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22-09-2004, 05:45
Well you see the fact is my friends that this problem cannot be solved without resorting to the international committee. However, such actions have been refused by the system, which demonstrates the need for stricter security. Do not think for one second that the best alternative will allow Bush to go about with the suggested action, for this spells trouble for Kerry. True to common belief the right wing bias in television is corrupting the moral values of the children of our abortions.

This is all fine and dandy, and given fact, but who pray tell can challenge the perpetual logic that the Iraq war creates trouble for the working man. If there should be an upsurgance of the newest election ideals, we will firsthandedly see why the need for the elctoral college is key to preserve the coal supplies in North America.

It is doubtful however, given the fact that I hate Michael Moore, the gay rights activists will succeed in creating a the New Pink Regime. The racist view is contrary to the need for races that concentrates on the belief that music can be percieved by the liberal. No longer will the global hegemony reflect the needs of the US, or the hatred injected in to the bloodtstream of the voters.

The need for reform is obvious due to the growing worry over the femenistic income levels plaguing the economy and the fact that Bush is not favored. Let us realize that the agenda of Ann Coulter Fox News Channel is liberally biased. In fact, the creationistic point of view holds value under the light given the fact that the death penalty harbors regret toward the Drug War and the prison system. No longer shall the ass be refrained in the poetry that is violent and dangerous to schools. The sexual repression does indeed spell trouble for the aging youth that will crash the Social Security market of the free world. Anarchy will free the mind of the left wing propaganda machine designed by such geniuses as Dick Cheny and Al Franken. Without such insight we would surely be lost.

That about covers it. If I missed some hackneyed topics on general please feel free to add on a couple of paragraphs.
Big Jim P
24-09-2004, 06:41
Hey, you forgot religion. :p
Texan Hotrodders
24-09-2004, 06:43
Ummm...the post was mostly good, but you spelled Cheney wrong.
24-09-2004, 06:53

Somehow, this seemed fitting ;)