Do you like the USA
28-08-2004, 02:54
Do you like the USA why or why not and state your nation. I love my country(the USA) because they are the only country thats not crazy liberal but its still a little to liberal.(look at my post count)
New Genoa
28-08-2004, 02:56
I neither hate or love America. Some things we've done I don't like.
I like the USA, but not the way its going. I'm an american citizen and proud of it.
I'm a progressive.
28-08-2004, 02:56
Being born and raised here, and having lived in many different states (and visited many others), I have to say that I love the USA. It's not a perfect nation by any means, but I do consider myself very fortunate to live here. I could never truly think of anywhere else as HOME.
Do you like the USA why or why not and state your nation. I love my country(the USA) because they are the only country thats not crazy liberal but its still a little to liberal.(look at my post count)
Iran is fairly conservative.
The Island of Rose
28-08-2004, 03:00
Of course Che, they made me and my Family get a new start...
And on that note:
Cuba libre! Cuba libre! Cuba libre! Viva Jose Marti!
Right. So now you will attract the anti-American people, bleh...
I'm not a Republican or Democrat, think of me as a Left Leaning Moderate.
SOme of those things I hate would be the comsumerism, corporatism, and the massive amount of influence that money has on poltics and life, in general.
Copiosa Scotia
28-08-2004, 03:05
I like the USA. It's a nice place to live.
28-08-2004, 03:14
I hate the USA because of their international politics
28-08-2004, 03:30
I hate the USA because of their international politics
You hate every single person who lives here???
Let's see: Sexual repression, frequent anime censorship, capitalism out the wazoo, yep, sounds like paradise. Now all it needs is genetically engineered post-humans ruling over us or maybe manditory beatings for anarchists. That would make it perfect.
The Island of Rose
28-08-2004, 03:43
Let's see: Sexual repression, frequent anime censorship, capitalism out the wazoo, yep, sounds like paradise. Now all it needs is genetically engineered post-humans ruling over us or maybe manditory beatings for anarchists. That would make it perfect.
Sexual repression: England sent us the Puritans! Now if you sent us the horny bastards...
Capatilism: Meh, I like the company that made my computer :rolleyes:
Frequent Anime Censorship: I just don't get anime, I've narrowed it down to a forumula...
NG=Naked Girl D=Dramaticism NN=No Noses H=Humor
Though, the only good Anime I've seen is Trigun and FLCL... that's it though... bleh.
28-08-2004, 03:49
i do like the Usa because there is a lot of freedom here
i do like the Usa because there is a lot of freedom here
I agree, but we can make some stupid decisions, so I will say I don't mind America
28-08-2004, 03:55
I love what the US has the potential to be, and yet am constantly disturbed by the way in which we misuse our power on the global stage. I honestly believe that the US has the potential to be the greatest nation of earth, the beacon of freedom that politicians like to claim we are already (we aren't), but we haven't reached that potential yet. We're not even close.
New Genoa
28-08-2004, 03:55
Please Letila, those reasons are quite weak. The only sensible reason you have listed there is the capitalism one.
29-08-2004, 00:46
You hate every single person who lives here???
I never said that
Pan-Arab Israel
29-08-2004, 00:48
Hell yeah.
29-08-2004, 01:01
Wow.. I'm going to go out on a limb by saying I think that basicly the only people who actually answered this thread are americans. I am not american (what a suprise), actually I'm Canadian, now before you Americans start to puff up and write mean things about Canada and how our country is run and every thing let me state that I think our government is made up of a bunch of idiots that only represent ontario... I also think your government is slightly corrupt and not even close to being a democracy. To put it point blank the USA comes up high on my list of not so great places in the world.
Pan-Arab Israel
29-08-2004, 01:03
Um, liking the US doesn't mean hating Canada. I was born Canadian but I'm about to become a US citizen, and I happen to like both places a lot.
Please explain the "not a democracy" accusation.
I am ardently opposed to US international policies as they do not take into account friendly interests.The USA does little compromise and accomodation when it comes to the interests of its allies,something that I find hard to stomach as my country(Singapore) has always been a close ally of the USA.So far,they haven't done anything much to upset the strategic interests of my country in South East Asia as we are the major power there,militarily and economically,though politically and militarily we are balanced by Indonesia and Malaysia and militarily we are balanced by the combined strength of Malaysia,Indonesia and Thailand.
It helps that the USA goes through us and consults us whenever they make decisions on actions within our region.
While Americans as individuals are generally decent enough,I have a very profound hatred for Bush and his policies.Give me back Clinton anyday.In fact,I consider Kerry slightly better than Bush,though still doubtful.Still,Kerry is a lesser evil,all considered.
While I have visited the USA(mainly California and Nevada) and had an American (ex)girlfriend and the people have generally been nice,it is a dilemma because they maintain policies that are detrimental to others and themselves over the long term and take policies that encourage hatred of Islam as well as spread their other damaging doctrined,but on the other hand it has contributed much to the world in terms of peace.Conversely,without the USA,the world would be a more dangerous place,but with the USA,it is less dangerous.
I have troule reconciling the America I see from the outside with the American others see.It is a land of extremes,containing the best and the worst,but it is NOT the best country in the world.
I love the US. We have some of the most breathtaking natural scenery in the world. We have a wise and flexible Constitution. Our freedoms, though often taken for granted, are precious. I love our diversity, and I love our ingenuity.
On the other hand, I dislike the Corporate Plutocracy. I dislike the prudish media's preference of violence over sexuality and style over substance. I dislike that we, as the country with the highest GDP in the world, are failing to provide the best education possible for our children. I also dislike America's agenda of interference in world affairs.
Oh, and we eat too much goddamn junk food. That's why I mostly cook for myself from scratch, which allows me to be a lazy bum, but still keep in decent shape.
Pan-Arab Israel
29-08-2004, 01:11
Way to contradict yourself. First the US doesn't care about her allies, but they are nice enough to go through Singapore for SE Asian policies.
With allies like France, who needs enemies? :)
29-08-2004, 01:13
I love the original USA. The USA where government served the people, not the other way around. The USA where the government was limited and highly de-centralized, where states were sovereign and checks and balances restrained the federal government. The USA that favored friendly relations with other countries, but vehemently opposed imperialism, interventionism, militarism, and internationalism. The USA that had free-market capitalism, not the socialism, welfarism, protectionism, etc. that are so prevalent today. The USA where religion and government were separate, yet the vast majority of people feared God and morality was pervasive. The USA that protected rights, not granted them; the USA that did not meddle in states' affairs and dictate what they should and should not do. The USA that permitted and even encouraged the right to keep and bear arms, for self-defense and protection against potential tyranny. That USA, however, died many, many years ago.
Now look at what we have:
1.A hawkish, aggressive foreign policy that not only flushes American boys' lives and tax-payers' dollars down the toilet, but antagonizes the rest of the planet and actually hinders peace rather than fosters it.
2.An enormous, highly centralized federal government, where states have virtually no rights at all.
3.A USA where the income tax robs the middle-class and fills the coffers of the billionaire totalitarian socialists who rule us; a USA where our money is worthless and no longer redeemable by gold or silver; a USA where tax-payers' hard-earned money is stolen (there is no other word) to those that did not earn it; a USA where the government plays the role of a nanny, intruding into the private lives of its citizens and breaking free of its constitutional restraints to provide for them; a USA where businesses are so tightly regulated that thousands of jobs end up overseas; a USA where money is in the government's pocket, not the people's; a USA with a lawless, draconian central bank that men like Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Calhoun, Jackson, and Tyler warned us about.
4.A USA where 'democracy' (which our Founders called the worst form of government) is not feared or hated, but deeply revered by the people, who are mostly decadent sheep with no idea that our nation began as a constitutional republic based on federalism and limited government.
5.A USA where the government parents the children, rather than mothers and fathers, who work long, laborious hours to survive the government's crushing taxation; where traditional values and quality education are no longer taught; where we now have public schools rampant with socialism, internationalism, atheism, humanism, and other philosophies with which they indoctrinate our children.
6.A USA that is becoming increasingly tyrannical over the years (especially under 'conservative' George Bush, who gave us the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act).
7.A USA where the right to keep and bear arms is in jeopardy (Brady Law, etc.).
8.A USA where tyrants like Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt and sexual psychopaths like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Alfred Kinsey are deified, while real heroes, men like the Founding Fathers, Robert E. Lee, Booker T. Washington, etc., are either ignored or (in all of the above cases except Booker) dismissed as "dead white Europeon males."
9.A USA where soldiers do not die for our freedoms, but for corrupt, power-hungry politicians striving for a "new world order."
10.A USA that is nothing like what our Founding Fathers gave us. :(
Copiosa Scotia
29-08-2004, 01:14
...frequent anime censorship...
Alright, anyone who wants to see the stuff that gets censored out of anime, raise your hand.
I'm from the US, and both love and hate it. I think the constitution and amendments were wonderful ideas to begin with, but corrupt politicians have pretty much ruined that. I like to think that people are good in general, however I don't like our culture. We're a violent, money-hungry, and arrogant nation. Absolute patriotism is blind pride.
29-08-2004, 01:17
My above post is guaranteed to generate heated controversy and burst blood vessels. I expect a torrent of arguments. However, please refrain from the use of flames, abuse, or disrespect. Thanks.
Slap Happy Lunatics
29-08-2004, 01:20
Wow.. I'm going to go out on a limb by saying I think that basicly the only people who actually answered this thread are americans. I am not american (what a suprise), actually I'm Canadian, now before you Americans start to puff up and write mean things about Canada and how our country is run and every thing let me state that I think our government is made up of a bunch of idiots that only represent ontario... I also think your government is slightly corrupt and not even close to being a democracy. To put it point blank the USA comes up high on my list of not so great places in the world.
I guess it depends on where in the USA you have visited. Same goes for Canada. The people in the US are no more cut from the same cloth than Canadians. Generalities do a disservice to both and to the individuals who use them.
Since power corrupts; governments, by their nature, are centers of corruption. That goes from the local dog catcher to the highest levels. Nothing new under the sun there.
another thing, I HATE the fact that the USA was stolen from the natives and built on the backs of slaves, has not yet had a colored or female president, and values money over natural wealth....
29-08-2004, 01:24
i hate america, because ur all stupid pigs :mad:
Pan-Arab Israel
29-08-2004, 01:25
i hate america, because ur all stupid pigs :mad:
That's basically the height of europeon intellectualism right there.
29-08-2004, 01:28
[QUOTE=Roach-Busters]I love the original USA. The USA where government served the people, not the other way around. The USA where the government was limited and highly de-centralized, where states were sovereign and checks and balances restrained the federal government. The USA that favored friendly relations with other countries, but vehemently opposed imperialism, interventionism, militarism, and internationalism. The USA that had free-market capitalism, not the socialism, welfarism, protectionism, etc. that are so prevalent today. The USA where religion and government were separate, yet the vast majority of people feared God and morality was pervasive. The USA that protected rights, not granted them; the USA that did not meddle in states' affairs and dictate what they should and should not do. The USA that permitted and even encouraged the right to keep and bear arms, for self-defense and protection against potential tyranny. That USA, however, died many, many years ago.
I agree. I'm from Australia and love the IDEAL of the USA, I love the messages of freedom liberty etc. etc.. But I don't like the way certain elements in your country are taking your Government. Our 'founding fathers' in Australia based our constitution off yours, but it has even greater advantages. In America you have one executive with a lot of power in between elections, in Australia we have a Prime Minister with executive powers then we have the opposition leader who basically plays devils advocate to everything he says. It's worked well for us so far and I guess yours is working for you but I don't like the way its going.
That's basically the height of europeon intellectualism right there.
Bringing yourself down to his level smart
29-08-2004, 01:32
Well, not having lived in or even visited every nation in the world, I have only my own country (Canada) to compare America with, but I'll start by saying I have no problem with the U.S. of A.; I have visited parts of it, and it is a vibrant, beautiful country....
American government, on the other hand, I think we've all had just about enough of. My opinion is that Dubya is a maniac and must be stopped somehow, but it's not really his fault, entirely. Papa B. had a hand in it, and honestly I think that it all started really going downhill when Ronnie Regan was somehow voted to be the leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, PEOPLE? The whole of politics has become a farce, not only in America, but in many nations all over the world. It's become a media-friendly pissing contest, comical at first, but becoming more dramatic and more dangerous as the years go by. Things are coming to a head, and I wouldn't be surprised if it all came crashing down before we know it. And there's not really anything we can do about it.
**DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that I have no more respect for my own country's political structure or behaviour; we have enough corruption, scandal and bone-headed comic relief to give the U.S. a run for it's money... We just have less guns. :D
Pan-Arab Israel
29-08-2004, 01:33
Damn, how could we vote for someone who had the guts to stand up against the Soviet Union? Unbelievable!
29-08-2004, 01:49
I think that the United States is a fine country, with confused and contradictory foreign policy. While I am and American, and thus lose all objectivity, I'd like to think that I can see my nation in both its glory and its bone-headed idiocy. I see more idiocy than glory these days, but what can I expect? The US is no more saintly than England, Australia, France, Germany, South Africa or anywhere else. It is led by politicians, with agendas and schemes of their own, which is perfectly normal for politicians.
I will now stop sounding like a professor of social science, and gaze in horror at the preceeding paragraph. I did not know that I could write like that.
Slap Happy Lunatics
29-08-2004, 01:59
i hate america, because ur all stupid pigs :mad:
There is nothing more invigorating than the brisk fresh air of a throughly examined, well constructed critique of a complex variety of people with a broad spectrum of beliefs, desires and backgrounds.
Thank you for the time and energy you have contributed to our enlightenment. Speaking solely for myself; I am richer for the experience. I am indebted to you.
Teh ninjas
29-08-2004, 02:04
I like living in the US. We have a lot of diversity, which helps me understand other cultures. I also consider this country on of the best places to live in. But recently there's been some things that I really don't approve.
1)It's obvious the Corporations are screwing the little guy
2)foreign policy, saying that France isn't our ally over 1 little argument.
3)education, explains itself
That's all the problems that I can think of at the moment.
29-08-2004, 20:43
I love this kind of thread. I don't think that this arguing is over the land and if its nice or not the USA is not the land its the the land will always be (no matter who lives on it. I'm sure it was a hell of a lot nicer before it was named the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) the people will not. Idividuals are fine so are individuals from anywhere else in the world, the question is do you like the USA's mob mentality, and my answer is no.
Suicidal Librarians
29-08-2004, 20:47
I like the USA, it is very entertaining no matter where you live in it.
Von Witzleben
29-08-2004, 20:56
I don't like the US.
With allies like the US, who needs enemies.
Copiosa Scotia
31-08-2004, 01:32
I like the USA, it is very entertaining no matter where you live in it.
There are probably some Idahoans who would disagree.
The Holy Word
31-08-2004, 01:54
That's basically the height of europeon intellectualism right there.
Do you want the rest of us to leave? Are you two "having a moment"?
(It's European, not "europeon" as it happens.)
31-08-2004, 01:58
I love my Country (and everyone of you), down to the point that if I saw anyone of you burning in a car seatbelted in I would not hesitate to burn my own flesh away to save more of yours (even though you had that 'communism is great' bumper sticker!) ;)
How about this, who cares?
I mean really and truthfully?
If you are a American do you honestly care if someone in Manchester hates the USA? Or do you even care if they hate you directly?
DO you care if they like you?
I love my country, its MY country what kind of bag of shit would I be if I didnt?
However, I dont care if anyone else does, because it just isnt that big of a deal.
I really no Brit, or Paki, of Lebonese, or anyone is worried about what someone on the otherside of the planet thinks.
If anyone isnt willing to give another person the benefit of the doubt, then f*ck 'em.
I wont hate you until I meet you.
Left Winged Punks
31-08-2004, 02:16
i hate america, because ur all stupid pigs :mad:
Lol nicley put :headbang: , I much perfer if we all just did like the Indians (Native Americans not Ghandi) and live like un technological peaceful stoners.
The USA?
I like it.
A country where someone can come from nothing and become something.
A country that for the most part will stand up against evil, while other countries are to scared.
A country, that while can be shrouded in politics sometimes will eventually band together at least for a little bit during trying times.
A country that will not sink to the lows of other countries who take advantage of Oil for Food programs designed to give tortured people food, and put the money in its own pockets.
A country that will liberate countries under trynical rule with the tryants killing hundreds of their own people daily.
A country where even the lowest of the low financially-the homeless can find a place to stay in shelters.
A country where I can decide who I want elected for office
A country where I can feel protected by the world's best military.
A country where one can have a very high amount of freedom, but not towards an anarchial level.
A country that has nukes, but doesnt use them.
A country that could have taken over many countries after WW2, but instead help them recover with our own money, and then let them go on their own.
A country where everyone has the right to protest against the government.
A country where I can own guns to protect myself.
A country where I can pick to go to private schools and colleges.
A country where nearly everyone who works hard gets at least some thing out of it to enjoy themselves with-like a tv.
A country that listens to other countries, even though it doesnt really have to.
A country that is the land of the free and home of the brave.
However I dont like some things this country has become.
A country where people who make poor decisions can make up for it with murder on demand-aka abortion
A country where the ACLU is discriminating against most religions, except for Athiesm and Islam.
A country where people who are less smart than me can get into a college because they are of a different race, through no fault of my own.
A country where politicans attack and demeoner my commander in chief during times of war.
A country where public schools and textbooks are overwhemlinly biased in the informartions they are teaching.
A country where some people dont understand about sacrifice.
A country that is overwhemlingly becoming to politically correct.
A country that lets its own citizens burn its flag.
Still, I believe that when comparing to other countries, the US is top on my list, followed by probally Australia, New Zealand, and Britian. America is a beacon for freedom in the world, and hopefully will continue to be, if we can get through these problems mentioned above.
*My country can beat up your country:-)*
31-08-2004, 02:21
i do like the Usa because there is a lot of freedom here
There are a lot of countries now with a lot more freedom and up-to-date constitutions that are better than the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The USA isn't very competitive in the freedoms market, and is in fact regressing away from freedom.
They are historic documents, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, but old and in need of updating. However, given the political atmosphere in america right now even considering changing anything is wrought with danger.
When I first moved to the US from Poland I hated it. I think it was more the fact that I couldn't speak English at all, and that I felt very alone. The longer I've lived here the more its grown on me and I enjoy the freedoms that come with living in the states. I do not however agree with the way the country is run.
I don't hate Americans either, I think they can be just as bad as any European. Plus passing judgement on an entire nation of people because of the actions of certain individuals isn't fair.
31-08-2004, 02:29
A country*My country can beat up your country:-)*
I'll ignore the pompous anti-democratic horse nonsense you said before this last line and mention that the US has a lousy military record and can only seem to win when every other one of its traditional allies are involved. (unless you count Grenada as a big win, which is wasn't).
If you want to know what a smart military action looks like I suggest you look up Canada and the Suez Crisis
It seems without international validation there is no way a large-scale war can be won. That's just my theory. I don't know if its factual.
As long as you protect us, I shall not say anything bad.
:headbang: American citizens get a bad rap we are not all fat lazy and rich. We dont all smoke cigars and eat red meat for every meal. we dont all hate any person or thing that is different. we arent all warmongers an hatebreeders. we dont all liter and destroy the environment. Just the assholes that run the country.
the multibillionaires that run this great nation are all these things and more but the 97% percent of us who have no power no real voice are caring loving human beings. we smoke our pot drink our beer play our guitars recycle eat peanut butter and jelly for all 3 meals cause we are paying for big buisiness tax breaks and robots on mars and an unjust war against innocents. i support the troops that are fighting the war because they had no choice but i fear for their souls. George bush has to go. he is not a leader he is a puppet to the most evil people to ever walk this beautiful planet. To all of you non americans reading this dont hate americans hate our government cause i sure do. they call it the land of the free, it is psuedo-freedom at best. big brother is always watching making sure we dont learn too much.
I say ANYONE BUT BUSH IN 2004!!!and if bush is reelected i will see you in canada.
:upyours: f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW :upyours:
FLCL kick @$$
31-08-2004, 02:37
I hate it. I live in new york city and i simply DESPISE this country. dont flame me or anything for this but thats how i feel. Maybe its because i live where i do and the majority of ppl here simply LOATHE being civil. but thats just my 2 cents. And haell, i wouldn't say that the troops didn't have a choice. the majority of them joined of their own free will.
31-08-2004, 02:40
As long as you protect us, I shall not say anything bad.
Heh, well np. Not all problems can be solved with bombs and bullets you know :p
31-08-2004, 02:43
to the person who said we have a flexible constitution: yea, its so flexible most of the time the authorites use it as toilet paper.
31-08-2004, 02:43
----"I hate it. I live in new york city and i simply DESPISE this country. dont flame me or anything for this but thats how i feel. Maybe its because i live where i do and the majority of ppl here simply LOATHE being civil. but thats just my 2 cents."
No flame here man, I just think you might hate your state and are blaming it partly on your entire country (I know I did this for 20 years)? Is there something specific about our country that you hate?(when I say country, I dont say anybody in it or what it stands to them. Im talking about what does it stand for you, and are you allowed to excercise the freedoms you enjoy, if not is there a state that allows you to excercise that freedom?)
31-08-2004, 02:55
----"I hate it. I live in new york city and i simply DESPISE this country. dont flame me or anything for this but thats how i feel. Maybe its because i live where i do and the majority of ppl here simply LOATHE being civil. but thats just my 2 cents."
No flame here man, I just think you might hate your state and are blaming it partly on your entire country (I know I did this for 20 years)? Is there something specific about our country that you hate?(when I say country, I dont say anybody in it or what it stands to them. Im talking about what does it stand for you, and are you allowed to excercise the freedoms you enjoy, if not is there a state that allows you to excercise that freedom?)
I agree. I don't want to end up labelling EVERYTHING about the US as evil and neither should you. Using broad strokes keeps you from identifying a problem rationally and doing something about it. All it does is incite more irrational and illogical behavior.
Most soldiers i know signed up pre 9/11 to pay for college and such. The choice they did not have was fighting a war for no reason. afghanistan i can understand they were harboring terrorists. BUt Iraq was not just our government lied to us where are the wmd's, where is al queda. i would not be supprised if bin laden showed up around halloween time in custody of the us.
In the words of MJK "You lie , Cheat , and Steal" Mr. President. 900 sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers should not have died "liberating" oil fields. NO CHOICE. NO VOICE.
by the way my bumper stickers says "george bush is a punk a$$ chump" and "defend america defeat bush" faithfull freedom ;)
31-08-2004, 03:04
Do you like the USA why or why not and state your nation. I love my country(the USA) because they are the only country thats not crazy liberal but its still a little to liberal.(look at my post count)
As a kid growing up in Canada, I was always intrigued by the US and always had an enormous amount of respect for your country. I have visited the US many times on holidays, from Florida to California, from Connecticut to Mrytle Beach, from Washington to Chicago. I always enjoyed my visits.
I have loved some of your Presidents, while sorta tolerating others, but that goes with the territory. However, there is one President who I feel has tarnished my thoughts on America. His name....George W. Bush. :(
I lost most of my respect for the politics of the US when Bush decided to invade Iraq. I was soooo glad my country said NO to Bush in his plans to invade Iraq over oil. The liberating Iraq BS doesn't wash.
I think Bush is perhaps the most divisive President I have ever seen, and I see it in these threads. He is tearing the fabric of America and it is sad to witness. I hope Kerry can rebuild what has been shattered.
What I also can't understand is the disdain so many have for President Clinton. Despite his faults (people keep harping on about a BJ geez), America was better off then, then it is now.
Bush had the world behind him after the attacks of 911, but that has been wasted on a reckless pursuit of globalism, that I fear will harm the US and her friends many years down the road.
God Bless America.......
P.S. Don't let Bush have 4 more years!!
31-08-2004, 03:07
----"by the way my bumper stickers says "george bush is a punk a$$ chump" and "defend america defeat bush" faithfull freedom"
Nothing wrong with that, in fact I wouldnt care if it said (my name) is a punk a$$ ho, or any other opinionated message. You see what im saying though right? Its just not worth trying to divide (create hate towards others) people the way that political party's, special interests, religions, and every single person at some times in our lives try to do. I used commie as a example because thats my area that I struggle with understanding and accepting. When I look at it as just another persons opinion, I realize that it would indeed not create a wavering second of an inaction on my part of trying to save that persons life while risking my own. How can I hate anyone for what they believe when they are not forcing it upon me or anyone else?
Left Winged Punks
01-09-2004, 00:18
:headbang: American citizens get a bad rap we are not all fat lazy and rich. We dont all smoke cigars and eat red meat for every meal. we dont all hate any person or thing that is different. we arent all warmongers an hatebreeders. we dont all liter and destroy the environment. Just the assholes that run the country.
the multibillionaires that run this great nation are all these things and more but the 97% percent of us who have no power no real voice are caring loving human beings. we smoke our pot drink our beer play our guitars recycle eat peanut butter and jelly for all 3 meals cause we are paying for big buisiness tax breaks and robots on mars and an unjust war against innocents. i support the troops that are fighting the war because they had no choice but i fear for their souls. George bush has to go. he is not a leader he is a puppet to the most evil people to ever walk this beautiful planet. To all of you non americans reading this dont hate americans hate our government cause i sure do. they call it the land of the free, it is psuedo-freedom at best. big brother is always watching making sure we dont learn too much.
I say ANYONE BUT BUSH IN 2004!!!and if bush is reelected i will see you in canada.
:upyours: f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW f*ck GW :upyours:
FLCL kick @$$