NationStates Jolt Archive

The Useless-ness of political debates online.

Star Shadow-
25-09-2004, 05:18
There are only two reasons why it’s useless care to see or will you turn a blind eye to my questioning, will you accept my challenge or will you tune me out?

To all who seek to be dishearten continue to all who wish to continue arguing uselessly break away now this is the only warning I will give.

So seekers here we go ready to change, waiting for an answer to what seems to you an infallible argument, like you think your putting out the bit of reasoning that turns you away from god atheist, brothers, sister, mothers, in the family of Christ ready to see why your answers don’t suit them, lets begin. One no voice they can’t hear you most of us have never met each other, their fore they can’t make sound for your voices no matter how hard they or you (yes we aren’t capable either atheists). Your voice will most likely never echo to their ear drums, I myself go thou days come up with voices of people I have special interest in sometimes I steal voices but don’t bother if you don’t find them trying to speak as if they heard you saying.

Two no face, this is easier to dispel and don’t expect me to tell you cause its obvious. But if they can’t see your angry face or crying eyes or grim look or well you get the idea, see your personal atmosphere can change entire real life conversations, but on the web its useless.
25-09-2004, 05:21
I found it to be the best thing for a guy of my age, 14, to warm up with. Besides, these are the ONLY people who can actually put up a good debate. I know far too many stupid people.
25-09-2004, 05:23
I think this means something, Mr Spock. Perhaps some form of alien communication.
Please, when posting, have mercy upon mine eyes and spare them the horror and agony of thy misspelling and underpunctuating. I aught gain neither headache nor confusion from yon posts. For, alas, to act so bestows much sorrow upon mine shoulders.
25-09-2004, 05:24
I found it to be the best thing for a guy of my age, 14, to warm up with. Besides, these are the ONLY people who can actually put up a good debate. I know far too many stupid people.
Forsooth, methinks thou hast spake with little understanding.
Star Shadow-
25-09-2004, 05:25
I think this means something, Mr Spock. Perhaps some form of alien communication.
Please, when posting, have mercy upon mine eyes and spare them the horror and agony of thy misspelling and underpunctuating. I aught gain neither headache nor confusion from yon posts. For, alas, to act so bestows much sorrow upon mine shoulders.
what the hell I did not misspell 4 things jerk under puncutation maybe.
25-09-2004, 05:27
Forsooth, methinks thou hast spake with little understanding.
Good point. But I have yet to find ADULTS in my life who can hold up a debate like some of the fine men and women here.
Star Shadow-
25-09-2004, 05:28
I found it to be the best thing for a guy of my age, 14, to warm up with. Besides, these are the ONLY people who can actually put up a good debate. I know far too many stupid people.
dude in NS sucks man most people here go stop enforcing your religon then the christans say but thats not marriage and there-fore not be called such.
Star Shadow-
25-09-2004, 05:29
Good point. But I have yet to find ADULTS in my life who can hold up a debate like some of the fine men and women here.
yeah all six of them.
25-09-2004, 05:29
what the hell I did not misspell 4 things jerk under puncutation maybe.
A thousand apologies, I goes a spell of many, many hours without the nectar of the gods (coffee) and it feels as if a thousand monkeys with jack hammers have taken up permanent residence within the conifines of my cranium. Spelling doesn't really bother me (unless the misspelling is vague), but improperly used commas and periods just drive me out of my poor little skullbox.
Nationalist Valhalla
25-09-2004, 05:33
I think this means something, Mr Spock. Perhaps some form of alien communication.
Please, when posting, have mercy upon mine eyes and spare them the horror and agony of thy misspelling and underpunctuating. I aught gain neither headache nor confusion from yon posts. For, alas, to act so bestows much sorrow upon mine shoulders.
hey man, i think its stream of consciousness neo beat poetry. don't harsh their mellow dude.
25-09-2004, 05:36
yeah all six of them.
all six of em indeed...sadly I'm half-sarcastic...
Star Shadow-
25-09-2004, 05:44
all six of em indeed...sadly I'm half-sarcastic... I was serious i've only got six on my list, sadly i'm not on it.
25-09-2004, 05:48
Why doesn't that surprise me?
25-09-2004, 05:52
hey man, i think its stream of consciousness neo beat poetry. don't harsh their mellow dude.
Heeheehee. I find that most amusing. *dons a beret and plays a pair of bongos*
25-09-2004, 06:39
Political debates are pretty well worthless no matter where you are, online or in real life.

For the most part, people that don't already have an political opinion aren't very likely to be interested in the topic, thus you aren't really going to be debating with them much, and people that already do have their own opinion aren't going to change theirs no matter what you say, no matter how well formulated and sensible your argument may be.

I think the point of it is more of the fact people just like to express their views, regardless of whether it really has a chance in hell of changing anyone's mind.
25-09-2004, 07:31
dude in NS sucks man most people here go stop enforcing your religon then the christans say but thats not marriage and there-fore not be called such.


It has a period at the end, so I assume it's a sentence....

I give up.... huh?
25-09-2004, 07:35
hey man, i think its stream of consciousness neo beat poetry. don't harsh their mellow dude.

I have to admit, halfway down the opening post, I looked at the bottom to see if it had a band-name and song title...

Actually, that might be an improvement.... some drums, a little industrial style guitar, yell the words throw a megaphone....

Hell, I'd probably BUY it, then....
Cannot think of a name
25-09-2004, 07:35
I can't pretend to have understood that opening post (ESL? I'm just guessing), however-

This whole thing (USA at least) was founded in part at least on the notion that we argue politics all the damn time. The point isn't so much to convince others, really, but to test yourself. You have to examine your own ideals (to a degree) in order to argue. Hopefully someone with some skill presses you, or just someone who is tenatious. But you have to let the ideas out of your head and take them for a walk to make sure they aren't bats. Sometimes it's more about convincing yourself than it's about convincing someone else.
25-09-2004, 07:44
I can't pretend to have understood that opening post (ESL? I'm just guessing), however-

This whole thing (USA at least) was founded in part at least on the notion that we argue politics all the damn time. The point isn't so much to convince others, really, but to test yourself. You have to examine your own ideals (to a degree) in order to argue. Hopefully someone with some skill presses you, or just someone who is tenatious. But you have to let the ideas out of your head and take them for a walk to make sure they aren't bats. Sometimes it's more about convincing yourself than it's about convincing someone else.

I debate politics for the same reason I debate religion...

If I am right about an issue, I want to share that information with others.
If I am unsure about an issue, I want to test my information.
If I am wrong about an issue, I would wish to be corrected by others.

So, for me, debate is about sharing a resource (knowledge), comparing the data, and coming to conclusions.

Sometimes, that means you have to change your opinion, but I think that is a GOOD thing.

What I don't understand, is people who enter these 'debate' forums, with no intention other than to yell their opinion louder than anyone else... I mean, what are they learning?
25-09-2004, 07:45
I can't pretend to have understood that opening post (ESL? I'm just guessing), however-
See! See! I'm not the only one who can't quite grasp at your meaning.
25-09-2004, 07:50
Did anyone else love the irony of starting a debate about the uselessness of debates?
Cannot think of a name
25-09-2004, 08:22
What I don't understand, is people who enter these 'debate' forums, with no intention other than to yell their opinion louder than anyone else... I mean, what are they learning?
Well, nothing I imagine. But at least you get to learn what batshit things others believe, I guess.
25-09-2004, 11:16
Did anyone else love the irony of starting a debate about the uselessness of debates?

Yes, but I felt there was no use debating the debate on the uselessness of debates.....damnit.