NationStates Jolt Archive

Caption Contest II

01-09-2004, 19:56
Capition the Following:
Sumamba Buwhan
01-09-2004, 19:57
"I can see my houses from here."
01-09-2004, 19:58
"Where's the other guy in the funny hat?"

"Did I put on deoderant this morning?"
Refused Party Program
01-09-2004, 20:01
"Aaaw shit, I glued my hand to my face."

"I wonder where I put my eyeballs..."
Sumamba Buwhan
01-09-2004, 20:01
After making a remark to bush about the economy...

"Whoosh.... don't worry George you can have uncle Dick explain it."
01-09-2004, 20:02
"Is that a black guy at the Republican National Convention? It can't be."
Refused Party Program
01-09-2004, 20:04
"in The Naaaaaaaaavyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"
Global Peoples
01-09-2004, 20:05
Kerry's reaction to Dean's outburst: "Goodbye dear freind, and thanks for the nomination."

Kerry: "Ya know, if you look closely you can actually see Dubbya's hairine slipping back..."
Refused Party Program
01-09-2004, 20:07
"I dress myself!"
Sumamba Buwhan
01-09-2004, 20:10
"This is what Bush does when he pretends to be in the military"
01-09-2004, 20:12
"Oh, that's where I left my medals"
01-09-2004, 20:13
"Oh, that's where I left my medals"

Hehe...damn that was a good one!
01-09-2004, 20:15
"Boy do campaigns really wear a person out. When I started in January my hairline was only this high. I think it's receeded by at least an inch."

P.S. I really don't want to know the context of that photo. You would think a former navy guy would know that only people in uniform salute, people out of uniform hold their hands over their hearts.
01-09-2004, 20:21
my purple senses are tingling
Tennesee Fans
01-09-2004, 20:26
"This is SOOOOOOO uncomfotible." :p
01-09-2004, 20:59
Doctor: Ok Mr. Kerry, can you raise your arm so I can see this green growth you were talking about?
01-09-2004, 21:27
"Aaah, I'm melting!!"

"Boy, do I feel like a potato-head". (sorry, really wanted to say that)
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
01-09-2004, 23:10
Holy shit that’s one gangly ass arm. No wonder he couldn’t even make it to the mound.
01-09-2004, 23:12
I know some guy somewhere in the internet is gonna post this image for people to poke fun at...i know it i know it i know it!
01-09-2004, 23:23
"Wow! It's an entrance to a other world here!"

"Why am I saluting? I haven't served since 'Nam."
01-09-2004, 23:29
If you combined mine and Bush's bullshit the stack would be thiiiis high..
01-09-2004, 23:30
"Holy ****! Where the hell is my left hand? OF ALL HANDS...."
Suicidal Librarians
01-09-2004, 23:31
Capition the Following:

"Whoa, get a load of that hot chick over there...."
01-09-2004, 23:32
"Now if only I could find my stance on the issues...."
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
01-09-2004, 23:34
"Did I leave my oven on?"

"Is that Elvis?"
01-09-2004, 23:35
"One wrinkle, Two Wrinkle, thr....damn I lost count"