Anti-Trust Going Wayyyyy Too Far in Europe
Purly Euclid
26-08-2004, 22:05
As the article says, it sounds a helluvalot like a seen from Minority Report.
Purly Euclid
27-08-2004, 02:04
27-08-2004, 02:07
This article sounds "a helluvalot like" a very very pro-business/anti-socialist source.
That site is Horably Bias.
Purly Euclid
27-08-2004, 02:11
That site is Horably Bias.
Still, it was an interesting peice I found on Google news.
I guess but I thinks its blown out of perportion
Purly Euclid
27-08-2004, 02:17
I guess but I thinks its blown out of perportion
Still, it shows the author's perspective on the European trade commission. They are declaring pre-emptive war on Microsoft. Well, not exactly pre-emptive. The two have had scuffles before.
Still, I don't know why many still consider Microsoft a trust. In Europe, no less, Linux is rapidly growing. Besides, there's always Apple.
ya apple if you whont a shitty ass OS.... Liunx I have never Tried so I cant say
Purly Euclid
27-08-2004, 02:32
ya apple if you whont a shitty ass OS.... Liunx I have never Tried so I cant say
Well, that doesn't make it a trust.
Linux I can't speak for, but I had computer geeks for friends. They think Linux is the best thing since fire was invented. Even IBM pledged to convert all of their equipment to Linux by 2007.
Well, that doesn't make it a trust.
Linux I can't speak for, but I had computer geeks for friends. They think Linux is the best thing since fire was invented. Even IBM pledged to convert all of their equipment to Linux by 2007.
I hear the same thing I wonder if its true of if there just hard-core anti Windows that would lach on to aney OS?
Purly Euclid
27-08-2004, 02:40
I hear the same thing I wonder if its true of if there just hard-core anti Windows that would lach on to aney OS?
I don't think they are. The guy this is named after wanted to name it "freaks", so I feel that they were just geeks with too much time on their hands.
Even if it was just hard-core, suicidal people marketing a new OS, it certainly shows how able Microsoft is. High-tech in general is an extremely competitive market, but Microsoft, while not a trust, is so incredibally successful that enemies fear it.
I agray 97% of the market you gada be doing something right!
Purly Euclid
27-08-2004, 02:47
I agray 97% of the market you gada be doing something right!
Well, unfortunatly, these same friends say that Microsoft is a fraud. I believe, however, that if a company gets this big, they should be able to retain their market share. What harm can they do, without harming themselves? If they scam consumers, or sell far inferior products, investors will divert their money to something more profitable. It is already happening. Anti-trust laws, for this reason, aren't really needed.
I Agray I feel if a Companey is Abusing its power the Market will deal with it and the Gov't whont have to get invoved