06-09-2004, 10:26
Stevey received this honour for making films that fight the below prejudices.
"In this difficult time when intolerance, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and fanaticism are on the rise again"
Where are these most visible: France, due to Chirac idiotic policies on religious symbols. The national front got a huge portion of the vote! Theyre just racist. :mad:
First off, Anti-Semitism only applys to Descendants of Shem, Steve Spielberg isn't a descendant of Shem. Wait, 90%+ of Jews are not. Frankly this movie is just another "Gee this and that are Racist" - when it is a complete load of BS
06-09-2004, 10:45
Prove it.
What is BS? The Holocaust having been racist? Or you mean your "Jews aren't semitic" theory?
Jew, Jews, Jewish (modern and erroneous usage of the word in many English Bibles)
Generally speaking, a Jew is a person named after his/her religion called Jew-ism or Jew-dah-ism, as a Christian is named after his/her religion called Christianity. The word Jew is not found in the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek texts of the Sacred Scriptures, but in many English Bibles the word Jew has become associated with a rendering of the Latin word Judaeus, which was a translation of the Greek word Ioudaios, the Aramaic word Yahudain, and the Hebrew word Yahudah. Although not found in either the Hebrew, Aramaic or the Greek Scriptures, the word Jew is an incorrect English rendering most often translated from the Latin word Judaeus, a Latin translation of the Hebrew word Yahudah. As translated, it is referring to one of the tribes of Israel (Yisrael) named after one of the 12 sons of Jacob. The word Jews, the plural of the word Jew,(Jews) is incorrectly translated most often from the word Hebrew Yahudi, descendants of the tribe named after Yahudah. It must be noted, that the letter 'J' was not in general use until after the 16th century as is now used in many English Bibles to form the incorrect word 'Jew.' In some English Bibles we have received from the translators, the word Juda. This is also an error in translation because the word derives from the Greek Iudaios, which in the English would be Judaios. Judaios was none other then a Greek pagan diety (see W.H. Roscher's lexicon of mythology).
Note: As examples, the following words have been "transliterated" from the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek, that is, the letters forming the original word have been place into English letters, so when pronounced in the English, the word will closely represent the sound of the original word as found in the language of the Sacred Scriptures.
Yahud (Aramaic) = corresponding to the Ancient Southern Kingdom and land area named after Yahudah a son of Jacob/Israel, - (incorrectly translated as Judea, or Judah in many English Bibles).
Yahudain, Yahudean, Yahudyn, (like sounding) or Yahudim (Aramaic) = an inhabitant (of any race) living in the Southern Kingdom of Yahud, - (incorrectly translated as Jews, or sometimes Judeans, in many English Bibles). )
Yahudah (Hebrew) = "praised" a son of Jacob/Israel, or his descendants, - (incorrectly translated as Judah, Judah(s), Jew(s) in many English Bibles). )
Yahudi or Yahudy (like sounding) (Hebrew) = plural form of Yahudah, or descendants of, or pertaining to Yahudah, - (incorrectly translated as Jews, Jewish, or Judeans in many English Bibles).
Iouda, or Ioudas (Greek) = Yahudah (Hebrew) a son of Jacob/Israel, or his descendants, the Southern Kingdom - (incorrectly translated as Judah, Judas, Jude, Jew or Jews, or the Southern Kingdom of Yahud in many English Bibles).
Ioudaios (Greek) from Iouda = Yahudain, Yahud (Hebrew) context determines form, see above - (incorrectly translated Jew(s), Jewish, Judea in many English Bibles).
Ioudaismos (Greek) = reference to the religion of the Yahudi, - (Incorrectly translated as Judaism in many English Bibles (from Jew-dah-ism, or Jew-ism).
As used in the Scriptures, the word 'Jew' is sometimes translated to refer to a Yahudain a native or inhabitant (which would include many diverse races and people groups) who were living in the region of Yahud, As the word 'American' includes many diverse peoples living in the Country called 'America'. The word most often refers to an advocate or an adherent to the religion of the Yahudi. In some cases it may refer to a literal descendant of Abraham, Issac, Jacob/Israel, one of the descent of the tribe of Yahudah, but this would be very rare.
Modern Jews are divided into two primary groups, the Ashkenazi Khazar Jew and the Sephardim (or Sephardic Jew). There is a great difference between these groups. They are not one united people. They are divided socially, politically and racially. See Jew Ashkenazi, See Jew Sephardim.
In present day generic usage, the word Jew has no relationship to the Hebrew or the Greek translated word 'Jew' where used in the Old or New Covenant Scriptures. The word is associated primarily to one as an adherent or advocate of Jew-ism the religion of the Jews, but not through ethnics or race. Basically, a Jew is anyone who decides to call himself/herself a Jew.
Within Jewish Circles, there are two other official ways one can become a Jew. One can be born from a mother who calls herself a Jew, or one can 'convert' to become a Jew. (A convert is called a Ger which literally means stranger). Being born a Jew is pretty simple. If one's mother is Jewish (of the Jew-ism religion) then he/she is considered a Jew, if one's mother is not of the Jew-ism religion, then neither is the child officially a Jew. (It doesn't matter what race the father is).
Modern Jew-ism as a religion began about 1000 BCE, and is traced to Rabbenu Gershon of Mainz, Germany, considered the 'Father' of the Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews constitute approximately 90% of all the worlds approximately fourteen million Jews. Modern Jew-ism is not the Scriptural worship system of the Hebrew Yahudi (of the tribe of Yahudah).
Jews do not actively encourage conversion; to a large degree they discourage it. This is the reason Jews have never had missionaries trying to convert non-Jews. They want the convert but the convert must be 100% committed to being a Jew. Discouraging conversion helps to filter out those 'lacking the proper degree' of commitment. Jew-ism is strongly Anti-Christian.
If the non-Jew still wants to become a Jew, the male is circumcised. After he is healed, he immerses himself in a mikva. A mikva is a special pool of water which is used for many religious purposes in the cult of Jew-ism. (It must be made according to very specific rules). A female convert only has to immerse herself.
The term 'Jew', has come to be used synonymous with the term 'Israel, or Israelite', however, this is error. Scriptural "Yisraelites," the collective descendants of the 12 tribes of Jacob/Israel (the Northern Kingdom) were never called Jews. Modern Jews are not of the tribe of Yahudah, and are not a part of the Yisraelites of the Scriptures. They take the name Jew because the name is in the name of their religion i.e. Jew-ism. Jews have deceived may Christians into thinking that Jew-ism is a continuance of the Scriptural worship system of Jacob/Yisrael, but it is not.
Jew, Ashkenazi(m) (Franco-German, Eastern and Central European Jews)
The Northern Kingdom of Yisrael (Israel) was conquered by the Assyrian King Shalmaneser V, in 745-722 BCE, (for their sin before Yahweh), and the Yisraelites were exiled into (Assyria), 2 Kings 17:5-7. They prospered during the years in Assyria, and became a huge population of people. Outgrowing the land area they eventually migrated North through the 'Caucasus Mountains', and into central and Western Europe forming the Great European Nations. Their descendants are known as Caucasians. As these Yisraelites migrated they influenced many local people groups. No longer having an organized religious priesthood, and not having a nation or national identity, their system of worship was corrupted through many years of captive living in pagan Assyria. During the 7th century A.D. various bits and pieces of the old Yahudain religion was embraced and expanded on by the Khazars, (a people of Turkish descent). The Khazar King, his court, and the Khazar military class, adopted this amalgamated newly formed religion, which is now known as Jew-ism.
Present-day Modern Jew-ism, was formally formed into it's basic cultic worship form about 1,000 years ago, (according to Jewish history), when - Rabbenu Gershon a Khazar/Jew of Mainz, Germany, published a ban on bigamy for the Jews. This marks the recorded beginning of the Ashkenazi Jewish Sect, and Franco-German halachic* creativity. The word 'Ashkenazi' is not Hebrew for the word Germany, although the name has become 'associated' with Germany because many Ashkenazi Jews organized in Eastern Europe.
*halachic - loose 'interpretations' of Old Testament laws.
In common parlance the present day 'Jew' is synonymous with the 'Ashkenazi Khazar/Jew.' Scripture refers to the Ashkenaz in Gen. 10:3, and in I Chron. 1:6, as one of the sons of Gomer, who was a son of Japheth, who was a son of Noah. Ashkenaz was also a brother of Togarmah (and a nephew of Magog) who the Kazars according to King Joseph (of the Kazars) claimed as their ancestor. The people who refer to themselves as Ashkenazi Jews are not Yisraelites, and they are not Semites because they do not descend from Noah's son Shem. They are an Ashkenazi Khazar people group, who descend from Noah's son Japheth. Approximately 90 percent of the Jews in the world call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.
Jew, Sephardim (Spanish Jews)
After the Northern Kingdom of Yisrael (Israel) was conquered by the Assyrian King Shalmaneser V, in 745-722 BCE, (for their sin before Yahweh), the Israelites from the Northern Kingdom were exiled into (Assyria), 2 Kings 17:5-7. The Assyrian King then imported people groups from his country (Assyria) to replace the exiled Yisraelites in order for him to maintain and control the land of the exiles. The Assyrian Sepharvaim people were one of these groups, along with some Cuthahites, and Arrahites, 2 Kings 17:24. They mingled with each other, along with the Edomite people, who had migrated Northward from Idumea (field of Edom) after Yisrael and the Yahudain were exiled. Adad and Anu were ancient gods of Babylonia and were also the gods of these pagan Sepharvaim people. The Sephardim Yahudain are a mongrel people whose descent is directly from a mixture of this Assyrian people group and the remnant of some of the escaped Yahudain and Yisraelites, strongly mixed with Edomite blood. The Edomites migrated into the land originally occupied by the Northern Kingdom of Yisrael and the Sothern Kingdom of Yahud. The religion of the area also became of mixed character, from this diversity of people, 2 Kings 17:24-41.
The people known as Sephardim Jews, "Spanish Jews," include a mixture of these people who also descended from the Canaanites (the people who colonized Carthage). Following it's sack by Rome, they adopted the Sepharvaim, or Sephardim name and constitute about 5% of world Jews today. The Sephardim Jews speak Latino, a mixture of Spanish and Hebrew. The Sephardim Jews migrated West through Egypt, then North into Spain from Yahud and Samaria before, during, and after the destruction of Yerushalayim by the Romans in 70 CE,. This migration became known as the "Jewish Diaspora". Today, these Sephardim Jews are still using their ancient adopted name Sephardim). They settled in Spain, Portugal, the Eastern Mediterranean, Italy, the Balkans, Salonica and Macedonia, and eventually emigrated into France, England, and Western Europe.
Unlike the Ashkenazi Jew (who never set a foot in the Southern Kingdom of Yahud), the Sepharviam Yahudain did originate from Yahud and were known as Samaritans during the time of Messiah, because most were living in Samaria which was the area from which the Northern Kingdom of Yisrael was removed by the conquest of the Assyrian King Shalmaneser V. The twelve apostles during the time if Messiah, were instructed not to enter the cities of the Samaritans, Matt. 10:5. Although many True Yisraelites of tribal descent living in Samaria did received the witness of Yahshua and the message of redemption from the apostles, Acts, 1:8. Some of the mixed blood Samaritans also became proselytes to the Christian faith, through the Ministry of the apostles. Acts 8:4-25.
The Sephardim Jews, or Sepharviam Jews (spelling is not important) are not of Hebrew Israelite blood; they are not of the tribe of Yahudah although they were called Yahudain, as inhabitants, i.e. persons living in the land originally occupied by Yahud and Yisrael. Their descent is mixed from Edom/Esau/Canaanite blood. The Sephardim Jews, like the Ashkenazi Khazar Jews are not a Semitic people. The word Sephardim is not a Hebrew word for Spain, although the name has become 'associated' with Spain because many Sephardim Jews organized as a people group in Spain.
The word Semite originates from one of the three sons of Noah, who was called Shem. A Semite then, is a descendent from Noah's son Shem. Shem was the father of Arpachshad, who was the father of Shelah, who was the father of Eber (the father of the Hebrews), who was an ancestor of Abram/Abraham, who was the father of Isaac, who was the father of Jacob/Israel. Semites include Arabic and European Israelites (Caucasions). The phrase is incorrectly applied when used as opposition to Jews, because most Jews are not descendants of Shem, but of Ashkenaz, who was the son of Gomer, who was the son of Japheth, who was a son of Noah. See Jew, Ashkenazi; See Jew Sephardim