Fight Club
I was talking about Fight Club in school today and had an idea for a nationstates fight club tournament. it may have already been done, but it may be worth doing again so, If you wan't to join in, post saying so. I'm in, if we get enough other people, I'll create a bracket and we'll do it.
Who's in it
Galliam - Tyler Durton (oh yeah)
Colodia - Arnold S
Techon - Fardone Grib
Arbucha -
Dhomme - Chainsaw Charlie
Gaeltach -
Crabcake - Pthirus pubis
I'm in, what're the rules?
I was thinking you take all the names, split em into brackets, and then do one day poll with who should win. Something like that. have advancements and a neat Cyber-Trophy.
I was thinking you take all the names, split em into brackets, and then do one day poll with who should win. Something like that. have advancements and a neat Cyber-Trophy.
ahh, okay...
a popularity contest?
sounds interesting, how would you judge who wins each match though? Like who is the better speller and typer? or what?
I'm still in the process of figuring that out. If you have Ideas, please let me know.
I'm in, although I think there should be some other method rather than polling
I'm in, although I think there should be some other method rather than polling
I'm working on it, maybe tonight I'll have it.
I'm in.
I'll use all the moves I learned from the years of watching Mick Foley
01-09-2004, 23:13
If you'll have me, I'd jump at the chance to get in on this.
if Gael is in I am in
*winks at Gael*
If you'll have me, I'd jump at the chance to get in on this.
Of course you're in, though I'm still strapped for Ideas.I'm toying with the idea of political debates between people and the people will determine the "Winner" by who presents their side with the most effectiveness or something. That'd be hard though.
Of course you're in, though I'm still strapped for Ideas.I'm toying with the idea of political debates between people and the people will determine the "Winner" by who presents their side with the most effectiveness or something. That'd be hard though. something better! Such as RPing the fights, perhaps?
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
01-09-2004, 23:25 something better! Such as RPing the fights, perhaps?
Indeed something better! Such as RPing the fights, perhaps?
You'd have to help me with what to do though, I don't usually RP but I'd be willing to give it a whirl.
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
01-09-2004, 23:29
You'd have to help me with what to do though, I don't usually RP but I'd be willing to give it a whirl.
It's rather quite simple
*Socks Galliam*
Copiosa Scotia
01-09-2004, 23:30
I'm in, as long as it's determined by something weird and random. Like throwing dice at a wall and seeing which ones stick. Something like that.
It's rather quite simple
*Socks Galliam*
Alright, we'de have a referee with a time limit, two people in the ring, coming up with new ways to beat the other. When time is up, Nominations. Person with the best "Technique" wins the round. any questions? Add ons? Fighters???
We should award a prize for best loss.
*DHomme wriggles in a pool of his own intestines, mouths "i love you" to his cat and then loses consciesnous (sic). Women and children weep, men remove their hats, veterans salute and all mourn the loss of the peoples poet*
See? That was a fly ass ending
The Colodia government itself would like to have the Governor of Virginia, Arnold Schwarzenegger, fight in the competitions.
OOC: (Actually Colodia does have a Californian state, but it's not's one of those made up ones)
here is what I think...
...we RP it, and whoever writes out and RPs the best out of each match wins
So I think we have our system, just send me your players and I cann make the brackets. Ready set go.
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
01-09-2004, 23:46
*Socks Galliam again after noticing his sig. Only harder this time*
Lobsters are vermin :mad:
01-09-2004, 23:46
here is what I think...
...we RP it, and whoever writes out and RPs the best out of each match wins
Second that can't very well have a fight club without really fighting... :rolleyes:
We already announced our player in post #20
So I think we have our system, just send me your players and I cann make the brackets. Ready set go.
You want it telegrammed or what?
Fine I'll do both.
We're entering "Chainsaw Charlie" to represent our workers' paradise
Ok, I'll update the list after a while. If you want to enter leave youre fighter with me and I'll update the first post. I have to go till about 8:00 and I'll revive thje thread then (if it needs it) be back later
I am gonna enter "Fardone Grib"
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
02-09-2004, 00:09
I'll send over Pthirus pubis. He draws blood every time and will leave you itching for more. He's one of the most notorious of all crabs.