Olympic Disgrace
27-08-2004, 04:21
I'm sitting here watching the 200m final and listening to the crowd chanting and booing loud enough to the point that the race can't even begin. 2 false starts already and the crowd continues it.
Why? Because the Greek superstar missed his drug test and was removed. So instead of dealing with it, the Greek crowd is taking it out on the American runners, blaming America for the misdoings of their own national disgrace.
The Greek newspapers have been reporting that their runner (who has had problems with drug tests in the past) missing this race was somehow an American conspiracy. So they take unfairly boo the American athletes participating in the race.
There have been a lot of threads recently about Americans wondering why the rest of the world hates us or is mad at us. And there have been a lot of Americans who have replied by saying that a lot of the hatred pointed towards us is grossly unfair. This is an example of inappropriately pointed anger towards America.
Instead of accepting responsibility and putting the blame upon the shoulders of who deserves it, the Greek crowd chooses to vilify the American runners, who just now finished 1, 2, 3. But the moment of glory is dampened because instead of receiving glory for winning a medal, they get a chorus of boos.
Someone care to point out how the actions of a Greek runner refusing to take his drug test is the fault of some evil American conspiracy, as the Greek newspapers have reported?
27-08-2004, 04:24
People are pathetic worthless urchins. Why are you so surprised? Anything can be a conspiracy and people are stupid enough to believe anything they are told, especially when it's about something important as their athletes being disqualified.
27-08-2004, 04:30
And you may not like it.
It has a LOT to do with Bush and his policies. How? Let me quote someone, Dr. Martin Luther King, "America has become too arrogant."
Let me paraphrase (probably badly) what King meant in his speech then, which is EVER so meaningful now.
Do not think for a moment the America should be the policemen of the world. Do not think that our values are the only ones of meaning in the world. Do not think that we are autromatically RIGHT, and that we HAVE the right to impose our values upon the world by force of arms. If we continue this trend, the world WILL turn against us. Practice war no more.
Why does the world think we are cheating them? Because we have given them no reason to think otherwise. We have failed to act fairly time upon time again, and until we do, even the simplest of truths will be lost to us.
27-08-2004, 04:35
You know, I think we should just get rid of the Olympics. The whole thing is too politicized, with the success and failure of athletes being used as propaganda. (See this article (http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/FH26Ad05.html) for some examples.) This has been going on for decades, with the 1936 Berlin Olympics as an infamous example.
27-08-2004, 04:41
And you may not like it.
It has a LOT to do with Bush and his policies. How? Let me quote someone, Dr. Martin Luther King, "America has become too arrogant."
Let me paraphrase (probably badly) what King meant in his speech then, which is EVER so meaningful now.
Do not think for a moment the America should be the policemen of the world. Do not think that our values are the only ones of meaning in the world. Do not think that we are autromatically RIGHT, and that we HAVE the right to impose our values upon the world by force of arms. If we continue this trend, the world WILL turn against us. Practice war no more.
Why does the world think we are cheating them? Because we have given them no reason to think otherwise. We have failed to act fairly time upon time again, and until we do, even the simplest of truths will be lost to us.
No sir, this one has absolutely nothing to do with Bush and his misguided policies. This has to do with common decency and the lack of accepting the responsibility of one's own countrymen.
Were it merely a case of Bush hate, then we would have heard the boos throughout the Olympics. Instead, we have a group of Greek fans who ruin the moment for 3 American athletes because of some idiotic conspiracy theories that their own superstar was ruined by America. Seems to me that they need to grow up and deal with reality.
Oh, and for the record, you badly butchered King's speech. King was talking of staying aware when the American leaders say that God has ordained them to strike down a foe because God had not commanded America to be the world's overseers. He then goes on to say that if the American leadership chooses to ignore God's will, then He will impose his will upon our own arrogance. While relevant to Bush's policies, you missed the crux of the message.
27-08-2004, 04:41
The Olyimpics are pointless anyhow. Let's saty in our homes, sitting on our couch, eating potato chips, while we watch people do physical activity. Anyhow, the Olyimpics are terribly schudeled. While WATER POLO gets a good time slot at 3 in the afternoon, difficult sports, like the discus, shot put, men's decathalon (10 events), and the wieght lifting is all shown at 1 o'clock in the morning or later. What a load of crap.
27-08-2004, 04:51
And you may not like it.
It has a LOT to do with Bush and his policies. How? Let me quote someone, Dr. Martin Luther King, "America has become too arrogant."
Let me paraphrase (probably badly) what King meant in his speech then, which is EVER so meaningful now.
Do not think for a moment the America should be the policemen of the world. Do not think that our values are the only ones of meaning in the world. Do not think that we are autromatically RIGHT, and that we HAVE the right to impose our values upon the world by force of arms. If we continue this trend, the world WILL turn against us. Practice war no more.
Why does the world think we are cheating them? Because we have given them no reason to think otherwise. We have failed to act fairly time upon time again, and until we do, even the simplest of truths will be lost to us.
MEA CULPA, MEA CULPA, My mind control waves caused him to refuse a drug test.
27-08-2004, 05:10
Overall It really has been soured ....I really can't watch them on an entertaining,valid, and pure athletical competition sense because I question the scoring mechanism[s] overall of the olympics. I think it should be structured in a more credible way .... Especially this year it has been tainted of any integrity.
So for other reasons I tune in from time to time ...Like to see the beauty of Athens ! B-) I might have to rearrange my selections in travel plans hehe It's a shame all this controversy has to arise when the olympics come back to its origins...
The opening ceremony was so awesome it was as if I was actually watching a sci fi movie !
27-08-2004, 05:28
Oh god, people don't like us very much right now. Gee, I wonder why. Hmmm. Could it be because not everyone has the same views that certain people in powerful positions in our government attempt to force on everyone? Could it be because *gasp* not everyone gets along? I know it's hard to understand, but people have differences in opinion AND they express them.
27-08-2004, 06:00
Although booing before a race is in poor taste, let's not get so paranoid to think it was aimed only at the USA. Remember, the booing happened BEFORE the race began, so not only were the US athletes affected, but also the Namibian, the Mauritian, the Portuguese, etc. They would have booed even if Freddy Fredericks of Namibia had won. They were using a somewhat outdated (and to North Americans, a rude) method to voice their disappointment over the defending men's 200m champion not participating in the Olympics held in his home country of Greece, probably the only one in Greece in our lifetime. But remember that culturally Greeks express themselves differently than average Americans -- when they are unhappy they make a bigger fuss of it, and when they are pleased, they are more demonstrative. This is a bit of a generalization, but a Greek may come off as either extremely rude or overly forward given the situation. Remember this is a culture where men may kiss each other in greeting and slap each other if a person sits in the wrong place. We might not "get it" but that's just how it is.
And let's not forget the horrendous "U-S-A!" chanting by much of the crowds that preceded and followed almost every single event during the Atlanta games in 1996, in an attempt to "psyche out" all the non-Americans. It's called "home field advantage," but it was ugly and an even worse display of rudeness than this booing, regardless of any poorly imagined conspiracy theory involving drug-testing. That chanting happened even in events where no Americans were participating, so that when countries like Cuba were competing against a US ally, the crowd was trying to freak the Cubans out and cause them to stumble. And why? Because we don't like their government(s). Yeah...those scary Cubans, getting ready to invade the US with another series of Elian Gonzalez look-alikes. Everyone is scared of the bully, but no one LIKES him. And not admitting that we're a bully is our biggest problem. Largest economy. Largest nuclear stockpile. 3rd largest population. Most skilled army. Largest entertainment industry. Unless it's toned down and explained clearly, every US move seems like a potential threat to smaller nations living in insecure times. So either we admit our own arrogance (since most of us seem to consider other countries as "inferior" to the US) and let other nations ridicule/despise us, or we buck up and change ourselves from being so arrogant, thereby giving other nations no reason to do so. If we do neither and keep claiming ignorance ("Who us? We don't ever put other countries down! It's only THEY who unfairly make up nonsense about us!") then we are serious hypocrites.
Finally, the Olympics aren't for us obviously ultra-athletic types playing "Nation States" on our computers and watching dimwitted commentary on US TV networks (CBC and BBC are doing a much better job, but sadly you can't watch their coverage in the USA). The Olympics are for the real athletes, whether they are televised or not. Everyone who advocates eradicating the Olympics doesn't know what it takes to get there. An acquaintance of mine won two silvers for Canada in 1996 and she would kick the butt of every person who suggests the Olympics should be gone. Though she's still a little mad at Summer Sanders for beating her in Atlanta, she will relish every bit of her experience. It's for people like her, not us, that the Olympics exist.
27-08-2004, 14:07
Oh god, people don't like us very much right now. Gee, I wonder why. Hmmm. Could it be because not everyone has the same views that certain people in powerful positions in our government attempt to force on everyone? Could it be because *gasp* not everyone gets along? I know it's hard to understand, but people have differences in opinion AND they express them.
OK, I believe I already covered this about an hour before you posted your comments. Normally I'd understand maybe missing something in a thread when there are 13 pages of comments....but there was like 2 minutes of total reading in this thread before you made your comment so that's really not an excuse to mindlessly and sarcastically parrot comments that have already been made.
And your news flash makes no sense as no one said "athletical."
Smoking much are you?
27-08-2004, 14:19
I dislike american's quite a lot at times. I just love watching them fail at the olympics... but booing them for winning :eek: that's horrible!
Anyone who dislikes American's should express it in healthy competition - with good sportsmanship. They Should Cheer really loud when the American's loose. But not boo them when they win. Cheer less load, or possibly glare at them if you must - but the olympics should never have booing.
27-08-2004, 14:20
I agree. This anit-american bullshit is just ridiculous. Apparently Greece is one of the most anti-American countries ever. I don't know why, seeing as how historically I'm pretty sure the only thing we ever did to them is save them from the Nazis. Maybe it's the fact that we are friendly with Turkey?
Finally, the Olympics aren't for us obviously ultra-athletic types playing "Nation States" on our computers and watching dimwitted commentary on US TV networks (CBC and BBC are doing a much better job, but sadly you can't watch their coverage in the USA).
Why can't a person be athletic and play this game?
27-08-2004, 14:22
And your news flash makes no sense as no one said "athletical."
Smoking much are you?
Except maybe this guy. check your facts. :mp5:
Overall It really has been soured ....I really can't watch them on an entertaining,valid, and pure athletical competition...
27-08-2004, 14:25
Well, i'm portuguese and what i will tell you will probably shock you: a person told me that the 2 false starts were probably idea of the americans so they could enervated the portuguese athlet (who was somehow sick) and making lose. Speaking in conspiracy theory...
27-08-2004, 14:26
http://www.allwords.com/word-athletical.html :)
27-08-2004, 14:33
the booing was totally inapropriate and repulsive...these athletes have spent a large part of thier lives training for these moments, and deserve huge respect, whatever thier nationality....i find it sad that thier "moment" can be marred by a bunch of idiots....great race, eventually btw. except for the antics of the stupid big headed would be comedian..ohhhh a camera, exposure, sad bastard
27-08-2004, 14:42
While I'm annoyed at the US denying Australia some Gold medals, it is totally wrong in this case. The two greek runners who ran like chickens from drug tests are guilty to me as their coach had a rather large amount of steriods in his posession. He didn't need them, but then those Greek runners avoided big events to avoid drug tests like the plague.
Anyway most of the 200m runners were Afro-American types and any Greek would need drugs to keep up.
Copiosa Scotia
27-08-2004, 16:54
Well, i'm portuguese and what i will tell you will probably shock you: a person told me that the 2 false starts were probably idea of the americans so they could enervated the portuguese athlet (who was somehow sick) and making lose. Speaking in conspiracy theory...
Riiiiiiight... The Americans would risk getting thrown out of the race, which is what usually happens when there are two false starts, just to make the Portuguese guy marginally more nervous. Do you realize just how little sense that makes?
There's no conspiracy here. The crowd was making too much noise for the athletes to hear the start, and that's all there is to it.
27-08-2004, 17:01
Lemme get this straight... so the crowd booing and thus causing 2 false starts is 'Olympic Disgrace'?!?
Shite! I thought this would be a convo about the blatant doping seen in these games. That is a disgrace! People making some noise b'cos they are angry cos their lad and lass got gaught is small potatoes compared to people trying to con FADA with a bag of clean urine up their anus.
Little perspective, pls. ;)
Xerxes Xavier
27-08-2004, 17:14
Lemme get this straight... so the crowd booing and thus causing 2 false starts is 'Olympic Disgrace'?!?
Shite! I thought this would be a convo about the blatant doping seen in these games. That is a disgrace! People making some noise b'cos they are angry cos their lad and lass got gaught is small potatoes compared to people trying to con FADA with a bag of clean urine up their anus.
Little perspective, pls. ;)
amen to that
Sumamba Buwhan
27-08-2004, 17:42
The olympic events, where there is no doubt someone did the better job by runnign faster or jumping higher/farther or scored more points, are teh ones that shoudl be kept and the subjective ones should be taken out.
Like diving... I have seen so many bad calls that seems completely political because awesome dives from Russia were getting poor scores (compared to what they should have gotten) and poor dives from Americans were getting decent scores (compared to what they should have gotten) just to get the American into the semi-finals it seemed like.
27-08-2004, 17:42
No sir, this one has absolutely nothing to do with Bush and his misguided policies. This has to do with common decency and the lack of accepting the responsibility of one's own countrymen.
Were it merely a case of Bush hate, then we would have heard the boos throughout the Olympics. Instead, we have a group of Greek fans who ruin the moment for 3 American athletes because of some idiotic conspiracy theories that their own superstar was ruined by America. Seems to me that they need to grow up and deal with reality.
Oh, and for the record, you badly butchered King's speech. King was talking of staying aware when the American leaders say that God has ordained them to strike down a foe because God had not commanded America to be the world's overseers. He then goes on to say that if the American leadership chooses to ignore God's will, then He will impose his will upon our own arrogance. While relevant to Bush's policies, you missed the crux of the message.
Told you I paraphrased it badly. Thanks for doing it a bit better for me
27-08-2004, 17:57
It has a LOT to do with Bush and his policies.
The U.S. track team has a lot to do with Bush's policies?
You are full of sh*t. These displays by the "world" are nothing but the hateful grumblings of poor losers. It is pathetic, and shows a complete lack of class.
Lunatic Goofballs
27-08-2004, 18:05
The olympic events, where there is no doubt someone did the better job by runnign faster or jumping higher/farther or scored more points, are teh ones that shoudl be kept and the subjective ones should be taken out.
Like diving... I have seen so many bad calls that seems completely political because awesome dives from Russia were getting poor scores (compared to what they should have gotten) and poor dives from Americans were getting decent scores (compared to what they should have gotten) just to get the American into the semi-finals it seemed like.
Unfortunatley, I didn't have an opportunity to watch olympic diving this year. But in previous olympics, I notice that Americans tend to take dives of higher complexity and perform them somewhat well, while europeans tend to choose dives that are a tad easier, and perform them perfectly. I'm not really sure which ought to win, but that's what keeps the americans in contention. Difficulty. It's a moot point though, because the asians tend to do the most complex dives AND do them flawlessly. Hehehe.
27-08-2004, 18:05
I think it was about stadium full of people in Athens, not the "World", Galtania. Home audience tends to be a beast, as Rosh-Jetha pointed out in page 1: "And let's not forget the horrendous "U-S-A!" chanting by much of the crowds that preceded and followed almost every single event during the Atlanta games in 1996, in an attempt to "psyche out" all the non-Americans.".
Such is sports and national pride.
I made a post about this in my livejournal and I agree with you.
I was disgusted by the actions of the audience during the race.
It's very simple: If you hate our government, don't take it out on our athletes.
If your star runner's a druggie, how is it out fault?
Answer=> How is EVERYTHING that goes wrong in the Olympics an American conspiracy?
East Canuck
27-08-2004, 18:23
I didn't see the race so correct me if I'm wrong but,
This thread is what I call American Whining. You don't know why they booed so don't take it personnal. They may have booed because they were not happy that the greek runner was disqualified and they feel that some runners are just as guilty of doping.
Even if they booed the US, you don't know why they booed. They may have percieved some arrogance from the Us runners before the race, they may have made a political statement, they may have disaprooved of the 2 false start. You just don't know.
Grow up a thicker skin. It's not like it's been constant booing of every american athlete. Get a sense of proportion, people.
Also, I agree that this is small potato when you compare it to some other things that happened during these olympics. There's a story running in Canadian papers that some judge have been pressured into giving better notes to some athletes. THAT is worth getting riled about.
Copiosa Scotia
27-08-2004, 18:24
The olympic events, where there is no doubt someone did the better job by runnign faster or jumping higher/farther or scored more points, are teh ones that shoudl be kept and the subjective ones should be taken out.
Like diving... I have seen so many bad calls that seems completely political because awesome dives from Russia were getting poor scores (compared to what they should have gotten) and poor dives from Americans were getting decent scores (compared to what they should have gotten) just to get the American into the semi-finals it seemed like.
An important thing to keep in mind when watching diving is that the difficulty of a dive has little to do with the score it receives. Judges score on things like approach, takeoff, technique, and entry. Degree of difficulty is a multiplier in the formula for total points. Thus, a difficult dive that scores 7.5s can get more points than an easy dive that scores 8.5s. The fact that the highest and lowest judge scores are tossed out ensures that bias really has little to do with it
I didn't see the race so correct me if I'm wrong but,
This thread is what I call American Whining. You don't know why they booed so don't take it personnal. They may have booed because they were not happy that the greek runner was disqualified and they feel that some runners are just as guilty of doping.
Even if they booed the US, you don't know why they booed. They may have percieved some arrogance from the Us runners before the race, they may have made a political statement, they may have disaprooved of the 2 false start. You just don't know.
Grow up a thicker skin. It's not like it's been constant booing of every american athlete. Get a sense of proportion, people.
( The two false starts were a result OF the uproar... )
I heard the commentators saying they were sure the Greeks in the audience were booing at the Americans, especially because Greek newspapers are saying that their star runner missing his second drug test, getting into a "mysterious motorcycle accident" and thus withdrawing from the games is the fault of the Americans.
I do have a thick skin, but this still hurts me. If I had been there to compete at a woman's event and people were booing, even if I weren't an American I would have been upset. I would have just wanted to run the damn 200m and be done with it and hopefully win a medal and have the crowd cheer for me. It's the biggest moment of these athlete's lives and it takes less than 30 seconds. Couldn't the audience put their boos on hold for 30 seconds, let the athletes have their race, then go on with it?
I see no reason and don't think there is any justification to delaying a race and most likely lowering the spirits of ALL the runners. The American runners weren't the only ones effected by this, and I didn't mean to imply they were if I did.
27-08-2004, 18:36
The Olyimpics are pointless anyhow. Let's saty in our homes, sitting on our couch, eating potato chips, while we watch people do physical activity. Anyhow, the Olyimpics are terribly schudeled. While WATER POLO gets a good time slot at 3 in the afternoon, difficult sports, like the discus, shot put, men's decathalon (10 events), and the wieght lifting is all shown at 1 o'clock in the morning or later. What a load of crap.
:headbang:TIME:headbang: DIFFERENCE:headbang::headbang::headbang:
27-08-2004, 18:36
I think it was about stadium full of people in Athens, not the "World", Galtania. Home audience tends to be a beast, as Rosh-Jetha pointed out in page 1: "And let's not forget the horrendous "U-S-A!" chanting by much of the crowds that preceded and followed almost every single event during the Atlanta games in 1996, in an attempt to "psyche out" all the non-Americans.".
Such is sports and national pride.
Duh! Um...like...that's why I put "world" IN QUOTES!
And there is a big difference, as far as having class is concerned, between cheering for your team and booing opponents. Cheering for your team is a fine part of sports, but booing opponents is just spiteful.
27-08-2004, 18:38
I agree 100%
EDIT: guess I'm just a bit sensitive what comes to the idea that 'the world is against USA'. I happen to disagree. they are not. I might have got your message wrong.
East Canuck
27-08-2004, 18:52
( The two false starts were a result OF the uproar... )
Then I am fairly certain they weren't booing the Americans but the whole drug test thing.
I heard the commentators saying they were sure the Greeks in the audience were booing at the Americans, especially because Greek newspapers are saying that their star runner missing his second drug test, getting into a "mysterious motorcycle accident" and thus withdrawing from the games is the fault of the Americans.
Well that's just commentator doing a poor job of commenting if you ask me. He should stick to commenting the race and leave the politics for another time.
Like I said, there could be plenty of reasons for the booing. Stop taking everything so damn personnal. (Not you directly, Zaikuu but the class of Americans that take this liek an attack towards the US)
New Auburnland
27-08-2004, 18:54
the real olympic disgrace, the US Mens Basketball team.
Two losses, one to a team thats not even from a country. Not beating people by 50 points.
Its a damn disgrace
27-08-2004, 18:59
the real olympic disgrace, the US Mens Basketball team.
Two losses, one to a team thats not even from a country. Not beating people by 50 points.
Its a damn disgrace
Ahh. I'm not a basketball fan, so I have to ask this... the only American basketball team that actually lost Olympic gold... I've heard they only got work as motivational speakers after that... like: how to get over a disaster. Is this true?
27-08-2004, 19:15
I didn't see the race so correct me if I'm wrong but,
This thread is what I call American Whining. You don't know why they booed so don't take it personnal. They may have booed because they were not happy that the greek runner was disqualified and they feel that some runners are just as guilty of doping.
Even if they booed the US, you don't know why they booed. They may have percieved some arrogance from the Us runners before the race, they may have made a political statement, they may have disaprooved of the 2 false start. You just don't know.
Grow up a thicker skin. It's not like it's been constant booing of every american athlete. Get a sense of proportion, people.
Also, I agree that this is small potato when you compare it to some other things that happened during these olympics. There's a story running in Canadian papers that some judge have been pressured into giving better notes to some athletes. THAT is worth getting riled about.
You know, normally I have very thick skin. I realize that as an American, I'm going to be subject to the emotions that have been caused by the actions of my fellow Americans. I realize that some of these emotions are justified to have and express. I also realize that bad manners are also not exclusive of one nation. The examples of American crowds chanting during the Atlanta Olympics are a prime example of this. However, that chanting was no different than the Aussie fans of 2000 and Greek fans of 2004. Merely presenting a homefield advantage is part of the overall experience and I would not simply complain about such. I cheer along with the Greek fans when they won their medals because its such a thrill to see the crowds get into it and its always heartwarming to see one of their own athletes win in front of the very people they want to please.
That being said, presenting a homefield advantage and booing athletes for something that they didn't do are two completely separate things. For those who said that we don't know what was going on in the minds of the fans, I ask if you watched the event. The fans booed loudest at the mention of the American athletes in the event. During the 7 minute display the fans booed loudest each time a picture of the Americans were placed on the stadium screen. I'd say we have a pretty good picture of the fact that the Americans were taking the brunt of the bad display resulting from the behavior of a Greek athlete. As I already mentioned, Greek newspapers ran several articles blaming an American conspiracy for their own athletes not taking their drug tests. The stage was set and the flames were fueled. It is reasonable to assert that the Americans were being unfairly treated as such.
I believe I have a sense of proportion. By and large, the fans (and fans dressed up as seats) have been a wonderful and friendly bunch. The Opening Ceremony was especially pleasant because every country received cheers, even if only polite. Even Turkey, a longtime rival of Greece, receive a polite welcome.
This may be small potatoes compared to some of the other stories coming out of the Olympics. I'm pretty sure that the men's gymnastics would probably be a larger story in comparison. But I wasn't comparing this story to that one. Nor was I making the case that this was the most tragic and disgusting thing that has occurred. Nor did I whine about the poor Americans. I stated my opinion that it is disgraceful for 3 athletes, regardless of their nation, to be treated unfairly by the crowd for something they didn't do. The fact that they are Americans brought it home to me as I'm an American but I'd be equally upset if 3 Korean athletes were treated in such a manner by the Atlanta crowds.
I was also pointing out the fact that there are many instances when the rest of the world are quick to point the finger at America as their scapegoat to blame. Sometimes they are right to do so and other times they are not. But it is safe to assume that we do get a lot of unjust prejudices and stereotypes placed upon us. One can merely look at your own post for such prejudice when you say this is a case of American Whining. One can look at other places around this very forum to see the displays of stereotyping of Americans and what prejudicial views people may have. Has anyone ever heard me say that I believe America is better than anyone else (except for the Olympic thread because national pride during the Olympics is something every country should enjoy)? Has anyone ever heard me accuse or stereotype people of other countries or judge them based upon prejudicial beliefs? I make it a point to judge each person by their own merit. I wouldn't merely say someone is doing their typical Canadian Whining. Were I to make a point about Canadians, I wouldn't classify each Canadian under one specific viewpoint.
And the copout that people hate America because of Bush is getting pretty old. I think people pretty much know my feelings about Bush, yet because I'm an American I typically am lumped in with the Bush faithful. By that same aspect, does one judge all English citizens based upon their feelings of Tony Blair? Would I say that all Israelis are the same based upon my opinions about Ariel Sharon?
Then I am fairly certain they weren't booing the Americans but the whole drug test thing.
Well that's just commentator doing a poor job of commenting if you ask me. He should stick to commenting the race and leave the politics for another time.
Like I said, there could be plenty of reasons for the booing. Stop taking everything so damn personnal. (Not you directly, Zaikuu but the class of Americans that take this liek an attack towards the US)
Mm... You have a point but I still don't know if I can look lightly at causing the delay, whatever the cause.
But I'm going to let it go, no use crying over it anymore... Hurtful as it may have been, we did sweep the medals. (Selfish side-note, sorry ^_^ ) I'm gunna shower now then watch the rest of the basketball game ( America's losing by 13 at the top of the fourth thus far ) and the women's 10,000m race. ( *shudders violently* poor women... )
27-08-2004, 19:27
Ahh. I'm not a basketball fan, so I have to ask this... the only American basketball team that actually lost Olympic gold... I've heard they only got work as motivational speakers after that... like: how to get over a disaster. Is this true?
Yes and no. A lot of that team went on to various choices in life and motivational speeches have been given by members of that team. But the group was pretty varied. There is a documentary called 3 Seconds From Gold that is very interesting and presents interviews with both the American and Russian players. At the end, it leaves it up to you to form your opinion of whether it was fair or not. Personally, it seemed a lot like it was an Olympic mistake but far from a conspiracy to shaft the Americans from their gold. Watch the documentary....its really informative.
East Canuck
27-08-2004, 19:30
Thunderland, at the start of my post I said I didn't see the race. That being said, If you say they were booing the Americans, I'll take your word on it. It was classless but not really something to worry so much about. And I tend to view this and encouragment like 'USA' chant as the same... There's no place for it in internationnal competitions.
Yes there's plenty of blame put on American citizen for their politcal agenda, and yes I saw it too. However, Americans do tend to whine about it a lot. When I say American Whining, I mean that it's not really a big deal and some of you are up in arms far too easilly. I had really bad experience with American tourists and discussion on the net with Americans and I came to the conclusion that the Americans tend to whine a lot these days. Heck, it's an American in this thread that came with "the world hate us..." I, for one, am getting as tired of hearing it as you're tired of hearing about Bush.
New Auburnland
27-08-2004, 19:32
Ahh. I'm not a basketball fan, so I have to ask this... the only American basketball team that actually lost Olympic gold... I've heard they only got work as motivational speakers after that... like: how to get over a disaster. Is this true?
Well, Off of the top of my head I can think of two US basketball teams that was not awarded the Gold Medal. In 1972, even though they won the gold medal game, TWICE, the gold was awarded to the Soviets. They got fucked. Some Brit (I believe) basketball official (who was not evben a ref) kept on adding time onto the clock after the game was over. The US still to this day does not recognize their Silver Medals and have never been collected by the members of the team. One guy even has in his will that any heir to his estate cannot claim his Silver Medal. This is probably the incident that created some motivational speakers.
Also, the 1988 Olympics, the Commies won gold, the US won Bronze. That was the last olympics that the US used amatures for basketball.
And the USA boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, so there was no way for the US to have won any medal.
27-08-2004, 19:35
Well, Off of the top of my head I can think of two US basketball teams that was not awarded the Gold Medal. In 1972, even though they won the gold medal game, TWICE, the gold was awarded to the Soviets. They got fucked. Some Brit (I believe) basketball official (who was not evben a ref) kept on adding time onto the clock after the game was over. The US still to this day does not recognize their Silver Medals and have never been collected by the members of the team. One guy even has in his will that any heir to his estate cannot claim his Silver Medal. This is probably the incident that created some motivational speakers.
Also, the 1988 Olympics, the Commies won gold, the US won Bronze. That was the last olympics that the US used amatures for basketball.
And the USA boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, so there was no way for the US to have won any medal.
Bah, you're right, I forgot all about the 1988 team. Yes, that was the motivation to use professional athletes from there on out.
It wasn't the official that was trying to add the extra time onto the clock in 72 though. It was the head of the IOC. At least that is what the documentary shows.
27-08-2004, 19:53
I'm just happy that the USA took the medals. That's the best way to stick it to a rude crowd.
I see a small difference between the USA chants and this booing. The USA chants were cheering on the American athletes, and really wasn't against anyone else, but the booing during that race was against someone. It may not have been just the USA, but it was negative and against someone. It's completely wrong, because as a reporter said, the Greeks should be angry at that athlete for letting down his country, not anyone else.
New Auburnland
27-08-2004, 19:55
Bah, you're right, I forgot all about the 1988 team. Yes, that was the motivation to use professional athletes from there on out.
It wasn't the official that was trying to add the extra time onto the clock in 72 though. It was the head of the IOC. At least that is what the documentary shows.
I was just going from memory, it might have been the head of the IOC. All I remember was that it was someone who had no business fucking with the game.
I am watching Iraq and Italy play in soccer right now, pretty good stuff.
27-08-2004, 20:06
I'm just happy that the USA took the medals. That's the best way to stick it to a rude crowd.
Agreed. The Olympics should be about the athletes, not politics or who dopes the most.
It was classless but not really something to worry so much about. And I tend to view this and encouragment like 'USA' chant as the same... There's no place for it in internationnal competitions.
Don't mean to come back into the fray but why not? I'd cheer for my team if I were there. It's just like a baseball game, if it's Yankees vs. Cubs at Yankee Stadium of course the Yankees fans will cheer for their team and the Cubs for their team, despite home-field advantages. It should be the same in international competitions; USA vs. China, people in the audience from both countries encouraging their team to winning. When I compete in anything, I enjoy hearing people cheering for me. I'm sure Olympic athletes feel the same way.
(( USA lost to Argentina in basketball and one of the American runners in the 10,000m race dropped out. ))
East Canuck
27-08-2004, 20:31
Don't mean to come back into the fray but why not? I'd cheer for my team if I were there. It's just like a baseball game, if it's Yankees vs. Cubs at Yankee Stadium of course the Yankees fans will cheer for their team and the Cubs for their team, despite home-field advantages. It should be the same in international competitions; USA vs. China, people in the audience from both countries encouraging their team to winning. When I compete in anything, I enjoy hearing people cheering for me. I'm sure Olympic athletes feel the same way.
(( USA lost to Argentina in basketball and one of the American runners in the 10,000m race dropped out. ))
Well screaming USA... USA... USA all over the place before a final is classeless in my opinion. Cheering after a point, dive, goal of your team, or when they win a medal: yes. Before: It's just mind games and have no place in an olympic final.
It's just a question of respect. I'm sure you don't mean to be disrespectful but it goes out that way when an entire crowd chant it before the start of a race.
As a Canadian and someone who disagrees with the apparent ignorance and arrogance of the USA when world issues are in question(i dont particuarly believe the american people are to blame, but the sheer amount of politics and personal motives thrown at them by their leaders which seems to mislead the people), I would normally have no problem believing this was as a result of the spectators' dislike for americans and their policies, or even that they believe that americans are to blame for a conspiracy leading to the disqualification of Greek athletes. However, I do find this hard to believe. I think the conspiracy is a load of crap. The Greek media is looking for someone else to blame for it's athletes' dishonour. And guess what, America is an excelent canditate. Most of the world is angry with the USA at the moment for many reasons, so why not pin it on them? That is only one part of it though. I really believe that the Greeks were just being poor sports about the entire issue(despite their cultural differences.. every culture can be a poor sport) and they decided that if they were not allowed to participate in an event, no one would be able to participate very easily. They wanted to make ALL of the atheletes pay for Greece's mistakes, so they deliberately made it difficult for them all. The athlete on in the 8th lane was not an american and he appeared to have even more trouble hearing then the rest of the athletes. He even adressed the crowd with hand signals to attempt to quiet them down. I cannot see the Greek people force everyone at an disadvantage merely because they dislike americans. Again, I am in Canada, and I do not recall anything on the Canadian networks about a conspiracy, so maybe it was only relevant by american media standards to try to play up the theory that it was only directed at the USA athletes. I am not totally sure that it wasn't mentioned here in canada, i just do not recall it(if you watched a canadian network and heard it, by all means indicate that in a post).
As far as hometeam advantage goes, I do not see these actions as that at all. The hometeam fans normally cheer for their own athletes when they are playing to phych out the other athletes and to ensure their own victory. It does not make sense that they would cheer for their own country when they are disqualified to phyc out the other countries. That would not lead to a Greek medal, but just alter the results for the other countries. So they definitely were not trying to phych out anyone, just verbally and malicously attack the other athletes.
All and all this was a terrible thing done by a bunch of overly proud Greeks to maliciously attack an event. Just becuase the olympics originated in their country, it does not mean they are gods.
27-08-2004, 20:59
Lemme get this straight... so the crowd booing and thus causing 2 false starts is 'Olympic Disgrace'?!?
Shite! I thought this would be a convo about the blatant doping seen in these games. That is a disgrace! People making some noise b'cos they are angry cos their lad and lass got gaught is small potatoes compared to people trying to con FADA with a bag of clean urine up their anus.
Little perspective, pls. ;)True dat
27-08-2004, 21:05
... It's just like a baseball game, if it's Yankees vs. Cubs at Yankee Stadium of course the Yankees fans will cheer for their team and the Cubs for their team.....and of course Yankee fans NEVER boo :rolleyes:
27-08-2004, 21:14
..and of course Yankee fans NEVER boo :rolleyes:
Yeah honestly, ever been to Fenway on a Yankees game?
Thats a poor man's analogy to national pride at stake in the Olympics, the booing was not surprising.
27-08-2004, 21:31
Watch how the folks are behind the American pole vaulters today.... we so hate you 'round here.... not
Tribal Ecology
27-08-2004, 21:32
Maybe they were booing because the US also have a history of doping and many athletes won without ever having fingers pointed at (ex: Maurice Green, I heard).
Or maybe it's because the US also research the best ways to dope their athletes. Ways that are so innovative that they aren't detected. I'm not saying it's the only country that does this, but I do believe it's quite possible this is the reason.
Or maybe it's the worldwide hate that the US is feeding, in the name of the war on terrorism, while it's really a war for money.
27-08-2004, 21:39
And all that Kylbinho said. Finland recently had winter WC games... skiing and other shit. And it turned out some people of our team had been doping like muther fuckers... no one to blame, the shit was in our pants. Booing other athletes? The dumb bastards weird enough going to watch it live decided not to boo. They decided to cheer the clean, astonishing athletes... IT IS about the ATHLETES, not about the crowds or politics.
27-08-2004, 21:55
Paul Hamm didn't do anything wrong. He isn't doping, and he didn't "cheat" in any way. The judges messed up, not Hamm. And they mess up so much, a review would have to include every routine by every contestant.
27-08-2004, 22:04
I'm sitting here watching the 200m final and listening to the crowd chanting and booing loud enough to the point that the race can't even begin. 2 false starts already and the crowd continues it.
There have been a lot of threads recently about Americans wondering why the rest of the world hates us or is mad at us. And there have been a lot of Americans who have replied by saying that a lot of the hatred pointed towards us is grossly unfair. This is an example of inappropriately pointed anger towards America.
Eight years ago, the summer Olympic games were held in Atlanta, Georgia. At these games, non-American atheletes were treated with the utmost hostility by the crowds and American commentators alike. The behaviour is an unacceptable betrayal of the spirit of the Olympic games regardless of who is involved, but let's not be too quick to call the kettle black.
27-08-2004, 22:10
People are pathetic worthless urchins. Why are you so surprised? Anything can be a conspiracy and people are stupid enough to believe anything they are told, especially when it's about something important as their athletes being disqualified.
Even Americans
Copiosa Scotia
27-08-2004, 22:25
[Quote and response removed.]
As far as Hamm is concerned, I'd like to think that in his place, I'd give up the medal. However, I wouldn't ask him to do it or demand it of him.
Suicidal Librarians
27-08-2004, 22:28
I'm sitting here watching the 200m final and listening to the crowd chanting and booing loud enough to the point that the race can't even begin. 2 false starts already and the crowd continues it.
Why? Because the Greek superstar missed his drug test and was removed. So instead of dealing with it, the Greek crowd is taking it out on the American runners, blaming America for the misdoings of their own national disgrace.
The Greek newspapers have been reporting that their runner (who has had problems with drug tests in the past) missing this race was somehow an American conspiracy. So they take unfairly boo the American athletes participating in the race.
There have been a lot of threads recently about Americans wondering why the rest of the world hates us or is mad at us. And there have been a lot of Americans who have replied by saying that a lot of the hatred pointed towards us is grossly unfair. This is an example of inappropriately pointed anger towards America.
Instead of accepting responsibility and putting the blame upon the shoulders of who deserves it, the Greek crowd chooses to vilify the American runners, who just now finished 1, 2, 3. But the moment of glory is dampened because instead of receiving glory for winning a medal, they get a chorus of boos.
Someone care to point out how the actions of a Greek runner refusing to take his drug test is the fault of some evil American conspiracy, as the Greek newspapers have reported?
Personally I thought it was hilarious that the Americans ran a sweep when they were the ones that were being booed at and whistled at. When those three won all I could think was, "HA, HA, HA stupid crowd." This may be beside the point, but the announcer said that whistling was the European equivelent of a boo. Is that true? I think it must be because when they were mad about a gymnastics score earlier this week they were whistling like crazy.
People, when the trolls come marching in, will you please just ignore them? It makes hard work for me when I have to go and delete all your posts as well to remove quotes.
http://www.satanstephen.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/DrChaotica.jpg (http://www.satanstephen.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/taunt1.mp3)
Ruler of the Cosmos
Forum Moderator
27-08-2004, 22:38
Oh god, people don't like us very much right now. Gee, I wonder why. Hmmm. Could it be because not everyone has the same views that certain people in powerful positions in our government attempt to force on everyone?
And those that disagree with the government aren't attempting to force their views upon us as well? Rock stars stopping concerts to make political speeches. Folks paid to see a concert. Not to have a rock stars political views forced upon them. Movie stars constantly spouting their views. The vast majority of the media telling us how bad the government is. The current Democratic candidate refusing to condemn and entire section of ads which are very ethically questionable while insisting his opponent only condemn ONE of those type ads?? And much, much more.
It's a two way street and both sides do their darndest to force their views upon us to make us agree with their side.
27-08-2004, 22:48
When you have a decent government the world is going to respect USA. not en expantionist, war country that resembles the Nazis
27-08-2004, 23:07
People, when the trolls come marching in, will you please just ignore them? It makes hard work for me when I have to go and delete all your posts as well to remove quotes.
http://www.satanstephen.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/DrChaotica.jpg (http://www.satanstephen.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/taunt1.mp3)
Ruler of the Cosmos
Forum Moderator
Has there been some trolling in this thread? To me it seems there has been unbeliveably small amount of flaming too...
Why the post?
27-08-2004, 23:23
And bronze is a medal too. You can't win em all all of the time, just some of them some of the time. You had a bad team.
27-08-2004, 23:32
This may be beside the point, but the announcer said that whistling was the European equivelent of a boo. Is that true? I think it must be because when they were mad about a gymnastics score earlier this week they were whistling like crazy.
Yes, whistling is basically the equivalent of a boo in some "cultures."
Has there been some trolling in this thread? To me it seems there has been unbeliveably small amount of flaming too...
Why the post?
I deleted it all. And all the quoting.
Suicidal Librarians
27-08-2004, 23:35
Yes, whistling is basically the equivalent of a boo in some "cultures."
I like booing better, it is more intimidating. A low roar, like a big tidal wave or something. Whistling is a good thing in the USA, more like encouragement.
27-08-2004, 23:37
I like booing better, it is more intimidating. A low roar, like a big tidal wave or something. Whistling is a good thing in the USA, more like encouragement.
Except when some athlete's name rhymes with "boo" and the crowd yells his/her name and it sounds like a "boo" but it's not and it's really a good thing.
I don't know why, but that bugs the hell outta me. :D
Suicidal Librarians
27-08-2004, 23:39
Except when some athlete's name rhymes with "boo" and the crowd yells his/her name and it sounds like a "boo" but it's not and it's really a good thing.
I don't know why, but that bugs the hell outta me. :D
*erupts into giggles*
27-08-2004, 23:42
I deleted it all. And all the quoting.
keep up the good work.