Name my baby!
Alright, by the end of the month your truly, Lord of Blood and Fire, will be a father.
*waits for everyone to stop screaming*
I know, I know, another of me is almost too good to be true, but there it is. As it stands my little bundle is ripping his/her cramped little cubby to pieces, trying to tear his/her way free already. I'm eager to get the baby out However, should he/she come tomorrow, I have a problem:
I have no name for a boy.
We've decided on 'Brooklyn Faye' for a girl, as I like the sound of Brooklyn, or Brooke, and Faye is my girl's family name, that all the women in her clan share...
So, give me some suggestions. This may sound simple, but trust me, it's not at all...
My name is 'John' the most generic, boring ass name ever. I want my boy to have something original. I tried to con my girl into 'Bastien' or 'Dayne', but she was having none of it. So, I have wracked my brain for months, and I've come up with nothing.
A few names have sounded good, at least until paired with my last name 'Cox'. I was liking the sound of 'Jace' until I paired it with my last name, and suddenly it sucked as bad as everything else. We may keep it as a middle name but... Who knows?
To the one with the winning name, I may have a prize for you.... *flashes crotch*
30-08-2004, 10:32
Jaina for a girl, and Jacen for a boy
New Fubaria
30-08-2004, 10:38
For a boy:
Lars or Wulf
For a girl:
Jessica or Angelina
(My rule of thumb is Germanic names for boys and French names for girls...
30-08-2004, 10:40
Call him 'Big'
Big Cox! Ha! the kids at school will love it.
30-08-2004, 10:41
Carlos Mario.... I actually know I guy who's called Carlos Mario
Call him 'Big'
Big Cox! Ha! the kids at school will love it.
HAH! Hah!... hah... h...
Oh, no... Not hilarious... The other one... Tedious.
30-08-2004, 10:42
Aloysius for a healthy boy.
Best wishes for your parenthood.
Conner or Conlan for a boy.
You already have the girl part down...Brooke...nice name...
Good luck and Congrats on the newcomer. ;)
30-08-2004, 10:49
Robustus, Hrolf, or Nikedeamus. Melvin if you dont like it
30-08-2004, 10:50
HAH! Hah!... hah... h...
Oh, no... Not hilarious... The other one... Tedious.
Just remember that teenagers are gods punishment for having sex.
Good luck.
30-08-2004, 11:01
naming someone off a forum, :mad: atrotious
oooh ooohh call it andephelous
dragmus, i saw it in germany
30-08-2004, 11:05
Okay... for a boy -- I have to warn you, I've always been partial to Irish/Celtic names...
Amhlaoibh (pronounced av-leev)
Caoimhín (kee-veen)
Conchobhar (konkh-o-var)
Donnachaidh (don-na-khaigh)
Eoin (o-in) (Interestingly enough, the Irish form of John)
Maeleachlainn (mei-laikh-lain)
Muireadhach (mee-rai-ghakh, mee-raikh)
Naoise (nee-sha)
Seosamh (sho-sav)
Tighearnach (ti-ghair-nakh, tier-nakh)
Toirdhealbhach (toir-ghail-vakh)
Best I can come up with, and quite a bit more unusual than John. For what it's worth, my last name's Cox as well... (Have you also been planning on marrying off your first daughter so some guy named "Ucker" just for the newspaper report?)
Chess Squares
30-08-2004, 11:07
Almighty Kerenor
30-08-2004, 11:15
Shoah. Melanoma. Fork. Cancer. Lucifer. Adolf. Grizelda. Spoon. Wall. Rubber. Poison. Anorexia. Dog. Aids.
Now that's a bunch of original, exotic names for you to adopt.
Good luck :)
30-08-2004, 11:16
Don't know if it helps, but...
if my child had been a boy, he'd been called Samuel Jerome. :)
Nazi Deutschland Axis
30-08-2004, 11:24
Have you considered Adolf !
No, but I did consider Churchill.
Alright, by the end of the month your truly, Lord of Blood and Fire, will be a father.
*waits for everyone to stop screaming*
I know, I know, another of me is almost too good to be true, but there it is. As it stands my little bundle is ripping his/her cramped little cubby to pieces, trying to tear his/her way free already. I'm eager to get the baby out However, should he/she come tomorrow, I have a problem:
I have no name for a boy.
We've decided on 'Brooklyn Faye' for a girl, as I like the sound of Brooklyn, or Brooke, and Faye is my girl's family name, that all the women in her clan share...
So, give me some suggestions. This may sound simple, but trust me, it's not at all...
My name is 'John' the most generic, boring ass name ever. I want my boy to have something original. I tried to con my girl into 'Bastien' or 'Dayne', but she was having none of it. So, I have wracked my brain for months, and I've come up with nothing.
A few names have sounded good, at least until paired with my last name 'Cox'. I was liking the sound of 'Jace' until I paired it with my last name, and suddenly it sucked as bad as everything else. We may keep it as a middle name but... Who knows?
To the one with the winning name, I may have a prize for you.... *flashes crotch*
For the love of your child, don't join the retarded celebrity bandwagon of giving a child a stupid name "cos it sounds cool", which is usually named after a plant, animal, the city where their parents fucked to make them or a philosophical concept. Your kid will end up hating you when it grows older. They are not going to give a crap if you name them James or Thomas; if they grow up to do something great like cure cancer or make an antigravity device then aren't you going to be more proud of that than if they had a cool name?
BTW, my name is George, there must be at least a dozen famous people who had that first name.
Nazi Deutschland Axis
30-08-2004, 11:29
No, but I did consider Churchill.
That would now only remind me of the insurance firm with the dog !
While Adolf would remind me of bitter defeat.
I agree that I don't want a totally obscure 'kewl' sounding name, but once again my name is John, which is boring and generic, and I hate it. There must be a thousand famous John's, but I could care less. If my son does cure cancer then I would much rather his name had a resounding ring to it.
30-08-2004, 11:46
Name him Jesus. Then, when people pronounce it hay-soos, you can be like, "No you retard, it's Jesus! Dumbass..."
For the love of your child, don't join the retarded celebrity bandwagon of giving a child a stupid name "cos it sounds cool", which is usually named after a plant, animal, the city where their parents fucked to make them or a philosophical concept. Your kid will end up hating you when it grows older.
That reminds me of an something I heard years ago:
"The worst thing you can have done to a young child is have given him an interesting name.
The best thing you can have done to an adult child is have given him an interesting name."
An interesting name will at least work as an good opening to talk to potentially important people (girls, potential employers, school admission advisors, etc).
Almighty Kerenor
30-08-2004, 11:48
Name him Jesus. Then, when people pronounce it hay-soos, you can be like, "No you retard, it's Jesus! Dumbass..."
Dammit! Jesus is a good one, I should have thought of that.
Budha is, too. Call your child Budha, it works for both sexes.
Leonard Nimoy
30-08-2004, 11:51
Leonard Nimoy Cox.
Or maybe Willaim Shatner Cox.
'Nuff said.
30-08-2004, 11:51
Yakov-Sasha-Stalin Krenkskiy-Gorbachov Vladmir Nikita-Gagarin-Lakia Mankskay-Lenin
or bill
You know what, screw my first post here. I know this is going completely self-serving, but Gerald. Warren for a middle name.
I want to call my first son fellatio .. it sounds italian ...
that or lucas
I agree that I don't want a totally obscure 'kewl' sounding name, but once again my name is John, which is boring and generic, and I hate it. There must be a thousand famous John's, but I could care less. If my son does cure cancer then I would much rather his name had a resounding ring to it.
Like Isambard Kingdom Brunel?
Something like that. I just want it to roll off the tongue.
Keep 'em coming.
Name him Qwertyuiop Asdfghjkl Zxcvbnm
Refused Party Program
30-08-2004, 12:02
Horatio Manbreasts.
Almighty Kerenor
30-08-2004, 12:15
Hey, I've got some more.
Kalashnikov. (boy)
Pitch Black.(both)
Maybe you ought to start with picking a new last name for yourself. Cox isn't the worst possible name to end up with, but I wonder how people can live with weird and stupid-sounding names.
I was at a funeral this saturday, and my brother read aloud all the addresses that had been delivered by post from people who couldn't make the funeral. One of them was from a woman called "Sirpa Tötterström" (It probably sounds funny even if you're not from a Scandinavian country). I could see that my brother had trouble holding down laughter or at least a smile when he read and said the name aloud. It wouldn't have been really appropriate, because the person who had died was my brother's godfather. I really couldn't take anyone named like that seriously.
All in all, pick a name that doesn't sound idiotic. If you like Brooke for the right reason, then perhaps Ridge would be ok too?
30-08-2004, 12:28
You could pick your favorite nation name?
Ars Praesentia
30-08-2004, 12:33
I rather like Tobias myself.
30-08-2004, 12:38
Jack B Nimble Cox
And if Ajax doesent works I would go for "Big" as stated before :P
In 16 years:
You: :o Big: :mp5:
30-08-2004, 12:41
How About Ujax?
How About Ujax?
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!11111 you ub3r copyer!
30-08-2004, 12:43
Chess Squares
30-08-2004, 12:44
how about kent clark cox
30-08-2004, 12:45
The perfect boy's name is Zebediah Zachary.
Of course, though I tried, my wife wouldn't let me use it...
30-08-2004, 12:48
You should name the little rugrat Franklin. That way you can call him "Frankenstein".
A shall keep a highly humorous, offensive, witty remark to myself...for another month at least.
Nikolai Ivanovich (which is even the correct patronymic since your name is John) Lobachevsky Cox.
30-08-2004, 12:55
Monkey Cheese
30-08-2004, 12:58 Him Pat
30-08-2004, 12:58
I've always been partial to Atticus when paired with a short last name. Three syllables is a good counterbalance to one.
Worked for Gregory Peck, didn't it?
United Bears
30-08-2004, 12:59
How about something uniqe..
30-08-2004, 12:59
Gregory Peck Cox.....thats A Good One
Goblin Tery Tories
30-08-2004, 13:03
most kommin naym uv baiby boiz in duh Waystelandz iz Rugrat.
Grait Goblin
Brokn Tuuth clan
30-08-2004, 13:03
If His Name Was Puffy His Nickname Would Be P Cox
The Land of Glory
30-08-2004, 13:11
Rumplestiltskin (had to be said), Monkey, or you could go with the celebrity fashion of fruit names (eg. Apple, Peach or something new like Banana or Rutabaga)
Apple would be funniest as your baby's name would then be "COX, Apple" although Banana Cox does have something about it too...
30-08-2004, 13:15
Okay... for a boy -- I have to warn you, I've always been partial to Irish/Celtic names...
Amhlaoibh (pronounced av-leev)
Caoimhín (kee-veen)
Conchobhar (konkh-o-var)
Donnachaidh (don-na-khaigh)
Eoin (o-in) (Interestingly enough, the Irish form of John)
Maeleachlainn (mei-laikh-lain)
Muireadhach (mee-rai-ghakh, mee-raikh)
Naoise (nee-sha)
Seosamh (sho-sav)
Tighearnach (ti-ghair-nakh, tier-nakh)
Toirdhealbhach (toir-ghail-vakh)
Best I can come up with, and quite a bit more unusual than John. For what it's worth, my last name's Cox as well... (Have you also been planning on marrying off your first daughter so some guy named "Ucker" just for the newspaper report?)
I'm Irish, and I like 'em, how about Sean or Padraig.
30-08-2004, 13:23
If it's girl, name it Jaqueline or Josefiina and if it's a boy name it Lars or Wolfgang
The Deadly Samurai
30-08-2004, 13:27
ohh name it
zeus or
arkantos or
(sorry my latest obsession is age of mythology) :)
How Bout Michael Or Mike,
James (the people would call him james bond! cool)
oh if its a girl name her courtney after courtney cox
or monica
Give it a name that resembles a common name, but spelled differently. Like Jon instead of John or Bil instead Bill. That way he's doomed to the land of always-has-to-spell-out-his-name-or-have-it-wrong-in-official-documents! You could also make it a long one, like Gregury. Think of the fun!
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
30-08-2004, 13:34
Chess Squares
30-08-2004, 13:34
Give it a name that resembles a common name, but spelled differently. Like Jon instead of John or Bil instead Bill. That way he's doomed to the land of always-has-to-spell-out-his-name-or-have-it-wrong-in-official-documents! You could also make it a long one, like Gregury. Think of the fun!
or you could use Geoffrey
Reich Nationalist Fury
30-08-2004, 13:35
Excelsior, Magnus, Xavier, Polarus, Thor, Beowulf, Lance, Lawrence, Gabriel, Othneil, Wilhelm, Parker
These are the best of what I've got for my own kid someday. *sighs and looks at picture of girlfriend*
Enjoy, and make the best of 'em
CornixPes II
30-08-2004, 13:49
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
30-08-2004, 13:52
Or how about Byron, Adonis, Julian, Armin, Erwin, Fidel, or Panthro.
They're all good names.
Sentient Nanites
30-08-2004, 13:55
Felix for a boy,Jenna or Celia for a girl.I don't know why,but for some reason I like those names.But,maybe it has to do with something with having a crush on two girls called Jenna and Celia when I was in elementary school,and liking the name Felix because he was (pretty much) the main character in Golden Sun:TLA,my favorite game for the GBA.
30-08-2004, 13:56
All kidding aside, you really need a first name with two or three syllables to go with a one syllable last name. That's why jace cox doesn't work.
How 'bout Jonathan (for a variation on your own name), Russell, or Alexander?
Not totally off the wall, but not as common as John or Michael, either.
Neither of my kids were named until the day they left the hospital (drove the hospital staff nuts -- which was perversely fun) You kind of have to see them to make sure it fits. We had a name picked out for my daughter, and though I know all babies look like, it just didn't fit her. You'll kind of know when you get it right.
Most importantly, have fun with the baby! Sleep now while you can...
Huge Cox!!
Omg, I'm so witty it hurts my lungs.
Demented Hamsters
30-08-2004, 14:21
I've always a soft spot for Irish names:
etc etc
That 'etc etc' isn't a name btw.
Or if you want something a bit more ordinary, Rachel is a pleasant name for a girl
Demented Hamsters
30-08-2004, 14:23
Since my last name is Moore, I always thought I'd call my son ('shudders at thought of having one') Ronald, or Ron for short. So when he has to fill in any applications with last name first sort of thing everyone will laugh at him.
30-08-2004, 14:27
Just some ideas that are not so "generic."
My RL first name was the most common boy's name for over a decade. My last name is pretty rare, though.
30-08-2004, 14:41
Those aren't Generic? Hmm. What about 'Artemis?' And since I have this bookmarked-
Yes, I have that bookmarked. Ahem.
Don't listen to them! For a boy name 'im Dante! That has to be one of the best names ever. Ever!
Demented Hamsters
30-08-2004, 15:19
Don't listen to them! For a boy name 'im Dante! That has to be one of the best names ever. Ever!
No, Don't! He'll most likely grow up to be a pretentious goth if you name him Dante!
He should be called Captain Hook. That'll grab people's attention
30-08-2004, 15:27
I say Chewbacca. Or Skeletor. Or Weasel Boy. Or Sausage Biscuit. I also like Negus.
30-08-2004, 15:27
I suggest the following names: Rahvin, Sammael, and Ishamael.
No, Don't! He'll most likely grow up to be a pretentious goth if you name him Dante!
That's not true! He'll be a Christain Fanatic!
For a boy:
Hehehehe. The other children at school will have to take out their envy on him by beating him around the head incessantly.
I'm personally a fan of Tristan
I am saving that for myself, but you can use it as well if you like
Austar Union
30-08-2004, 16:44
Congratulations on the sex.... *coughsplutter* I mean the baby.... *wipes mouth*.
Anyhow, you could go for some kind a name which isnt used very often anymore. It wouldnt be very new, and to be honest I would shoot my son before naming him this, but why not Abraham. Basically it means that he is a father of many, and I do suppose in a way you want to continue the bloodline. Course, Peter Cox sounds quite powerful, could be an actor.
Anyhow, I'll list a few names, or one, or two of slightly new yet different names, and none of the wierd crap otherwise the poor kid would get pinned to a wall multiple times during his schooling.
Jinson (Pronounced Jinson, yes)
Ligar (Pronounced Lieger)
Mercury (Which I think is very cool)
Kanibas (Most likely will be a popular kid, for the simple link to cannibas. And its pronounced Kaneebas anyways.)
Aritas (Pronounced Areetus)
These are some random, very random things I came up with. I think I will post more with a random name generator.... Just gotta find one first.
30-08-2004, 16:53
For a boy:
I too like Spencer.
The Cancerous States
30-08-2004, 16:56
How about......Blitzkrieg Von Cox?
30-08-2004, 17:02
Hector! There aren't enough people called Hector!
I like Sean-Michael, personally.
That, or:
Or one of my all-time favorites:
And best of luck with the baby.
Sorril IV
30-08-2004, 17:03
I dunno.
30-08-2004, 20:31
I say Chewbacca. Or Skeletor. Or Weasel Boy. Or Sausage Biscuit. I also like Negus.
Funny....those are the most normal names suggested so far.
I have a list...sorta
Vicaden von Finkelhoffer
Yellow Mayonaise (fits nicelly with Cox)
Ohhhhhh there's some more, I'm sure.
Micheal and William sound good with your last name. But both would end up being "Bill" and "Mike" and those aren't so good. Same with Martin, it will probably get shortened to "Marty" as he gets older.
And indeed, don't pick some crazy name just because it looks cool. My parents decided I should be "Aerou" which is "arrow" in English (but Polish) and no one ever seems to get it right.
Also, you have to think about how people are going to actually pronounce it. My brothers name is "Jakob", and its Polish so the J is a "y" sound, but no one EVER says it correctly. Its kind of like "Janus", it never gets pronouced correctly in the states either.
As far as the names I've seen so far I like "Aidan" it sounds neat with the last name "Cox". I'm also fond of Roman, Skyler, and David with the last name.....
Best of luck to you and yours on choosing a great name!
Sto lat!
30-08-2004, 20:39
Judas, and constantly accuse him of betraying you. Or Peter, and constantly accuse him of denying knowing you.
Dobbs Town
30-08-2004, 20:41
If no-one's suggested it already, 'Horst'.
Heheheheh. I said, 'Horst'.
I love the name Luke...or Lucas. Another favorite is Antonio. Good luck!
30-08-2004, 20:51
You could try Kiefer, that would sound alright. Kiefer Cox. Or Liam or Ian or even Philander. It means Lover of Mankind (Greek). :) Or you could try Alexander. Good name, not too generic... ANYWAY, Congrats on the baby!
30-08-2004, 20:57
*grin* Or you could try Nemesis. Greek goddess of vengance. Nemesis Cox. I like it.
30-08-2004, 20:58
Smelly Cox!!
Oppressed Communists
30-08-2004, 20:58
call it Jack
i am a Jack...its a kick arse name.
30-08-2004, 21:00
Jaina for a girl, and Jacen for a boy
How about Anakin too? ;)
Lascivious Maximus
30-08-2004, 21:12
Lascivious is a nice name (heh heh)
I like signifigant names like Mercutio (Merc for short), or Zarathustra - dignified.
Nice turnout. I am pleased. Thanks everyone.
I suggested 'Tristan Jace' to my girl and she liked it, so that goes on our Mebbe-List.
Keep 'em comin'.
30-08-2004, 21:33
Aiden. Arhtur. Alan. Brandon. Broderick.
Sir Peter the sage
30-08-2004, 21:38
30-08-2004, 21:44
Wolfgang Amadeus :D
Cyber Duck
30-08-2004, 21:51
dyne or Carlos, otherwise... :sniper:
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D
Egg and chips
30-08-2004, 22:06
Roman - I've been playing armed and Dangerous
Pey'J - I've also been playing Beyond Good & Evil :P
If its a girl - Aida - I've been playing Unreal II
Yhis is what you get for asking on the internet for baby names.
Fat Rich People
30-08-2004, 22:09
I've always been very partial to the name Leon. I think it's one of the coolest boy names out there, and plan to name my son that eventually.
My girl's been planning to name a daughter Cora if you're curious.
Mara Equine
30-08-2004, 22:25
This has got to be the most entertaining forum I've ever visited!! erm... how's about William, and call him Liam. Or, Cedric. I like the name Cedric.
notice a patterm?
The Island of Rose
30-08-2004, 22:44
Call him Quintillius! Or Calvus! Or Barrius! Or Calvus!
Or name him Che, Che Cox :P
I'm personally a fan of Tristan
I am saving that for myself, but you can use it as well if you like
Yes, we named our second son Tristan, and, though everyone misspells or mispronounces it here in the U.S.A., it's very unique, unlike all of his friends named Jacob or Joshua. He's the only Tris in his relatively large school.
Lascivious Maximus
30-08-2004, 23:29
i bet theres no Lascivious or Mercutio or Zarathustra in that group though!!
Maybe Alvero, or Anton, Jelani (african for mighty), Orlando, Paxton, Vincent, Waylon, maybe even something like Trenton or Tobias.
I dont know, them are some cool ones i found.
I like names with meanings. But if you know what Lascivious is, you might not want to name anything except your weiner that... I just thought it went well with the last name... if you wanted your son to be a stud horse for the local breeding ground... as i want mine to be.
Maybe Romeo, but thats too presumpituous
I too like Spencer.
Actually, that was a joke. I mean, its probably the least odd name out of the list there...but would you name your child Lance or Julian?
*shudder* think of the poor kid at school...
31-08-2004, 17:19
Before settling on Elric Michael, my parents considered Basil Rathbone (after the actor, for those who don't know)... and Cadillac Seville.
The fairy tinkerbelly
31-08-2004, 17:19
I've always thought Jack, Josh, Jamie and Ben are nice names for boys
31-08-2004, 17:21
If I ever have kids (which I certainly hope I do not), I think I would want to go all out... have, I dunno, 7. Name them after the "7 deadly sins," maybe.
No! I'll just number them... randomly.
Actually, I think I'll just name them by function: "Beer-fetcher" and "backscratcher," perhaps.
31-08-2004, 18:10
31-08-2004, 18:17
Alright, by the end of the month your truly, Lord of Blood and Fire, will be a father.
*waits for everyone to stop screaming*
I know, I know, another of me is almost too good to be true, but there it is. As it stands my little bundle is ripping his/her cramped little cubby to pieces, trying to tear his/her way free already. I'm eager to get the baby out However, should he/she come tomorrow, I have a problem:
I have no name for a boy.
We've decided on 'Brooklyn Faye' for a girl, as I like the sound of Brooklyn, or Brooke, and Faye is my girl's family name, that all the women in her clan share...
So, give me some suggestions. This may sound simple, but trust me, it's not at all...
My name is 'John' the most generic, boring ass name ever. I want my boy to have something original. I tried to con my girl into 'Bastien' or 'Dayne', but she was having none of it. So, I have wracked my brain for months, and I've come up with nothing.
A few names have sounded good, at least until paired with my last name 'Cox'. I was liking the sound of 'Jace' until I paired it with my last name, and suddenly it sucked as bad as everything else. We may keep it as a middle name but... Who knows?
To the one with the winning name, I may have a prize for you.... *flashes crotch*
Try Nate, Nate is a cool name
31-08-2004, 18:26
How about Jamison? Jamison Cox sounds cool, and it's not too common.
31-08-2004, 19:56
Soooooooo... Have you decided yet?
Soooooooo... Have you decided yet?
By the time he does the kid is already in high school!!! :)
Oh yeah, and a very happy parenthood.(Name him John after the dad)
31-08-2004, 21:23
By the time he does the kid is already in high school!!! :)
Oh yeah, and a very happy parenthood.(Name him John after the dad)
Laurence Octavius
Konstantia II
31-08-2004, 21:34
Konstantin or Constantine - great name.
Konstantia II
31-08-2004, 21:37
Adolf lol
Lascivious Maximus
31-08-2004, 21:53
maybe you should try naming him a symbol
like # or $ or % and try ! and @ and * as well.
that would be hard to exlpain though.
31-08-2004, 21:56
...Hey...that's my name... :O
31-08-2004, 22:06
31-08-2004, 22:18
I know someone called Charlie Cox. I always thought that sounded quite nice :)
31-08-2004, 22:25
Name your son Alan, after yours truly...
or Akira
or Azrael
or Asmodai
or Draco
or Asdrubael
or Ezriel (one of my past lives... as an archangel)