Super Powers
Criminal minds
16-09-2004, 17:36
if you could have three super powers what would they be?
And if you had aquired such powers would you use your power for good,evil, or personal gain?
Criminal minds
16-09-2004, 17:41
my powers would be...
1 communicate with animals. (like beast master)
2 telekenesis (like xavier)
3 invisibility.
I thought about this and if i was the only one with powers i would probbally use them for personal gain or evil. if there was someone else. it depends on how they use theirs. every hero needs a villain.
16-09-2004, 17:46
1) Telekinesis
2) Incredible reaction times
3) Mind control
I'd use my powers mostly for good, with a little personal gain.
16-09-2004, 17:58
1. Telepathy
2. Telekenesis
3. Super magic ultra-attractiveness!
16-09-2004, 19:25
1. mind control
2. improved mind control
3. enhanced mind control :D
who needs invisiblity and such when you just could order every babe to strip right now? ;)
16-09-2004, 19:27
1. Shapeshifting
2. Telepathy
3. Subliminal Mind Control (like normal, but subject thinks they are doing it willingly)
16-09-2004, 19:29
2.Invincibility (but not immortality)
3.The ability to make certain women love only me :D
Texan Hotrodders
16-09-2004, 19:32
1.) Omnipotence
2.) Omniscience
I would pwn everyone on NS. ;)
16-09-2004, 19:46
If I could have three superpowers, they'd be:
1) Britain at the height of colonialism.
2) Soviet Russia, pre- Cuban Missile Crisis.
3) Rome just after the invasion of Britannia.
But daft sarcasm aside, mine would have to be:
1) Infinite Strength; so I could do anything physical and so my skin could be impenetrable.
2) Controllable Invisibility; so I could go anywhere and not be seen.
3) The ability to grant myself an infinite number of addition super-powers. (Or if I'm not allowed that, it would be the ability to slow-down time, which is the same as lightning-fast reactions really).
I would use them for the common good, but I would reserve the right to decide what the 'common good' encompasses.
16-09-2004, 21:39
1. The power to make chickens explode
2. The power to dissappear cows
3. The power to create chickens and/or cows as neccessary to abuse the above powers
1. Deityhood
2. All the powers that the average deity has
3. Card that allows me to get free Cokes.
Tennesee Fans
16-09-2004, 21:47
2.Of the
16-09-2004, 21:51
1. The power to make chickens explode
2. The power to dissappear cows
3. The power to create chickens and/or cows as neccessary to abuse the above powers
that made me really happy.
1. Teleportation
2. Change appearance at will
3. Know all languages
If i could have any 3 powers, they'd be:
1) Instant teleportation
2)Fly really fast
3)Able to do anything that Dragon Ball Z/GT can do
Cannot think of a name
16-09-2004, 22:53
I always get crap for this, but screw you-I put a lot of thought into this:
You see, with super-powers you really have to be a villian or a good guy. Personal gain would eventually make you a villian, I mean after all-the villians aren't doing it for thier health. Maybe Dr., personal gain. Since super-powers create that dicotimy, you are then forced into conflict, which is really just a hassle, man. I want no part.
But certainly super-powers would be cool, and it's hard to pass up that wild ride. But once I can fly or travel through time or explode chickens (kudos for that suggestion), I'm now the flying-time traveling chicken exlpoder and that's gonna eat up most of my existance. ("Mister? Could you go back to last wenesday and fly over my birthday party and blow up a chicken?") Man, that would get tiresome. I don't want to be that guy, with all that pressure. Not to mention Peter Parker's uncle sweating my balls all the time with his "Great power..." routine. No thanks, I'll catch the next bus.
So what power would I have? Ones that would make my day to day life a little easier without being noticable or a giant hassle, things like:
1. Empathy. To know when your barking up the wrong tree, or if a tree is begging you to bark up it-what luxury. To know when someones irratated before you step on thier toes, or when a good time to ask them to let you borrow the mower. Sure, attentiveness can do these things for you, but thats faliable. Empathy would be a sure shot.
2. Total recall. If you could remember crap perfectly, butter. But that one might creep people out, so don't go displaying it. Just when you need it.
3. The ability to know when two super powers is enough.
Cyber Duck
20-09-2004, 19:43
1.mind control( hell yes)
2.make any thing explode
3.own at ut04
i'd use them for myself and perhaps making an army of super monkeys
1. Totally convincing liar ("No, you don't want to shoot me!", "No, neither I do...")
2. Flying (Such fun...wheeeeee!)
3. Psychic powers (Chucking things around with my head!)
I think that would do me...and I would use them for personal gain/good-even if technically that is impossible :-)
20-09-2004, 19:54
1. The ability to give my friends whatever they need whenever they need it.
2. The ability to become invisible at will.
3. A home ...preferrably a small, glass one.
Yes, that's right. I want to be Genie! *nods her head and vanishes*
Copiosa Scotia
20-09-2004, 20:04
The nameless guy has it right with empathy and total recall. As a person who's constantly losing things, I'd add the ability to locate everyday objects instantly. No more long searches for my keys, or my phone, or a pair of scissors. Like having a search engine for real life.
20-09-2004, 20:05
I'd like to possess Coordinator-level strength, reflexes, and intelligence. Letila please don't go on one of your anti-GM rants b/c I said this
20-09-2004, 20:10
1. A golden lasso that made people incapable of telling lies.
2. Armbands that deflect bullets.
3. An invisible jet.
Oh crap .... I'm Wonder Woman.
Greater Brittannia
20-09-2004, 20:16
1. Telepathy
2. Total recall
3. Limited time travel (like no more than a month or I'd abuse it like