NationStates Jolt Archive

America Is Stupid Yay or Nay?

22-09-2004, 23:59
Ok, so theres a lot of posts about this but lets get to the esscense of the matter, shall we? Is America a nation of idiots or a nation of scholars? A nation with a political system to be revered, or one to be feared? should we ignore their idiot president or follow his command? You all must have read the news and have your own views about 9/11 and the Gun Ban expiring and all such that I will be unable to change, but heres another arena to voice them!


Yes or No
23-09-2004, 00:04
What a dumb post.
23-09-2004, 00:09
Ok, so theres a lot of posts about this but lets get to the esscense of the matter, shall we? Is America a nation of idiots or a nation of scholars? A nation with a political system to be revered, or one to be feared? should we ignore their idiot president or follow his command? You all must have read the news and have your own views about 9/11 and the Gun Ban expiring and all such that I will be unable to change, but heres another arena to voice them!


Yes or NoThe problem of the US seems to be the constantly growing discrepancy between a well-educated elite and the broad masses who just care for their own lives.
The political system would be better if there were more parties and more general participation in elections.
The justice system is inexpicable to non-US-citizens. It all seems pretty arbitrary somehow.
The expiring ban of assault weapons is inexplicable as well.
9/11 is what you get for patronizing the world and supporting criminal regimes. Sorry for that, but that's how it is.
The most terrifying thing about the current president is his belief in a divine calling to "liberate" the world and set up a rule of oil, ahem, I mean democracy.
23-09-2004, 00:19
To many scholars lead to bad and to many morons lead to bad but it is moderation between the two that lead to a productive society. To many really smart people leads to a society like socialism or communism, but to many moron leads to a society of neanderthals and civil war.
Harmonia Mortus
23-09-2004, 00:30
America has about the same amount of stupid people (percentage wise) as everywhere else, theyre just louder here.
I cant wait until the crazy 'Europeans R pwnzor' people get here.
23-09-2004, 01:10
Where's the option that says the United States is neither a nation of scholars nor one of idiots and there is nothing necessarily wrong with its politics and systems? This poll strikes me as a tad biased.

To many really smart people leads to a society like socialism or communism, but to many moron leads to a society of neanderthals and civil war.
I have to question this. Are you implying that communism is a system that smart people would lean towards? If that's the case, why do you think it's a bad system, given that you just implied it is the system intelligent people would choose? Wouldn't that make it the intelligent choice? However, I've never seen any evidence of the fact that intelligent people are more inclined to socialism, having met some fairly intelligent people who seem to like the right wing. The alternative seems fair enough, though.
23-09-2004, 01:46
America's a great country. These type of threads seek to polarize.

Let me reverse the situation. How many people outside of America would be upset if an American made a thread like "Germany is Stupid Yay or Nay?"

People would be in here crying about the ignorant American ethnocentric behavior.
Mr Basil Fawlty
23-09-2004, 01:51
What a dumb post.

What a great topic :p
23-09-2004, 02:02
Where's the option that says the United States is neither a nation of scholars nor one of idiots and there is nothing necessarily wrong with its politics and systems? This poll strikes me as a tad biased.

I have to question this. Are you implying that communism is a system that smart people would lean towards? If that's the case, why do you think it's a bad system, given that you just implied it is the system intelligent people would choose? Wouldn't that make it the intelligent choice? However, I've never seen any evidence of the fact that intelligent people are more inclined to socialism, having met some fairly intelligent people who seem to like the right wing. The alternative seems fair enough, though.

It's more of a generalization. It just seems the very very well educated people seem to lean to the left more often but not always.
23-09-2004, 02:22
An average nation...just bad policies and systems in place.

Perhaps too great an emphasis on religion, among other things.

I wouldn't say we're any more idiotic or scholarly than other nations.
23-09-2004, 02:38
To many scholars lead to bad and to many morons lead to bad but it is moderation between the two that lead to a productive society. To many really smart people leads to a society like socialism or communism, but to many moron leads to a society of neanderthals and civil war.

This is perhaps one of the scarier quotes I've seen. For starters, it is "too," not "to" (my apologies for being crucial on grammer). The "smart" or "scholarly" people are, perhaps, considered so relative to whom you ask. Some would consider people willing to sacrifice material possessions in order to better their fellow man quite stupid (though I think such selfless concepts are wonderful). Civil wars are often simply a clash of ideals or crucial policy. Regardless of the details, such a statement is too black-and-white to take seriously.

Pardon my over-analysis.

And speaking of black-and-white, this whole poll is guilty of such a fallacy. The United States isn't made up of any one thing. I do believe that an increasing # of its citizens are becoming apathetic to the entire political/social repercussions of the day. That being said, I believe that the gov't is equally guilty in its policy and decision-making (which the citizenry is at fault for failing to see/analyze/act against its gov'ts actions). There are so many factors for a rather complex question that giving only a few options seems futile.

Napoleon Dynomite
23-09-2004, 02:43
Well, were not all stupid, we have our number of stupid people, but we have more citizens over all so we have more stupid people than other countrys, and the North is Much smarter than the south, the southwest is smarter than the southeast (at least much of it) but not as smart as the Northwest and Northeast, the Northwest is smarter than the southwest and the southeast but not as smart as the Northeast. Overall, in order of smartness from greatest to least. Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, there are exceptions, but this is as close as it can get.
23-09-2004, 02:47
To quote the annoying commercial: I am an American. I have a father who is very vocal with his views, & right now all he has is criticism for stupidity. Quite frankly, this is a great nation to live in, with so many wonderful people. We just have a history with a greater-than-usual proportion of idiots in the government. Sometimes the idiots are funny, sometimes I want to step on them. Don't get me wrong, I love America. I just love Japan more. :D

(NOTE: this is really the Queendom of Talent)
23-09-2004, 02:49
There is a very vocal minority of peopel of lesser intellect in the USA. The problem is that the right wing listens to them, because they are how they stay in power. There is nobody of lesser means that would vote for them if they looked at the effects of their policies on their own personal economies; so the right wing gets issues that the minority of the simple will vote for. This combined with the the usual coperate greed votes of the right wing will keep it in power.
The people are all over the map. Very creative to a point of often being quite eccentric. I enjoy that there are many who are experts on various things just out of personal curiosity. The thing is that Americas are often more focused and know less about other subjects.
23-09-2004, 02:53
How can a land mass be stupid? Are you telling me that France has a smarter mountain then we do?
Conestoga Valley
23-09-2004, 03:00
You all must have read the news and have your own views about 9/11 and the Gun Ban expiring and all such that I will be unable to change, but heres another arena to voice them!

So, what your saying is that part of your reasons for disliking America is because we are a victim of terrorism and we let the AW ban of '94 expire? I have no reason for disscussing the former, so how about the latter?
Surely, if you had done research on the topic you would realize that all the AW ban of '94 did was make firearms that are black, or have a handguard or even a pistol grip and a detachable magazine illegal. I have tons of military experience, which can translate into firearms experience, and its not to hard to realise that if some one is using a semi-automatic rifle with a ten-round magazine and they decide to go on a rampage they arent going to waste a lot of ammo. Of course, as some believe, this removal of the AW ban allows for the purchase of automatic weapons, this is also false. There is another ban which has existed since 1980 which outlaws this. I'd rather have someone running around squeezing off magazine after magazine of ammunition - where they'd have to reload every eight to ten seconds and the reloading process alone takes three - into cars and buildings instead of having them select individual targets and increase the death toll.
The only example of stupidity is the signing of the bill as it existed until recently.
Irrational Stupidity
23-09-2004, 03:21
The fact that people are still allowed to swing their fire arms around like that in the first place is the problem. It originally ment that the common man could protect his land from Brittish invasion. But that's not going to happen.

What the US needs is a total fire arm ban, and more reasearch into non-leathal weapons. Also, we need to actually keep an eye on what comes into and out of the states. Too many things are smuggled in on our international airlines, and that shouldn't happen.

NRA wackos are going to say, "But someone, no matter how hard you try to stop them, will get a gun, and you wont have to to defend yourself with!" Whlie I understand the sentiment, you must understand that with development of non-leathal weapons, you wont need a deadly weapon to defend yourself. Prehaps a gun that fires large rubber bullets that can damage the body and knock the wind of of a person to the point they pass out. Either way, dead or just plain down, they won't be shooting at you. And you don't have blood on your hands. Wouldn't that be better?

Back on topic; America needs a powerful third moderate party to balence out the stupidity which really does lie on both sides.
23-09-2004, 03:57
Hey, and while we are at it, let's get rid of red meat too. Red meat kills more people in this country than guns do. Oh, it might take longer, but you don't need red meat to live, so why should it be legal?
The Blacklisted
23-09-2004, 04:18
You stop any american on the street and ask then any type of question about anything within america and the american will get it wrong 99% of the time. You ask these same questions to a canadian person and they will get it right 99% of the time. Funny thing is, canadians know more about america than americans do..

Isn't that funny!

Azati Prime
23-09-2004, 04:20
I really don't think there's anything wrong with America's system of government. Just the fact that some people are corrupt and stupid. Not saying that all of us are stupid, just the unfortunate majority.
Black Umbrella
23-09-2004, 04:29
Back on topic; America needs a powerful third moderate party to balence out the stupidity which really does lie on both sides.

Yes exactly!!! When are we, as a country, going to demand this?! Let's face it Republicans and Democrats are 2 sides of 1 coin. They don't want us to have REAL choices in who we elect. This 2 party system thing is total bullocks!
23-09-2004, 04:38
Yes exactly!!! When are we, as a country, going to demand this?! Let's face it Republicans and Democrats are 2 sides of 1 coin. They don't want us to have REAL choices in who we elect. This 2 party system thing is total bullocks!

You bring up a nice idea...but you're never going to bring enough "intelligent" people into believing the same ideology. Good luck on that one. Not to mention our system has been set up to only serve two parties.
23-09-2004, 04:50
You stop any american on the street and ask then any type of question about anything within america and the american will get it wrong 99% of the time. You ask these same questions to a canadian person and they will get it right 99% of the time. Funny thing is, canadians know more about america than americans do..

Isn't that funny!


The fact you believe this to be true is probably funnier

I know Canadians who think Mexico is part of the United States, don't know where Jamaica is, and can't even name all their provinces. Stupidity abounds everywhere, it's an unfortunate trait humanity seems damned determined not to shake.
23-09-2004, 04:53
The fact you believe this to be true is probably funnier

I know Canadians who think Mexico is part of the United States, don't know where Jamaica is, and can't even name all their provinces. Stupidity abounds everywhere, it's an unfortunate trait humanity seems damned determined not to shake. is kinda funny :D
23-09-2004, 10:59
America's a great country. These type of threads seek to polarize.
Let me reverse the situation. How many people outside of America would be upset if an American made a thread like "Germany is Stupid Yay or Nay?"
People would be in here crying about the ignorant American ethnocentric behavior.
It would be stupid and ethnocentric. But guess what would happen: Many Poles, Czechs, Brits, Israeli and others (possibly even some Americans) would say: Yes, Yes, Yes.
And if someone opened such a thread about Japan many Chinese, Koreans and others (possibly even Americans) would say Yes, Yes, Yes.
So, quite frankly spoken Anti-Americanism is not the only prejudice in the world. It is strong because the US is the strongest power. You have to life with that just like Japanese, French or Germas have to life with anti-Japanesism (Sp?) anti-Frenshism and anti-Germanism.
Independent Homesteads
23-09-2004, 11:05
America has about the same amount of stupid people (percentage wise) as everywhere else, theyre just louder here.
I cant wait until the crazy 'Europeans R pwnzor' people get here.

stupid people are also worse educated in america, and pandered to so that their stupidity is fostered, and told that they are beautiful individual snowflakes with every right to their stupid ass opinions, and lied to by clever people who want their votes/money/obedience.
23-09-2004, 11:11
It would be stupid and ethnocentric. But guess what would happen: Many Poles, Czechs, Brits, Israeli and others (possibly even some Americans) would say: Yes, Yes, Yes.
And if someone opened such a thread about Japan many Chinese, Koreans and others (possibly even Americans) would say Yes, Yes, Yes.
So, quite frankly spoken Anti-Americanism is not the only prejudice in the world. It is strong because the US is the strongest power. You have to life with that just like Japanese, French or Germas have to life with anti-Japanesism (Sp?) anti-Frenshism and anti-Germanism.

I think it's not only because Americans are the most powerfull, but also because they do not seem to care what happens in the rest of the world. Like know, the whole world is following the elections in the US, here in Holland, we also follow elections in France, Germany, Great Brittain a lot. But for some reason I think there is only few Americans who can name the French President without looking it up (hint: it's not Chirac) or know who the PM of Holland is. Also American governments (especially Bush, but Democrats as well) tend to be arrogant, like when Bush just cancelled the Kyoto-agreement, or attacked Iraq without consent of the rest of the world (Only Gbr, Poland and Spain). And lets face it: nobody likes an arrogant SOB.
23-09-2004, 11:15
The USA's general public and their leaders are so lost philosophically that one must wonder if there is any future there.
As another poster said, more viable political parties might generate a more interested, more informed, and more active population. America's public education system sucks, the two main political parties are spending her into bankruptcy, and the press is pushing for more and more mindless liberal policies, none of which are good for the nation.
America's founding fathers would wince in pain seeing how dumb the present citizenry has become. Fat ass couch potatoes, rap musicians, ignorant black and hispanic minorities despite a fortune spent on schools.
So sad to see such a jewel so tarnished.
23-09-2004, 11:18
I think it's not only because Americans are the most powerfull, but also because they do not seem to care what happens in the rest of the world. Like know, the whole world is following the elections in the US, here in Holland, we also follow elections in France, Germany, Great Brittain a lot. But for some reason I think there is only few Americans who can name the French President without looking it up (hint: it's not Chirac) or know who the PM of Holland is. Also American governments (especially Bush, but Democrats as well) tend to be arrogant, like when Bush just cancelled the Kyoto-agreement, or attacked Iraq without consent of the rest of the world (Only Gbr, Poland and Spain). And lets face it: nobody likes an arrogant SOB.
First of all the French Presiden is Jaques Chirac. The prime minister is Mr. Raffarin.
To name the prime minister of Holland (or wouldn´t it be more appropiate to say the Netherlands?) would even be a failure for most other Europeans. Mr. Balkenende is not so much known. I for my part don´t know the name of the Swiss president (they change that every year anyway that is their system).
And regarding arrogance: Most nations are, especially those who can afford it. When Chirac was criticized for the nuclear test in the pacific (Mururoa atoll) in 1995/96 he said: Je pissé d`UNO - I give a shit at the UN.
I would just say: Don´t look at the splinter of your brothers eye and miss the wood in your own one.
The US has done much more good to the world than any European power. That needs to be said.
23-09-2004, 11:29
I think the main problem with America is not who is running the government, but how.

You can live off the government for years.
Public School is useless (trust me - I'm in a system where 11/13 schools are in Academic Emergency (Spl?).
Media is pretty much just a telescreen.

Also, someone said that American civilians were allowed to keep their firearms to prevent a British invasion, but actually it was so that we could for a coup d'etat if it proved neccesary (Spl?).

And a more specific problem with American Public Schools is that unless you take courses outside the core load, you don't even learn about modern politics, just history, history, and how we've screwed up in the
23-09-2004, 11:31
The US follows a pluralist model of democracy, where the "Voice of the People" is not voiced by the people themselves, but a myriad of lobbyist (interest) groups. Basically, the american people built their political system upon the very same principle their whole society relies on in their everyday lives - "money talks". Whichever interest group can deal out most cash, is therefore most represented. Why else do you think tobacco is still legal? Why else is american tax system one of the most complicated ones in the world, with so many exceptions and back-taxation?
The answer is simple - in America one can BUY laws... I know this is not the exact truth, it's more like - you can buy seats in the parliament, but the basic underlying principle remains the same.

Oh well, just my 2 cents worth...
23-09-2004, 11:46
no-one gives a flying fart whether the main population of america is smart or not its about whether little george dublya boosh is an *E%#% or not. Is boosh a #%(H*& . yes he is. and most of the population of Iraq and the rest of the world would agree with me. Aussies on the other hand are absolutely awesome even if John Howard(our prime minister hence the other arguments) is a bit of a @%(& hes better than most other leaders.
Von Witzleben
23-09-2004, 11:52
What a great topic :p
Wonderfull indeed.
Bohemia and Moravia II
23-09-2004, 12:08
I think that Americans are just as stupid as anyone, but a little more ignorant. They don't seem to see the corruption that is there like in any govt anywhere. What I don't understand is how easily they seem to be distracted. Some of it must be because they do not have to deal with all the different nationalities and squabbles we deal with here in Europe. Though at times it can be annoying, I seem to prefer the more skeptical "less smiley" european way of doing seems more sincere. I also feel that Americans seem to do/say what they think they should idealistically without being very practical about things. They think and say they care about people they dont know, even if they could care less about them (ie Iraqis), and then they don't understand why people kill them for being there. They seem to have a LOT of trouble seeing things from another nations perspective. Mothers in Iraq dont care why the US is there, they only see people dying and want them out, no matter why the Amis say they are there.

My own experience is that the Americans on the E. Coast seem a lot more pragmatic and cynical....they are rude, aloof, and will not hesitate to tell you exactly how they feel about you....ah, I MISS THEM AND LOVE THEM.

One thing you have to give the Amis credit for is they keep their army strong, but they can't solve everything with this. We in EU need to be more prepared with our own military, things can change and we shouldnt have to ask the Americans for help each time we have problems.

BTW, I have dual citizenship, in the US and in an EU nation. Lived my life about eaqual halfs in both. Sadly though, disgruntled americans often say "If you don't like it, go back to Europe." That's sad. I did not think that was the "American Way". I think America is going through a hard time politically, and I just hope they recover and look to their constitution...a great document which many of our own nations formed similar constitutions from.
America is a great nation, like any great nation is subject to lots of criticizm.

I think if Americans would try harder to keep good relations with their friends and not seem so arrogant, things would be better for everyone. Lately the US seems kinda like a bully, and some americans come off very angry when they hear critisizing of america. We always complain about govt in EU, we take it automatically as trouble ridden...but home is home.

Gnomish Republics
23-09-2004, 12:13
Well, let's look at the facts-
In Russia, which was cleverly called a "kleptocracy", the education is (or at least was a few years ago) better than that of the United States. It was better in the Soviet Union too. That just goes to say that the schools in a just off the conveyor state with a horrible economy are better than the ones in America. Any questions?
Bohemia and Moravia II
23-09-2004, 12:17
Education? Ow. Well, don't test scores show lately that US schools are doing really badly in Science and Geography?

I think if I conducted a sceintific survey, I think that Europeans would know
more American & European capital cities. In my own experiance, when I tell
Americans I live in the Czech republic, 7 out of 10 don't know where it is or
think it's in the wrong place completely. Some think we're part of Russia, or a former soviet republic, many seem to think we're located in Yugoslavia or macedonia and just got over a civil war! This is not real important, but it does
give an impression on Europeans that Americans don't really know the world,
but want to impose themselves on it.

23-09-2004, 12:31
Some think we're part of Russia, or a former soviet republic, many seem to think we're located in Yugoslavia or macedonia and just got over a civil war! This is not real important, but it does
give an impression on Europeans that Americans don't really know the world, but want to impose themselves on it.
How many Europeans would misplace Slovakia and Slovenia? How many Europeans now their capitals Bratislava and Lubiljana (sp?). And you weren´t part of the Soviet Union but you were up until 1991 forced to be part of the Soviet bloc (Warsaw pact).
Well, and in 1993 Slovakia split away - peacefully though without a civil war.
And in the Iraq crisis the Czech Republic belonged to the coalition of the willing (letter of the eight). The arch enemy of it is traditionally Germany. We in Europe still use to be so hostile towards each other that I see any arrogance towards America as pure arrogance. They have formed a compact unity out of the diversity of immigrants. Europe is still almost in the Middle Ages. We don´t kill each other any more, but we are still conducting in many parts a policy against each other and not with each other.
Independent Homesteads
23-09-2004, 12:36
Education? Ow. Well, don't test scores show lately that US schools are doing really badly in Science and Geography?

I think if I conducted a sceintific survey, I think that Europeans would know
more American & European capital cities. In my own experiance, when I tell
Americans I live in the Czech republic, 7 out of 10 don't know where it is or
think it's in the wrong place completely. Some think we're part of Russia, or a former soviet republic, many seem to think we're located in Yugoslavia or macedonia and just got over a civil war! This is not real important, but it does
give an impression on Europeans that Americans don't really know the world,
but want to impose themselves on it.


i'm british and i couldn't point to czech republic on a map. also i have no idea whether czecho and slovakia had a war when they wanted to separate, or if they just split amicably. I'm thinking there probably wasn't a war because if there was I'd have heard about it.

How many europeans can point to Rhode Island on a map? or Iowa? I know i can't. To most americans europe is a place like america is a place. Hands up any european who doesn't have to look up the capital of South Dakota? Or Alberta? (I know Alberta is in Canada, just testing your knowledge further)
23-09-2004, 13:03
Hey, and while we are at it, let's get rid of red meat too. Red meat kills more people in this country than guns do. Oh, it might take longer, but you don't need red meat to live, so why should it be legal?

just ban mac donalds and you'll be able to sort out the red meat problem. If it's cooked healthily enough and is part of a balanced diet and healthy life style then it should not be a problem. Of course getting rid of it altogether and focusing all land on crop production would be much more economical and no crops would be wasted on feeding animals. Excess could be given away to third world as aid, or to pay off the massive debts the USA still burdens.
Conestoga Valley
24-09-2004, 00:48
Education? Ow. Well, don't test scores show lately that US schools are doing really badly in Science and Geography?

I think if I conducted a sceintific survey, I think that Europeans would know
more American & European capital cities. In my own experiance, when I tell
Americans I live in the Czech republic, 7 out of 10 don't know where it is or
think it's in the wrong place completely. Some think we're part of Russia, or a former soviet republic, many seem to think we're located in Yugoslavia or macedonia and just got over a civil war! This is not real important, but it does
give an impression on Europeans that Americans don't really know the world,
but want to impose themselves on it.


Test scores? They shouldnt count. The whole education system is based around tests which, if you include certain factors, are often falsified. The truth is that not everyone can restate the information which they have just learned back on to paper. Its not that easy. I'm not saying that testing is bad, but its definitely not the best thing to base the intellectual capacity of a nation by.

You must also relise one more thing, the education system is based around America, and the history of the country. Its much harder to learn about other countries in this sense. I'm not saying that kids wont learn about Europe, but rather that they wont remember it as much.
Theocracatic States
24-09-2004, 01:29
As a current victim of the Americian Schule system I can indeed say that we are heavly Americain based.

Before 1492 only Europe exists, after only North America.

Try to convince the US history teacher that Americains want anything other than Representation in Parliment (even though they specificly told Franklin to decline all offers of it) and he'll ignore you.

He can even claim that the British never comprimised at all (Hard to say when they repealled all kinds of taxes.
24-09-2004, 02:08
Well, let's look at the facts-
In Russia, which was cleverly called a "kleptocracy", the education is (or at least was a few years ago) better than that of the United States. It was better in the Soviet Union too. That just goes to say that the schools in a just off the conveyor state with a horrible economy are better than the ones in America. Any questions?

You are an idiot. No, the Soviet Union did not have good education. No, Russia does not have good education now. Anything the Soviet Union said was most likely a lie anyways. They didn't make a habit of being honest with the people.

And America is a Republic! Not a friggin Democracy. How about another poll: People who comment on political systems they don't understand are stupid yay or nay. Americans are ethnocentric, and yet our ethnic background is more mixed than any other nation in the world. Europeans are so very tolerant and all that wonderful stuff, and somehow don't know America is a Republic. So STFU, apparently ya'll Europeans have some idiots too.
24-09-2004, 02:10
As a current victim of the Americian Schule system I can indeed say that we are heavly Americain based.

Before 1492 only Europe exists, after only North America.

Try to convince the US history teacher that Americains want anything other than Representation in Parliment (even though they specificly told Franklin to decline all offers of it) and he'll ignore you.

He can even claim that the British never comprimised at all (Hard to say when they repealled all kinds of taxes.

Maybe you suffer under the educative system of the north. I'm in south carolina and yet I seem to have a better AP US History teacher than you. But hey, we people in the Southeast are just dumb as hell anyways.

24-09-2004, 02:29
America's a great country. These type of threads seek to polarize.

Let me reverse the situation. How many people outside of America would be upset if an American made a thread like "Germany is Stupid Yay or Nay?"

People would be in here crying about the ignorant American ethnocentric behavior.
I could not have put it better myself. Threads such as this do seek to polarize the masses, or at least keep the masses polarized. Honestly how can you boil a country down too a question like "America is stupid?". You can't! Countries are complex because the populations that reside within them are inheritantly complex. The populations themselves are complex because the individuals within those populations are complex. Can you boil a person down to a single question: "Is he or she stupid?". No you can't! What makes the individual stupid? Can a single person be stupid at all things? Does that make that individual any less human or any less demanding of common respect?
24-09-2004, 02:40
Education? Ow. Well, don't test scores show lately that US schools are doing really badly in Science and Geography?

I think if I conducted a sceintific survey, I think that Europeans would know
more American & European capital cities. In my own experiance, when I tell
Americans I live in the Czech republic, 7 out of 10 don't know where it is or
think it's in the wrong place completely. Some think we're part of Russia, or a former soviet republic, many seem to think we're located in Yugoslavia or macedonia and just got over a civil war! This is not real important, but it does
give an impression on Europeans that Americans don't really know the world,
but want to impose themselves on it.


Saying that Americans as a whole don't really know the world is not a fair statement to make. Yes I'll agree most of my countrymen can't even name the 50 states that make up the union. In fact, some people in my own homestate of Michigan can't correctly show you where each of the five Great Lakes are located on a map with no names, and in some cases can't even name the five Great Lakes. Rather sad considering one of Michigan's nicknames is "The Great Lakes State" because the state borders four of the five Great Lakes and that you're no further than 150 or so from the nearest Great Lake in either of the two pennisulas that make up our state! Still there are some Americans that know geography, as you even admit. Just please don't lump us all together. Besides, I am willing to bet there are some geographically challenged people in the Czech Republic.
Theocracatic States
24-09-2004, 02:40
Hades what makes you think I am in the North.

My teacher was born in Alabama (maybe that explains it) and raised in Texas were we both currently are.

But yes the teacher is a major issue since the best two teachers (History wise) at are school are a German born German teacher who does World History on the side and a Soccer Coach who teaches World and European History (a class I am taking gladly).
24-09-2004, 03:21
No one will probably read this, but if you do there is one proof that America and indeed the entire world is full of idiots. Just read some of the posts on the site. I have been reading some of them, and either their authors are 12 years old or America is full of idiots, and the really sad thing is that these threads are typically of better quality than most of the rest of the internet. All I am trying to say is that the internet gives alot of people the chance to make their absolutely idiotic opinion known to the whole world.