Ask Tuesday Heights Anything Your Heart Desires
Tuesday Heights
29-08-2004, 03:51
So, go ahead - just like the other threads - ask me anything (though, if it gets bad, I reserve the right to a "no comment" or two or three). :p
Here's a question. Why, out of all the people in the world of NS, do you choose to follow the example of Opal Isle in making this thread?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:54
Here's a question. Why, out of all the people in the world of NS, do you choose to follow the example of Opal Isle in making this thread?
I am an excellent example setter. Any other questions?
TH, what is it that my heart desires?
Purly Euclid
29-08-2004, 03:55
Here's one I could ask: I'm looking at colleges. Should I go to Georgetown, or the University of Rochester?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:56
Here's one I could ask: I'm looking at colleges. Should I go to Georgetown, or the University of Rochester?
What's your major?
Tuesday Heights
29-08-2004, 04:07
Why, out of all the people in the world of NS, do you choose to follow the example of Opal Isle in making this thread?
Ah, because I'm bored and not doing anything else on a Saturday night... besides, I think people would like to get to know me a little better (at least I hope).
Japaica, please tell me this didn't ruin my reputation with you, did it?
Am I the man?
If I liked men, you'd be my man.
TH, what is it that my heart desires?
Opal Isle, your heart desires to increase your post count before you go back to school. ;)
Here's one I could ask: I'm looking at colleges. Should I go to Georgetown, or the University of Rochester?
It has a better reputation for being academically sound and challenging.
Purly Euclid
29-08-2004, 04:09
It has a better reputation for being academically sound and challenging.
Well, I just arbitrarily asked a question. There are a helluvalot of other schools I'm considering, like Fordham University, Case Western Reserve, and Catholic University of America. In case any of you are interested, btw, I want to major in political science.