NationStates Jolt Archive

Prediction:Right-wing heads will explode tomorrow

07-09-2004, 06:03
Disclaimer: I don't plan on buying or reading the book that will be mentioned here, nor do I care if the allegation I'm about to pass along is true or not. Whether or not it is true won't change my opinion of George W. Bush in the slightest, nor do I expect it will change the outlooks of very many others. If it does, God help you.

Kitty Kelley has a new book coming out entitled The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty. ( Kelley is the author of other unauthorized biographies--she's done people like the royal family of Britain, Jackie Kennedy, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Reagan and Elizabeth Taylor. I've never read any of them and have no idea as to the level of her credibility, so nobody give me any shit about this.

But there's a pretty explosive charge in the latest one about the Bushes. I'll let the Mirror ( tell the story.
GEORGE W Bush snorted cocaine at Camp David, a new book claims.

His wife Laura also allegedly tried cannabis in her youth.

Author Kitty Kelley says in her biography The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, that the US President first used coke at university in the mid-1960s.

She quotes his former sister-in-law Sharon Bush who claims: "Bush did coke at Camp David when his father was President, and not just once either."

Other acquaintances allege that as a 26-year-old National Guard, Bush "liked to sneak out back for a joint or into the bathroom for a line of cocaine".

Flame away. :D
07-09-2004, 06:15
It's always been rumored and normally mainstream rumors have some basis.
07-09-2004, 06:15
It's fairly common knowledge that Bush was a coke user. It's likely that Kerry smoked weed. Unlike Clinton '92, it just doesn't seem to be a factor this year.

Maureen Dowd pointed out the other day that this is the first election year where most of the nation's movers and shakers grew up in the 60s or later. She pointed out that Kerry was more of a post-Beatles type, while Bush was more of a pre-Elvis sort. Kerry is in fact older than Bush, but it's more an attitude thing.

Fact is, an awful lot of us 60s and 70s children tried drugs at one point, and then moved on. It's not that big a deal.
07-09-2004, 06:18
Well, I already hate Bush so I would say it wouldn't change my opinion of him, but if I was a Bush supporter, it would.

Some of my conservative friends say Clinton was bad because he was getting head while giving military orders. What if Bush gave military orders while he was high?

I suppose we'll see what happens with this book tomorrow.

I also like this new response set-up.
07-09-2004, 06:21
Personally, I agree with you Frisbeeteria, which is why I went to such lengths in my disclaimer up top. Politically, though, this could be a problem for Bush because it's salacious, and because it turns focus back onto his personal life and away from Kerry's military service. It also plays up what Bush was allegedly doing while Kerry was under fire, and that can't be good for Bush's base.
07-09-2004, 06:28
I admit it *sob* I too am a drug user. You'll still all vote for me right?
Unfree People
07-09-2004, 06:44
I admit it *sob* I too am a drug user. You'll still all vote for me right?
Definitely. What were you running for? Druggie of the year award?

Oh, and my opinion of Bush is already so low that I don't know how it could sink anymore. ;)
07-09-2004, 06:48
I'll just wait to laugh at everyone after Bush wins the election. Go W!
07-09-2004, 06:53
I'll just wait to laugh at everyone after Bush wins the election. Go W!
And what will you do when he loses?
07-09-2004, 08:28
That story about George W Bush using cocaine at Camp David while George Bush was president has improved my opinion of him, but I'm still gonna vote for Kerry
07-09-2004, 12:53
How could it change my opinion if I already hate him?
Von Witzleben
07-09-2004, 12:54
I fully support Bush taking up that habit again. Although I believe crack would be better for him.
07-09-2004, 13:02
Against John Kerry no it wouldn't make me support Kerry but it would lessen my opinion of him.
Chess Squares
07-09-2004, 13:35
we already know bush is a cokehead, you need something else to get the idiot republicnas to not vote for him, like pictures of him getting lapdances from britney spears with her boobs untaped
07-09-2004, 13:56
Using Coke would make me change my opinion of Bush for the better, get some life into that conservative arsehole.
07-09-2004, 13:58
Using Coke would make me change my opinion of Bush for the better, get some life into that conservative arsehole.That's more what I was expecting as an answer. heh
Legless Pirates
07-09-2004, 14:00
it would explain things
07-09-2004, 14:04
What is this shocking revelation? She tried weed in her youth?!!?!?! :eek:

Dont you just love the Mirror?
07-09-2004, 14:09
What is this shocking revelation? She tried weed in her youth?!!?!?! :eek:

Dont you just love the Mirror?
I'm under the impression that the Mirror is a rag--could be wrong--but in this case, they're just reporting on what the book claims, which is awful tough to get wrong. Now the book itself may be wrong--I make no claims as to that, although the source on the cocaine usage is on the record and would be in a position to know--but like I said in my original post, in the long run, none of this kind of stuff matters to me.
Legless Pirates
07-09-2004, 14:11
What is this shocking revelation? She tried weed in her youth?!!?!?! :eek:

Dont you just love the Mirror?
weed is satans drug!
the rest is ok tough [/sarcasm]
Wise seekers
07-09-2004, 14:53
I hate BUSH anyway, both of them so it doesn't matter to me if he did Coke I just kind of wish he would o.d. so I would not have to live in fear that he will get elected to the most powerful nation in the world when I can't even vote because I am Australian :headbang:
there is no real democracy anyway when one stupid yank who will not even bother to vote has more power the the president or leader of other nations
but maybe he should be informed about the dangers of drugs and their effects on mental illness if one young person in your nation takes up the habbit because they admire the president end up in a mental hospital or dead he will be at fault.
07-09-2004, 15:15
This is a rehash of old allegations. Bush covered all his sins when he said, "When I was young and foolish, I was young and foolish."
Bringing it up again will not change many minds since it was covered in the 2000 election. The Democrats will have a field day with it though.
08-09-2004, 02:21
This is a rehash of old allegations. Bush covered all his sins when he said, "When I was young and foolish, I was young and foolish."
Bringing it up again will not change many minds since it was covered in the 2000 election. The Democrats will have a field day with it though.That's not exactly accurate--Bush did say in 1999 that he had not used drugs--that he would have qualified to work for the federal government and passed their screens--for 25 years. These allegations are significantly more recent than that.

I suppose an argument could be made about Bush's credibility, but hell--if you believe anything he says after four years of this shit, you're beyond help anyway, so again, it's really no big deal.
08-09-2004, 02:28
i thought he was suppposed to have sobered up before his dad became president. gdammit how old IS he anyway?

if it happened before he was 40 it doesnt matter, if it happened after he turned 40 it should

and didnt you always suspect that laura has a hidden wild side??
Purly Euclid
08-09-2004, 02:28
Ah, so this is the Mirror's allegation, which is a tabloid. So we have to assume that Clinton smuggled coke to finance his campaign, as some charge, right? But I sorta expected this to happen. Bush has many who disagree with him, but until now, no one could find anything (or possibly in this case, invent anything), that has dirt on his personal life.
Personally, however, I wouldn't change my opinion on him. He used coke a few times in his life. So what? My one adult friend smoked pot a few times in college as well (she's been clean for decades). When I found that out, did I love her any less? I like too much about Bush for one personal flaw to get in the way.
08-09-2004, 02:33
My one adult friend smoked pot a few times in college as well (she's been clean for decades). When I found that out, did I love her any less? I like too much about Bush for one personal flaw to get in the way.
You only have one adult friend. Thats tragic. May i suggest you start smoking weed or drinking heavily in bars as this will inevitably increase your range of social contacts.
08-09-2004, 02:34
Disclaimer: I don't plan on buying or reading the book that will be mentioned here, nor do I care if the allegation I'm about to pass along is true or not. Whether or not it is true won't change my opinion of George W. Bush in the slightest, nor do I expect it will change the outlooks of very many others. If it does, God help you.

Kitty Kelley has a new book coming out entitled The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty. ( Kelley is the author of other unauthorized biographies--she's done people like the royal family of Britain, Jackie Kennedy, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Reagan and Elizabeth Taylor. I've never read any of them and have no idea as to the level of her credibility, so nobody give me any shit about this.

But there's a pretty explosive charge in the latest one about the Bushes. I'll let the Mirror ( tell the story.

Flame away. :D

Interesting. I'll check it out. Thanks, Incertonia.
08-09-2004, 02:39
I voted "no." Whether Bush was a druggie or not is irrelevant, because I can't stand him either way.
08-09-2004, 03:04
Ah, so this is the Mirror's allegation, which is a tabloid. So we have to assume that Clinton smuggled coke to finance his campaign, as some charge, right? But I sorta expected this to happen. Bush has many who disagree with him, but until now, no one could find anything (or possibly in this case, invent anything), that has dirt on his personal life.
Personally, however, I wouldn't change my opinion on him. He used coke a few times in his life. So what? My one adult friend smoked pot a few times in college as well (she's been clean for decades). When I found that out, did I love her any less? I like too much about Bush for one personal flaw to get in the way.
You didn't read the post, Purly. It's not an allegation by the Mirror--it's a news story on a book by Kitty Kelley. Kelley repeats the allegations made by Bush's former sister-in-law Sharon (Neil Bush's ex-wife). I said in the original post that I wasn't making any claims as to the accuracy of the charges. It wouldn't surprise me if they were true and it wouldn't change my opinion of Bush if they're true or false. And frankly, bringing Clinton into this is just petty.
Demented Hamsters
08-09-2004, 03:06
I fully support Bush taking up that habit again. Although I believe crack would be better for him.
Hmmm...Bush - Crack.
I'm sure we could come up with a few witticisms there. Throw in Dick and Colon just to make certain.
08-09-2004, 03:09
I voted "no." Whether Bush was a druggie or not is irrelevant, because I can't stand him either way.
That's how I voted as well.
New Fubaria
08-09-2004, 03:11
Wouldn't affect my opionion of him much at all - to lose respect for someone, you have to have had some respect in the first place. ;)
08-09-2004, 03:15
I'm pretty sure he's done coke anyway, so confirming that suspicion wouldn't change my opinion of him. But honestly, who cares? Who here over the age of 18 can honestly say they have never done an illegal drug, or at least done some underage drinking?
Purly Euclid
08-09-2004, 03:15
You didn't read the post, Purly. It's not an allegation by the Mirror--it's a news story on a book by Kitty Kelley. Kelley repeats the allegations made by Bush's former sister-in-law Sharon (Neil Bush's ex-wife). I said in the original post that I wasn't making any claims as to the accuracy of the charges. It wouldn't surprise me if they were true and it wouldn't change my opinion of Bush if they're true or false. And frankly, bringing Clinton into this is just petty.
Hey, I'm not saying he did. I believe that was another tabloid story, as tabloids seek to do nothing but ruin people's lives.
New Genoa
08-09-2004, 03:26
bleh doesn't change my opinion although it does give me something else to blindly mudsling at him.
08-09-2004, 03:35
I thought i'd have something cerebral or witty to add here, but frankly, damn near everyone else beat me to the punch. I voted no same reason as the majority apparently did, he's already close enough to the bottom that at least i can blame his appaling lack of foreign/domestic and cognitive mental coherence to something other than his stunted emotional, psychological and spiritual development.
Sidenote, that was a pretty tasty pic of his daughter Barb next to him the other day ... i think there may be a new thread topic coming up soon. ;)
08-09-2004, 04:36
OH NOES!!!!111!!111!one-elventy-one!111shift+one!111!!!!! Did you hear? BATBOY DIED!

:roll: Quoting tabloids = LOSE
08-09-2004, 14:19
I'm pretty sure he's done coke anyway, so confirming that suspicion wouldn't change my opinion of him. But honestly, who cares? Who here over the age of 18 can honestly say they have never done an illegal drug, or at least done some underage drinking?

I can. ;) I've never been interested by either.
08-09-2004, 14:37
OH NOES!!!!111!!111!one-elventy-one!111shift+one!111!!!!! Did you hear? BATBOY DIED!

:roll: Quoting tabloids = LOSENot reading the post=u r teh stupid.
The Holy Word
08-09-2004, 14:38
Heads are going to explode?

Christ, that is damn strong coke.