What evil things do YOU do?
Me? I like to take a map of the world and pretend I'm President of the U.S. Then I get a pencil and shade in the area which I control, which expands down to Mexico and soon to the Latin Americas.
In around 12 differenct scenarios, I conquered the world! :D
One particular one took my 13 generations
This latest one is easy, it's where all the nations combined to make larger nations. In that one, nations were sucked up like a vacuum. And a lot of wars commenced...and the EU stood there looking like a deformed landmass.
24-08-2004, 23:29
None. I am a paragon of perfection. I am he who vanquishes evil-doers. I am...
None. I am a paragon of perfection. I am he who vanquishes evil-doers. I am...
*ducks under a bed*
*peeks out*
is it safe out there? are they gone?
New Genoa
24-08-2004, 23:34
I annexed all of Indonesia.
24-08-2004, 23:34
It's quite safe; it's you who are in trouble.
Lunatic Goofballs
24-08-2004, 23:36
Heh. Where do I begin?
Well, for starters, when I play rugby or football with my friends, it is a common and acceptable tactic to 'accidentally' strike opponents in the groin. In fact, there doesn't really need to be a game going. This is pretty much a tactic whenever. Open season on the balls. Trust me, some of my buddies should never breed.
Many of you know how I repaid Ape(one of my friends) for accidentally breaking my arm. My vengeance was both cruel and unusual. But so was his countervengeance. I'm still not sure if I want to up the ante.
As a general rule, I'm most evil to my friends. That wasn't always true. When I was younger and more arrogant, my most common targets were the poeple without senses of humor. Until you have shrinkwrapped a car, you haven't lived. :)
Then there are party pranks performed on those that pass out. These are the stuff of legend, and not for the weak of constitution. I have been the victim of such pranks myself twice. These things happen.
Sometimes, I sneak up at night and drink a glass of water.
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
24-08-2004, 23:47
Noting, absolutely nothing.
to concern yourselves with,
24-08-2004, 23:51
Oh, the usual stuff.
You know, creating humiliating photos, black mail, stealing road signs, switching road signs, getting a friend drunk, offering to drive them home, and then dropping them off about five miles from where they live.
That kind of minor stuff that everyone does.
Also, I am an American (how horrible!), whats worse I'm also a capatalist (how vile!), and I played AD&D (how demonic!).
Oh yes, and I practice human sacrifice (Oh, well thats just freedom of religion.)
25-08-2004, 00:10
I might have dropped a large crawfish*a mini lobster* down one of my friends pants, needless to say he crumpled :rolleyes:
Ok I admite it. I once killed a six pack to watch it bleed. :(
25-08-2004, 00:21
Nothing in particular for me, however I know this Lynndie England girl who poses with naked, tortured POWs
Lunatic Goofballs
25-08-2004, 02:49
I might have dropped a large crawfish*a mini lobster* down one of my friends pants, needless to say he crumpled :rolleyes:
25-08-2004, 03:01
I poke ugly people.
25-08-2004, 03:02
Killed the Jews.
Lunatic Goofballs
25-08-2004, 03:21
Killed the Jews.
Boo! :mad:
Spend too much time on NS.
Lord-General Drache
25-08-2004, 03:31
Hehe..*just smiles*If I told you..I'd have to ki-...eh...bake you a cake..yeah..that's it.
25-08-2004, 03:38
i politely argue with people that my liberal progressive concepts are the most advantageous methods at the momment to pursue to the point where they swear violent revenge or storm of in anger/hysterics. i've been "shot in the head" aproximately 372 times by one particular indian, from india that is.
i drink the blood of those i dislike..
but sometimes it's difficult..
people, learn to wash your necks! most people make it so difficult for our kind.. we're not going to die from it or anything, but it's just icky.
i mean, how would you humans like it if you went into a restaurant and started to take a bite of a big, juicy hamburger, only to realize it was stinky and covered with human sweat?
so, have the courtesy to wash your neck every night before you go to bed.
25-08-2004, 04:29
When I'm at my friend's house and they piss me off, I hide their remote control for their TV.
OMG! I'm going straight to hell!
25-08-2004, 04:53
Hmm...Let's see...I field-dressed a cat once...hit a squirrel with a baseball bat...tripped all but one of my friends down the stairs at school. And I um...*thinks real hard* I bitch-slapped my grandmother at a church-benefited picnic.
Oh yeah...and I'm a compulsive liar.
25-08-2004, 05:00
I rape orphans while sacrificing puppies to Pan, the goat god.
Lunatic Goofballs
25-08-2004, 06:02
I rape orphans while sacrificing puppies to Pan, the goat god.
Argh! :eek: Those poor puppies!
United Christiandom
25-08-2004, 06:50
All evils I commit are unintentional. That and about an hour later I'm begging forgiveness.
-R. S. of UC
Daistallia 2104
25-08-2004, 07:25
Ok I admite it. I once killed a six pack to watch it bleed. :(
Allowing beer to simply bleed?
25-08-2004, 07:41
Well... in terms of actual evil... I dont carry out many things. But in terms of the evil thoughts that go through my head... oh man do I deserve to go to hell.
I wonder if that counts as actually being evil, if you just have evil thoughts but dont actually act on them?
Dobbs Town
25-08-2004, 08:00
Deliberately farting in a phone booth, then running away...
25-08-2004, 08:30
Deliberately farting in a phone booth, then running away...
I've done that before, and also pee'd in one and thru up in one (I think it might of been the same one actually), its good in the red phone booths here in the UK, they retain all water and liquid because theres no gap at the bottom for it to escape.
Lunatic Goofballs
25-08-2004, 08:32
Oh, almost forgot. I chase chipmunks with hatchets. I never actually caught one. But I chase em anyway. I just want to maintain a healthy fear of people in them. :)
'Sing I hate Darby songs' at football matches. Yes, I am so evil.
Jello Biafra
25-08-2004, 09:24
I think impure thoughts about people. I'm probably thinking them about you.
And I also laugh at Colodia's dreams of world domination. <Chortling>
When I was younger, I used to beat the crap out of people I didn't like.
you know, the usual... fornicated the priests daughter, worship chickens, and who can forgget pissing in the shower ;)
(note: did not fornicate priests daugther... yet)