NationStates Jolt Archive

Home Schooled Kids Can't Hack It in Military

Daistallia 2104
13-09-2004, 17:56
Source Article (

THE WAY THINGS REALLY WORK: Home Schooled Kids Can't Hack It

September 12, 2004: Discipline can be learned, and it must be practiced. That’s the findings of a recent Department of Defense study of whether kids who graduated from “alternative” high schools, or were home schooled, did as well in military service as graduates from traditional high schools. Turns out that the home schooled and alternative high school students did not last in the service as well as high school grads. One thing you learn by finishing traditional high school, is how to get along in a group, a discipline yourself to get things done in a group, and to persevere as a group.

In fact, kids who spent four years in high school, but did not pass all their final exams, did better. The Pentagon did not release the percentage differences, but is advising recruiters to take these factors into account when deciding which prospective recruits to spend their time on.

A disproportionate number of children, whose father or mother are in the military, are home schooled. It is not known if these kids, who are regularly exposed to military people, were a large enough part of the study sample to show if they, too, had problems completing their military service.

Well, well, what a surprise. The home schoolers aren't the cats pajyamas at everything afterall.
Biff Pileon
13-09-2004, 19:06
Not really surprising really. The couple who used to live beside me had 3 children. My ex and I have 2 daughters, the same ages as the oldest two kids. They home schooled their children. These kids were allowed outside for 1 hour a day and always in their back yard behind a 6 foot privacy fence. The husband divorced the woman and moved out. She had to get a job and the kids had to go to public school.

It was bizarre when these kids came out of their house for their first day in public school. They had NO social skills at all. They would just take things from other kids and did not understand the concept of discipline. I told the woman that her children were not to step foot on my property nor were they welcome in my home after they stole my youngest daughters toys.

They soon moved away when the woman lost the house in the divorce and it was sold.