29-09-2004, 22:03
Here's my offer ...
Watch the debates. For every time Kerry says, "I'm not Bush" or for every time he says that he is more qualified to be President because of his Vietnam service, I will personally send you $100.00.
Since that seems to be all you think Kerry has to say, then you should be comfortable accepting the challenge.
Now ... what if he doesn't say anything of the sort in the debates? Easy: You must vote a straight Democratic ticket on November 2nd. That means you check the box at the top of the ballot that says your vote goes to every candidate - Federal, State, and Local - that has run under the Democratic banner.
The rules:
1] You must be of legal voting age.
2] You must be a citizen of the United States.
3] You must be registered to vote.
What I'll need as proof: Your voter registration number and state of registration. Using this, I can look up your public domain voting records and see that you are, in fact, of legal age and registered. I cannot see how you vote, but I will know that you can.
So ... anyone wanna take me up on it? Just how confident are you that "I'm not Bush" and "I won three Purple Hearts" are Kerry's only platform?
Put your vote where your mouth is.
This offer becomes null and void the minute the debates begin, 8:00 pm CST, Thursday September 30th.
Watch the debates. For every time Kerry says, "I'm not Bush" or for every time he says that he is more qualified to be President because of his Vietnam service, I will personally send you $100.00.
Since that seems to be all you think Kerry has to say, then you should be comfortable accepting the challenge.
Now ... what if he doesn't say anything of the sort in the debates? Easy: You must vote a straight Democratic ticket on November 2nd. That means you check the box at the top of the ballot that says your vote goes to every candidate - Federal, State, and Local - that has run under the Democratic banner.
The rules:
1] You must be of legal voting age.
2] You must be a citizen of the United States.
3] You must be registered to vote.
What I'll need as proof: Your voter registration number and state of registration. Using this, I can look up your public domain voting records and see that you are, in fact, of legal age and registered. I cannot see how you vote, but I will know that you can.
So ... anyone wanna take me up on it? Just how confident are you that "I'm not Bush" and "I won three Purple Hearts" are Kerry's only platform?
Put your vote where your mouth is.
This offer becomes null and void the minute the debates begin, 8:00 pm CST, Thursday September 30th.