Political stance and music taste?
07-09-2004, 22:40
Do you think there's a correlation between political stance and music taste?
I've noticed that conservatives tend to like classic rock and liberals like more modern or underground music. Both seem to like classical music.
Am I right or a raving nutcase?
The Black Forrest
07-09-2004, 22:43
Do you think there's a correlation between political stance and music taste?
I've noticed that conservatives tend to like classic rock and liberals like more modern or underground music. Both seem to like classical music.
Am I right or a raving nutcase?
Well I am a centrist with Liberal leanings.
I like Jazz, R&B, Blue Grass, Classical, Clasic and Moderon Rock, and a few odd things..... ;)
07-09-2004, 22:43
I think it's closer to, where you live affects your political stance and music tastes.
07-09-2004, 22:44
Well from the 'political bands' I listen to, most are far Left, not that I am. However, I do listen to a far Right band called 'Better Dead Than Red', but only the patriotic tracks cause they are the only good ones. They did a cover of Motorhead's '1916' but sped it up and gave it a kick-ass guitar solo.
Personally, I don't really fit on the Left-Right line socially or economically... I'm a strange one to categorise.
More that certain types of music attract certain types of people (*cough*punk*cough*).
07-09-2004, 22:54
I listen mostly to punk, but I only lean a little to the left. I also like classic rock (mostly because it's the only decent music on the radio around here), but I'm certainly not Republican. But yes, I think there is definitely somewhat of a correlation. Take country, for instance. Probably 3/4 of the people who listen to country are Republicans. And I would guess a similar fraction of people who listen to punk are Democrats (or anarchists, or they just don't care).
07-09-2004, 22:55
More that certain types of music attract certain types of people (*cough*punk*cough*).
07-09-2004, 22:58
I used to listen to dead milkmen/kennedy's (sp) are they even still around? I remember back in the early 90's they were impossible to find a tape of.
I used to listen to dead milkmen/kennedy's (sp) are they even still around? I remember back in the early 90's they were impossible to find a tape of.
No apostrophe.
*walks away whistling*
Terra - Domina
07-09-2004, 23:00
it depends
some bands are political in nature, some political parties try to tie in a type of music to the lifestyle they promote.
07-09-2004, 23:04
Sorry, its been awhile: Kennedys
07-09-2004, 23:11
Do you think there's a correlation between political stance and music taste?
I've noticed that conservatives tend to like classic rock and liberals like more modern or underground music. Both seem to like classical music.
Am I right or a raving nutcase?
If I like some of all types of music, what does that make me?
07-09-2004, 23:17
If I like some of all types of music, what does that make me?
A dempublicent or half n half. No I dont think music has anyhting to do with anything political unless that person chooses to make it political. There are still Republicans that will vote for bush that listen to the dixie chicks I bet.
I personally think I am in your boat on music, I enjoy listening to every type out there. Even bluegrass to white zombie to nwa and so on... Why does everything and everybody have to be categorized? Ok it does make it easier to locate.
First of all, classify "classic rock." A lot of people, believe it or not, have problems with that :p
Secondly, I'm a leftist, and I listen to all kinda of music. From AFI to The Blood Brothers, from Robert Miles to Sam Roberts, from Johnny Hollow to The Aquabats!.
So I guess I defy you're theory :p
08-09-2004, 00:51
Do you think there's a correlation between political stance and music taste?
I've noticed that conservatives tend to like classic rock and liberals like more modern or underground music. Both seem to like classical music.
Am I right or a raving nutcase?
You're a raving nutcase. (Just kidding :D)
I'm considered an ultra-conservative, and I like classical music (Mozart, baby! :cool: )
Let's see, I like Hard Rock, Blues, Heavy Metal, Punk, Alternative Rock, Jazz, Classic Rock, Death Metal, Fusion, and Classical music. I don't like Rap, R&B, or Pop. I'm definitely not a Republican, and certainly not a Democrat. I'm Liberal in the sense that I think you should be able to make your own choices, but Conservative in that I don't think that one of those options should be getting paid to sit on your butt and do nothing.
08-09-2004, 05:47
Republican: Country
Am I right or a raving nutcase?Why are the two choices exclusive, can you not both be right and a raving nutcase? I think there is probably a correlation between political and musical exposures, but it is a poor idea to read too much into it, a minor correlation if anything.
08-09-2004, 06:04
While historically music and politics or issues of the day have certainly been connected, a good example being Vietnam and WWII.. I think there is a closer connection to music and age. That is not to say that no young people listen to older music or that older people don't listen to current music.
However from what I have seen most people's favorite music usually comes from their "Generation" However, I stress again, that doesn't mean that's the only music they listen to. I listen to different types of music, but I can't deny that my favorite band is definitely linked to my youth and coming of age.
08-09-2004, 06:32
I lean over to the left and I live and die by classic rock.