If you could interface with a computer, would you?
Southern Industrial
28-08-2004, 04:55
This is an extention of the Cyborg thread.
I supposing that you would be able to exit the system and continue on with you life. I'm a little worried about some sort of mental hacking or spam, or worst of all spyware.
28-08-2004, 04:56
Lol if you mean like plug a USB cable into my head or something, no...
If you mean can I use a computer, hell yes :)
28-08-2004, 04:57
This is an extention of the Cyborg thread.
I supposing that you would be able to exit the system and continue on with you life. I'm a little worried about some sort of mental hacking or spam, or worst of all spyware.
An escapist's DREAM. People will turn into CPU junkies and never leave their homes. I can just picture the terrible outcome. Dreamworld will always conquer real world.
This is an extention of the Cyborg thread.
I supposing that you would be able to exit the system and continue on with you life. I'm a little worried about some sort of mental hacking or spam, or worst of all spyware.
I'd think adware would be worse, especially if, say, your eyes were jacked into a computer system constantly. You'd be driving and all of a sudden YOU ARE THE 15,792,321TH VISITOR!!! would flash in front of your face. And you WIN! Except by win, I mean you crash and die. Goddamn popups.
28-08-2004, 05:02
I'd think adware would be worse, especially if, say, your eyes were jacked into a computer system constantly. You'd be driving and all of a sudden YOU ARE THE 15,792,321TH VISITOR!!! would flash in front of your face. And you WIN! Except by win, I mean you crash and die. Goddamn popups.
lol just like Futurama
Lord-General Drache
28-08-2004, 06:41
Honestly,sure. I'd not mind jacking into a comp, like something in The Matrix, or similar.
28-08-2004, 06:49
It really depends on whether the computer is sentient and can give consent.
You wouldn't want to be accused of raping the computer anymore than you would a cow.
Who knows the tasteless humor that lurks in men's hearts?
The Hajekistani knows.
Good god, we have enough porn on the internet. Imagine what would happen if we could interface physically with a computer?
That brings up a really geekish thought I've always had. Say someone were to have sex with a hologram on the Enterprize's Holodeck. What would happen to the...er...fluids when the program stopped?
Terra - Domina
28-08-2004, 06:56
imagine it, being able to eternally live in a cybernetcally created world.
You could program your own, and have complete control over the physics...
it would be sick....
28-08-2004, 06:56
Good god, we have enough porn on the internet. Imagine what would happen if we could interface physically with a computer?
That brings up a really geekish thought I've always had. Say someone were to have sex with a hologram on the Enterprize's Holodeck. What would happen to the...er...fluids when the program stopped?
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Why do you have to think of these things?
First, you're talking about Star Trek.
Whats worse, its Star Trek sex.
Not only that, but its computer Star Trek sex!
WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY!?!
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Why do you have to think of these things?
First, you're talking about Star Trek.
Whats worse, its Star Trek sex.
Not only that, but its computer Star Trek sex!
WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY!?!
Inquiring minds want to know. Besides, have you seen
that vulcan chick?
28-08-2004, 07:15
only if i was cyborged out already. i wouldn't wanna have a plug just shoved into my head and then get plugged in, because mah brain's only so fast. if i had a CPU and a hard drive in there to boot though, that's be another story. it'd be neat in that case, because i could control the computer on a more intimate level than with mouse and keyboard, and faster, too. like, screening procces before they even start, creating and altering images with super-awesome detail... gaming would be a bidjillion times more awesome too!
buuuuuuuuut, chances are, i'm not gonna get cyborged out, so no.
28-08-2004, 07:18
Come to think of it . . .
Connecting directly to the computer would make writing alot easier.
No more typos (unless you learned a word the wrong way), incredible WPM rates, and no Carpal Tunnel.
West - Europa
28-08-2004, 12:46
If you're interested in the subject, watch the Ghost in the Shell movies and TV series.
28-08-2004, 12:49
An escapist's DREAM. People will turn into CPU junkies and never leave their homes. I can just picture the terrible outcome. Dreamworld will always conquer real world.
Hey, if it's considered safe- hook me up and plug in a pair of IVs! Oh, and a toilet chair or something. Anything else that would make me leave?
World wide allies
28-08-2004, 12:53
I wouldn't, what if there was a virus, or a hacker.
They could take control of you !
What would you have to proctect yourself from it.
28-08-2004, 13:08
I wouldn't, what if there was a virus, or a hacker.
They could take control of you !
What would you have to proctect yourself from it.
Easy - just "Free Your Mind!!" That way, you would be able to instantly download *any* weapon of choice - Machine gun, RPG, futuristic space weapon (IE starfighters, Gundams, etc)
I wouldn't, what if there was a virus, or a hacker.
They could take control of you !
What would you have to proctect yourself from it.
Only if they knew the OS of the mind. Somehow, I don't think our brain is as easy to hack as Windows is.
28-08-2004, 13:27
Only if they knew the OS of the mind. Somehow, I don't think our brain is as easy to hack as Windows is.
!Give Beer
Seriously: If we knew how to directly interface with a computer, we'd likely have to know a lot about the mind.
28-08-2004, 13:45
Inquiring minds want to know. Besides, have you seen
that vulcan chick?
I can't believe I'm sad enough to note that T'Pol is in Enterprise, set in the 22nd century, and the Holodeck isn't invented until Next Generation in the 24th. Or are you talking about Selar, one of the nurses in Next Generation? Anyway, fluids are most likely dealt with by spreading out a tissue and getting them to sit on it.
As for computer interfacing, it'd be interesting to get into a closed system, but I wouldn't surf the net. Perhaps just something to read my mind, imagine the films you could produce with just a telepsychic helmet and some imagination! No more cut+paste avatars, imagine an image and it's there. To directly interface, the comp would have to be as big and bad as Earth Simulator, so a mind reader would be better. Then you could just have an eye piece and it speeds you through where you want to go.
28-08-2004, 20:48
It would eliviate many problems if people could go into a smulator and spend a day at the beach in the middle of a metropolis. Think of the benefits to our stress levels.
That and if I could interface with a computer, the computer could interface with me, downloading of infinite knowledge, mwahahahaha.
The key is that no two systems would be linked by anything but a physical connection (think Gameboy Link Cable) if two people wanted to share an experience. This would eliminate unwanted hackers etc.
I don't really trust technology enough to.