Opal Isle: You've Got Questions...
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 01:46
You've got questions about Opal Isle
Opal Isle's got answer for you
So, ask what you will, I shall bring you enlightenment.
What is the secret to a long and happy life?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:15
What is the secret to a long and happy life?
Antartica and Survival Skills 101 (so you know how to feed yourself).
Why do you seem to think everyone wants to come to you for advise?
Or is this just out of complete bordome? (sp?)
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:19
Why do you seem to think everyone wants to come to you for advise?Wise I am.
Or is this just out of complete bordome? (sp?)
Yes. Boredom.
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 02:19
1.Are you a women?
2.Do you like the mountains?
3.Do you know the mountains in bad weather (not talking about skiing or so, but the real stuff)
4. What is your nationallity?
5. Do you like great wines?
6. Do you appreciate real food? For example after a day hiking/climbing in bad weather in the Alps/other regions?
7. What is real food for you then?, In this situation?
Glad to know your thoughts.
Why Opal Isle? Why not Ruby Isle, or Emerald Isle, or better yet Diamond Isle? If I'm not mistaken, opal isn't a terribly rare or expensive gem. If I were going to name myself after a jewel, I'd want to be something extraordinary. :D
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:21
1.Are you a women?
2.Do you like the mountains?
3.Do you know the mountains in bad weather (not talking about skiing or so, but the real stuff)
4. What is your nationallity?
5. Do you like great wines?
6. Do you appreciate real food? For example after a day hiking/climbing in bad weather in the Alps/other regions?
7. What is real food for you then?, In this situation?
This isn't "Let's Make a Date," and I'm not Bachelor #2. I do, however, enjoy long walks on the beach.
I've got a question: What is your complete home address and area code?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:22
Why Opal Isle? Why not Ruby Isle, or Emerald Isle, or better yet Diamond Isle? If I'm not mistaken, opal isn't a terribly rare or expensive gem. If I were going to name myself after a jewel, I'd want to be something extraordinary. :D
What do you know about opal? It's a black jewel. I was making a pirate nation (hence the currency, PoE) and pirates like black things...that's why the have black flags, arr!
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:23
I've got a question: What is your complete home address and area code?
867-5309 Phone Street
Nowhere, Arkansas 70911
What do you know about opal? It's a black jewel. I was making a pirate nation (hence the currency, PoE) and pirates like black things...that's why the have black flags, arr!
Opal is black? I was sure it was clear pearly white. o_o I must be thinking of a different mineral then.
867-5309 Phone Street
Nowhere, Arkansas 70911
*google's address*
DAMNIT!! It's fake! You bastard.
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 02:26
This isn't "Let's Make a Date," and I'm not Bachelor #2. I do, however, enjoy long walks on the beach.
Hmm, no beach here (3 hours drive from here), hate it (not the walks). But prefere the mountains and the life here.
Still, women or men?
BTW, to bussy (climbing season) and to old for dating NS people.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:26
Opal is black? I was sure it was clear pearly white. o_o I must be thinking of a different mineral then.
OH GOD! I was thinking of a different gem...
Not really...I just like the way Opal Isle sounds...Diamond Isle sounds lame and childish, but I really was making a pirate nation and you almost bought that story, eh?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:27
Hmm, no beach here (3 hours drive from here), hate it (not the walks). But prefere the mountains and the life here.
Still, women or men?
BTW, to bussy (climbing season) and to old for dating NS people.
Eh...we're still not playing "Let's Make A Date"
867-5309 Phone Street
Nowhere, Arkansas 70911
Holy Moses! Jenny, is that really you?!?
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 02:31
Eh...we're still not playing "Let's Make A Date"
Euh, well, you posted "You've got Questions".
Sorry, if this was to personal for you.
Excusez moi.
Mijn excuses.
BTW, was just curious. My climbing clients never take offence when I ask this. (US people to).
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:32
Euh, well, you posted "You've got Quetions".
Sorry, if this was to personal for you.
Excusez moi.
Mijn excuses.
BTW, was just curious. My climbing clients never take offence when I ask this. (US people to).
I'm more of a caver than a climber. I like to go chill with the dwarves in the cool, climate controlled darkness, but there is plenty of climbing involved.
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 02:38
I'm more of a caver than a climber. I like to go chill with the dwarves in the cool, climate controlled darkness, but there is plenty of climbing involved.
I know, started caving at age 14 but after a while, I liked the world above more, MOUNTAINS.
Nevertheless, caving is great,if you are fantical in it, you should try the big ones that go from Spain under the earth to France (3 days) (Cave St Martin, 3 deads in it last summer, they where not professional) or the huge ones in Vietnam , people told me that they are the most beautifull they saw in 30 years caving(5 days in the dark). Must be some great ones in the US to of course, but i don't know those.
Orders of Crusaders
29-08-2004, 02:39
*takes in deep breath*
What's the meaning of life?
Why's the sky blue?
If a tree falls and no one's around to here it, does it really make a sound?
Can cockroach really live with its head cut off?
Which religion is the real one to follow?, gotta make sure I get the right one...:D
How long do you leave a cake in an oven before you take it out?
When is the world going to end?
Whats my age again, whats my age again?
Is there other life in the solar system?
Can someone slap me before I can't stop asking questions?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:40
I know, started caving at age 14 but after a while, I liked the world above more, MOUNTAINS.
Nevertheless, caving is great,if you are fantical in it, you should try the big ones that go from Spain under the earth to France (3 days) (Cave St Martin, 3 deads in it last summer, they where not professional) or the huge ones in Vietnam , people told me that they are the most beautifull they saw in 30 years caving(5 days in the dark). Must be some great ones in the US to of course, but i don't know those.
Well, I live like right in cave territory (the Ozarks). I'd like to go into Lechygea (sp?) out in Arizona, but that's blocked off for scientific expeditions only. It's massively huge. (heh...) But the hugest caves (from what I hear) are in China...
29-08-2004, 02:43
Do you have a girlfriend? (I'm assuming you're male)
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:43
What's the meaning of life? --Procreation
Why's the sky blue? --Do you really want me to explain? It'd be a really long post...
If a tree falls and no one's around to here it, does it really make a sound? --Yes.
Can cockroach really live with its head cut off? --Huh?
Which religion is the real one to follow?, gotta make sure I get the right one...:D --That is a question I can not answer for you. You have to answer that question for yourself.
How long do you leave a cake in an oven before you take it out? --When it's done!
When is the world going to end? --It already has.
Whats my age again, whats my age again? --42?
Is there other life in the solar system? --It's called North Dakota
Can someone slap me before I can't stop asking questions? --*slap*
Oh yes, don't forget to exhale.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:43
Do you have a girlfriend? (I'm assuming you're male)
I have lots of girl friends.
29-08-2004, 02:43
Can cockroach really live with its head cut off?
Yes. For up to nine days.
Orders of Crusaders
29-08-2004, 02:47
I'm 42?! Awesome, now I'm the same age as me dad!........Oh wait, how the hell that happen? *shudders*
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 02:47
China and Vietnam, Vietnam is somewhat more knowed by western "speleologes" and there are more "topo's" about it.
*Don't know the Eng. word for a "topo"".
Hmm. expierience? Best memories? Tried a bivouac while caving? (Nice, but wet, even with all the latest caving technology).
I stopped. Mountaineering is my job and last time caving is 9 years ago.But I still like the spirit of the caving clubs. Mine was called (like many) "The Troglodytes"- "De Troglodyten"
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:48
Oh wait, how the hell that happen?
Orders of Crusaders
29-08-2004, 02:50
Ever get trapped in a cave in? That happened to one me da's friends, he had go and dig him out with a couple guys from the pub...That's why you don't go spelunking when drunk :D
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:51
Hmm. expierience? Best memories? Tried a bivouac while caving? (Nice, but wet, even with all the latest caving technology).
I don't know what a bivouac is...
However, I've been caving like since I was 8 or so (which is longer than some "professionals" I know, yet they still think they know more). I've been cavamping (well, I made that word up... caving+camping = cavamping), which would be camping in a cave, as I'm sure you've probably done. Best memory...too many. I did like the time that we tried a candle in a cave. We figured it'd serve two-fold. Light while we were stopped for lunch to save batteries, and heat for the wimpy girls that were with us. What did it do? It burnt up all the oxygen and got us kind of high. God that was smart.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:52
Ever get trapped in a cave in? That happened to one me da's friends, he had go and dig him out with a couple guys from the pub...That's why you don't go spelunking when drunk :D
No, that's why you don't go alone.
Orders of Crusaders
29-08-2004, 02:55
Er, yeah, that too....See, good thing I like to climb rocks and mountains and not go under them...
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:57
Er, yeah, that too....See, good thing I like to climb rocks and mountains and not go under them...
Too hot for me...
You can go caving night or day, summer or winter, rain or shine. It's going to be exactly the same weather in the cave no matter what, plus, you can see some really cool animals. Ever seen a white lizard? Or how about a translucent fish?
29-08-2004, 02:59
Whats my age again, whats my age again? --42?
I belive the correct answer is 23.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 02:59
Aren't there any other questions?
Orders of Crusaders
29-08-2004, 03:00
How come you didn't tell me I was 23?!
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:01
How come you didn't tell me I was 23?!
Because you're 42.
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 03:01
Opale Isle, while caving (long ago)we used "Carbure" or Carbid, you know the gas.We also used electrical light (the red batteries that where waterproof, FX2 or something). you know what we did when the we ran out of water?
You needed water for creating this gas. Those carbid/carbure(French) stones also reacted when we pissed in our container, so we had light again. You must know this old thing. ;)
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:06
Are you French? They're called Carbide lights in America, and I've seen them before, just don't know very much about them at all. I also know how to make a glow stick work effectively...heh.
Oh, another cool caving experience was in this cave that my friends and I named "Satan's Pool" (it doesn't have a real name, it's a small cave, and it's under a huge cave). It's full of water and shallow (knee to waist high) until you get to the very back. We don't know how deep it is in the back. We dropped glowsticks (we tied it to a rock or something) and the glow stick disappears into the darkness. We've tried different colors too to see if any shine deeper. No luck.
29-08-2004, 03:08
If you could (or had to) go out with any famous person in the world on a date, who would it be?
Orders of Crusaders
29-08-2004, 03:08
Ayeesh! You found the abyss!
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:09
If you could (or had to) go out with any famous person in the world on a date, who would it be?
I think Brittney Spears would take her pants off the easiest...
Orders of Crusaders
29-08-2004, 03:09
Nah, Mariah Carrey would....That is, if she was wearing pants on that particular day :D
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:10
I think Brittney Spears would take her pants off the easiest...
Of course, it would depend on what kind of a day she was having. If she was having an A-cup day, it might be different than if she was having, say a C or D-cup day, ya know?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:15
This is the type of music I listen to. (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=351746)
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 03:16
Are you French? They're called Carbide lights in America, and I've seen them before, just don't know very much about them at all. I also know how to make a glow stick work effectively...heh.
Oh, another cool caving experience was in this cave that my friends and I named "Satan's Pool" (it doesn't have a real name, it's a small cave, and it's under a huge cave). It's full of water and shallow (knee to waist high) until you get to the very back. We don't know how deep it is in the back. We dropped glowsticks (we tied it to a rock or something) and the glow stick disappears into the darkness. We've tried different colors too to see if any shine deeper. No luck.
Well that sounds familiar! You also must know a "breefcase" and how to get through. I know quite usual but some people panic there.
No, not French just live and work in the mountains here.
Where I live and work.(winter= ski, summer=climbing, hiking, between the season= construction :mad: , for the rest bed and breakfast to at our place.)
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:17
I don't know what a breefcase is...not in terms of spelunking anyway...
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:18
No, not French just live and work in the mountains here.
Odd...anyone who lives and works in America considers themselves American...oh well. I'm partly French...like 37% or something...
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 03:21
I don't know what a breefcase is...not in terms of spelunking anyway...
Euh, "boîte aux lettres", where the postman puts his letter in at your house.
It is like a flat "S" , not that easy to pass it, specially not for fat people, but we always told them that once their head got thrugh, th ebody would follow. a lie of course but we also told them that if they went trugh, they would get thrugh while on the return. :)
Mr Basil Fawlty
29-08-2004, 03:23
Odd...anyone who lives and works in America considers themselves American...oh well. I'm partly French...like 37% or something...
Ok, I was born in Flanders but live here since 1995. (Flanders, Dutch speaking part of Belgium).
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:24
Euh, "boîte aux lettres", where the postman puts his letter in at your house.
It is like a flat "S" , not that easy to pass it, specially not for fat people, but we always told them that once their head got thrugh, th ebody would follow. a lie of course but we also told them that if they went trugh, they would get thrugh while on the return. :)
Oh, the English word for that is mailbox. Anyway...I don't think I've ever come to one of those, however, just so you know, I'm 6'2", 130lbs. Tall and skinny. (Or in a cave it's more like long and skinny since you're usually laid down and such), but yea, I'm pretty manevuerable.
The fun part is turning around in small passes that are just barely big enough to squat in. Impossible until you figure out how...
Tuesday Heights
29-08-2004, 03:43
Why do you have a disclaminer in your signature that says you can make fun of the replies you get from posters here when the only one on here who can make fun of us elsewhere is Max Barry who owns all intellectual rights in the game and on the forum? :p
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 03:47
Why do you have a disclaminer in your signature that says you can make fun of the replies you get from posters here when the only one on here who can make fun of us elsewhere is Max Barry who owns all intellectual rights in the game and on the forum? :p
Sarcasm 101. If you look at the site, I've never actually taken any quotes from this forum and used them on that website.
how does it feel to have spawned many threads of almost identical nature?
I award you ten Pyta points, you may redeem 2^100 pyta points to get a small ice cream cone
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 04:00
how does it feel to have spawned many threads of almost identical nature?
I'm an originator, not an imitator. Not really suprised.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 04:18
Haha! My thread is 4 pages and people think they can compete!! Fat chance!!
29-08-2004, 04:39
Will you marry me?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 04:41
Well...I suppose that depends on your definition of the word "marry"...
29-08-2004, 04:45
On a slightly less serious note:
Whereabouts in Arkansas do you live? I spent a year in Arkadelphia & the surrounding area.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 04:50
On a slightly less serious note:
Whereabouts in Arkansas do you live? I spent a year in Arkadelphia & the surrounding area.
No where near Arkadelphia.
29-08-2004, 05:30
Thank God for that, then.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 05:31
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 16:34
...and people are still imitating...
29-08-2004, 16:37
As in, I'm sorry if you think Arkadelphia is a desirable place to live. I meant it's quiet, sure, but...
It was not an indication of hostility. Remember, I'm the one who wants to marry you.
29-08-2004, 16:40
Why do you refuse to learn the real definition of Anarchism?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 16:42
Why do you refuse to learn the real definition of Anarchism?
1. The theory or doctrine that all forms of government are oppressive and undesirable and should be abolished.
2. Active resistance and terrorism against the state, as used by some anarchists.
3. Rejection of all forms of coercive control and authority: "He was inclined to anarchism; he hated system and organization and uniformity" (Bertrand Russell).
I do know the definition of Anarchism.
29-08-2004, 16:51
I do know the definition of Anarchism.
Then why do you say that Anarchism will (d)evolve into feudalism?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 17:00
Then why do you say that Anarchism will (d)evolve into feudalism?
Because it would.
29-08-2004, 17:07
Because it would.
Which is incorrect (using 'evidence' that I have seen you provide). You use use societies that would fulfil the definition of anarchy (note small 'a' rather then capital one), and use them to 'prove' that societies run an Anarchistic principles would do the same, disregarding the fact that they are as different as potatoes and apples.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 17:08
Which is incorrect (using 'evidence' that I have seen you provide). You use use societies that would fulfil the definition of anarchy (note small 'a' rather then capital one), and use them to 'prove' that societies run an Anarchistic principles would do the same, disregarding the fact that they are as different as potatoes and apples.
I don't see a question in that post and you're not even about to hijack this thread. Post a friendly question or start a new thread and pray that I care to argue with stubbornness.
29-08-2004, 17:31
OK then.
Have you seen Hellboy?
If so, is it any good?
It looks crap, but for some reason I really want to see it.
The Force Majeure
29-08-2004, 17:36
why arent you out getting drunk and chasing freshmen women around? *hands Opal a beer*
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 17:51
OK then.
Have you seen Hellboy?
If so, is it any good?
It looks crap, but for some reason I really want to see it.
Haven't seen Hellboy, and it doesn't look appealling to me. I'm not really a komik-book-kid.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 17:52
why arent you out getting drunk and chasing freshmen women around? *hands Opal a beer*
I don't believe in the use of mind-altering substances.
29-08-2004, 17:54
Haven't seen Hellboy, and it doesn't look appealling to me. I'm not really a komik-book-kid.
Bah, neighter am I.
Any film you recomend?
The Force Majeure
29-08-2004, 17:56
I don't believe in the use of mind-altering substances.
Wh...wha? Dammit Opal....
What isn't a mind altering substance? You'd better not be taking any vitamins...
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 17:57
Bah, neighter am I.
Any film you recomend?
...well, since I do work at a movie theater...
What kind of movies do you enjoy (what genre in other words)
There are two X-Files-esque movies out now.
Manchurian Candidate
Suspect Zero
Suspect Zero wasn't that great and has been done too many time before, but Manchurian Candidate was massively enjoyable.
Also, if you're into martial arts type movie, the new Jet Li movie, Hero, is quite excellent (I saw it yesterday morning).
I could name more if you want. Actually...I will give you a link to a forum where I post short reviews of all the movies I've seen recently. If you have any more questions about any of those movies, feel free to post the question on the approriate thread.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 17:58
Wh...wha? Dammit Opal....
What isn't a mind altering substance? You'd better not be taking any vitamins...
I don't take vitamins, but those are more body altering than mind altering. I do (ab)use caffeine however. That's the only exception. I like knowing that I am in control of me. If I can't be in control of myself, how can I be in a position to control your mind?
29-08-2004, 17:58
Want to see the Manchurian Candidate when it comes out. Loved the original, don't think that the remake will be as good.
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 18:00
Want to see the Manchurian Candidate when it comes out. Loved the original, don't think that the remake will be as good.
What?! I haven't seen the original, but the remake is pretty good. Although, the new one has been out for 3 weeks now. Wait...where do you live?
Opal Isle
29-08-2004, 18:01
Alright, I have to go to work now. Any other movies questions can be posted here (http://lifebeshort.proboards18.com/index.cgi?board=Movies). Any other random questions can be posted on this thread. I'll be back in like 9 hours.
The Force Majeure
29-08-2004, 18:01
Want to see the Manchurian Candidate when it comes out. Loved the original, don't think that the remake will be as good.
Don't bother - it's crap
29-08-2004, 18:01
What?! I haven't seen the original, but the remake is pretty good. Although, the new one has been out for 3 weeks now. Wait...where do you live?
Britain. It is really pissing off that we don't get films at the same time (usually). Any idea for this? Anyone?
29-08-2004, 18:02
Don't bother - it's crap
Really? I've lost my NUS card so I am a bit more picky when it comes to going to the cinema at the moment.
The Force Majeure
29-08-2004, 18:05
Really? I've lost my NUS card so I am a bit more picky when it comes to going to the cinema at the moment.
You have to be picky with what it costs to go to a movie these days. Two tickets cost the same as a dvd....
29-08-2004, 18:09
Shows I am a student and am therefore entitled to see a film cheaper (I have actually managed to blag it, but not since I have cut my hair).
29-08-2004, 18:10
You have to be picky with what it costs to go to a movie these days. Two tickets cost the same as a dvd....
I know, the alternative is going in the morning (the tickets are cheaper). But i work all morning on most days.
29-08-2004, 18:39
What's the worst kind of music in the world?
Oh, and: Stanley Kubrick; moron or genius?
Why do you keep posting common knowledge?
I.E., Capitalism > Communism?
The Force Majeure
29-08-2004, 19:22
Shows I am a student and am therefore entitled to see a film cheaper (I have actually managed to blag it, but not since I have cut my hair).
Yeah, it's a whooping 50 cent difference for us....
The Force Majeure
29-08-2004, 19:34
i like how the thread has continued, even without Opal around...
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 03:30
Don't bother - it's crap
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 03:30
What's the worst kind of music in the world?
Oh, and: Stanley Kubrick; moron or genius?
1) Country Western
2) Somewhere in between.
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 03:31
Yeah, it's a whooping 50 cent difference for us....
Eh...in the United States...
Average Matinee = $5.50
Average College Student Evening = $6.00
Average Regular Evening = $7.50
Average Senior Citizen Evening = $6.00
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 03:38
Why do you keep posting common knowledge?
I.E., Capitalism > Communism?
People still don't get it.
The Force Majeure
30-08-2004, 04:00
Eh...in the United States...
Average Matinee = $5.50
Average College Student Evening = $6.00
Average Regular Evening = $7.50
Average Senior Citizen Evening = $6.00
that's cheap
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 04:38
Have I really answered all the questions of the world in only seven short pages?
30-08-2004, 11:56
Persuade the ticket person that I am indeed a student but it has been stolen (this is in fact true, so not really a blag)
30-08-2004, 11:57
How so?
I mean, what would you say the films strong points are?
Jello Biafra
30-08-2004, 12:14
What's the meaning of life? --Procreation
Awesome, I've long suspected that my life had no meaning, now I have proof.
Anyway, question: how big is it?
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 13:59
Persuade the ticket person that I am indeed a student but it has been stolen (this is in fact true, so not really a blag)
I tell my friends to give me money so I can buy like 10 people a $7.50 ticket (this of course was before I worked at the theater), then I would go and get the student price ($6.00) and have $15 left over for gas or food or whatever.
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 14:05
How so?
I mean, what would you say the films strong points are?
Take it to http://lifebeshort.proboards18.com/index.cgi and I'll be more willing to discuss films there.
Opal Isle
30-08-2004, 14:05
Awesome, I've long suspected that my life had no meaning, now I have proof.
Anyway, question: how big is it?
The size of "it" depends on your resolution and whether or not you're using your browser to enlarge/shrink "it."
Jello Biafra
30-08-2004, 20:20
The size of "it" depends on your resolution and whether or not you're using your browser to enlarge/shrink "it."
Lol...oh, darn you didn't fall for my test of whether or not you have a dirty mind.
Opal Isle
01-09-2004, 02:45
Surely I haven't solved all the worlds riddles?
01-09-2004, 02:47
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
Opal Isle
01-09-2004, 02:52
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
lim (x^2)-y
x->289 17
01-09-2004, 03:36
What is your alias, assuming you have one other than Opal Isle of course.