Please behave!
New Obbhlia
15-09-2004, 20:42
As european I feel really embarressed about the european/american relation here, to the americans:
Europe is not a small godforsaken part pf the world consisting of socialistic/fascistic dictatorships depending on your help
to the europeans:
Sure you can find those fat, dumb, ignorant religious zealots that we inofficially call americans, even on this forum, but seriously, who do you think are in majority? Don't bother answer things like, 37 reasoins to why US is cool or 37+ reasons that US is NOT cool, because then you will just get response from those cocky little sods I mentioned above.
I can't see any reasons for General to exist if this is all that we discuss, I hope that I am not alone with this feeling, this place could be so much more, please mods, cut off the most desperate euro/us haters...
15-09-2004, 20:47
please mods, cut off the most desperate euro/us haters...
You could just use the dreaded IGNORE function on those "haters".
15-09-2004, 20:49
I can't see any reasons for General to exist if this is all that we discuss, I hope that I am not alone with this feeling, this place could be so much more, please mods, cut off the most desperate euro/us haters...
That will never happen, because the mods ARE desparate U.S. haters.
15-09-2004, 20:50
As an American, it does seem the amount of stereotyping that's going on between the U.S. and the rest of the world is just insane.
I don't think Europe is "dependent" or anything. I do have friends from Europe and Britain, as well. In fact, my longest-standing friendship ever is with two Russians. Don't know if you count that as Europe or Asia, though...I know most of their land is in Asia, but politically they seem to have more in common with Europe. I could be wrong, though.
Anyway, the difference in ideologies, though, seems to cause a ton of trouble, and that's a shame! I do think some of the really hateful extremes could be addressed better than they are. :-(
I get the impression sometimes that some in Europe think that all of the religious adherents in the U.S. are zealots. We have some, but that's not what we all are. Please think back upon the history of the country--a fair number of our ancestors came here because they were fleeing religious persecution, and people still come here for that reason. When you consider the role that played in the very foundation of our country, it may become a bit more understandable and a bit less threatening, why we are the way we are.
15-09-2004, 20:58
I agree, to a point. Not all religious zealots are bad people. If you do not respect their views, you cannot expect them to respect yours. The same goes for liberals, Europeans, conservatives, and every other possible category I could list.
In my opinion, most of the trouble we have here on the forums stems from a lack of respect for others ideas. Flaming occurs on a personal basis, rather, than being kept to simple debate over political and social ideals. Thus, we have all fallen into steretypifications that we are loath to let die.
I, for instance, am a christian, and have defended my faith numerous times on these forums. On these occasions I have been accused, without cause, of being close-minded, "stupid", ignorant, and racist. I must admit admit that I have my own feelings for various groups, such as a dislike for the French. However, I at least can recognize the ridiculousness of hating all French because of their nation's international policies. This is more than many others can claim, and I doubt this situation will change.
15-09-2004, 21:07
That will never happen, because the mods ARE desparate U.S. haters.
Considering that I'm an American citizen, I'm really not sure where you're getting this from.
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
15-09-2004, 21:07
That will never happen, because the mods ARE desparate U.S. haters.
Er, how so? they hate the U.S., or are Americans who hate?
15-09-2004, 21:12
Er, how so? they hate the U.S., or are Americans who hate?
They hate the U.S. One need only read their posts to determine this.
Lascivious Maximus
15-09-2004, 21:12
the sad thing is that it ha been going both ways.
neither is innocent here.