What makes more sense?
Not in terms of which one is nicer, but which one is more tune to our natural human behavior.
Arcadian Mists
16-09-2004, 08:10
I feel our natural human behavior is in "tune" with democracy. I'm personally not that big of a fan of Big D, but Fascism doesn't seem to work very well because people want a bit more freedom than that, I think. As for Communism, I don't know what it is. Supporters of Communism always, like clockwork, say that others "don't have any idea what Communism really is". I don't like it because it makes one bad assumption: humans are equal. Humans are never equal. If you make our economic classes equal, they become unequal in other ways. A communistic society (again, as I think it works) is like swimming upstream. You might get to your destination, but you'll go slower and you'll struggle the whole way.
Yes i think communism is the worst of the bunch. the problem with their equality idea is that in a government system there always has to be someone on top. someone to tend to the castles and mansions while the workers equally share bland sheds. Democracy is good for now IMO. But it isnt permanent. with fascism, the use of propaganda and nationalism would override free will in almost all. Little opposition would occur. World peace= Total control. Democracy= freedom and chaos. Communism=poverty and revolution to one of the above metioned.
Communism is terrible in that it shuts down our desire to stand out, to succeed. Why bother working harder or going for that promotion, when you get the same as the chimney-sweep next to you? It is far too idealistic to succeed with any greater benefits than other systems.
Democracy is the best...is there any doubt...
We were first and now there are over a hundred democracies in the world, most of them are in the Top 100 economies in the world...where is there a doubt?
Having said that, there is plenty of room to improve. Not all of them help education or healthcare and many other issues, but atleast in a Democracy were debating such things...go to Zebabwe and bring up the issue of education or healthcare...they would rather eat you than hear you lol
Now that is funny