NationStates Jolt Archive

Is there liberal bias in the forums?

10-09-2004, 23:48
Is there a liberal bias in the forum?
Legless Pirates
10-09-2004, 23:50
10-09-2004, 23:51
I'd have to say there is when most of those polled want the U.S. to be more like Canada.
Brittanic States
10-09-2004, 23:52
define "liberal bias" then define "conservative bias" , then dance for me! ;)
Cannot think of a name
10-09-2004, 23:53
WOLF!!!! WOLF!!! I'm totally not kidding this time, there is a big honkin' wolf, right OVER THERE!!!!!!!! WOLF!!!!!

Sorry, consevatives have gone to this well too many times...

Didn't somebody just do something on logical falacies, begging the question?
10-09-2004, 23:55
I think we all see the line between liberalism and conservatism. Would you say the polls are not as balanced as they would be in the real world?
10-09-2004, 23:55
There is no "bias in the forums" of any kind; there can't be. Are you asking if a majority of the forum users are liberal?
Brittanic States
10-09-2004, 23:56
WOLF!!!! WOLF!!! I'm totally not kidding this time, there is a big honkin' wolf, right OVER THERE!!!!!!!! WOLF!!!!!

Sorry, consevatives have gone to this well too many times...

Didn't somebody just do something on logical falacies, begging the question?

OMFG there really is a wolf!
Sumamba Buwhan
10-09-2004, 23:57
the lines are not clear.

I would say liberals are conservative with teh environment and conservatives are liberal with human lives
10-09-2004, 23:57
Is the liberal to conservative ratio wider than it should be?
10-09-2004, 23:58
Is there any doubt? If you do not see the liberal bias on the major networks and CNN, then you are either extremely liberal or extremely naive.

That's why they invented Fox News. Mix with equal portions of the mainstream media, and you have a balance view.

Or, if nothing else, a splitting headache.
Cannot think of a name
10-09-2004, 23:58
OMFG there really is a wolf!
Okay, you-I like.
11-09-2004, 00:00
There's a tendency in this forum to lean to extremes. If you were to take an average, you'll find there're as many extreme liberals as there are extreme conservatives. There's a reasonable number of more moderate left-wingers too, though. I reckon the balance is a little bit to the left as a result of that.
Sumamba Buwhan
11-09-2004, 00:01
OMFG there really is a wolf!

omg how cute!!!

also no there are more liberals in the world than there are conseratives and the current administration does not reflect the popular opinion as seen by who the majority voted for in the 2000 election.
Cannot think of a name
11-09-2004, 00:01
OMFG there really is a wolf!
Don't get this guy wet or feed him after midnight....
11-09-2004, 00:03
Conservatives don't that it? I think that you have mistaken a hand up for apathy and a handout for sympathy. Sort of like Field of Dreams...Give them handouts and they will vote.
11-09-2004, 00:08
also no there are more liberals in the world than there are conseratives and the current administration does not reflect the popular opinion as seen by who the majority voted for in the 2000 election.

The 2004 election is the only one that matters at the moment, and Kerry will be buried. Unlike your hero, Clinton, Bush will actually have a majority of the popular vote (as if the popular vote matters!).
11-09-2004, 00:08
Oops, misread the question. Sorry!

The forums are fairly balanced.
Sumamba Buwhan
11-09-2004, 00:16
The 2004 election is the only one that matters at the moment, and Kerry will be buried. Unlike your hero, Clinton, Bush will actually have a majority of the popular vote (as if the popular vote matters!).

Clinton is not my hero (I'm not a Democrat), although you seem to idolize Bush. MODED!

We weren't talking about the election, although the 2004 election will be decided with the debates where Bush will fumble and fall unless they script it for him to win.

The fact is nationstates is for all People and not just America who is heavily right wing compared to te majority of world citizens. SO I think that you could call it liberally biased but it is fairly representative of the world.
Brittanic States
11-09-2004, 00:16
Okay, you-I like.
11-09-2004, 00:17
i do think that a majority of posters on this forum are liberal
so i said yes
seems to me that most of the conservatives (present company excepted),
those awful hateful ones that jump all over a political topic, are all the same person coming in with different puppets. i say this because it seems to me tht they are all absent at the same time pretty much.

but as to the RUNNING of the forum, id say there is no bias either way.
11-09-2004, 00:22
I wouldn't say liberal as much as frothing-at-the-mouth communist scumbags. Look at the Capitalism/Communism post.

This is the only place I know of where commies outnumber capitalists by that margin.
11-09-2004, 00:26
Is there any doubt? If you do not see the liberal bias on the major networks and CNN, then you are either extremely liberal or extremely naive.

That's why they invented Fox News. Mix with equal portions of the mainstream media, and you have a balance view.

Or, if nothing else, a splitting headache.
Maybe you just a have a conservative bias and since they re nuetral you assume they must be biased. Sometimes the facts can be against Conservatives, its not bias, sometimes conservatives do stupid things. So do democrats. I've never seen a Liberal, only democrats. You conservatives are making things up like the tooth fairy I assume.
Fox News has a Conservatiove view, they are nothing balanced.

I'll admit they say they are but they aren't.
You can't put down "liberals" all the time and still not have a bias.
Chess Squares
11-09-2004, 00:27
WOLF!!!! WOLF!!! I'm totally not kidding this time, there is a big honkin' wolf, right OVER THERE!!!!!!!! WOLF!!!!!

Sorry, consevatives have gone to this well too many times...

Didn't somebody just do something on logical falacies, begging the question?
yeah, ill add "pertitio percipi" and link to this thread
11-09-2004, 00:28
This is the only place I know of where commies outnumber capitalists by that margin.

Hardly. There are a lot more communists here than normal, but to say they outnumber capitalists is highly inaccurate. Perhaps it's due to you counting criticism of capitalism as communism.
Chess Squares
11-09-2004, 00:29
i edited that picture so mr t is holding a load of sara lee bread
Mr T pity da foo' who don't love sara lee
11-09-2004, 00:37
Hardly. There are a lot more communists here than normal, but to say they outnumber capitalists is highly inaccurate. Perhaps it's due to you counting criticism of capitalism as communism.

The thread that I mentioned asked whether communism or capitalism was preferrable. Some 60% was pro-communism.

Personally, I have nothing against communism. But the inevitable consequences of following that failed system mean that communists deserve nothing but ridicule and scorn.
11-09-2004, 00:44
Anything that involves people defending their ideals will have liberal bias because conservatives are so certain they are right they are less likely to be willing to argue the issue.
11-09-2004, 00:49
Maybe you just a have a conservative bias and since they re nuetral you assume they must be biased. Sometimes the facts can be against Conservatives, its not bias, sometimes conservatives do stupid things. So do democrats. I've never seen a Liberal, only democrats. You conservatives are making things up like the tooth fairy I assume.
Fox News has a Conservatiove view, they are nothing balanced.

I'll admit they say they are but they aren't.
You can't put down "liberals" all the time and still not have a bias.

I'd call that a double standard.
11-09-2004, 00:50
Anything that involves people defending their ideals will have liberal bias because conservatives are so certain they are right they are less likely to be willing to argue the issue.
Nah only on Fox NEws do they do that.... and the radio...and then again magazines especially their magazine.(New Republic, Nation or something...)
11-09-2004, 00:52
This raises an interesting question: is it possible to implement communism?

11-09-2004, 00:53
The thread that I mentioned asked whether communism or capitalism was preferrable. Some 60% was pro-communism.

Personally, I have nothing against communism. But the inevitable consequences of following that failed system mean that communists deserve nothing but ridicule and scorn.
Communism has never been performed effectively, its always been accompanied by dictatorships and tyranny. Now, while some might think (as indeed I do) that this should count as a black mark against communsim, you can't use the failings of the Soviet Union to denounce communism as an ideology.

Anyway, with regard to the first question: yes, there is a pretty damn strong liberal bias here.
11-09-2004, 00:56
There is no liberal bias. There can't be. The liberal on this forum may outnumber the conservatives, but that isn't what constitutes a bias. I even doubt that the liberals do outnumber the conservatives.

A lot of the threads are oriented towards issues where the conservative stance is the one already in place, such as the war in Iraq (it's still going on) and gay marriage (legal in very few states). In threads like that, the liberal posting is going to outnumber the conservative posting, because they have more of a stake in that issue. If noone debated issues like that, the conservative end would be better served.

However, on threads like the gun control thread, the number of posters advocating the conservative stance is significantly larger than that of those advocating the liberal stance. This is because that thread was started as a place to piss and moan about the government cracking down of what kinds of guns are legal to own. The conservative posters feel that their rights are being violated, so they post more to advocate their right to bear arms.

Indignation and outrage at current policies are what provokes activism and outspokenness. That is why there is a pretty even split on the religion threads; christians feel like they're being attacked, and athiests feel like they're being condemned. Though I wouldn't really call either position liberal or conservative, even though christianity is heavily associated with the right wing.
11-09-2004, 00:58
I think as long as everyone gets to say what they want to say in a constructive (yea sometimes brutal is allowed) manner then there is no bias, only representation.
11-09-2004, 01:04
I think as long as everyone gets to say what they want to say in a constructive (yea sometimes brutal is allowed) manner then there is no bias, only representation.
Mr Basil Fawlty
11-09-2004, 01:15
Is there a liberal bias in the forum?

No, bias comes from the republicans/nazis/conservatists. That is why we use the word bias, they are knowed for this since their late father, Hitler (he was one of the most conservative/republican people ever.) was in power and showed us how the right (extremists like the US Reps., the NSDAP, Stalin and Pinochet aso.) deals with the world and your opinions.
11-09-2004, 01:19
The thread that I mentioned asked whether communism or capitalism was preferrable. Some 60% was pro-communism.

Personally, I have nothing against communism. But the inevitable consequences of following that failed system mean that communists deserve nothing but ridicule and scorn.
i bet its the same 2 or 3 people posting with puppets

wow im getting cynical in my old age
11-09-2004, 03:05
Where you been buddy i made a meesage board a while back with the same topic.
Daistallia 2104
11-09-2004, 04:03
Free Soviets ran an interesting poll ( previously that indicated there is probably a majority of left-leaning posters here.
11-09-2004, 04:22
Is there a liberal bias in the forum?
Is the Pope Catholic?

Does a bear poop in the woods?

Does it get dark at night?
11-09-2004, 04:25
I wouldn't say liberal as much as frothing-at-the-mouth communist scumbags.
Oh yeah, Far-left wing ideology and talking points are the rule here, not the exception.
11-09-2004, 04:28
I have never seen any Moderators using their authority to push any political agenda, other than censoring offensive posting, so I voted "no".
11-09-2004, 04:30
I feel like a tractor.

Makes about as much sense as the rest of the comments on this thread--the wolf comments are excluded of course, as is the puppy and the Mr. T picture.
Suicidal Librarians
11-09-2004, 04:48
Well...really it is both ways. Certain threads seem to be pretty conservative, others very liberal, in fact this forum seems to have a lot of the extremes. Extreme liberal and extreme conservative, and quite a few in-betweeners.
11-09-2004, 04:56
I'd say its similar to the current media situation.

Lets say that

-100=Conservative and 100=liberal

I would put CNN around 40
ABC and NBC around 20
and CBS at abou 15

Fow news, on the other hand, has a score of -100, brining our total to a happy equilibrium of 5, or pretty damn close to moderate. You could also get into the bit where the affiliation-o-meter would be parabolic, thus weighing 100 higher than four twenty fives, in which cas you would end up with a score of -10ish.

Same principle on the forums.

There are more liberals, but the Conservatives are louder
11-09-2004, 05:04
There are more liberals, but the Conservatives are louderI don't know about that--some of us liberals can get pretty loud too. :D
11-09-2004, 05:41
I'd have to say there is when most of those polled want the U.S. to be more like Canada.

no, i would call that intelligent life on the forums.
11-09-2004, 05:44
Is there any doubt? If you do not see the liberal bias on the major networks and CNN, then you are either extremely liberal or extremely naive.

That's why they invented Fox News. Mix with equal portions of the mainstream media, and you have a balance view.

Or, if nothing else, a splitting headache.

from the perspective of an outsider, cnn is quite conervative. it's also run by idiots. after the black out that took out half of the eastern coast, they kept on about the nine-second loop, but they used it in an improper manner... they just latch onto a buzzword and repeat it ad-nauseum.
11-09-2004, 05:47
Personally, I have nothing against communism. But the inevitable consequences of following that failed system mean that communists deserve nothing but ridicule and scorn.

when there has been a true communist system that fails, then you can call it a failed system. it's a little hard to call it a failed system when it hasn't been properly implemented at all.
11-09-2004, 06:11
when there has been a true communist system that fails, then you can call it a failed system. it's a little hard to call it a failed system when it hasn't been properly implemented at all.
On the other hand, I think we can say with near certainty that a neo-conservative government has been tried and has failed miserably.
11-09-2004, 13:57
I'd say its similar to the current media situation.

Lets say that

-100=Conservative and 100=liberal

I would put CNN around 40
ABC and NBC around 20
and CBS at abou 15

Fow news, on the other hand, has a score of -100, brining our total to a happy equilibrium of 5, or pretty damn close to moderate. You could also get into the bit where the affiliation-o-meter would be parabolic, thus weighing 100 higher than four twenty fives, in which cas you would end up with a score of -10ish.

Same principle on the forums.

There are more liberals, but the Conservatives are louder

40 + 20 + 20 + 15 - 100 = -5
12-09-2004, 07:21
Hmm these forums being liberally biased.... Dont see how they could be, since it's just a bunch of opinions from some rather opinionated people... myself included.

However I have come to believe that it's moderators are being a bit biased in their enforcement of the forums guidelines.

I didnt want to do this publically but Im not allowed to send a private message and you didnt answer my post to speak to you privately Stephistan.

I am beginning to belive that you are picking and choosing who you "enforce" the rules on. I would really really like to do this privately, so please contact me in some way.
Leaked Saturn
12-09-2004, 07:54

ha...ha, that's really is, no liberal bias.....please
West - Europa
12-09-2004, 12:50
Is the Pope Catholic?

Roman catholic, yes. Anglican catholic, no

Does a bear poop in the woods?

circus and zoo bears don't.

Does it get dark at night?
One side of the earth gets light when it gets dark on the other side. And what if there's a big bright comet?

Back on topic: depends from thread to thread, from poster to poster.
12-09-2004, 17:27
simply keeping this thread active waiting for Steph's response.
New Auburnland
12-09-2004, 17:35
Is there a liberal bias in the forum?

do you really have to ask this question???
12-09-2004, 19:50
The name of the Catholic Church is "Catholic Church" Roman Catholic refers to one of the 23 rites of the Catholic Church.

Is the Pope Catholic? Yes.

Is the Pope Anglican Catholic? No.