NationStates Jolt Archive

Declairing war against america.

Men against america
26-08-2004, 15:02
:sniper: :mp5: i would like to sudgest , declairing war against america. :mp5: :sniper:

Declairing war against america.

America. did you know that at one point during the the war against our beloved country the americans had killed more of there own allies then us ! , now not only does this declair us better fighters , and worthy allies but this also states that the americans are fools. they are untrustworthy , trigger happy people , who dont even consider other contries or the united nation's voice or authority , when it comes to the declaration of war.

as head senate for the men against america, i would ask for you're alliance and help, to wipe out america. I ask each country and the united nations to bring an army to america , and declair war.
The Quacking Ducks
26-08-2004, 15:08
America just makes me want to hit my head against a wall :headbang:
Men against america
26-08-2004, 15:12
:sniper: :mp5: dont hit you're head against a wall!! :mp5: :sniper:

always make sure you stand near a inprisond american. if you ever feel the need to release you're anger hit you're head against him , not a wall!

26-08-2004, 15:28
attack of the n00bs!!!

26-08-2004, 15:30
Well, this is a well-thought out critique of American politics and society in general.

26-08-2004, 15:34
Da Comrades

Sovetskiy Power
26-08-2004, 15:47
and the forum has reached a new low
26-08-2004, 15:50
*Shakes head in desperation*

"Give me strength!"
26-08-2004, 16:33
Boy, I'll tell ya, as a man that really made me want to declare war against America. What the heck is he talking about? and what the heck is a "head senate"?

"I am Cranium! Leader of the Head Senate!"
26-08-2004, 18:04
and the forum has reached a new low

There are atleast two posts like this everday in II. One of the reasons I stopped posting there.
26-08-2004, 18:20
Aaaaaaaaand... kicked into General with all the other useless crap.

You generalites need to patch that leak, it's getting gunk all over the forums.
Joey P
26-08-2004, 18:24
America is getting mighty pissed-off at those who wish to attack us. So far we have shown restraint. I and all of my friends are incensed at those who have attacked our nation. We want blood, and if we are attacked again you will see what we are truly capable of.
The Black Forrest
26-08-2004, 19:09

When does school start up again?
26-08-2004, 19:12
I would like to be nominate to head men against men against america.
26-08-2004, 19:33
Maa Buch of sheep lol
Cheesy custard
26-08-2004, 20:08
Well it makes as much sense as the rest of this post.
26-08-2004, 20:12
Declairing war against america.

STFU N00B! Feel the wrath of the STFU Sword Strike!
26-08-2004, 20:15
Well it makes as much sense as the rest of this post.
oh no its the Military Operation Organisation
Simpsons Springfield
26-08-2004, 20:17
An example of an education system worse than america's. :eek:
The Steel Legions
26-08-2004, 20:30
I shall respond in a language that this idiot "declairing war" can understand

hEy u gay faggot y u suk so much lolololoolloolmfao!11!11!11 u sUx0rz u stoopid fag lolololololololo!1111111!!1!!
26-08-2004, 20:44
I want any nation that hates America to declare war on us so we can come kill your country.
New Genoa
26-08-2004, 21:13
I want any nation that hates America to declare war on us so we can come kill your country.

Or vise-versa.
26-08-2004, 21:15
And this deserves my out-of-character I.G.N.O.R.E. cannon
Men against america
28-08-2004, 02:17
:sniper: :mp5: Are you with me ? :mp5: :sniper:

So genrally are u guys with me tht america is bad enconomicly for the enviroment, anre you with me in agreeing tht they suck at combat ? are u wit me in saying tht they are not worthy on exictance in the world ??? if yes , then plz send me a telegram. if i get enough ppl wanting to wage war on america then off we go! and if do it anyways
28-08-2004, 03:34
:sniper: :mp5: i would like to sudgest , declairing war against america. :mp5: :sniper:

Declairing war against america.

America. did you know that at one point during the the war against our beloved country the americans had killed more of there own allies then us ! , now not only does this declair us better fighters , and worthy allies but this also states that the americans are fools. they are untrustworthy , trigger happy people , who dont even consider other contries or the united nation's voice or authority , when it comes to the declaration of war.

as head senate for the men against america, i would ask for you're alliance and help, to wipe out america. I ask each country and the united nations to bring an army to america , and declair war.

Here is what america would do if it wasn't a domocracy *pulls out walky-talky and calls in a nuclear air strike and missle launches on all opossing nation capitals* but we are so thanks to what morals we have left we would not do such a thing and we might be trigger happy but our aim is better than you give us credit for we dont spend billions of dollars on the best eqiupment just to give it to a bunch of trigger happy bozos
Orders of Crusaders
28-08-2004, 03:37
I'm confused, is this twit serious or did he post in the wrong Forum????

See kids, this is why you don't drink and post, impossible to use reasoning ;)
Lunatic Goofballs
28-08-2004, 03:39
Aaaaaaaaand... kicked into General with all the other useless crap.

You generalites need to patch that leak, it's getting gunk all over the forums.
We don't want it either. You should've just locked it. :(
Tuesday Heights
28-08-2004, 04:17
When does school start up again?

I've been asking myself the same question...
28-08-2004, 04:24
:sniper: :mp5: i would like to sudgest , declairing war against america. :mp5: :sniper:

Declairing war against america.

America. did you know that at one point during the the war against our beloved country the americans had killed more of there own allies then us ! , now not only does this declair us better fighters , and worthy allies but this also states that the americans are fools. they are untrustworthy , trigger happy people , who dont even consider other contries or the united nation's voice or authority , when it comes to the declaration of war.

as head senate for the men against america, i would ask for you're alliance and help, to wipe out america. I ask each country and the united nations to bring an army to america , and declair war.

What the fuck? Not only is this retarded, but it makes no bloody sense. Have fun if you want to invade us. About 20% of a countries population is suitable for military service. If the US went all-out in war (it never has before), you'd have 55 000 000 of the best trained and equipped troops in the world on your ass.