The American Al Jazeera
Fox news is seen by most people as a source not of "fair and balanced" coverage, but of conservative spin. Al Jazeera is seen by many as an arab propaganda machine. With "news" organizations like this sprouting everywhere, where does one go to get truly fair and balanced news?
24-08-2004, 17:21 is what I use.
24-08-2004, 17:26
I do read the newspaper, but If you really want your news as fair and balanced as possible, wait 10 years and read the history books. Because, everyone has an agenda.
24-08-2004, 17:27
I usually turn to these sources:
The Star (
CP 24 ( (I usually watch it on TV; I don't use the website)
Upper Cet Kola Ytovia
24-08-2004, 17:29
Simple answer: you don't.
Sorry, but there is no such thing as unbiased news coverage. This is not to say that all news organizations are dishonest; in fact, most of the major ones do their best to report the news accruately and fairly. But they are all being operated by human beings, who all see the world through the prisms of their own biases, and each organization has its own "culture" which reinforces certain biases.
Slack Baby
24-08-2004, 17:34
I think the trick is to use as many sources as possible. It would help if journalists admitted their biases so that you would know exactly what you're gettingg, but I guess that's where critical thinking comes into play.
If you really want the truth, go do some research, talk to people with different opinions then form your own.
Truth is in the eye of the beholder.
24-08-2004, 17:40
Wow, I'm just flipping past it and I feel my brain being bashed towards the right!!!
Gran Breton
24-08-2004, 17:55
The BBC tends to be biased to the foreigners and the left and anything anti-British where British news is concerned... most people in Britain might consider Sky News as being more neutral.
I tend to watch the BBC news and read independent News Papers
24-08-2004, 18:00
C-Span.....if you can suffer through the boredom.
History books are not a good place sometimes too. I've seen a few over the past 2 decades that have some pretty blatant spin in them. My all time favorite was the one I saw from Alabama that talked of the glorious victory of the Confederate States of America.