Do you think that bisexuality exists?
Some people seem to think that bisexuality is not a real sexual orientation? Some people think it's just so people can hide being gay. Others say it's just a way to seem cool because you get laid a lot. What do you think?
Is it just a lifestyle like the conservative Christians say about any sexuality other than hetero?
Is it fake?
Or is it a real thing?
12-09-2004, 03:44
You the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus kind of "fake"?
How old are you?
You the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus kind of "fake"?
How old are you?
I know BWS is an Atheist.
I am a Conservative Christian.
The Atheist speaks for me.
Asylum Nova
12-09-2004, 03:52
I don't view someone being bisexual as being a matter of orientation, but more like someone who doesn't care about gender when looking for a lover.
Miss Nova
Ruler of the Rogue Nation of Asylum Nova
You the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus kind of "fake"?
How old are you?
I mean fake like it doesn't exist, yes.
I am 19.
12-09-2004, 04:07
Yes, it does exist. How do I know?
-Looks self up and down-
Because I am. It is a psycological and physiological state in which one person is attracted to both genders, opposite and the same. It can also be taken as a psycological state in which as previously stated, one has no care what gender it holds, all they search for is true love. Either way, if'n you have questions on whether or not it exists, because it does, fire away.
Dark Elf Warriors
12-09-2004, 04:07
I consider this to fall under the same answer as my perspective on breast implants and other forms of cosmetic surgery.
"If it exists, then it's 'real'."
Now, mind you, this is an inexact statement, since you can then say that it exists, yes, but is fraudulent.
However, the general definition of bisexuality is one who is attracted to, has physical relations with, and may fall in love with a member of either gender. If a person is engaged in this activity, or would like to but is unable to, then I would say that makes them bisexual. Now, if a person is merely affecting to be bisexual, but their interest really lies only in one gender, I would say that's fraudulent bisexuality.
On a personal note, yes, I define myself as bisexual, and believe that everyone is, to some degree or another, bisexual. Most people are a 1 or a 2 on the scale, commitedly hetero- or homosexual, but we've all got a hint of attraction, even the subconciously suppresed kind. Often it's the ones who deny this the most vehemently who feel it the most acutely. (I admit to sometimes mentioning this solely as a way to antagonise homophobes)
Regardless, bisexuality is as real as any form of sexuality, or anything else. Reality is, after all, only as 'real' as you make it. Existence, on the other hand, is immalleable. Whether you believe a rock is real or not doesn't matter if I punch you in the face with it, since it exists. But you're welcome to deny whether it's real or not all day long. Damned post-modern thinkers just can't be reasoned with sometimes, over-intellectualising and counter-logicking everything.
Sorry, been writing a philosophy essay, long day.
"Did you hear the rumour that Jerry Falwell was arrested in the 1960's for soliciting gay sex in a public bathroom? No? Well, spread it around!"
Snowboarding Maniacs
12-09-2004, 04:07
of course bisexuality exists.....I have heard (sorry, no source) it said that very few people are 100% straight or 100% gay. It may help if you think of it that way, even though it seems weird. "John" is 70% straight and 30% gay - he perfers girls but might consider fooling around with another guy. "Jess" is 50% gay, 50% straight - she honestly does not prefer one gender over the other. I'm currently dating a bisexual girl - she prefers guys, we like to talk about what female celebrities we think are hot, and she has fooled around with other girls a couple times. And then there's people who are mostly gay, but who would still consider hooking up with someone of the other gender.
besides, as far as i'm concerned, when you suggest they say they're bisexual to "cover up" being gay, i would find that very hard to find plausable, at least for guys. I know if i were thrown into bed with a naked dude, I would practically disgusted, I certainly would never become aroused by it. So by the same token, I would imagine gay men are the same way, but in reverse. I could not imagine a gay man being aroused by a woman. Therefore, if a guy said he was bisexual to "cover up" being gay, I would imagine that facade would quickly fall apart once it came down to, ah, performing in bed (with a woman) :)
12-09-2004, 04:14
are you suggesting that you think that there are thousands of people who are LYING about having had sex with members of both genders?
if not, then i guess bisexuality must exist since there are people who have had and who will continue to have sex with both men and women.
I actually AM bi-myself. I wrote this thread because some people have said I'm trying to hide being gay and others have said that there was no such thing.. Just really horny people. I'm 50-50 gay-straight.
Dark Elf Warriors
12-09-2004, 04:18
I consider this to fall under the same answer as my perspective on breast implants and other forms of cosmetic surgery.
"If it exists, then it's 'real'."
Now, mind you, this is an inexact statement, since you can then say that it exists, yes, but is fraudulent.
However, the general definition of bisexuality is one who is attracted to, has physical relations with, and may fall in love with a member of either gender. If a person is engaged in this activity, or would like to but is unable to, then I would say that makes them bisexual. Now, if a person is merely affecting to be bisexual, but their interest really lies only in one gender, I would say that's fraudulent bisexuality.
On a personal note, yes, I define myself as bisexual, and believe that everyone is, to some degree or another, bisexual. Most people are a 1 or a 2 on the scale, commitedly hetero- or homosexual, but we've all got a hint of attraction, even the subconciously suppresed kind. Often it's the ones who deny this the most vehemently who feel it the most acutely. (I admit to sometimes mentioning this solely as a way to antagonise homophobes)
Regardless, bisexuality is as real as any form of sexuality, or anything else. Reality is, after all, only as 'real' as you make it. Existence, on the other hand, is immalleable. Whether you believe a rock is real or not doesn't matter if I punch you in the face with it, since it exists. But you're welcome to deny whether it's real or not all day long. Damned post-modern thinkers just can't be reasoned with sometimes, over-intellectualising and counter-logicking everything.
Sorry, been writing a philosophy essay, long day. On a side note, I absolutely disbelieve the notion that it is a "choice" to be homosexual or bisexual. If I could choose a lifestyle, I'd be strictly heterosexual. It'd be much simpler, much easier, much less conflicting and complicated and generally unpleasant. I don't have that option, it's just how I'm wired, for whatever reason.
People who make biased, broad-sweeping statements like that are inherently incorrect, since a generalisation is by it's very nature not accurate for many (most, even) individuals. I know many mindlessly indulgent sexual beings who are straight, but very few (ratio-wise) gay people like that. It is not a degenerate lifestyle, it is not a "lifestyle" at all, it is something you either are, or are not.
I didn't choose to have brown hair either, but if it had a social stigma attached, it would be hard to conceal it. I could dye it, but the roots would show on occasion, and it would be fairly obvious that my brows didn't match, and I seemed to by a lot of blonde dye (at disreputable downtown shops, of course, since decent places wouldn't approve of blonde hair dye for those filthy, degenerate brunettes.)
Like hair colour, a gay person can try to conceal their feelings, they can cover it up and deny it roundly, but in the end, they are not a blonde person. They are a person with brown hair, who has dyed it blonde, and they will eventually suffer long-term psychological strain and distress from the deception and shame.
I think I've driven that painfully inept metaphor far enough, so I'll let it go, but I hope we all get the point. Someone who "wants" to be gay isn't making a lifestyle choice to be a degenerate and indulge in selfish, sinful acts. The choice they have made is to accept themself for who they are, and refuse to be ashamed of their basic nature, simply because of prejudice. We could never reasonably ask a black man to be ashamed of his blackness, but many who are proud of their heritage are dismissed as radicals. We cannot ask a woman to be ashamed that she was born a woman, yet we will roundly stigmatise a woman who does not conform to societal gender roles as being "butch" or a castrating man-hater. Gay people don't even get that much consideration. Not only are we stigmatised and stereotyped, we're supposed to agree with it too!!
As to the Biblical argument, well... take a read:
Dear Dr. Laura,
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them.
a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?
f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an Abomination (Lev 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?
g) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?
h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die?
i) I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev 24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Your devoted disciple and adoring fan.
The defense rests its case.
"Did you hear the rumour that Jerry Falwell was arrested in the 1960's for soliciting gay sex in a public bathroom? No? Well, spread it around!"
12-09-2004, 04:18
Yes, I think it exists, although I consider myself "just" gay. Honestly, I think the world would be a much better place if everyone were bisexual - imagine the range of possibilities for partners if everyone were available to everyone else! People would certainly be less constrained by social barriers in their personal lives the way they are now, and probably much more accepting of novelty in others. Do homosexuality and heterosexuality exist? I'm not sure whether they're cultural constructs or actual, genetic entities. One doesn't have to search too hard to find periods in history (generally pre-Christian history) all over the world where people just didn't care about the status of their sexual partner, age, sex, whatever. I have no idea why that's changed over time.
Dark Elf Warriors
12-09-2004, 04:33
as far as i'm concerned, when you suggest they say they're bisexual to "cover up" being gay, i would find that very hard to find plausable, at least for guys. I know if i were thrown into bed with a naked dude, I would practically disgusted, I certainly would never become aroused by it.
If I were thrown naked into bed with -anyone- I'd like to think I'd be disgusted rather than aroused. It's a pretty disturbing situation, when you think about it. However, I might warm up to someone if we spent some time together, exchanged ideas, talked about music and movies, discovered how compatible we were, and possibly got very very drunk beside a fireplace. It's all about the situation, romance is. :fluffle:
If I were thrown naked into bed with -anyone- I'd like to think I'd be disgusted rather than aroused. It's a pretty disturbing situation, when you think about it. However, I might warm up to someone if we spent some time together, exchanged ideas, talked about music and movies, discovered how compatible we were, and possibly got very very drunk beside a fireplace. It's all about the situation, romance is. :fluffle:
I agree with that. I'd be disqusted too.... Unless I was thrown in bed with like Lindsay Lohan or someone... hee hee
12-09-2004, 04:57
As a bisexual myself, I find it can be an unhelpful catch-all at times. If someone can get their head around being attracted in a notable way to both genders, they can get their heads around differing ratios/mechanisms of attraction and the concept of "gender insensitivity" or "asexuality", which is probably a more sensible descriptor for someone who tends towards hetero or homo, but isn't averse to occassionally going contrary. If not, they most probably think everything is a lifestyle choice and need educating beforehand. Just say 'gay' and start the process.
What am I trying to say? Well, that bisexuality exists in the same way that "stuff" does. It's a definition that ranges widely enough to include anything.
If you define it by having at least one affair of either orientation(ignoring intersex/transgender partners), then anyone who experiments as a youth and from the evidence gleaned decides they fall into one of either stream is counted, probably erroneously.
If you define it as having impulses both ways, you get into deep psychology and neurology- does your choice of friends take any influence from 'sex' centres in the brain? Fuck knows, fuck cares. Consult regularly ;)
But seriously, leave that to the scientists and specialists.
Do we really need to argue over its existence? Bisexuality as an ambiguous or ill-defined middle-ground can serve well the purpose of letting people find themselves. You can see behind the Pink Curtain without going to the trouble of applying for a Rainbow Passport. Think of it as a flexible visa.
As for society stamping out bisexual behaviour amongst the general populace, it might well have something to do with religious annexation of marriage and the idea of full fidelity. I mean, what is intrinsically wrong with a man getting the occassional blow-job from his mates? Apart from herpes and co.? This was the original Christian argument, all these same-sex orgies and affairs were just mixing sex with normal life. I'd say sex is sufficiently mixed in with normal life now for us to bring it on back, if it weren't for health concerns.
12-09-2004, 05:49
Some people seem to think that bisexuality is not a real sexual orientation? Some people think it's just so people can hide being gay. Others say it's just a way to seem cool because you get laid a lot. What do you think?
Is it just a lifestyle like the conservative Christians say about any sexuality other than hetero?
Is it fake?
Or is it a real thing?
No, I think it's quite real. However I also think some people, particularly some teenagers, will claim to be bisexaul just for attention and shock value.
12-09-2004, 05:54
I agree with that. I'd be disqusted too.... Unless I was thrown in bed with like Lindsay Lohan or someone... hee hee
I find that I'm only bisexual to the point of thinking REALLY good looking guys are hot. For instance, I'd have sex with Brad Pitt or George Clooney or Johnny Depp, but not average looking guys, where as I'd have sex with both amazingly beautiful women, and average women. Where do you think that places me on the scale of hetero/homosexuality?
i'm pretty bi-curious myself. i find myself mostly attracted to men, but often a girl will come by who strikes my fancy.
i doubt i'd ever actually act on that... i'm not very good at picking up guys of whom approximately 90% i coudl potentially have a chance with, so yeah, pickign up girls, where i would have a 10% chance is not something i think i would actually do.
if a girl came onto me though, all bets would be off.
I find that I'm only bisexual to the point of thinking REALLY good looking guys are hot. For instance, I'd have sex with Brad Pitt or George Clooney or Johnny Depp, but not average looking guys, where as I'd have sex with both amazingly beautiful women, and average women. Where do you think that places me on the scale of hetero/homosexuality?
Thirty percent homosexual - seventy percent straight.
12-09-2004, 06:00
Thirty percent homosexual - seventy percent straight.
Is there some complex mathematical formula you used to come to that number, or did you just pull it out of thin air?
Well, I it can't be mathmatical because only YOU know exactly who you find very attractive. It just came to me. Does it sound right?
12-09-2004, 06:04
No, I think it's quite real. However I also think some people, particularly some teenagers, will claim to be bisexaul just for attention and shock value.
paz? is it really you?
12-09-2004, 06:05
Well, I it can't be mathmatical because only YOU know exactly who you find very attractive. It just came to me. Does it sound right?
Meh, sounds good.
I've never had sex with just a guy, but I have experimented with a guy within a threesome. Does that swing the balance either way?
12-09-2004, 06:06
Meh, sounds good.
I've never had sex with just a guy, but I have experimented with a guy within a threesome. Does that swing the balance either way?
ah...guys with guys=turn-on.
12-09-2004, 06:07
ah...guys with guys=turn-on.
12-09-2004, 06:07
ah...guys with guys=turn-on.
You are a girl, right Kern? I don't think I ever firmly established your gender in my mind.
12-09-2004, 06:10
Homosexual - Attracted to the same sex
Heterosexual - Attracted to the opposite sex
Bisexual - Attracted to both sexes
I detest it when someone actually divides it up like, 40% this and 60% that. Either you're one thing or you're not. You can't be half gay and half straight. Half bi is absolutely ridiculous! It's one or the other, no combination. Bisexuality, homosexuality, and heterosexuality are completely different things. If you like both genders, you don't divide it to how much you like either gender. Fact is, you are attracted to both. Period. You're bisexual, not half gay or half straight.
Thank you Webster.
12-09-2004, 06:11
Oooh, I'm omniscient now. I knew what he was going to say before he said it.
edit: This one is even cooler.
12-09-2004, 06:11
You are a girl, right Kern? I don't think I ever firmly established your gender in my mind.
yes, i am a girl. most people, for whatever reason, can't grasp my gender online. probably because i fuck around with people.
12-09-2004, 06:11
Homosexual - Attracted to the same sex
Heterosexual - Attracted to the opposite sex
Bisexual - Attracted to both sexes
I detest it when someone actually divides it up like, 40% this and 60% that. Either you're one thing or you're not. You can't be half gay and half straight. Half bi is absolutely ridiculous! It's one or the other, no combination. Bisexuality, homosexuality, and heterosexuality are completely different things. If you like both genders, you don't divide it to how much you like either gender. Fact is, you are attracted to both. Period. You're bisexual, not half gay or half straight.
Homosexual - Attracted to the same sex
Heterosexual - Attracted to the opposite sex
Bisexual - Attracted to both sexes
I detest it when someone actually divides it up like, 40% this and 60% that. Either you're one thing or you're not. You can't be half gay and half straight. Half bi is absolutely ridiculous! It's one or the other, no combination. Bisexuality, homosexuality, and heterosexuality are completely different things. If you like both genders, you don't divide it to how much you like either gender. Fact is, you are attracted to both. Period. You're bisexual, not half gay or half straight.
Um, well I'm not equally attracted to both sexes. I prefer girls just a bit. So what now?
well, you can divide it if you follow the spectrum approach to sexuality.
in which most everyone's a little queer.
12-09-2004, 06:12
yes, i am a girl. most people, for whatever reason, can't grasp my gender online. probably because i fuck around with people.
Haha. The reason I used to associate you with male is because you don't use capital letters when you post, something I stereotypically associate with 14-year old boys.
Loving Balance
12-09-2004, 06:13
I'm bicurious in that I'd get crushes on girls all the time but never acted out. I'm now in love with a wonderful guy, so it's all a moot point. The fact of the matter is though, I'm bisexual and proud to be so, and it took me the better part of 23 years to come to this conclusion. Feelings of love are beautiful things and nothing to be ashamed of. And frankly, it may just be my liberal group of friends, but I know more bisexuals peeps than I do straight and gay people combined. I wouldn't let anyone make me feel guilty about being bisexual, and if they say you are truly gay when you are not (not that being gay is a bad thing), well then that's just ignorance. Only you know who melts your butter and it's no one's business but yours! Oh, and you don't haveta get intimate with someone of your gender to have bisexual feelings. If you feel in your heart that you aren't straight, just accept it and move on. :)
Just the question itself is retarded...
Ok, I'll play's fake, the media made it up, and that's the end of the story, now go to bed idiots
12-09-2004, 06:15
Ewww. Webster. Look what they did to Marraige. Ahem.
12-09-2004, 06:16
Um, well I'm not equally attracted to both sexes. I prefer girls just a bit. So what now?
Dosen't matter how much you are attracted to either of them, you're still attracted to both.
Is it just me or is this posting order fvcked up?
Yeah the posting order is effed up.
12-09-2004, 06:19
Haha. The reason I used to associate you with male is because you don't use capital letters when you post, something I stereotypically associate with 14-year old boys.
heh. nah, i just don't capitalize because i'm lazy as all get out. can't be bothered to follow that rule.
although spelling and apostrophes are my personal crusade.
12-09-2004, 06:21
heh. nah, i just don't capitalize because i'm lazy as all get out. can't be bothered to follow that rule.
although spelling and apostrophes are my personal crusade.
I wish you well in your crusade.
So, guy on guy action turns you on, eh?;)
12-09-2004, 06:22
paz? is it really you? I know you? :confused:
12-09-2004, 06:23
I have read several of the posts here, and I must say I am mighty disappointed in some of the responses. There is no such thing as sexual orientation where I come from. Everyone is just .... well .... SEXUAL! Have sex with whatever you want (i.e. men, women, goats, couches, snails, enevelopes, you know whatever). There are too many labels out there. Quit labeling people and just start having fun.
Yours Truly,
Biggus Dickuss
(Unofficial Fun Police of the Borderlands of Pinchatouly)
12-09-2004, 06:27
I have read several of the posts here, and I must say I am mighty disappointed in some of the responses. There is no such thing as sexual orientation where I come from. Everyone is just .... well .... SEXUAL! Have sex with whatever you want (i.e. men, women, goats, couches, snails, enevelopes, you know whatever). There are too many labels out there. Quit labeling people and just start having fun.
Yours Truly,
Biggus Dickuss
(Unofficial Fun Police of the Borderlands of Pinchatouly)
How does one have sex with a snail? :confused:
12-09-2004, 06:27 I know you? :confused:
yes, from like last summer on the boards.
I have read several of the posts here, and I must say I am mighty disappointed in some of the responses. There is no such thing as sexual orientation where I come from. Everyone is just .... well .... SEXUAL! Have sex with whatever you want (i.e. men, women, goats, couches, snails, enevelopes, you know whatever). There are too many labels out there. Quit labeling people and just start having fun.
Yours Truly,
Biggus Dickuss
(Unofficial Fun Police of the Borderlands of Pinchatouly)
I agree, we shouldn't label, but until the media stops (and they wont) people will never learn.
12-09-2004, 06:28
How does one have sex with a snail? :confused:
Presumably snails have sex, so the same way that they do it with each other, I would imagine.
Hi Bob.
How does one have sex with a snail? :confused:
You don't wanna know... Believe me!
12-09-2004, 06:28
I wish you well in your crusade.
So, guy on guy action turns you on, eh?;)
you bet your sweet ass it does.
12-09-2004, 06:29
Presumably snails have sex, so the same way that they do it with each other, I would imagine.
Hi Bob.
Err yeah....but a human is a hell of a lot bigger than a little 'ole snail! :eek:
12-09-2004, 06:30
you bet your sweet ass it does.
I have a sweet ass? Nice. I like all this attention I've been getting lately.
12-09-2004, 06:31
Err yeah....but a human is a hell of a lot bigger than a little 'ole snail! :eek:
No one said it would be easy...or comfortable....
12-09-2004, 06:32
I have a sweet ass? Nice. I like all this attention I've been getting lately.
well i don't know, do you? post a picture so we can deliberate.
12-09-2004, 06:32
Rape is forcing sexual activity upon one person
Rape is wrong
Rape is sex without consent
A goat can not consent to sex
You have sex with said goat
You are a goat raper
12-09-2004, 06:34
well i don't know, do you? post a picture so we can deliberate.
I don't have a picture, sorry.
12-09-2004, 06:35
No one said it would be easy...or comfortable....
12-09-2004, 06:36
Why aren't you online?
12-09-2004, 06:37
Rape is forcing sexual activity upon one person
Rape is wrong
Rape is sex without consent
A goat can not consent to sex
You have sex with said goat
You are a goat raper
You are correct sir! However, goats have no rights, so it really doesn't matter as long as you get off.
12-09-2004, 06:38
You are correct sir! However, goats have no rights, so it really doesn't matter as long as you get off.
There aren't laws against beastiality?
12-09-2004, 06:38
I don't have a picture, sorry.
well, under the same idea as 'innocent until proven guilty', i'll presume you have a sweet ass until shown otherwise.
12-09-2004, 06:39
Yes, I think it exists, although I consider myself "just" gay. Honestly, I think the world would be a much better place if everyone were bisexual - imagine the range of possibilities for partners if everyone were available to everyone else! People would certainly be less constrained by social barriers in their personal lives the way they are now, and probably much more accepting of novelty in others.
Whoooo! Power to the people! No more akward moments when you discover that someone is of the wrong orientation. I think everyone should be bi, except parents. That would be kind of freaky.
I'm bisexual myself, and have a couple friends that are also bi. My view on sex is that if they can give you and orgasm, then have sex with them . Also, don't turn something down if you haven't tried it. Before you say you don't like dick, try it first.
Dude, you totally stole Biggus Dickuss from The Life of Brian
P.S. Cobwebland, if you think everyone should be bi, why aren't you?
P.P.S. Btw, I'm male, and I'm wondering what the gender for the bi's here is. NOt that it matters to me ;)
12-09-2004, 06:39
There aren't laws against beastiality?
yeah, there are. at least i think so.
12-09-2004, 06:40
There aren't laws against beastiality?
Why should anyone who wishes to "make love" to an animal be denied for any reason. I say that would be unconstitutional or something. Animals need love to.
12-09-2004, 06:40
P.P.S. Btw, I'm male, and I'm wondering what the gender for the bi's here is. NOt that it matters to me ;)
I'm male, as well, since you were wondering.
12-09-2004, 06:41
-Gets the ASPCA all over your Arse-
I think it might be counted as animal cruelty? I mean, if your such a bad lover you need a goat, why would the goat enjoy you any more than a person?
Someone help me get my mind from the gutter.
Do you really think that THIS is the thread to get your mind out of the gutter with?
12-09-2004, 06:42
-Gets the ASPCA all over your Arse-
I think it might be counted as animal cruelty? I mean, if your such a bad lover you need a goat, why would the goat enjoy you any more than a person?
Someone help me get my mind from the gutter.
12-09-2004, 06:42
-Gets the ASPCA all over your Arse-
I think it might be counted as animal cruelty? I mean, if your such a bad lover you need a goat, why would the goat enjoy you any more than a person?
Someone help me get my mind from the gutter.
Its not about being a good lover or a bad lover. Its about LOVING! Good or bad is illrelevant.
12-09-2004, 06:44
Why aren't you online?
Because, I'm not on my own computer. Last time I logged on the autologgin got stuck so when the other person logged on it auto-logged into my accounts and they didn't do anything about it! :eek:
My own computer has been giving me much trouble of late. :headbang:
12-09-2004, 06:44
Yay for having a Y chromosone! -Polishes own- Sooo off-topic
The order of these posts is.. Ridiculous..
I disagree. Loving oneself is always on topic.
12-09-2004, 06:44
Yay for having a Y chromosone! -Polishes own- Sooo off-topic
The order of these posts is.. Ridiculous..
12-09-2004, 06:45
-Gets the ASPCA all over your Arse-
I think it might be counted as animal cruelty? I mean, if your such a bad lover you need a goat, why would the goat enjoy you any more than a person?
Someone help me get my mind from the gutter.
This also applies for the poor little 'ole snails too. :(
I can understand people wanted to have sex with other people.... but not goats and snails! :eek:
12-09-2004, 06:47
Yay for having a Y chromosone! -Polishes own- Sooo off-topic
The order of these posts is.. Ridiculous..
for some reason, the boards really hate you. you always get spliced down.
12-09-2004, 06:47
This also applies for the poor little 'ole snails too. :(
I can understand people wanted to have sex with other people.... but not goats and snails! :eek:
Are other animals okay though?
12-09-2004, 06:48
Why should anyone who wishes to "make love" to an animal be denied for any reason. I say that would be unconstitutional or something. Animals need love to.
Yeah...but not with humans. I hardly think a goat, dog, snail, whatever would actually want to have sex with a human being. Having sex with a animal is akin to having sex with a small child...neither of them can give there consent and both acts are crimes.
12-09-2004, 06:48
Because, I'm not on my own computer. Last time I logged on the autologgin got stuck so when the other person logged on it auto-logged into my accounts and they didn't do anything about it! :eek:
My own computer has been giving me much trouble of late. :headbang:
You could always turn off autologin on whomever's computer you are using.
12-09-2004, 06:49
Are other animals okay though?
Only if the other "animal" is human and willingly consents. ;)
12-09-2004, 06:50
Yeah...but not with humans. I hardly think a goat, dog, snail, whatever would actually want to have sex with a human being. Having sex with a animal is akin to having sex with a small child...neither of them can give there consent and both acts are crimes.
ah, well, dogs are a bit tricky. i'm assuming you're talking about female dogs, because 'intact' male dogs try to fuck everything that moves, be it canine or human or a chair leg.
12-09-2004, 06:50
You could always turn off autologin on whomever's computer you are using.
*Goes to see how to do that*
Yet I've seen a man be mounted by a donkey.. A dog hump my foot-rest.. And an elephant get a bit hot by a humans touch..
arousal does not equal consent!
haven't you learned anything from women raping men?
12-09-2004, 06:53
Yet I've seen a man be mounted by a donkey.. A dog hump my foot-rest.. And an elephant get a bit hot by a humans touch..
Okay..okay...critters are horny...but I still don't think it's right to have sex with 'em because they cannot consent.
12-09-2004, 06:53
Can we please get back to talking about bisexuals, and not talking about humping goats? huh?
12-09-2004, 06:53
Yeah...but not with humans. I hardly think a goat, dog, snail, whatever would actually want to have sex with a human being. Having sex with a animal is akin to having sex with a small child...neither of them can give there consent and both acts are crimes.
Yet I've seen a man be mounted by a donkey.. A dog hump my foot-rest.. And an elephant get a bit hot by a humans touch..
Glinde Nessroe
12-09-2004, 06:54
Um...clearly bi-sexuality does not exist, it's just a figment of my imagination right. *rolls eyes* Dumbest thread the couple of days.
12-09-2004, 06:56
Yet I've seen a man be mounted by a donkey.. A dog hump my foot-rest.. And an elephant get a bit hot by a humans touch..
Yeah, thanks for that. Now I'll never have an erection again.
12-09-2004, 06:59
Never said arousal equals consent.. Jusat saying that I've seen it. And I think that if a donkey is aggresively mounting an unwilling human.. The donkey should be prosecuted..?
12-09-2004, 07:02
Yeah, thanks for that. Now I'll never have an erection again.
I beg to differ -Dives into google. Evil cackle.-
12-09-2004, 07:06
arousal does not equal consent!
haven't you learned anything from women raping men?
ok, whoever the guy is, he is f***ed up. seriously.
12-09-2004, 07:06
I beg to differ -Dives into google. Evil cackle.-
I haven't laughed like that all week. Thanks.
12-09-2004, 07:07
ok, whoever the guy is, he is f***ed up. seriously.
That guy is a girl.
12-09-2004, 07:11
So like, what's going on in this thread again?
12-09-2004, 07:14
So like, what's going on in this thread again?
Well I thought it was about Bisexauls...but it seems to have gone off topic about sex with animals. :confused:
Glinde Nessroe
12-09-2004, 07:18
ok, whoever the guy is, he is f***ed up. seriously.
Get over yourself.
12-09-2004, 07:19
Well I thought it was about Bisexauls...but it seems to have gone off topic about sex with animals. :confused:
So, about bisexuals, I'm bisexual. How about that?
Well I thought it was about Bisexauls...but it seems to have gone off topic about sex with animals. :confused:
Yeah, can we get back on topic please? Some people have told me my topic is stupid, and it may be, but the point is that it is MY stupidity and I WILL FLAUNT IT whenever and HOWEVER I want so THERE!!
12-09-2004, 07:22
So, about bisexuals, I'm bisexual. How about that?
That's fine with me. :)
12-09-2004, 07:24
That's fine with me. :)
Trying to get back on topic here.
12-09-2004, 07:25
Yeah, can we get back on topic please? Some people have told me my topic is stupid, and it may be, but the point is that it is MY stupidity and I WILL FLAUNT IT whenever and HOWEVER I want so THERE!!
Nah, your topic is not at all stupid. I find it interesting in fact.
12-09-2004, 07:27
Nah, your topic is not at all stupid. I find it interesting in fact.
Thank you... It's a well known fact that some gays kinda hold a grudge against us BIs. Happens to transgendereds too.
12-09-2004, 07:28
Trying to get back on topic here.
Okay, well... *tries to get the thread back on topic*
So how does someone know if they're really bisexaul or not?
12-09-2004, 07:30
They think of both guys and gals and having sex with both throughout a long (more than 3 years) period of time. I've thought about it since I was 11.
12-09-2004, 07:32
We covered that..
12-09-2004, 07:34
We covered that..
I was just trying to get the topic back to bisexauls is all.
12-09-2004, 07:57
They think of both guys and gals and having sex with both throughout a long (more than 3 years) period of time. I've thought about it since I was 11.
So someone could be bisexaul and never actually act on it, correct? I wonder what this would do to the person's psyche repressing themselves like that?
(And yes I know, that some folks have already made posts about this earlier in the thread.)
12-09-2004, 08:04
Yeah. I'm bisexual, but I've only had sex with other men so far.
So someone could be bisexaul and never actually act on it, correct? I wonder what this would do to the person's psyche repressing themselves like that?
(And yes I know, that some folks have already made posts about this earlier in the thread.)
I've never acted on it. I've only been in relationships with girls. Hasn't affected me much. I want to have my own biological kids one day, so I can't be with a guy and do that.
12-09-2004, 08:42
I don't even think I should dignify this with a response...but I will.
Of course bisexuality exists. You can be attracted to both women and men at the same time.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 09:52
I'm so glad my girlfriend is bisexual :D
12-09-2004, 09:58
I'm so glad my girlfriend is bisexual :D
You have a girlfriend now? What's her name?
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:04
You have a girlfriend now? What's her name?
Parratoga ^_^
12-09-2004, 10:07
Parratoga ^_^
Oh and here I thought Tinkerbell girl was your girlfriend?
12-09-2004, 10:07
Parratoga ^_^
Keep on thinking that, bud.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:17
Keep on thinking that, bud.
I don't have to! :P
12-09-2004, 10:20
I don't have to! :P
Okay, quick, what's her bra size? I know. Do you?
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:24
Okay, quick, what's her bra size? I know. Do you?
You really think I'm stupid don't you? I'm not gonna tell you her bra size, you pervert!
12-09-2004, 10:24
Okay, quick, what's her bra size? I know. Do you?
Bzzz, time's up. I know you asked her; she told me. What's the answer, boyfriend?
Some people seem to think that bisexuality is not a real sexual orientation? Some people think it's just so people can hide being gay. Others say it's just a way to seem cool because you get laid a lot. What do you think?
Is it just a lifestyle like the conservative Christians say about any sexuality other than hetero?
Is it fake?
Or is it a real thing?
I learned that no one is 100% hetero or 100% homo. Hetero sexuals have a higher percentage to be attracted by other sex and lesser percentage to the same sexe. If this wouldn't be so, men wouldn't be able to stand any other man or women wouldn't be able to stand any other woman. There must be some attraction, even between sexes.
So if you know a man that constantly looks for fights with other men, he's probably got a too high percentage of hetero. :p
If you go about 50/50 % or even 45/55% you're probably bisexual.
I heard this theory from a researcher and it seems to me to be a reasonable theory. But I do know many gays don't like bisexuals because they don't deside or they don't want to aknowledge that they're gay or something.
The most important thing to me is that I'm very sure that I'm not gay or bisexual. The whole being ass fucked stuff doesn't really appeal to me. :D
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:31
I learned that no one is 100% hetero or 100% homo. Hetero sexuals have a higher percentage to be attracted by other sex and lesser percentage to the same sexe. If this wouldn't be so, men wouldn't be able to stand any other man or women wouldn't be able to stand any other woman. There must be some attraction, even between sexes.
So if you know a man that constantly looks for fights with other men, he's probably got a too high percentage of hetero. :p
If you go about 50/50 % or even 45/55% you're probably bisexual.
I heard this theory from a researcher and it seems to me to be a reasonable theory. But I do know many gays don't like bisexuals because they don't deside or they don't want to aknowledge that they're gay or something.
The most important thing to me is that I'm very sure that I'm not gay or bisexual. The whole being ass fucked stuff doesn't really appeal to me. :D
me neither. i stay away from the ass area entirely. It just doesn't seema very sexy place.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:32
Bzzz, time's up. I know you asked her; she told me. What's the answer, boyfriend?
You liar, you don't even have her on your contacts!
12-09-2004, 10:32
me neither. i stay away from the ass area entirely. It just doesn't seema very sexy place.
You two are boring then.
12-09-2004, 10:34
You liar, you don't even have her on your contacts!
Yeah I do.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:35
You two are boring then.
12-09-2004, 10:35
Why knock it before you've tried it.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:36
Yeah I do.
Bollunx. Alright, her bra size is 38DD :p
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:37
Why knock it before you've tried it.
Why are you leaping to conclusions?
12-09-2004, 10:39
Why are you leaping to conclusions?
What conclusion have I leapt to?
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:41
What conclusion have I leapt to?
And her bra size is not 38DD. That's a lie I had her tell you.
Oh stop talking bollocks!
And you have leapt to the conclusion that I haven't tried it.
12-09-2004, 10:42
Oh stop talking bollocks!
And you have leapt to the conclusion that I haven't tried it.
I'm leaping to the conclusion that you've never recieved anal sex.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:43
I'm leaping to the conclusion that you've never recieved anal sex.
And why might you be doing that?
12-09-2004, 10:44
I'm leaping to the conclusion that you've never recieved anal sex.
Curious, Seph, have you?
12-09-2004, 10:44
And why might you be doing that?
Because I don't believe for a split second that you've recieved anal sex.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:46
Because I don't believe for a split second that you've recieved anal sex.
Not in the real world, at least.
12-09-2004, 10:48
Not in the real world, at least.
Not in the real world? What the fuck does that mean? You've pretended to have things stuck up your butt?
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:49
Not in the real world? What the fuck does that mean? You've pretended to have things stuck up your butt?
Evcer heard of cyber, you fool?
12-09-2004, 10:50
Evcer heard of cyber, you fool?
How does that in any way count?
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:51
How does that in any way count?
He who has thought of an act has commited it in his heart ^_^
12-09-2004, 10:52
He who has thought of an act has commited it in his heart ^_^
That's BS, and this conversation is done. You're not her girlfriend.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:53
That's BS, and this conversation is done. You're not her girlfriend.
Yaho watashi wa kattaze! :P
12-09-2004, 10:54
You're not her girlfriend.
My God, I hope not! :eek:
Terra Matsu
12-09-2004, 10:57
Yaho watashi wa kattaze! :P
I don'tk now what that means, but I know what this means
omanko ni banzai!
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:57
My God, I hope not! :eek:
Yes, to be HER girlfriend I would have to be female!
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 10:58
I don'tk now what that means, but I know what this means
omanko ni banzai!
It was a victory cheer.
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 11:00
Anyways, back on topic. I went through a period of fancying guys not too long ago. i haven't since found anyone I liked from that gender, but yeah, i was technically bi then.
12-09-2004, 11:06
Anyways, back on topic. I went through a period of fancying guys not too long ago. i haven't since found anyone I liked from that gender, but yeah, i was technically bi then.
So did you have any real sex with another man, any physical contact, hmm?
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 11:06
So did you have any real sex with another man, any physical contact, hmm?
Nope, never fealt the urge strongly enough
12-09-2004, 11:10
Nope, never fealt the urge strongly enough
Well the how the hell can you call yourself bisexaul if you never had the urge?
Almighty Sephiroth
12-09-2004, 11:11
Well the how the hell can you call yourself bisexaul if you never had the urge?
I guess i just fancied guys for a bit, ok?
12-09-2004, 11:16
I guess i just fancied guys for a bit, ok?
I don't care what you do, that's besides the point. But honestly how can you call yourself bisexaul if you never had the urge to have sex with a member of the same sex (as well as the opposite)?
Infinite Power
12-09-2004, 11:43
This thread is gay...
I wish my gf was bisexual.. :fluffle:
sorry, had to post that.. :rolleyes: this thread was askin for it..
12-09-2004, 11:58
I'm bisexual, and some of my asshat friends couldn't accept it, trying to force me to admit to liking one sex over the other. But I think that the real question should be: why the hell would it make a jot of difference to THEM?! So, I like girls AND guys. Big deal.
And yes, the world would be a whole lot easier if EVERYONE was bi ;)
I don't care what you do, that's besides the point. But honestly how can you call yourself bisexaul if you never had the urge to have sex with a member of the same sex (as well as the opposite)?
You don't need to have the urge to have sex with members of the same sex, as long as you are attracted to them. When you were seven and just starting to like members of any sex, did you have the urge to have sex with them? I think not, but you would think that someone was cute would you not? I'm bi but I don't have the urge to have sex with a male, maybe oral but not full out sex.
I'm bisexual, and some of my asshat friends couldn't accept it, trying to force me to admit to liking one sex over the other. But I think that the real question should be: why the hell would it make a jot of difference to THEM?! So, I like girls AND guys. Big deal.
And yes, the world would be a whole lot easier if EVERYONE was bi ;)
Yeah, my friends tryed to make me out to be just gay too, I got ticked at them.
United Rotsin
12-09-2004, 20:51
Just to get this over with, this is my first post on these forums. Haha! I'm a n00b!
The odd thing about all this is that we still don't know what comprises sexual orientation. From a psychiatric standpoint, we can be pretty darn sure it is unalterable and also that it is not a matter of choice.
As another forum goer said in here earlier, life would probably be easier if I were not, in fact, bisexual. It took me a while to come around to that self-knowledge, and I come from a very receptive family. The knowledge hasn't done me any harm, of course, but going to the school I did brought me some stress... Every time I didn't speak up against the flagrant, abusive words of my peers, who knew not of my orientation, I felt like a traitor to social justice. Largely because they didn't know, and I wasn't about to let them. Small school, less than 300 people... The word would have spread instantly and I'd never have heard the end of it, to say nothing of possible personal harm.
Anyway. Since graduating, it has become less of an inconvenience and I've returned to my initial reaction of, "Oh, well that's interesting."
More pertinently, I suppose: I think a lot of people seem to misunderstand the combination of bisexuality and monogamous relationships. Perhaps just as importantly, the two are thought to be mutually exclusive. This is something I've run into in my community, I dunno if the rest of you run into this at all. Could just be a local phenomenon. Either way, I'm inclined often to sleep with men; I'd be hard pressed to say no if Viggo Mortensen (or my best friend Joe) asked me to share his bed. But I'd still say no, largely because I'm involved with (nigh on engaged to?) a beautiful young lady who shall remain nameless. It would be a dishonor and a grave personal error to sleep with anybody but her. There may be highly rare exceptions with her knowledge and assent, but I'd probably feel bad for it.
Amusingly, it has been my experience that this code of behaviour is not extended the other way, that is to say that I would direct my previous girlfriend to go see her ex when I could not be there for her and if anything happened give me the details. :D
So yeah, despite being bisexual, I find myself in a secure monogamous and quite possibly permanent relationship. I'd have to say no to Viggo or Joe or Halle Barry because, well, I'm taken and it would feel wrong to me.
Tuesday Heights
12-09-2004, 21:00
I have a good many friends who think bisexuality exists and is a sexual orientation. I agree with them, but unfortunately, there's a good many people out there that "pretend" to be gay to get off and it looks bad for all of us, hence, the stereotypes associated with bisexuality in general.
12-09-2004, 21:29
Yes. However, there is much more fraudulent bisexuality (in comparison with the number of people who really are) than other orientations.
Very true. Alot of people just say they're bisexual because it makes them seem more sophisticated or what not, but will never in their lives have any sort of experience with a member of the same sex. Alot of guys I know say they're bisexual as some weird ass-backwards method of trying to get two girls into bed with them.
Yes. However, there is much more fraudulent bisexuality (in comparison with the number of people who really are) than other orientations.
12-09-2004, 21:39
You don't need to have the urge to have sex with members of the same sex, as long as you are attracted to them. When you were seven and just starting to like members of any sex, did you have the urge to have sex with them? I think not, but you would think that someone was cute would you not? I'm bi but I don't have the urge to have sex with a male, maybe oral but not full out sex.
Yes you are correct.
I guess I am more mad at Almighty Seph because what he said about me and that I think he is lying about being bisexaul, and thus was trying to argue with him.
Sylvan Qualinesti
12-09-2004, 21:51
Bollunx. Alright, her bra size is 38DD :p
No, Seph, it's 36C.
12-09-2004, 21:52
No, Seph, it's 36C.
:D That's right!
12-09-2004, 21:58
:D That's right!
12-09-2004, 22:05
Yes...I am not Pamela Anderson contrary to what Seph would like to think. ;)
No one is completely hetero or homosexual. Usually, though, one will be very close to one or another end of the spectrum. Bisexuals are the ones closer to the middle.
Another explenation would be that each sexuality label is an open-source software.
12-09-2004, 22:13
Yes...I am not Pamela Anderson contrary to what Seph would like to think. ;)
Poor trusting, gullible Seph.
Sylvan Qualinesti
12-09-2004, 22:20
I'm so glad my girlfriend is bisexual :D
Seph....why keep beating your head against a wall? There are plenty of other girls out there that you can be with. She and I are actually beginning a serious relationship and are going to meet face to face before too long. We have done everything except meet, so you just have to believe it now and give up.
You know full well yourself that she is not even close to or curious about bisexuality. You are annoying and upsetting her when you make out of the blue statements like that. Can't you just let it go now? Would you like people to keep making false statements about you? Especialy a person she would like to consider a friend?
12-09-2004, 22:31
Seph....why keep beating your head against a wall? There are plenty of other girls out there that you can be with. She and I are actually beginning a serious relationship and are going to meet face to face before too long. We have done everything except meet, so you just have to believe it now and give up.
You know full well yourself that she is not even close to or curious about bisexuality. You are annoying and upsetting her when you make out of the blue statements like that. Can't you just let it go now? Would you like people to keep making false statements about you? Especialy a person she would like to consider a friend?
No offense to you bud, but he didn't ever give up when she was actually with Germanica, so I doubt you telling him you're about to be with her is going to suddenly convince him to cut it out.
Sylvan Qualinesti
12-09-2004, 22:55
No offense to you bud, but he didn't ever give up when she was actually with Germanica, so I doubt you telling him you're about to be with her is going to suddenly convince him to cut it out.
Yes, I know. Some of it is just him being difficult and impossible; but, I think he's partially convinced himself of it too. He thinks just because she's nice to him that he is her boyfriend.
I'm not going to waste much time trying to convince him otherwise. He just needs to stop saying other things about her that bother her. I can let him think what he wants about everything else, but he's saying other things she doesn't like.
Almighty Sephiroth
13-09-2004, 07:35
Seph....why keep beating your head against a wall? There are plenty of other girls out there that you can be with. She and I are actually beginning a serious relationship and are going to meet face to face before too long. We have done everything except meet, so you just have to believe it now and give up.
You know full well yourself that she is not even close to or curious about bisexuality. You are annoying and upsetting her when you make out of the blue statements like that. Can't you just let it go now? Would you like people to keep making false statements about you? Especialy a person she would like to consider a friend?
You're a fool. I will outlast you, and so she will always be mine.
13-09-2004, 09:59
You're a fool. I will outlast you, and so she will always be mine.
Well, regardless of who I end up with in the end...anyone would be better than Germanica, that's for certain sure.
Almighty Sephiroth
13-09-2004, 10:22
Well, regardless of who I end up with in the end...anyone would be better than Germanica, that's for certain sure.
I shall be the last. I give you my oath.
New Vinnland
13-09-2004, 10:47
Awwwwwwww! So sweet. :fluffle:
Almighty Sephiroth
13-09-2004, 10:49
Awwwwwwww! So sweet. :fluffle:
heh, thanks. I'm sweet as syrup, me! ^_^
13-09-2004, 15:02
Bummer I dislike sweet stuff, particularly syrup. ^_^
Blissful Relaxation
14-09-2004, 14:40
:headbang: (Jeeeeeeze ... bloody PDAs) :headbang: