King George is a liar...................
Globes R Us
30-08-2004, 04:29,,176-1236896,00.html
Read and enjoy.
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 04:30
Gotta register to view, so why don't you c&p...
New Foxxinnia
30-08-2004, 04:31
He's the President not the King, dumbass. God, pay attention to current events before making posts like that.
Globes R Us
30-08-2004, 04:34
Andrew Sullivan of The Sunday Times. The Sunday Times is owned by our good mate Rupert Murdoch. The same bloke that owns Fox. So it may be a little surprising coming from one of his organs.
Comment: Andrew Sullivan: When the going gets tough, the Bushes get dirty
Last week I crunched the numbers and found that from the polling so far, this race was John Kerry’s to lose unless the dynamic of the election suddenly changed.
It appears that the Bush campaign has realised the same thing. And when the Bush family finds itself in difficult political waters it has a long-established sure-fire tactic. Family members find a way to detect their opponent’s strongest card and discredit it. They do so using surrogates to keep their patrician hands clean and they are absolutely not above the vilest of smears. And so last week they made their move.
Click here to find out more!
Kerry’s undoubted strength is his service in Vietnam, his appeal to veterans (a key demographic) and his patriotism as a symbol of his fitness to be commander-in-chief. And so the Bush team went for the jugular. They knew that Vietnam is still a live issue among a certain generation. They knew that there were many Vietnam vets infuriated by the fact that Kerry became an anti-war activist when he returned from combat duty. And they knew that in most chaotic military encounters, memories are blurred and details are sketchy and that the military often gives medals to those who don’t quite deserve them and fails to give medals to those who do. And so they decided to use some veterans to attack and discredit Kerry’s war service, to call into question his medals and to depict him, in the title of the book now hurtling up the charts, as Unfit for Command.
In some ways you have to hand it to Bush. He has cojones. Most politicians who dodged Vietnam might be leery of attacking the war record of a man who volunteered for duty, took shrapnel and got Purple Hearts for courage and heroism. But not Bush. Recall that in 2000, at a similar juncture in a tight presidential race against John McCain, the Bush campaign unleashed the hounds against a man who had been imprisoned and tortured at the hands of the Vietcong.
Flyers appeared throughout South Carolina claiming that McCain had a black child, that he was the “fag candidate”, that his wife was a drug addict, that his experience under torture had made him unstable, that he had “betrayed” veterans and on and on. None of this could be traced directly to Bush but nobody was under any illusions. In public Bush said that he honoured McCain’s service. But his surrogates smeared him relentlessly. And McCain told Bush to his face in a debate that he should be “ashamed” by his campaign tactics.
But shame is not something that comes easily to this president. He had used similar dirt-ball tactics against Ann Richards, the single female governor of Texas whom he defeated. Rumours emerged from east Texas in that race, as CBS News’s Dick Meyer recalled last week, that Richards was a lesbian and that she had appointed “avowed homosexuals” to her administration. This year Bush has played the anti-gay card by backing a constitutional amendment against marriage rights for gays, and also the Vietnam card against Kerry. It’s the summation of every Bush dirty trick of the past 20 years.
In their defence, the Bush campaign and its supporters say that Kerry brought up Vietnam at his convention, thereby legitimising the attack on his war service. But the book that is at the centre of the charges was written months ago and published by the right-wing house Regnery. It was hyped by the Drudge Report and mentioned darkly by conservative pundits during the Democratic convention. In other words this was planned months ago as soon as it was clear that Kerry would be the nominee.
The Bushies say that the advertisements by the anti-Kerry vets were not co-ordinated with their campaign. But the lawyer for the group also happens to be a key lawyer for the Bush campaign and he was forced to resign last week.
The bulk of the money came from an old and close friend of Karl Rove, Bush’s chief political strategist and a trustee of the former President Bush’s presidential library. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, in other words, is as connected to the Bush campaign as the mafia is to the waste-disposal industry in New Jersey. It’s a front by any other name.
The first and most critical advertisement is also a classic smear. It’s a smear because it mentions no facts. It cannot therefore be rebutted. It contains statements by veterans of Swift boats in Vietnam that include the following: “John Kerry has not been honest about what happened in Vietnam”; “He is lying about his record”; “I know John Kerry is lying about his first Purple Heart because I treated him for that injury”: “John Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star . . . I know, I was there, I saw what happened”; “John Kerry has not been honest”; “He lacks the capacity to lead”; “When the chips were down, you could not count on John Kerry”; “John Kerry is no war hero”; “He betrayed all his shipmates . . . he lied before the Senate.”
This is ugly stuff. Notice no substantiation of any of this is provided in the advert. And although there are some minor discrepancies in the military record — the kind of discrepancies that often emerge in accounts of incidents in wartime — the bulk of the record and the accounts of almost all the men who served in the same boat as Kerry debunk all the claims of the advert.
Communist Mississippi
30-08-2004, 04:35
He's the President not the King, dumbass. God, pay attention to current events before making posts like that.
His nickname is "King Cokehead".
Bodies Without Organs
30-08-2004, 04:35
He's the President not the King, dumbass. God, pay attention to current events before making posts like that.
Possibly it was an abbreviated form of 'Fucking George is a liar', as in the expression "'king hell".
hahaha... he is a liar...!!!
and lots of people know about it...
psssh, politicians tend to lie,
that's why i never wanna be one!!!
hehe, just kidding, but they do lie!
Globes R Us
30-08-2004, 04:47
hahaha... he is a liar...!!!
and lots of people know about it...
psssh, politicians tend to lie,
that's why i never wanna be one!!!
hehe, just kidding, but they do lie!
Some lie on an industrial scale though. Even taking nations to war for no good reason.
Bushs tactics have made this the dirtiest election in American History
Pan-Arab Israel
30-08-2004, 04:51
Bushs tactics have made this the dirtiest election in American History is a Bush-campaign front? Really?!?
Some lie on an industrial scale though. Even taking nations to war for no good reason.
well, yeah...
ummm... lying = sin!