If you were a psycho...
nobody wants to be a psycho... darn.
Pan slavia
15-09-2004, 00:43
I am psyco but i would probly sneak up on some girl in a shower with a knife while playing really supenseful music on my MP3
15-09-2004, 00:45
I'd write mad meniacal entries in journals, then publish them on the internet. Then I'd probably go and kill a few top governement leaders. After that they'd stick me in the crazy house for the rest of my life. :D
Reich Nationalist Fury
15-09-2004, 00:46
Where I really that far off? Well, first of all I wouldn't do it all at once. Spread it out over a long time. I'd probably be very intelligent about it were I still in my right mind. Invite people to "model shoots" while in bars, pick them up the next day, drive them to some location with dense bushes and dispatch of them. Maybe prostitutes too. I'd never put them in the same place more than once, I'd always give a false name and never go into the same bar twice. I'd refuse to keep trophies, probably just slips of paper or something non-identifying. I'd never taunt the police, and never leave anything for the authorities who would eventually catch on. I'd probably work in more than one state, most likely in the New England area. I would never tell anyone of my exploits and never recruit anyone to help. I would probably also join the police or study forensics to some level to understand what people look for at a crime scene and make sure I cover my tracks sufficiently.
First of all, I am deeply desturbed that I could come up with this kind of scary stuff in the first place, that I came up with it in under 5 minutes and I'd actually given it thought a couple times. I'm a Christian, and make that a seriously big part of my life. The entire thought is revolting as I try to hold life to an incredible level of sancity. If you think I've commited crimes, seriously, I have not. I've never even shoplifted. I just kind of wonder about how stupid the average criminal is. That and on the History channel, they run programs on serial murders pretty frequently and you start to notice paterns. Guck, I feel disgusted with myself.
15-09-2004, 00:54
Well, we're all a little crazy on the inside. If we weren't, we wouldn't care who wins the national elections. ;)
15-09-2004, 00:54
I dunno. Probably join ol' Bill Gates in annihilating all competition.
If I were a psycho I’d give everyone I met hugs and kisses, and spread world peace with my magical unicorn-dolphin beam.
Or at least that's what I’d think in my head before I killed them for not being happy. ;)
Chess Squares
15-09-2004, 00:58
paint my face cammo dress up in all black and sneek into peoples houses and rearrange their furniture then leave notes that say "charlie was here" then go home and giggle like a school girl, maybe snap the necks of a few barbie dolls
15-09-2004, 01:01
Shoot myself
Climb up the ifle-tower with a lifesize cardboard cut out of bin laden and jump without a parachute and attempt to tie the ends of my trousers to create a parachute out of the legs ..
Screaming " I protest at not having war this man is the real maniac"
just before i near the ground set the cut-out on fire discarding the face of laden..
15-09-2004, 01:23
Climb up the ifle-tower with a lifesize cardboard cut out of bin laden and jump without a parachute and attempt to tie the ends of my trousers to create a parachute out of the legs ..
Hey if it will help you float in water why shouldnt it work on air? :)
15-09-2004, 02:48
I’m already neurotic and bordering on sociopathic, what more do you want? ;)
If I were psychotic, I'd more than likely do something that would end me up in jail or a straightjacket.
Super American VX Man
15-09-2004, 02:54
Hmm...I'd probably give into many of my fantasies. Firebombing the houses of my enemies, killing them in other various manners, etc.
15-09-2004, 02:54
bomb everyone, obviously.
Being insane isn't fun, trust me. It leaves scars inside and out.
:sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :sniper: :p
Mine is a bit different, I would start off slow by mugging people in the streets, and when I had enough money, I would buy an extensive knife collection and see how many I could fit on my person without having any of them noticed. I'd wear strange clothes and go into dressing rooms in stores and find a booth that was occupied and go in quick a lil snip snip and I'd be gone. I'd hit one in every major city in the U.S. I'd be the covert master of doom. :mp5: Wouldn't use guns, they are too noticeable.
I'd run for President. (Actually, I'm Canadian, but I'd still become a politician.)
15-09-2004, 05:48
What do you mean, "if"???
I would go to Burger King and see how many Double Whopper's one could eat before one actually bursts (stomach atleast). What the hell, it was the first thing to enter my mind for some reason, I must be hungry...
Lunatic Goofballs
15-09-2004, 07:05
Hmm... what would I do if I were psycho?
Tough question. A question based on the assumption that I'm not already psycho.
Remember, just a short time ago, I masterminded a plot to knock out a good friend of mine, encase him in a full-body cast and tickle him mercilessly for several hours.
These are the sorts of things I ALREADY do for gits and shiggles.
Imagine if I go 'psycho'.
I would probably find a way to disguise a 300,000 volt stungun to look like a harmless object(like a cellphone). Then I would attend festivals and raves looking for opportunities to zap unsuspecting people in tender areas when nobody was looking. I would probably toss bags of my own urine off of 35th story balconies at passing pedestrians.
You know, the sort of things I do now. But to total strangers instead. :D
Fourth Reich SS
15-09-2004, 07:10
I would proble get a Thompson 1928 with a 100 round drum and go to New York city on New Years Eve and then go in the middle of the crowd and spin around with my finger on the trigger.
Legless Pirates
15-09-2004, 09:12
Refuse to wear clothes except my cowboy boots and then try to shoplift
15-09-2004, 09:35
Insane Ay?
Well the first thing I'd do would be to go to some place which has cheap internet hours or more simply my house. Then I'd send everybody reeeaaallyy obusive emails until someone tries to murder me or to a lesser extent shoot me. Then I'd sue them for damages (assuming I'm still alive) and go live on one of those fancy islands. Then, I would gather money until I had enough to build some sort of machine that creats earthquakes. Then I would threaten all the major cities until I gathered even more money. With the very very large ammount of money I had gathered I would go live on the moon and build something like the death star. You know....something with class. From there I'd subdue the world and become king in every right. Then I'd probably die because of the lack of oxygen on the moon, if I havent already, and it would all return to normal. You'll notice now that I'm going on about crap...or am I? Could I just have posted this as a conviniant distraction to distract you while I do something devious? Well probably not because I'm hungry and I need food. I assure you that if I wasn- ahhh the hell with this
Big Jim P
15-09-2004, 09:36
*Damn who am I stalking?*
Oh well
Stalk stalk