turning to reinstate a draft. This would require all men AND women ages 18-26 to register for selective service. The draft could actually start as early as June 15th, 2005. The excuse of being in college isnt going to work anymore either. Running away to Canada is also going to be A LOT harder. I had hoped our country learned from it's history (Vietnam), but alas that is not the case.
All this fallout from Iraq is pretty nasty. If there is a draft, i'm sure as hell not willing to fight. Let alone for a cause i don't believe in.
Here's the link:
Hmm...*stops running*
That should be enough to get me classified 4-F...but this has been discussed before.
Anya Bananya
30-09-2004, 00:42
i mean do people actually think this is a good idea?
30-09-2004, 00:43
Ahh back with a few moments and with an issue that i think is really important.
Last year this was pretty much speculation, but as of January the wheels have begun turning to reinstate a draft. This would require all men AND women ages 18-26 to register for selective service. The draft could actually start as early as June 15th, 2005. The excuse of being in college isnt going to work anymore either. Running away to Canada is also going to be A LOT harder. I had hoped our country learned from it's history (Vietnam), but alas that is not the case.
All this fallout from Iraq is pretty nasty. If there is a draft, i'm sure as hell not willing to fight. Let alone for a cause i don't believe in.
Here's the link:
Hmmm... Anyone notice that Chucky Rangel, a DEMOCRAT, was the primary name sponsoring this bill..?
Dems... any comments..!
30-09-2004, 00:44
Neither presidential candidate would ratify such a bill. Bush because he wants to get his brother elected someday, and kerry because he'll be wanting a second term.
Hmmm... Anyone notice that Chucky Rangel, a DEMOCRAT, was the primary name sponsoring this bill..?
Dems... any comments..!
Ever hear of "Making a Point"?
30-09-2004, 00:46
I think reinstatement of conscription is STUPID! INCREADABLY STUPID!!!
I can't believe I've lived to see this again. I hope the young people in this country do not go like sheep!
30-09-2004, 00:47
i mean do people actually think this is a good idea?
No one that I know of, including the Republican Party. Any politician idiotic enough to vote for reinstatement of the draft would be committing political suicide, and may very well get run out of town on a rail!
BTW ... the only bills in Congress on reinstating the draft have nothing but Democrat sponsors.
30-09-2004, 00:48
God I hope they do not pass a bill to reinstate the draft. But I would never desert my country if I was drafted I would fight.
30-09-2004, 00:52
I think the draft IS a good idea. Don't like it? Tough. Give me a gun and i'll start shooting (anything for the good of the United States) :sniper:
30-09-2004, 00:53
It's my understanding that most people in the military don't want the draft reinstated, because they don't want to have to serve with people who don't want to be in the military.
I think the draft IS a good idea. Don't like it? Tough. Give me a gun and i'll start shooting (anything for the good of the United States) :sniper:
Volunteer son. (M'am)
30-09-2004, 01:06
It's my understanding that most people in the military don't want the draft reinstated, because they don't want to have to serve with people who don't want to be in the military.
I don't have anything except anecdotal information on that, but I suspect you're correct!
The Black Forrest
30-09-2004, 01:19
Hmmm... Anyone notice that Chucky Rangel, a DEMOCRAT, was the primary name sponsoring this bill..?
Dems... any comments..!
Sure it's an elections move. If the shrub gets elected again, there will be a draft and you won't hear much fighting from him.
He does not want to talk about a draft as it would work against him.
Just like you don't hear Kerry talk about it either.
Purly Euclid
30-09-2004, 01:37
The draft bill was created by Rep. Charles Rangle, a Democrat, to try to score points for their party. He's against the war in Iraq, and sees this bill as an anti-war measure. He is designing this to fail, but lets it float around to scare people, and make popular opinion turn against the war.
I personally feel that the draft is a stupid idea. We'd flood the army with inexperienced, unmotivated trainees, and it'd be a helluvalot more expensive to maintain. Besides, I find it unconstitutional.
New Granada
30-09-2004, 01:45
What would be imperative if the draft was activated would be a campaign to end it.
Not a campaign of protests and letters-to-congressman but a campaign to declaw the people who tried to enforce the draft.
Slap Happy Lunatics
30-09-2004, 01:55
God I hope they do not pass a bill to reinstate the draft. But I would never desert my country if I was drafted I would fight.
An honorable sentiment but you would be serving the whims of politicians which may or may not correspond with those of the country. I'm still trying to sort out how the ongoing war in Iraq serves Americans.
Please don't allow your idealism to be cynically used to transform you into cannon fodder for someone else's vainglory.
Daistallia 2104
30-09-2004, 04:55
Good Grief! How many times has this silliness been posted in the last week? At least 4 or 5 times...
It's an old bill - check the date. And it was nothing but scare mongering. The draft is not going to be re-instated.
30-09-2004, 05:01
Yep, this was old news a long time ago. A LONG time ago. And if you want to run off to Canada to avoid being drafted, thats your business. But don't come back. Regardless of the reason, if you are called to serve your country, you go. I would, and I expect everyone else to as well. Elvis did....
The Black Forrest
30-09-2004, 05:06
An honorable sentiment but you would be serving the whims of politicians which may or may not correspond with those of the country. I'm still trying to sort out how the ongoing war in Iraq serves Americans.
Please don't allow your idealism to be cynically used to transform you into cannon fodder for someone else's vainglory.
Ahhh but there is the problem. There are wars that have to be fought. This is the way it will be until man can rise to another conscious level.
Who decides when the war is valid?
There were senators that thought war with Germany was wrong.
Unfortunatly, you will have bad wars mixed with "good" wars.
30-09-2004, 05:07
Sure it's an elections move. If the shrub gets elected again, there will be a draft and you won't hear much fighting from him.
Except that, it's Democrats who wrote this bill, and Democrats who co-sponsored it. And it was a Democrat who sponsored a similar bill in the Senate, Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D-SC). It was Republicans who made both bills go away (since they control the House and Senate.)
New Granada
30-09-2004, 05:17
Except that, it's Democrats who wrote this bill, and Democrats who co-sponsored it. And it was a Democrat who sponsored a similar bill in the Senate, Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D-SC). It was Republicans who made both bills go away (since they control the House and Senate.)
Are you honestly too dumb to understand why the democrats floated the bill?
Good lord...
The Black Forrest
30-09-2004, 05:53
Except that, it's Democrats who wrote this bill, and Democrats who co-sponsored it. And it was a Democrat who sponsored a similar bill in the Senate, Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D-SC). It was Republicans who made both bills go away (since they control the House and Senate.)
Oh yea you are a conservative. Ok I will slow it down for you. ;)
Yes. The Demos introduced the bill because many pseudo patriots would suddenly have changed opinions as they are faced with their children or spouses being drafted for possible combat.
Now follow along.
The shrub does not want the draft question raised during the election as it would cost him.
Kerry does not want the draft question raised during the election as it would cost him.
War has changed for the most part, we are not our grandparents where we are ready to face another countries army in combat.
The combat soldier is no longer the deterent for this kind of war. Our missiles, navy and aircraft are no longer the deterent for this kind of war.
Many americans feel they must serve and I thank them for it.
Many americans feel they don't have to serve and that is their choice. You can't have freedom if you can't have this choice. However, if the United States faced destruction, these people would glady step fourth.
There are some that will not no matter what....
There will be a draft because there will have to be a police force in Iraq in case the combat soldiers are needed elsewhere.
30-09-2004, 05:56
The draft bill was created by Rep. Charles Rangle, a Democrat, to try to score points for their party. He's against the war in Iraq, and sees this bill as an anti-war measure. He is designing this to fail, but lets it float around to scare people, and make popular opinion turn against the war.
I personally feel that the draft is a stupid idea. We'd flood the army with inexperienced, unmotivated trainees, and it'd be a helluvalot more expensive to maintain. Besides, I find it unconstitutional.
I'm totally against any reinstatement of the draft as well, but I would be interested in hearing why you believe it's unconstitutional.
30-09-2004, 05:58
Oh yea you are a conservative. Ok I will slow it down for you. ;)
Yes. The Demos introduced the bill because many pseudo patriots would suddenly have changed opinions as they are faced with their children or spouses being drafted for possible combat.
Now follow along.
The shrub does not want the draft question raised during the election as it would cost him.
Kerry does not want the draft question raised during the election as it would cost him.
War has changed for the most part, we are not our grandparents where we are ready to face another countries army in combat.
The combat soldier is no longer the deterent for this kind of war. Our missiles, navy and aircraft are no longer the deterent for this kind of war.
Many americans feel they must serve and I thank them for it.
Many americans feel they don't have to serve and that is their choice. You can't have freedom if you can't have this choice. However, if the United States faced destruction, these people would glady step fourth.
There are some that will not no matter what....
There will be a draft because there will have to be a police force in Iraq in case the combat soldiers are needed elsewhere.
I was with you right up to your last sentance. The Iraqi Defense Forces seem to be coming along quite nicely and should be able to handle policing their own nation soon.
Battery Charger
30-09-2004, 05:59
Ahhh but there is the problem. There are wars that have to be fought. This is the way it will be until man can rise to another conscious level.
Who decides when the war is valid?
There were senators that thought war with Germany was wrong.
Unfortunatly, you will have bad wars mixed with "good" wars.
There are wars that need to be fought? What wars? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
If people are free they do not fight in wars they find invalid.
The senators who opposed war with Germany were correct, at least in WWI.
The Black Forrest
30-09-2004, 06:06
I was with you right up to your last sentance. The Iraqi Defense Forces seem to be coming along quite nicely and should be able to handle policing their own nation soon.
I don't have the warm fuzzy on that one yet. There are signs but I think it will take a little time till they are truely ready to go it alone. Even if we use previous soldiers, they still have to learn a new mind set. Sunni serving along side Shiite and possibly firing on their own people. Initiative. Having to worry about the Fedayen(sp) paying a visit is a habit that takes time to break.
But that is my own ignorant analysis! ;)
New Exodus
30-09-2004, 06:28
Originally posted by Battery Charger:
There are wars that need to be fought? What wars? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
If people are free they do not fight in wars they find invalid.
The senators who opposed war with Germany were correct, at least in WWI.
True, free people do not fight unless they choose to, but as terrible and destructive as wars are, they are indeed sometimes necessary. Lets take a hypothetical situation in N. Korea.
A large group finally wakes up and realizes that a pudgy, balding, nutcase is taking vast amounts of foreign money intended for food and blowing it on pleasure palaces for himself. They decide that they want to get rid of this guy, so they start trying to educate others and once a large enough group is formed, they stage peaceful protests. The Midget (I apologize to all little people) is not happy and has many of them arrested. The media, which he controls, doesn't bat an eyelash. Over years, peaceful efforts continuosly fail, while the economic situation worsens. In desperation, a civil war breaks out between the oppressive dictator and his subjects.
These people are forced into a terrible state of living by a man with no compassion for them. As long as a person like this is in power, revolt is the only viable option.